Obama Thinks You Should Have The Right To Take A Sick Day

Then you get cancer. Not the kind where you sit in a hospital and die in 6 months. No the kind that slowly eats away at the lining in your stomach, or devours you from the colon. Last for years. In the meantime, you have to keep working, maybe you have kids, a house payment or both. So, you work and work and work. However, you still have to go to the doctor, you still have those days where you just can't get out of bed and just to to rest. At this point it doesn't really matter whether you work at Walmart, McDonalds or a fortune 500 company, a little dignity and the opportunity to continue to contribute at your place of employment go along way.

I can't imagine anyone who doesn't understand this.

When I hire people, or evaluate whether they can continue employment, I'm not really going to bother to ask whether they need something to reassure their sense of dignity. I'm running a business. The only question that really matters is whether or not what they want/need out of me is conducive to accomplishing the needs and demands of the business, at the business' pace. If your pace doesn't match the business' pace, then the relationship doesn't work. Period.
Then you get cancer. Not the kind where you sit in a hospital and die in 6 months. No the kind that slowly eats away at the lining in your stomach, or devours you from the colon. Last for years. In the meantime, you have to keep working, maybe you have kids, a house payment or both. So, you work and work and work. However, you still have to go to the doctor, you still have those days where you just can't get out of bed and just to to rest. At this point it doesn't really matter whether you work at Walmart, McDonalds or a fortune 500 company, a little dignity and the opportunity to continue to contribute at your place of employment go along way.

I can't imagine anyone who doesn't understand this.

When I hire people, or evaluate whether they can continue employment, I'm not really going to bother to ask whether they need something to reassure their sense of dignity. I'm running a business. The only question that really matters is whether or not what they want/need out of me is conducive to accomplishing the needs and demands of the business, at the business' pace. If your pace doesn't match the business' pace, then the relationship doesn't work. Period.

Most illnesses happen mid life and mid plan, really difficult to interview for it.
Most illnesses happen mid life and mid plan, really difficult to interview for it.

I don't interview for unpredictable illnesses. I do review performance based on performance. If you're constantly absent from work, then you're not going to last.
Thank you president Obama! We need to catch up to the rest of the civilized world.
Obama Thinks You Should Have The Right To Take A Sick Day
President Barack Obama will announce an executive order on Monday that will require all federal contractors to grant at least seven days of paid sick leave. He will also urge Congress to pass the Healthy Families Act, sponsored by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT). The bill was introduced in the House of Representatives in March 2013, but hasn’t moved since being referred to the Subcommittee on Workplace Protections in April 2013. It would require all companies with more than 15 employees to allow at least seven days of paid sick leave.

Besides providing time for employees to recover from illness, those sick days could also be used to access preventative care, take care of a sick family member, seek assistance related to a domestic violence incident, or to go to school meetings when their child has health problems or special needs. The announcement will be made at a rally in Boston.

As many as 40 percent of private sector workers and 70 percent of low-income workers don’t have any paid sick days. Sick leave is an important labor issue for women in particular, since female family members are often the ones who spend more time taking care of children, parents, and other family members. Women who took on many of these caretaking responsibilities were also less likely to be employed, while men’s employment status remained the same, according to the National Institute on Aging.

Working women, especially Latino women, low-wage workers, and employees with less formal education are the least likely to have access to paid sick leave and family leave, according to 2014 research published in the medical journal The Gerontologist. Hispanic workers have less access to paid sick leave than other any other racial group, at 43 percent, compared with 62 percent of Asian workers, 61 percent of African American workers, and 59 percent of white workers, They also rarely have access to unpaid leave, according to The Center for American Progress.

Although there isn’t a federal law requiring paid sick leave, there has been progress on the state and local level. New York City, Jersey City, New Jersey, and Portland, Oregon passed laws allowing for paid sick leave in 2013. More recently, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania passed a law requiring businesses with 15 or more employees to provide five paid sick days. Seattle, San Francisco, and Connecticut also provide paid sick leave, and there is evidence that job growth has actuallyimproved after the laws took effect.
Because no company anywhere gives its employess sick days.
Yet another measure to make America less competitive, to saddle business with onerous regulations, to make people poorer and government more powerful.
And the left wing rubes eat that shit up.
I get sick days, personal days, vacation days and paid holidays.

Left wingers are dumb.
Obama Thinks You Should Have The Right To Take A Sick Day

Which means the rabid right is now against paid sick leave.
Against government mandated paid sick leave.

Do you see the difference?
Corporations will never do anything for workers unless it's gov't mandated, Pub dupe. Especially now you dopes have wrecked the unions.

