Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Of course on top of all of that they also claim there was torture. The left, as I have said a lot of times and never get a response and we all know why, claim water boarding is torture. Trust this, they only whip up into a frenzy when a poor little brown terrorist (even the one that master minded 911) is water boarded. Do they say one fucking word about our own soldiers being water boarded during training? No, of course not. Why does an asshole criminal like Obama or his retarded minions NOT care about that? Well it is really simple. They hate America, and they truly hate the American military, especially if they are white. Not true? We all know it is true.

No one responds to your stupid remarks because your comment on this topic is so ridiculous. US military persons who submit to water boarding do so voluntarily. It is part of their training. They volunteer and request to be given the privilege to serve in units and occupations that have a higher than normal chance of capture. More significantly, they know that the persons applying the torture will probably not actually kill them by drowning. The enemy torture victim does not know that.

No one responds my posts? No wonder your rep power is so weak. Tell me, do you consider yourself smart?

I know it was so mean to water board poor brown guy who master minded this.

Awww, the poor little brown terrorist who organized that.

You stupid fucking pig. If it was fucking torture, the American soldiers (who you and people like you fucking hate) they would not volunteer for the fucking privilege.

Let us know when Bush will be brought up on charges for war crimes. Since, as I stated, you stupid ass morons believe he is as guilty as hitler.

You dumb fuck. Way to fall in line for the obama political machine when he brings up a tired old topic and uses yet another old lie to rally you stupid morons.

You stupid fucking moron.
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Obama must have called for an independent investigation. (No, he never did)

Get this everyone. Liberals think Bush is as guilty as hitler. Just ask them. They do. They will brag about it too. As guilty as hitler.....the socialist. That means, get this everyone, they believe Bush is guilty of murdering millions of people. Yes they do. That is not an exaggeration either.

Of course on top of all of that they also claim there was torture. The left, as I have said a lot of times and never get a response and we all know why, claim water boarding is torture. Trust this, they only whip up into a frenzy when a poor little brown terrorist (even the one that master minded 911) is water boarded. Do they say one fucking word about our own soldiers being water boarded during training? No, of course not. Why does an asshole criminal like Obama or his retarded minions NOT care about that? Well it is really simple. They hate America, and they truly hate the American military, especially if they are white. Not true? We all know it is true.

Now, do you all know how utterly ridiculous rightwinger is? He thinks the reason the obama has not called for an investigation is the same reason Gerald Ford did not do that to Nixon. He......is equating Nixon spying on like 5 democrats, to hitler's atrocities. Ahhhh, rightwinger and their stupid liberal philosophies.

He also seemingly has not problem with the UN (a liberal piece of shit organization) has not charged Bush with any war crime. Not one. None. Zip. Nada.

Of course Obama knows his retarded minions in the press will rally when he touches the hot button topics. They really love it when he brings up the never ending line of cliches where they are all united. His polls started dropping among those morons. Imagine that? The morons started to think a little bit? How does Obama rally the base? BRING UP SOMETHING OLD AND STUPID LIKE WATER BOARDING.

It works every time too. Look at rightwinger falling for the shit....again. What a fucking tard.

He is also rallying the terrorists.

Yeap. Plus, whenever the American beloved left wing, mainstream, media always blames Israel for targeting kids (when all of the evidence conclusively shows hamas is deliberately using them as human shields) they motivate every single terror group to do the same thing, since the world falls right into what they are hoping they will do.

What should we refer to these pieces of traitorous shit when they deliberately leave out that hamas is deliberately using human shields and that it motivates them when assholes like this puts all blame on Israel?

What can also be assumed that because of the loud mouth and chief the lie about Benghazi and the video spurred more riot and protest then if he had told the truth or said nothing. But no, he has to go to the UN, and send Rice on a lying tour, to spread the lie about Benghazi and a video. Blaming America first sure seems to be his Agenda.
What a great melt down. WTC jumpers and Benghazi to defend torture.
What a great melt down. WTC jumpers and Benghazi to defend torture.

You are really dumb.

Republicans are the party of torture after all

They actually celebrate it

Oh bite me. :lol: That makes Democrats the party of death. You back innocents deaths and celebrate it.

Right Winger the hypocrisy is palpable.

Drone Warfare
More than 2,400 dead as Obama’s drone campaign marks five years

More than 2,400 dead as Obama?s drone campaign marks five years | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Once again the right struggles with equivalencies

See? you do it too

A drone attack is an act of war. Targets are declared enemies of our country. Drones are a modern equivalent of bombing your enemy

Torture is against people who have already surrendered. They are under your control. Torture is an affront against humanity and condemned around the world. Except by Republicans
Republicans are the party of torture after all

They actually celebrate it

Oh bite me. :lol: That makes Democrats the party of death. You back innocents deaths and celebrate it.

Right Winger the hypocrisy is palpable.

Drone Warfare
More than 2,400 dead as Obama’s drone campaign marks five years

More than 2,400 dead as Obama?s drone campaign marks five years | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Once again the right struggles with equivalencies

See? you do it too

A drone attack is an act of war. Targets are declared enemies of our country. Drones are a modern equivalent of bombing your enemy

Torture is against people who have already surrendered. They are under your control. Torture is an affront against humanity and condemned around the world. Except by Republicans

No shock that democrats prefer to cast our pearls to swine. Ever wonder why it is that democrats are so empathetic to the plight of terrorists?
Republicans are the party of torture after all

They actually celebrate it

Oh bite me. :lol: That makes Democrats the party of death. You back innocents deaths and celebrate it.

