Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Jones do you know what the word PARTISAN means?........

It is not partisanship

The report is out on what was done under the name of the United States. It flies in the face of our values as a nation

We need to acknowledge that we are not always the good guys and the end does not justify the means

wrong guy RW.....how come you did not say that to Jones?.....he said it was.....hey just saying....

I do not see anyone on the left apologizing for torture
It is not partisanship

The report is out on what was done under the name of the United States. It flies in the face of our values as a nation

We need to acknowledge that we are not always the good guys and the end does not justify the means

wrong guy RW.....how come you did not say that to Jones?.....he said it was.....hey just saying....

I do not see anyone on the left apologizing for torture

I see you used the term, "values of America." Where might one read about these values? What are these values based on? Is it a value of America to send a hellfire missile into a road side Café to kill people in ally countries? Is it an American value to bomb a country for 72 days killing civilians destroying every bridge over the Danube? Remember the video of the smart bomb and the truck crossing a bridge and a second after it passes the bridge is destroyed. Remember the laughing about how lucky was the truck driver? Remember? Is that an America value to which you speak?

So if I read you right, the use of enhanced interrogation techniques is the worse thing ever, yet killing a 16 year old and his cousins, no big deal. Right.
It is not partisanship

The report is out on what was done under the name of the United States. It flies in the face of our values as a nation

We need to acknowledge that we are not always the good guys and the end does not justify the means

wrong guy RW.....how come you did not say that to Jones?.....he said it was.....hey just saying....

I do not see anyone on the left apologizing for torture
torture?.....you said i said it was about partisanship....when in fact i said no such thing....but your good buddy Jones said it was.....but i understand....you wont say anything to a fellow lefty.....but then thats your problem....
wrong guy RW.....how come you did not say that to Jones?.....he said it was.....hey just saying....

I do not see anyone on the left apologizing for torture

I see you used the term, "values of America." Where might one read about these values? What are these values based on? Is it a value of America to send a hellfire missile into a road side Café to kill people in ally countries? Is it an American value to bomb a country for 72 days killing civilians destroying every bridge over the Danube? Remember the video of the smart bomb and the truck crossing a bridge and a second after it passes the bridge is destroyed. Remember the laughing about how lucky was the truck driver? Remember? Is that an America value to which you speak?

So if I read you right, the use of enhanced interrogation techniques is the worse thing ever, yet killing a 16 year old and his cousins, no big deal. Right.

One has nothing to do with the other. The discussion and thread was started and supposed to be about torture. Unable to defend Bush's era and policies regarding torture, a deflection was made to turn attention away from the lost cause of defending torture, to one that relies on a single drone attack on a single target, a teenage son on a visit to his fugitive father, a well known and confirmed terrorist. While there are certainly debatable issues regarding this incident, but they have absolutely no relationship to the torture issue.
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What the US accomplished in a short period of time with a small amount of men is something that should impress people. Yes, OBL escaped because of bad decisions not because he was "allowed" to escape. And no, there is no proof that OBL didn't die of Kidney disease long before Obama claims he personally double tapped OBL.

How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001—The lessons of Tora Bora -

The United States had toppled the Taliban and cornered al Qaeda with record speed and an unprecedentedly small number of troops.Nine weeks after September 11 – forty-seven days after the arrival of the first CIA team in Afghanistan, thirty-six days after the start of the bombing campaign, and twenty-three days after the arrival of U.S. troops – a couple hundred U.S. special operations troops working alongside Afghan opposition forces and CIA paramilitary teams captured Kabul. By December 7, 2001, anti-Taliban forces controlled every major city in Afghanistan. - See more at: How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001?The lessons of Tora Bora - The Daily Beast
Post 9-11 America was in a panic

We were willing to tolerate giving up our liberties, preemptive wars and even torture

All in the name of security
What the US accomplished in a short period of time with a small amount of men is something that should impress people. Yes, OBL escaped because of bad decisions not because he was "allowed" to escape. And no, there is no proof that OBL didn't die of Kidney disease long before Obama claims he personally double tapped OBL.

How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001—The lessons of Tora Bora -

The United States had toppled the Taliban and cornered al Qaeda with record speed and an unprecedentedly small number of troops.Nine weeks after September 11 – forty-seven days after the arrival of the first CIA team in Afghanistan, thirty-six days after the start of the bombing campaign, and twenty-three days after the arrival of U.S. troops – a couple hundred U.S. special operations troops working alongside Afghan opposition forces and CIA paramilitary teams captured Kabul. By December 7, 2001, anti-Taliban forces controlled every major city in Afghanistan. - See more at: How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001?The lessons of Tora Bora - The Daily Beast

Where you lose all credibility
I do not see anyone on the left apologizing for torture

I see you used the term, "values of America." Where might one read about these values? What are these values based on? Is it a value of America to send a hellfire missile into a road side Café to kill people in ally countries? Is it an American value to bomb a country for 72 days killing civilians destroying every bridge over the Danube? Remember the video of the smart bomb and the truck crossing a bridge and a second after it passes the bridge is destroyed. Remember the laughing about how lucky was the truck driver? Remember? Is that an America value to which you speak?

