Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

You're not getting it. I don't know if you're stupid, brainwashed, or both. Terrorists murder innocent people. We are trying to save innocent people and keep them alive.

Got it.....excuse number 3

I am only doing it to save lives. Same excuse used by North VietNam, Japan and the Nazis

Do you support an enemy torturing US Soldiers if they can gain information to save lives?

You're done here. Take your nap.
Defense Secretary Panetta Admits Information from Waterboarding Led US to Bin Laden (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Not quite my friend

Senate report: Torture didn't lead to bin Laden
Got it.....excuse number 3

I am only doing it to save lives. Same excuse used by North VietNam, Japan and the Nazis

Do you support an enemy torturing US Soldiers if they can gain information to save lives?

You're done here. Take your nap.
Defense Secretary Panetta Admits Information from Waterboarding Led US to Bin Laden (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Not quite my friend

Senate report: Torture didn't lead to bin Laden

Leon Panetta and the CIA being called liars by democrats. That's funny shit. Nap time.
The CIA claiming their illegal action was not in vain......That's funny shit

The CIA and Leon Panetta know exactly what happened. You're done. Nap time.

The report of what they did came out yesterday. CIAs got some splain'in to do

Deflection noted.

Nutsucker doesnt engage in debate using facts. Like most libtards he simply repeats narrative. Somehow if he repeats the same thing enough he believes people will think it's true. It's because he's stupid.

Hey, Nutsucker. If Obama thinks Bush committed torture why isn't he prosecuting him and his team? Torture is a crime. Shouldn't Obama direct Holder to prosecute crimes?
Obama is failing and the Middle East is on fire. What does our dear leader do? Condemns Bush for pouring water up a terrorist nose. The very tactic that gave information used to get OBL. Hilarious.
Obama is failing and the Middle East is on fire. What does our dear leader do? Condemns Bush for pouring water up a terrorist nose. The very tactic that gave information used to get OBL. Hilarious.

Are you OK with waterboarding being universally accepted as proper treatment of prisoners?

It's only a little water
Obama is failing and the Middle East is on fire. What does our dear leader do? Condemns Bush for pouring water up a terrorist nose. The very tactic that gave information used to get OBL. Hilarious.

Are you OK with waterboarding being universally accepted as proper treatment of prisoners?

It's only a little water

Red herring argument.
Rabbi Rules!
Killing or water boarding genuine Al-Qaeda terrorist is fine by me. They terrorize, torture & kill, so they can reap what they sow. However Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld authorized torture at Abu Ghraib where there were no terrorist or Al-Qaeda. They were Iraqi citizens, combatants & military swept up & tortured for intel. Many were not fighting US & the worst were only defending their country from US foreign invaders. Torturing those people was a war crime.
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Obama is failing and the Middle East is on fire. What does our dear leader do? Condemns Bush for pouring water up a terrorist nose. The very tactic that gave information used to get OBL. Hilarious.

Are you OK with waterboarding being universally accepted as proper treatment of prisoners?

It's only a little water

I don't care if a knitting needle gets put in their eye or a mixmaster shoved up their asshole. They are trying to kill me.
Killing or water boarding genuine Al-Qaeda terrorist is fine by me. They terrorize, torture & kill, so they can reap what they sow. However Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld authorized torture at Abu Ghraib where there were no terrorist or Al-Qaeda. They were Iraqi citizens, combatants & military swept up & tortured for intel. Many were not fighting US & the worst were only defending their country from US foreign invaders. Torturing those people was a war crime.

Geez....this again?
Again? When was the last time this soft-stepping phony ever issued a criticism of the Bush Crime Family?


Now that he's admitted knowing Bush committed crimes the glaring question is why did he not order his wooden indian Attorney General to investigate them? Candidate Obama's artfully deceitful bearing and attitude unmistakably implied that if elected he would pursue the egregious conduct of the Bush Administration. That was but one of his many brazenly contemptuous deceptions.
You're not getting it. I don't know if you're stupid, brainwashed, or both. Terrorists murder innocent people. We are trying to save innocent people and keep them alive.

You aren't getting it. It is the brainwashed and stupid that believe torture works and is a method that works. It does not. It causes harm. The best military and intelligence people in the world have done real time, real world studies and concluded the practice of torture is ineffective and harmful.

You're done here. Take your nap.
Defense Secretary Panetta Admits Information from Waterboarding Led US to Bin Laden (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

You haven't examined what was said in the video. You surely haven't cross referenced it to determine the validity of the title claim. If you had you would realize your source doesn't say what you think it says or want people to believe it says.
Obama is failing and the Middle East is on fire. What does our dear leader do? Condemns Bush for pouring water up a terrorist nose. The very tactic that gave information used to get OBL. Hilarious.

Are you OK with waterboarding being universally accepted as proper treatment of prisoners?

It's only a little water

Red herring argument.
Rabbi Rules!

Do you understand what a red herring is?

If waterboarding is "just a little water"
Should it be available to local police departments?
You aren't getting it. It is the brainwashed and stupid that believe torture works and is a method that works. It does not. It causes harm. The best military and intelligence people in the world have done real time, real world studies and concluded the practice of torture is ineffective and harmful.

You're done here. Take your nap.
Defense Secretary Panetta Admits Information from Waterboarding Led US to Bin Laden (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

You haven't examined what was said in the video. You surely haven't cross referenced it to determine the validity of the title claim. If you had you would realize your source doesn't say what you think it says or want people to believe it says.

Panetta and the CIA said waterboarding yielded useful information. Nap time.

You haven't examined what was said in the video. You surely haven't cross referenced it to determine the validity of the title claim. If you had you would realize your source doesn't say what you think it says or want people to believe it says.

Panetta and the CIA said waterboarding yielded useful information. Nap time.

Do you have a link for that. He does not say that in the link you have provided. It is a .57 second video. Anyone can quickly ascertain that that is not what he is saying.

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