Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

It was adequate within their fiscal means.

Who said the government has to pick up the tab?


Who "said?" They do ... it matters NOT who "said."

Bad medical debts are passed down to the tax payer via government help.

actually you're wrong its not passed down to the tax payer at all ... what the government has done is tax companies these companies can't pass the charge on to the tax payer by raising the price on their product...

example: the medical equipment tax ...which I have mention many times ...
they are taxed 2.2% that totals to 30 billion dollars, that goes to help pay for your insurance ... that's one way they are doing it ...so get off this the tax payers is paying for it ... they're not...

Medical device tax could kill 11 percent of U.S. med-tech jobs, AdvaMed says | MassDevice - Medical Device Industry News

Yeah. Good job, dumbass.
right where it says who is allow to get this health care plan... number ONE .... you must be and American citizen ... case closed ...

Illegals will get it for free, like they are now in California. American citizens will be required to get the policies and most will have to pay for it or get taxed for it.

no they are not getting it free .... were ever you get that from is beyond me... the federal law says you have to be and American citizen ... if they are in the hospital, they are taken care of thats the law... then they are sent back to their home country ... that's the law

Okay, dumb fuck, go into your local California welfare department and ask if illegal aliens qualify for health care, they will tell you yes, then ask if they pay for it, they will tell that if they apply for state assistance, they can have it paid for. Really simple.

Many illegals are treated and released daily in California, they continue to stay.
Nobody is preventing you from being either illegal or poor. If you think that they are getting a better deal, go for it.

No that's not my way, I realize you are a lazy lib that believes government knows better and needs to be in everyone's life and the only way you can survive is if the make decisions for you.

I know I am smart enough to find and pay for insurance I want. I am smart enough to buy my food and it is healthy, I'm smart enough to find housing that is affordable and adequate. I am also smart enough to know I feel better if I make my own decisions in life.

noting like a moronic stupid response ... us liberals are lazy yeah that's the ticket

You are, you want government to take care of everything.
dude !!!!!!!! do I care what you thinK ???? that would be a big fat noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um ... OK.

Maybe a few more giant fonts then?

um thats as big as it gets​

Who "said?" They do ... it matters NOT who "said."

Bad medical debts are passed down to the tax payer via government help.

actually you're wrong its not passed down to the tax payer at all ... what the government has done is tax companies these companies can't pass the charge on to the tax payer by raising the price on their product...

example: the medical equipment tax ...which I have mention many times ...
they are taxed 2.2% that totals to 30 billion dollars, that goes to help pay for your insurance ... that's one way they are doing it ...so get off this the tax payers is paying for it ... they're not...

Medical device tax could kill 11 percent of U.S. med-tech jobs, AdvaMed says | MassDevice - Medical Device Industry News

Yeah. Good job, dumbass.

Aren't they incredible? They think that that tax isn't going to be factored in on health care costs? I'm sure hospitals will pass it through many times over. The left is pretty naive.
No that's not my way, I realize you are a lazy lib that believes government knows better and needs to be in everyone's life and the only way you can survive is if the make decisions for you.

I know I am smart enough to find and pay for insurance I want. I am smart enough to buy my food and it is healthy, I'm smart enough to find housing that is affordable and adequate. I am also smart enough to know I feel better if I make my own decisions in life.

noting like a moronic stupid response ... us liberals are lazy yeah that's the ticket

I think that his point is that if he doesn't have a problem, none exists.

If he doesn't have a problem, none exists FOR HIM.

The left is insisting he DOES have a problem, and he must spend more money than he was to correct it.
Responsible, competent government leads to successful countries. That's true no matter what the detractors of our success call it.
Indeed. It's a shame we have neither reasonable nor competent government.

Actually we do now thanks to a reasonable and competent electorate. Hear that big flushing sound? That's your movement swirling the bowl.

I'm sure it comforts you to pretend that.

You're going to be surprised in a year.
Plans that don't meet minimum standards for giving decent, affordable health care to Americans are going to die.

(and you can't stop it)
Decent and affordable is the judgement of each individual person -- not you.

Liberals think government and they themselves know what is best for everyone.

You know what? They are lazy, letting the government dictate what is best for them, so they don't have to think.
And I've never seen a one of them that has the personal lives in good order.

That's why they want the government to run their lives. They screwed it up.
actually you're wrong its not passed down to the tax payer at all ... what the government has done is tax companies these companies can't pass the charge on to the tax payer by raising the price on their product...

example: the medical equipment tax ...which I have mention many times ...
they are taxed 2.2% that totals to 30 billion dollars, that goes to help pay for your insurance ... that's one way they are doing it ...so get off this the tax payers is paying for it ... they're not...

Medical device tax could kill 11 percent of U.S. med-tech jobs, AdvaMed says | MassDevice - Medical Device Industry News

Yeah. Good job, dumbass.

Aren't they incredible? They think that that tax isn't going to be factored in on health care costs? I'm sure hospitals will pass it through many times over. The left is pretty naive.
Their childlike thinking would be charming, if they weren't busy fucking up the country as fast as they can.
Plans that don't meet minimum standards for giving decent, affordable health care to Americans are going to die.

(and you can't stop it)

My brother had a decent affordable insurance policy. $156/month, $3k deductible, coverage for his needs. Now? You're right, it's dead. Now he has to pay for coverage for maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental), meds coverage (he doesn't need it), rehab care (he doesn't need that either). His premium will be at least doubled, deductible w/be $5k. Yeah, that's just great. The obama and dems, party of choice as long as it's their choice. Fuck you.

my question to you is did your brother go to the ACA web site to get his cost ??? or did his insurer say it was going up ??? easy question...