Right Winger the hypocrisy is palpable.

Drone Warfare
More than 2,400 dead as Obama’s drone campaign marks five years

More than 2,400 dead as Obama?s drone campaign marks five years | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

The far left also celebrated the death of each solider that dies in Iraq, so what do you expect from this bunch.

The war that the far left was against until 2006 and it but almost disappeared off the far left radar in 2009.
Republicans are the party of torture after all

They actually celebrate it

Oh bite me. :lol: That makes Democrats the party of death. You back innocents deaths and celebrate it.

Right Winger the hypocrisy is palpable.

Drone Warfare
More than 2,400 dead as Obama’s drone campaign marks five years

More than 2,400 dead as Obama?s drone campaign marks five years | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Once again the right struggles with equivalencies

See? you do it too

A drone attack is an act of war. Targets are declared enemies of our country. Drones are a modern equivalent of bombing your enemy

Torture is against people who have already surrendered. They are under your control. Torture is an affront against humanity and condemned around the world. Except by Republicans

Torture is watch the far left post their programmed talking points and propaganda not based on reality and them pretending that it does not happen under Obama.
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Oh bite me. :lol: That makes Democrats the party of death. You back innocents deaths and celebrate it.

Right Winger the hypocrisy is palpable.

Drone Warfare
More than 2,400 dead as Obama’s drone campaign marks five years

More than 2,400 dead as Obama?s drone campaign marks five years | The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Once again the right struggles with equivalencies

See? you do it too

A drone attack is an act of war. Targets are declared enemies of our country. Drones are a modern equivalent of bombing your enemy

Torture is against people who have already surrendered. They are under your control. Torture is an affront against humanity and condemned around the world. Except by Republicans

No shock that democrats prefer to cast our pearls to swine. Ever wonder why it is that democrats are so empathetic to the plight of terrorists?

We oppose torture.......of anyone

It is a common defense among torturers. Those being tortured deserve it
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Once again the right struggles with equivalencies

See? you do it too

A drone attack is an act of war. Targets are declared enemies of our country. Drones are a modern equivalent of bombing your enemy

Torture is against people who have already surrendered. They are under your control. Torture is an affront against humanity and condemned around the world. Except by Republicans

No shock that democrats prefer to cast our pearls to swine. Ever wonder why it is that democrats are so empathetic to the plight of terrorists?

We oppose torture.......of anyone

It is a common defense among torturers. Those being tortured deserve it

We oppose abortion......of anyone

It is a common defense among abortionists. Those being killed deserve it.

I don't think many support torture, me included. But that page in history has been turned let's move on already. My question is why does the defeatist in chief have to bring up this subject, does it make America better or worse?
You are really dumb.

And yet able to stay on topic without resorting to emotional outburst. It's a conundrum.

A dumb ass is a person who thinks someone putting a spot light on his dumb statements is an emotional outburst.

Ya, OK, but I try to educate myself on topics. Like I read what this guy had to say years ago because I think the place he works at knows a little bit about military stuff. It's called The Army Command and Staff College. They put out some pretty good stuff. This DiMarco fell is a professor there. I respect his work.

"In counterterrorism and counterinsurgency warfare, the moral component of the fight is strategically decisive"


Plus, torture doesn't work.

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Obama's use of language is appalling.

"We tortured SOME FOLKS." Some folks? The little old lady down the street? The football coach at the local high school?

The subjects were not FOLKS, they were terrorists on a jihad to wipe out Western Civ.
Obama's use of language is appalling.

"We tortured SOME FOLKS." Some folks? The little old lady down the street? The football coach at the local high school?

The subjects were not FOLKS, they were terrorists on a jihad to wipe out Western Civ.

Yes, they were and are committed to destroying western civilization. Other than them being brown, that is the other big reason they want them set free.

Remember, it is not just that the left wants them to no longer be water boarded (not torture), they want them set free.

Oh, they hate western civilization.
Why isnt Obama calling on Holder to prosecute Bush era officials for this crime?

Cause, according to moronic liberal logic, Obama did not want to drag the US further into the mud. Like Gerald Ford and the Nixon situation. Ask rightwinger. He will tell you.

Interesting, since the left believe to this moment that Bush is as guilty as hitler. They will tell you that too. So, that means according to these brains, hitler's atrocities are equivalent to Nixon spying on 5 democrats.

I swear to you, that is the reason they say the glorious peace loving obama does not press charges. As to why the UN never brought up charges, I am not sure. Cause the left claim it is so obvious that Bush is as guilty as hitler.
Why isnt Obama calling on Holder to prosecute Bush era officials for this crime?

Cause, according to moronic liberal logic, Obama did not want to drag the US further into the mud. Like Gerald Ford and the Nixon situation. Ask rightwinger. He will tell you.

Interesting, since the left believe to this moment that Bush is as guilty as hitler. They will tell you that too. So, that means according to these brains, hitler's atrocities are equivalent to Nixon spying on 5 democrats.

I swear to you, that is the reason they say the glorious peace loving obama does not press charges. As to why the UN never brought up charges, I am not sure. Cause the left claim it is so obvious that Bush is as guilty as hitler.

Ok so if Obama didnt want to drage the US into the mud why is he making these statements and releasing these reports now? You can't have it both ways: either the US tortured people and those responsible need to be charged as criminals, or the US didnt and he should shut up about it.

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