Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Prove he did not. Certainly you are not going to use the same CIA that you condemn for enhanced interrogation techniques as a valid source.

Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years - and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror? | Mail Online

I know, I know

I can't prove we landed on the moon either

Reductio ad absurdum

Where are the pictures that were promised? I am thinking it really wouldn't matter if they did post them it would just be of a brown skinned man who we would argue to his true identity. Why I think they are not shown is that the body was more then just double tapped and that is why they were not shown, maybe.

I really have to wonder how a person such as OBL could hide so easily when a Americans are killed by drones so easily. We can fly to the Moon and back but can't find one man for 11 years? Really?

It is your unsupported assertions that are absurd. No less absurd than lunar landing deniers
Obama's use of language is appalling.

"We tortured SOME FOLKS." Some folks? The little old lady down the street? The football coach at the local high school?

The subjects were not FOLKS, they were terrorists on a jihad to wipe out Western Civ.

Actually, they were human beings entitled to human rights regardless of their crimes

That is what separates civilized societies
I hope the next President who gets elected gets up there and whacks the hell of Obama every chance they get

I'm actually looking forward to it
He lied about ObamaCare
He lied about the stimulus and shovel ready jobs
He lied and lied about Republicans
He lied about Bush
He lied about us American people saying we're are greedy bible thumpers AFRAID of those not like them and clings to their guns because of it...Kinda like when he said his white grandmother was afraid of a black person so much that she cross the other side the street if she encountered one
In fact I don't think he's told one truth anything and I want that shouted to whole world

the most Divisive hater of all things of the United States is what I hope legacy is
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Why isnt Obama calling on Holder to prosecute Bush era officials for this crime?

Cause, according to moronic liberal logic, Obama did not want to drag the US further into the mud. Like Gerald Ford and the Nixon situation. Ask rightwinger. He will tell you.

Interesting, since the left believe to this moment that Bush is as guilty as hitler. They will tell you that too. So, that means according to these brains, hitler's atrocities are equivalent to Nixon spying on 5 democrats.

I swear to you, that is the reason they say the glorious peace loving obama does not press charges. As to why the UN never brought up charges, I am not sure. Cause the left claim it is so obvious that Bush is as guilty as hitler.

Ok so if Obama didnt want to drage the US into the mud why is he making these statements and releasing these reports now? You can't have it both ways: either the US tortured people and those responsible need to be charged as criminals, or the US didnt and he should shut up about it.

You must understand. All liberal logic is hypocritical, totally illogical, and has no rationality at all.

However, when the presidents numbers start falling with his left wing base, he whips out oldies but goodies in order to rally that base.

It works so easily cause the democrats base are that stupid and they know it.
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

The fairy tale you and this moron you call a POTUS is no were close to reality...

There are bad people in this world and as long as you keep your head in your ass someone with a brain will keep protecting your dumbass as well as his...

It is common knowledge that Bush not only engaged in torture but acknowledged it. This was no secret black ops operation by the CIA. Bush approved torture. The report is out today

Does is make you proud to be an American?

Water up your nose isn't torture. That's your problem.
Obama's use of language is appalling.

"We tortured SOME FOLKS." Some folks? The little old lady down the street? The football coach at the local high school?

The subjects were not FOLKS, they were terrorists on a jihad to wipe out Western Civ.

Actually, they were human beings entitled to human rights regardless of their crimes

That is what separates civilized societies

Does that apply to American terrorists in Yemen, or just to foreign born terrorists?

Which is worse torture, in your humble opinion? Shooting a murdering asshole in the stomach, and leave him lie there in severe pain, or flooding his face with water for a minute or so. Which is worse, blowing the legs off of a five year old, while dropping a missile on his daddy, or flooding some murdering terrorist's face with water?

You have a very weird view of what is, or is not, civilized behavior. Like most of your ilk, you never think any of this through, you just kneejerk with the political flavor of the moment.
Obama's use of language is appalling.