His individual insure plan was cancelled and any new plan he gets through BC w/be twice as much due to the (un)aca because now all plans MUST cover more, whether a person needs those services or not. You can't choose what fits your needs best anymore. Uncle says so.

He couldn't get onto the website. I finally did but got zero information on plans/cost unless personal info was entered. Yeah, that sure helps.

I threw his numbers onto this site Pennsylvania Health Insurance Exchange | Healthcare.gov Every. single. plan. is more expensive and they all are subsidized w/hundreds of dollars, which make the premiums less costly to the person ... because everyone else is paying for it.

I plugged my families numbers into it ...holy shit! The premium w/be $1700/month w/out a subsidy/ with it, it is nearly doubled what we pay now.

btw, an awful lot of people do not want a subsidy, we don't want someone else paying for us.
well if you went to ,the site and look at what you might pay and if you can't get through the site call them, they will show you what you will get ... verses what you have ... 9 times out of ten it will be a better plan 10 times better then the one you have... they problem you have is you don't know what they hell you're talking about ... you'll g to some right wing whacked out talking point site and never go look for yourself ... that the problem you have ... because I know what they are3 offering and it appears you don't ...

Sorry, but I can't get in.

Besides, I'd rather not put my personal information in harms way just to prove a point to some Napoleon Dynamite lookalike.

what your telepnone doesn't work??? as for personal information ... you gave more personal information here then you would there ... like I said ... you have no idea what you're talking about .... you just pretend that you do ... ,and that's failing ... nothing like right wing talking points with no value ...

That's a flat out lie. I went to the site, it requires more info than a lot of people are comfortable giving just to get some information. It's bullshit. If this thing is so great, let people go and just see/compare for themselves without requiring anything more than generic info.
I went to the site, it requires more info than a lot of people are comfortable giving just to get some information. It's bullshit. If this thing is so great, let people go and just see/compare for themselves without requiring anything more than generic info.

Like what?


Penis size?
I can for a fact stay with my current provider.

I suppose it could be interpreted that I am keeping my plan and "choosing" to add provisions making it ACA compliant. But why would I choose to add maternity coverage and other required elements? We certainly don't NEED maternity. I also would NOT choose to increase my deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pockets. I've done so in the past, but only as a means of reducing the premiums.

So... here's what I have in front of me, from my current provider:

A policy that is ACA compliant and most closely resembles my current coverage.

The difference? A 120% increase in premiums, and a marked increase in deductibles, co-pays, and out-of-pockets.

For what? The same coverage?

This whole sham has clusterfuck written all over it. Just wait until the tens of millions of people who have not yet seen for themselves what the ACA truly is actually sign up for this pile of shit program.

I tell you I am so fucking angry I can hardly see straight. Goddamn fucking moronic asshole sorry excuse for a President. Fuck him.

Here I'll lend you my signature picture look at the angry eyes or the tiger

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I went to the site, it requires more info than a lot of people are comfortable giving just to get some information. It's bullshit. If this thing is so great, let people go and just see/compare for themselves without requiring anything more than generic info.

Like what?


Penis size?

YES, goddamnit! And I wanna know girth too, not just length!
My brother had a decent affordable insurance policy. $156/month, $3k deductible, coverage for his needs. Now? You're right, it's dead. Now he has to pay for coverage for maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental), meds coverage (he doesn't need it), rehab care (he doesn't need that either). His premium will be at least doubled, deductible w/be $5k. Yeah, that's just great. The obama and dems, party of choice as long as it's their choice. Fuck you.

my question to you is did your brother go to the ACA web site to get his cost ??? or did his insurer say it was going up ??? easy question...

His individual insure plan was cancelled and any new plan he gets through BC w/be twice as much due to the (un)aca because now all plans MUST cover more, whether a person needs those services or not. You can't choose what fits your needs best anymore. Uncle says so.

He couldn't get onto the website. I finally did but got zero information on plans/cost unless personal info was entered. Yeah, that sure helps.

I threw his numbers onto this site Pennsylvania Health Insurance Exchange | Healthcare.gov Every. single. plan. is more expensive and they all are subsidized w/hundreds of dollars, which make the premiums less costly to the person ... because everyone else is paying for it.

I plugged my families numbers into it ...holy shit! The premium w/be $1700/month w/out a subsidy/ with it, it is nearly doubled what we pay now.

btw, an awful lot of people do not want a subsidy, we don't want someone else paying for us.
Billy, Londoner, I'll cover this for you:

A leader like Obama.

One that saves the country from his predecessor?

One that achieves progress even when the other party has no objectives other than his and the country's failure?

One that gets re-elected based on his accomplishments over the first term?

A half baked actor doesn't need to teach America about such a leader.

That's absolutely hilarious.

Obama is nothing but an actor.

Reagan was paid in the private sector to be one. Obama is paid by us to be one. Reagan became our leader for 8 years and never took a cent for it. Obama claims he's leading but isn't accountable for anything, and for this we have to pay him handsomely for it.

Obama can't be blamed for anything that his administration does yet he wants to be called a leader.

That is funny as hell.


What country were you living in in 2007, 08, 09 when we were reeling from conservative government?

The country just can't afford it any more.

Nancy Pelosi was the conservative Speaker of the House. Who wudda believed that?

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