Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

I went to the site, it requires more info than a lot of people are comfortable giving just to get some information. It's bullshit. If this thing is so great, let people go and just see/compare for themselves without requiring anything more than generic info.

Like what?


Penis size?

Forget it, but you can get a free hair transplant.
Obama counts on an illiterate electorate.
He needs them to buy every fucking lie he utters...

This man is the biggest hoax ever put upon this nation....he is an actor and nothing more.
It saddens me that so many americans buy into this/his bullshit.
well if you went to ,the site and look at what you might pay and if you can't get through the site call them, they will show you what you will get ... verses what you have ... 9 times out of ten it will be a better plan 10 times better then the one you have... they problem you have is you don't know what they hell you're talking about ... you'll g to some right wing whacked out talking point site and never go look for yourself ... that the problem you have ... because I know what they are3 offering and it appears you don't ...

No. You know what you've been told, by an Administration that thinks nothing of lying to the American people.

As do you.
Obama counts on an illiterate electorate.
He needs them to buy every fucking lie he utters...

This man is the biggest hoax ever put upon this nation....he is an actor and nothing more.
It saddens me that so many americans buy into this/his bullshit.

To me the people having faith in there twice elected leader makes infinitely more sense than people falling for blatantly obvious Republican propaganda on TV. Some even consider it news. Can you imagine such cultish behavior?
Plans that don't meet minimum standards for giving decent, affordable health care to Americans are going to die.

(and you can't stop it)
Decent and affordable is the judgement of each individual person -- not you.

In theory, but Obama has already made that judgement.

Yes, he did.

And it's an awesome judgement.

But I guess you have some desire to be cheated by an insurance company.

Me? Been there. Done that.
I went to the site, it requires more info than a lot of people are comfortable giving just to get some information. It's bullshit. If this thing is so great, let people go and just see/compare for themselves without requiring anything more than generic info.

Like what?


Penis size?

Forget it, but you can get a free hair transplant.

Nobody is required to use the website. If you find that you are not smart enough to just go buy your own insurance.
That's absolutely hilarious.

Obama is nothing but an actor.

Reagan was paid in the private sector to be one. Obama is paid by us to be one. Reagan became our leader for 8 years and never took a cent for it. Obama claims he's leading but isn't accountable for anything, and for this we have to pay him handsomely for it.

Obama can't be blamed for anything that his administration does yet he wants to be called a leader.

That is funny as hell.


What country were you living in in 2007, 08, 09 when we were reeling from conservative government?

The country just can't afford it any more.

Nancy Pelosi was the conservative Speaker of the House. Who wudda believed that?

You're right. We didn't have a President then. But we did have a tyrannical VP.
Sorry, but I can't get in.

Besides, I'd rather not put my personal information in harms way just to prove a point to some Napoleon Dynamite lookalike.

what your telepnone doesn't work??? as for personal information ... you gave more personal information here then you would there ... like I said ... you have no idea what you're talking about .... you just pretend that you do ... ,and that's failing ... nothing like right wing talking points with no value ...

That's a flat out lie. I went to the site, it requires more info than a lot of people are comfortable giving just to get some information. It's bullshit. If this thing is so great, let people go and just see/compare for themselves without requiring anything more than generic info.

Don't like it, don't use it. Save the bandwidth for the smarter ones.
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Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

Before calling anyone else stupid, it would be in your interest to take a high school writing course. Just for fun I checked the grade level of your writing, below is a link to the result.

Readability-Score.com - Free Online Readability Calculator - Flesch Kincaid, Gunning Fog and more ...
What's amazing is how virtually all of the people who are confused by the Obamacare website are conservatives. The same people confused by Wikipedia and main stream media and the Constitution and the government and insurance.
How far dumbed down is required.
Obama stands by promise that "you can keep your plan" - CBS News
Amid reports of millions of Americans losing their insurance because of new Obamacare regulations, President Obama on Wednesday stood by his promise that those who liked their coverage before the Affordable Care Act became law could keep that coverage.

"If you had one of these substandard plans before the Affordable Care Act became law, and you liked that plan, you were able to keep it," the president said in Boston.​

You could keep your insurance...UNTIL the ACA became law. Then you're screwed.

How many of you idiots are now going to say, "Yeah. Yeah, that's what he meant! Obviously!"

Of course, that's patently ridiculous. He said you could keep your insurance AFTER ACA was law.