"We tortured SOME FOLKS." Some folks? The little old lady down the street? The football coach at the local high school?

The subjects were not FOLKS, they were terrorists on a jihad to wipe out Western Civ.

Actually, they were human beings entitled to human rights regardless of their crimes

That is what separates civilized societies

I disagree. In my civilized world they are no better than rats when they target civilians. They attack civilization and you still want to ensure rights they attack. You're a couple tacos short of a combination plate.
The fairy tale you and this moron you call a POTUS is no were close to reality...

There are bad people in this world and as long as you keep your head in your ass someone with a brain will keep protecting your dumbass as well as his...

It is common knowledge that Bush not only engaged in torture but acknowledged it. This was no secret black ops operation by the CIA. Bush approved torture. The report is out today

Does is make you proud to be an American?

Water up your nose isn't torture. That's your problem.

It is widely acknowledged as torture around the world and has been prosecuted as torture by the US
And yet able to stay on topic without resorting to emotional outburst. It's a conundrum.

A dumb ass is a person who thinks someone putting a spot light on his dumb statements is an emotional outburst.

Ya, OK, but I try to educate myself on topics. Like I read what this guy had to say years ago because I think the place he works at knows a little bit about military stuff. It's called The Army Command and Staff College. They put out some pretty good stuff. This DiMarco fell is a professor there. I respect his work.

"In counterterrorism and counterinsurgency warfare, the moral component of the fight is strategically decisive"


Plus, torture doesn't work.

What makes you think we have the moral high ground in this fight on fear?
Obama's use of language is appalling.

"We tortured SOME FOLKS." Some folks? The little old lady down the street? The football coach at the local high school?

The subjects were not FOLKS, they were terrorists on a jihad to wipe out Western Civ.

Actually, they were human beings entitled to human rights regardless of their crimes

That is what separates civilized societies

I disagree. In my civilized world they are no better than rats when they target civilians. They attack civilization and you still want to ensure rights they attack. You're a couple tacos short of a combination plate.

If we sink to their level, we are no better than they are
It is common knowledge that Bush not only engaged in torture but acknowledged it. This was no secret black ops operation by the CIA. Bush approved torture. The report is out today

Does is make you proud to be an American?

Water up your nose isn't torture. That's your problem.

It is widely acknowledged as torture around the world and has been prosecuted as torture by the US

So? The previous administration didn't believe it is torture. You can call it torture and we can disregard your opinion just like you disregard ours. We really don't care what leftist trash around the world thinks. We're Americans.
Actually, they were human beings entitled to human rights regardless of their crimes

That is what separates civilized societies

I disagree. In my civilized world they are no better than rats when they target civilians. They attack civilization and you still want to ensure rights they attack. You're a couple tacos short of a combination plate.

If we sink to their level, we are no better than they are

Oh my god. Pouring water up a terrorist murderer nose isn't going to make me a terrorist murder. Instead of parroting leftist talking points, why not try thinking about what you're saying. You're appearing like a propaganda parrot.
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

Fuck calling it an accusation.

The United States under the former deserter-in-chief and his side kick draft dodger dick(less) DID FUCKING TORTURE PRISONERS.
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

Fuck calling it an accusation.

The United States under the former deserter-in-chief and his side kick draft dodger dick(less) DID FUCKING TORTURE PRISONERS.

The CIA did the enhanced interrogations. This president that has nothing but distain for the military, never served a day and murdered American citizens.
Actually, they were human beings entitled to human rights regardless of their crimes

That is what separates civilized societies

I disagree. In my civilized world they are no better than rats when they target civilians. They attack civilization and you still want to ensure rights they attack. You're a couple tacos short of a combination plate.

If we sink to their level, we are no better than they are

What is the difference between a suicide bomber walking into a road side café and blowing him and everyone near him to pieces and a hellfire missile doing the same thing?
Leftists have no moral compass. They side with their Marxist masters. That's why they are hypocritical in every matter.

They have a compass, but instead of point north it points directly up Obama's ass.

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