Obama thinks we're all stupid. Some of you really are.

Nobody is preventing you from being either illegal or poor. If you think that they are getting a better deal, go for it.

No that's not my way, I realize you are a lazy lib that believes government knows better and needs to be in everyone's life and the only way you can survive is if the make decisions for you.

I know I am smart enough to find and pay for insurance I want. I am smart enough to buy my food and it is healthy, I'm smart enough to find housing that is affordable and adequate. I am also smart enough to know I feel better if I make my own decisions in life.

noting like a moronic stupid response ... us liberals are lazy yeah that's the ticket

I think that his point is that if he doesn't have a problem, none exists.
Ahhh, the vacuous skull of a nanny-state supporter revealed.

Responsible, competent government leads to successful countries. That's true no matter what the detractors of our success call it.
Indeed. It's a shame we have neither reasonable nor competent government.

Actually we do now thanks to a reasonable and competent electorate. Hear that big flushing sound? That's your movement swirling the bowl.
Strange how history keeps repeating itself over and over where liberals are concerned.

well if you went to ,the site and look at what you might pay and if you can't get through the site call them, they will show you what you will get ... verses what you have ... 9 times out of ten it will be a better plan 10 times better then the one you have... they problem you have is you don't know what they hell you're talking about ... you'll g to some right wing whacked out talking point site and never go look for yourself ... that the problem you have ... because I know what they are3 offering and it appears you don't ...

No. You know what you've been told, by an Administration that thinks nothing of lying to the American people.

your opinion of his coverage means - poop. I didn't see him complain, if he had a plan he was content with, what do you care? who the F do you think you are?

I'm just wondering why you guys are fighting so hard for insurance companies to be able to cheat their policy holders...
when the president spoke about the plan you have you can keep it he also said that the pland you have will become better ... it seems some of the people don't understand if you keep a plan that's bad then who pays???

My plan worked well for me. It was less expensive and covered exactly what I wanted. The new plan is more expensive, covers things I don't want.

you righties keep repeating yourself ... I asked if you get to the point that you can't pay, who pays for your poor choice of a plan ??? that you feel you don't need to pay for when everything goes down the tubes .... and again have you looked at what they have to offer ??? and compared it with what you have ???? more then likely you haven't

I pay, just as I will with the new plan. I looked dumb shit, I have a catastrophic plan, I have a savings account to pay the deductible.

The new plan will be over a $4000 deductible every fucking year. It covers doctors visits after the deductible, today I go to the doctor I pay $35 out of pocket. After I am stuck with the new plan, I will pay more because it will all run under insurance, so my out of pocket expense is going to go up.

So I'm taking my saved money and figure something else to do with, so when something catastrophic happens, you will help pay for my fucking bill. Congrats dumbshit! Because dumbshit liberals think they know so much fucking more than anyone else.
You said insurance can't be mandated.

I said how about auto liability?

You said driving is not a right.

No I said no such thing.

" Driving is not a right it's a privilege."
\Fucking dinging ass bitch you need to go back and read once a gain what was said.
I did not say

" insurance can't be mandated. "
Not once did I say that.
I said driving is a privilege
You were the one that brought up the subjectt. Stop acting stupid.
Insurance companies have to spend 80% of their budgets on treatments.
Pre-existing conditions can no longer be excluded.
Family planning services can no longer be excluded.

Cancelling a policy that was inadeqate is like grounding an airplane that is not airworthy.... it's generally considered a good thing.

So, in this case, big government is OK to decide what is 'adequate' when the end user already had 'adequate' coverage which met their individual needs?


you sir are sooooooooooooooo uninformed ... what is adequate needs ... if you have a 5000 deductible and you need some kind of surgery not only will it cost you 5000 but usually you'll pay the difference of 20% to 40% depending on your plan ... if that person files bankruptcy ... who pays???? you'll pay.... with the current plan you have... that's who !!!! usually with those plans they will do and say everything they can to not pay and again you pay for their stupidity of buying a plan that they thing well if I get cancer or something I'll pay 5000 dollars and the insurer pays the rest .... whart they do is they cancel you, or raise your rates so high you can't afford it ... that's a better system ???? tell me how that's a better system ....
Wow, somebody REALLY doesn't understand that insurance companies make payments out of the monthly premiums everybody else pays.

Everybody else has ALWAYS paid for the care you get, and everybody else always WILL.

when the president spoke about the plan you have you can keep it he also said that the pland you have will become better ... it seems some of the people don't understand if you keep a plan that's bad then who pays???

My plan worked well for me. It was less expensive and covered exactly what I wanted. The new plan is more expensive, covers things I don't want.

That's called adequate coverage. Makes it less likely that we'll have to pay for your medical emergency.

My coverage is already adequate, who the fuck are you to determine what is and is not adequate?

You going to have kids? Why the fuck should I pay for that? I will be. You eat unhealthy, I now pay for that, you smoke? I pay for that.

Who's going to pay for? Really? You are stupid enough to ask that?

Dumbshit, in case you didn't notice, we are all going to pay, every single one of us. We are now in a huge pool and we all will now pay.

Your unhealthy lifestyle will cost you as much as my healthy lifestyle, it won't matter. The insurance companies will make big profits and government will guarantee it every year as the get to show cause to up the premiums.

Insurance companies are looking like a great investment, it will be government subsidized.
Plans that don't meet minimum standards for giving decent, affordable health care to Americans are going to die.

(and you can't stop it)
Decent and affordable is the judgement of each individual person -- not you.
A leader like Obama.

One that saves the country from his predecessor?

One that achieves progress even when the other party has no objectives other than his and the country's failure?

One that gets re-elected based on his accomplishments over the first term?

A half baked actor doesn't need to teach America about such a leader.

That's absolutely hilarious.

Obama is nothing but an actor.

Reagan was paid in the private sector to be one. Obama is paid by us to be one. Reagan became our leader for 8 years and never took a cent for it. Obama claims he's leading but isn't accountable for anything, and for this we have to pay him handsomely for it.

Obama can't be blamed for anything that his administration does yet he wants to be called a leader.

That is funny as hell.


What country were you living in in 2007, 08, 09 when we were reeling from conservative government?

The country just can't afford it any more.
So, obviously, the answer is to increase the debt to $17 trillion dollars.

Good job, dumbass.
Plans that don't meet minimum standards for giving decent, affordable health care to Americans are going to die.

(and you can't stop it)
Decent and affordable is the judgement of each individual person -- not you.

Liberals think government and they themselves know what is best for everyone.

You know what? They are lazy, letting the government dictate what is best for them, so they don't have to think.
Plans that don't meet minimum standards for giving decent, affordable health care to Americans are going to die.

(and you can't stop it)
Decent and affordable is the judgement of each individual person -- not you.

Liberals think government and they themselves know what is best for everyone.

You know what? They are lazy, letting the government dictate what is best for them, so they don't have to think.

Pretty much......:cool:

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