Before calling anyone else stupid, it would be in your interest to take a high school writing course. Just for fun I checked the grade level of your writing, below is a link to the result.

Readability-Score.com - Free Online Readability Calculator - Flesch Kincaid, Gunning Fog and more ...
What a pathetic attempt at distracting from Obama's lies.

He thinks you're stupid -- and you prove it.


By the way, dumbass: Your link was to the front page. There are no results there.

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What's amazing is how virtually all of the people who are confused by the Obamacare website are conservatives. The same people confused by Wikipedia and main stream media and the Constitution and the government and insurance.
How far dumbed down is required.
Obama thinks you're stupid, too.

You'd better call him and tell him you're not.
What's amazing is how virtually all of the people who are confused by the Obamacare website are conservatives. The same people confused by Wikipedia and main stream media and the Constitution and the government and insurance.
How far dumbed down is required.
Obama thinks you're stupid, too.

You'd better call him and tell him you're not.

Based on his post it would be a lie.
What's amazing is how virtually all of the people who are confused by the Obamacare website are conservatives. The same people confused by Wikipedia and main stream media and the Constitution and the government and insurance.
How far dumbed down is required.
Obama thinks you're stupid, too.

You'd better call him and tell him you're not.

Based on his post it would be a lie.
Like all progressives, PMS has only a nodding acquaintance with reality, preferring his insular cocoon of leftist fantasy.
Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

I agree with him on that point. I would imagine that by now he is just about fed up with most Americans and believes that he is just wasting his time trying to do anything worthwhile for them.
Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

I agree with him on that point. I would imagine that by now he is just about fed up with most Americans and believes that he is just wasting his time trying to do anything worthwhile for them.

:lmao: You think ACA is worthwhile. And you think Obama is benevolent.

what your telepnone doesn't work??? as for personal information ... you gave more personal information here then you would there ... like I said ... you have no idea what you're talking about .... you just pretend that you do ... ,and that's failing ... nothing like right wing talking points with no value ...

That's a flat out lie. I went to the site, it requires more info than a lot of people are comfortable giving just to get some information. It's bullshit. If this thing is so great, let people go and just see/compare for themselves without requiring anything more than generic info.

Don't like it, don't use it. Save the bandwidth for the smarter ones.

They don't need the personal info they are asking for just for someone to get the plan info. Generic info ... # of persons covered, ages, state, income is all that's needed.
Lone Laugher?

I have asked for the questioner to give some thought to the possible answers first. I am tired of giving out free lessons here. Lets see if the questioner has any idea why I might have said something like that first. There are a ton of reasons why we should all foot the bill for shit like maternity care. Big picture stuff.

What LL doesn't realize is this is supposed to be a free country where you can't force anyone to buy anything.

This whole thing was a farce from the beginning because it was a tax, and Obama claimed it wasn't. Yet the only way it could be ruled constitutional is if it is a tax.

And because SCOTUS took his word for it that it's a tax, they upheld it. But, oops, now it's unconstitutional because the bill didn't originate in or pass the House. So, Obama wants most of the country to believe it's not a tax, but wants SCOTUS to believe it is a tax.

Since when are taxes used strictly as a means of punishing people for not engaging in commerce? NEVER!

No matter how you look at it, it's unconstitutional. I'm so sick of the liberals believing that the ends justify the means, especially when the endgame is the destruction of America.
Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

I agree with him on that point. I would imagine that by now he is just about fed up with most Americans and believes that he is just wasting his time trying to do anything worthwhile for them.

:lmao: You think ACA is worthwhile. And you think Obama is benevolent.


I believe that Obama was correct in seeing that health care costs were completely out of control and were a major negative influence at the time he took the reigns during the most dangerous financial crisis our country has ever seen.

The ACA is too watered down from what the country could have benefited from such as a single payer option.

Contrary to many USMB members opinions of my political leanings I am not an Obama supporter.

What the republicans have offered as alternatives has been a joke.

I do believe that Obama is probably the best option of who was there to pick from. As I have stated many times...I did not vote for him. I thought the presidential election proccess was a sick joke. Obama is just one man..the Fascists are still in control of most of the government. Remember when Obama said he would get rid of the special interests? How's that working for ya? Upon election he soon discovered that the president does not control as much as he would have liked.
Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

I agree with him on that point. I would imagine that by now he is just about fed up with most Americans and believes that he is just wasting his time trying to do anything worthwhile for them.

No huggy oshit thinks his opponents are irrelevant, and counting on people like you the stupid one to believe that.

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