Typical bullshite coming from a whiny sniveling loony leftist. You like gov't control of biz? Move to Greece. Bon voyage!
Frankie are you being a whiny sniveling loony leftist again?....i cant leave you anywhere....
just bored to tears lol...I'll take France anyway. BTW, you CAN"T move anywhere.
Barry takes his sick days on the golf course- lots of em' Cant blame him from wanting to get away from his husband micheal the tranny.
Barry takes his sick days on the golf course- lots of em' Cant blame him from wanting to get away from his husband micheal the tranny.

Hell, if I was married to a man child like Moochelle, I would need sick days too.

I bet that man, I mean woman, can flat kill a bathroom in the morning.


Obama Thinks You Should Have The Right To Take A Sick Day

Which means the rabid right is now against paid sick leave.
Against government mandated paid sick leave.

Do you see the difference?
So, you're agsinst paid sick leave. No, I don't see the difference.
No, dimwit.
I'm against the government telling me that I have to provide paid sick time.
If other companies are offering it and I need to start offering it in order to attract a good crop of employees, fine.
Otherwise, whether you like it or not, a company will always avoid unnecessary expenses.
IOW, let the market decide
A "RIGHT" to take a sick day?

that's the problem with idiots on the Left; you think you can just create "rights", just to pander to people.
ok ya wana be like the rest of the world lower corporate taxes also
I see no problem with that, we have to close the loopholes and all of that first. We also need incentives so jobs stay here, the government is the most efficient way to do this.

Actually in Ireland we have rates of 12.5% with only one major loophole, R & D... You spend on R & D and you can bring that down to 2.5%...

Why? Because if you don't have huge amount of loopholes then the smaller companies can gain the benefit just as much as the big companies.. Earlier I talked about getting employees rom the dole for 9 months for free and other grants, which are given to small companies to help them. I don't get them in our US operation....

Irish Sassy was appalled I get anything, but I am an employer in US and deserve the same advantages and disadvantages of any company in the US... I assure you that Toyota got plenty of breaks when they set up... So stop looking after the big boys and give us all a shot...

Saying that Ireland pays considerably higher personal income tax, that is how it works... So Ireland government reaps that way...
A "RIGHT" to take a sick day?

that's the problem with idiots on the Left; you think you can just create "rights", just to pander to people.
Then you have to express your disapproval of the lefts evil bill of rights.
Barry takes his sick days on the golf course- lots of em' Cant blame him from wanting to get away from his husband micheal the tranny.
How many vacation days did bush take? Why didnt you bitch about them?
Thank you president Obama! We need to catch up to the rest of the civilized world. Even if this only applies to federal contractors, it's a great first step.
Obama Thinks You Should Have The Right To Take A Sick Day
President Barack Obama will announce an executive order on Monday that will require all federal contractors to grant at least seven days of paid sick leave. He will also urge Congress to pass the Healthy Families Act, sponsored by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT). The bill was introduced in the House of Representatives in March 2013, but hasn’t moved since being referred to the Subcommittee on Workplace Protections in April 2013. It would require all companies with more than 15 employees to allow at least seven days of paid sick leave.

Besides providing time for employees to recover from illness, those sick days could also be used to access preventative care, take care of a sick family member, seek assistance related to a domestic violence incident, or to go to school meetings when their child has health problems or special needs. The announcement will be made at a rally in Boston.

As many as 40 percent of private sector workers and 70 percent of low-income workers don’t have any paid sick days. Sick leave is an important labor issue for women in particular, since female family members are often the ones who spend more time taking care of children, parents, and other family members. Women who took on many of these caretaking responsibilities were also less likely to be employed, while men’s employment status remained the same, according to the National Institute on Aging.

Working women, especially Latino women, low-wage workers, and employees with less formal education are the least likely to have access to paid sick leave and family leave, according to 2014 research published in the medical journal The Gerontologist. Hispanic workers have less access to paid sick leave than other any other racial group, at 43 percent, compared with 62 percent of Asian workers, 61 percent of African American workers, and 59 percent of white workers, They also rarely have access to unpaid leave, according to The Center for American Progress.

Although there isn’t a federal law requiring paid sick leave, there has been progress on the state and local level. New York City, Jersey City, New Jersey, and Portland, Oregon passed laws allowing for paid sick leave in 2013. More recently, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania passed a law requiring businesses with 15 or more employees to provide five paid sick days. Seattle, San Francisco, and Connecticut also provide paid sick leave, and there is evidence that job growth has actuallyimproved after the laws took effect.

Once again a liberal proposal that's not on his dime, who saw that coming? You libbies are consistent in not being willing to pay for what you want. It's government theft

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