So if I read you right, the use of enhanced interrogation techniques is the worse thing ever, yet killing a 16 year old and his cousins, no big deal. Right.

One has nothing to do with the other. The discussion and thread was started and supposed to be about torture. Unable to defend Bush's era and policies regarding torture, a deflection was made to turn attention away from the lost cause of defending torture, to one that relies on a single drone attack on a single target, a teenage son on a visit to his fugitive father, a well known and confirmed terrorist. While there are certainly debatable issues regarding this incident, but they have absolutely no relationship to the torture issue.

What I am asking is that statement made by RW that enhance interrogation techniques are against "American values." Seems like a simple enough question. I guess you don't realize that the bombing of a country, while it might not be torture per se, it does cause suffering. Remember the ethnic Serbs that stood on the bridge in their ethnic clothes darning Clinton to bomb them, he did.

So, ask yourself, what is the use of the POTUS to keep bring up what also went on during his administration? Bush left office 6 years ago, what other then to once again bring America down is the purpose of broaching this subject especially when there is so many other problems? Oh right, it is brought up because there are so many other problems to be distracted from.
I see you used the term, "values of America." Where might one read about these values? What are these values based on? Is it a value of America to send a hellfire missile into a road side Café to kill people in ally countries? Is it an American value to bomb a country for 72 days killing civilians destroying every bridge over the Danube? Remember the video of the smart bomb and the truck crossing a bridge and a second after it passes the bridge is destroyed. Remember the laughing about how lucky was the truck driver? Remember? Is that an America value to which you speak?

So if I read you right, the use of enhanced interrogation techniques is the worse thing ever, yet killing a 16 year old and his cousins, no big deal. Right.

One has nothing to do with the other. The discussion and thread was started and supposed to be about torture. Unable to defend Bush's era and policies regarding torture, a deflection was made to turn attention away from the lost cause of defending torture, to one that relies on a single drone attack on a single target, a teenage son on a visit to his fugitive father, a well known and confirmed terrorist. While there are certainly debatable issues regarding this incident, but they have absolutely no relationship to the torture issue.

What I am asking is that statement made by RW that enhance interrogation techniques are against "American values." Seems like a simple enough question. I guess you don't realize that the bombing of a country, while it might not be torture per se, it does cause suffering. Remember the ethnic Serbs that stood on the bridge in their ethnic clothes darning Clinton to bomb them, he did.

So, ask yourself, what is the use of the POTUS to keep bring up what also went on during his administration? Bush left office 6 years ago, what other then to once again bring America down is the purpose of broaching this subject especially when there is so many other problems? Oh right, it is brought up because there are so many other problems to be distracted from.

Is engaging in war an American value? Yes, it is
Is engaging in torture an American value? No, it isn't
Obama must have called for an independent investigation. (No, he never did)

Get this everyone. Liberals think Bush is as guilty as hitler. Just ask them. They do. They will brag about it too. As guilty as hitler.....the socialist. That means, get this everyone, they believe Bush is guilty of murdering millions of people. Yes they do. That is not an exaggeration either.

Of course on top of all of that they also claim there was torture. The left, as I have said a lot of times and never get a response and we all know why, claim water boarding is torture. Trust this, they only whip up into a frenzy when a poor little brown terrorist (even the one that master minded 911) is water boarded. Do they say one fucking word about our own soldiers being water boarded during training? No, of course not. Why does an asshole criminal like Obama or his retarded minions NOT care about that? Well it is really simple. They hate America, and they truly hate the American military, especially if they are white. Not true? We all know it is true.

Now, do you all know how utterly ridiculous rightwinger is? He thinks the reason the obama has not called for an investigation is the same reason Gerald Ford did not do that to Nixon. He......is equating Nixon spying on like 5 democrats, to hitler's atrocities. Ahhhh, rightwinger and their stupid liberal philosophies.

He also seemingly has not problem with the UN (a liberal piece of shit organization) has not charged Bush with any war crime. Not one. None. Zip. Nada.

Of course Obama knows his retarded minions in the press will rally when he touches the hot button topics. They really love it when he brings up the never ending line of cliches where they are all united. His polls started dropping among those morons. Imagine that? The morons started to think a little bit? How does Obama rally the base? BRING UP SOMETHING OLD AND STUPID LIKE WATER BOARDING.

It works every time too. Look at rightwinger falling for the shit....again. What a fucking tard.
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What the US accomplished in a short period of time with a small amount of men is something that should impress people. Yes, OBL escaped because of bad decisions not because he was "allowed" to escape. And no, there is no proof that OBL didn't die of Kidney disease long before Obama claims he personally double tapped OBL.

How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001—The lessons of Tora Bora -

The United States had toppled the Taliban and cornered al Qaeda with record speed and an unprecedentedly small number of troops.Nine weeks after September 11 – forty-seven days after the arrival of the first CIA team in Afghanistan, thirty-six days after the start of the bombing campaign, and twenty-three days after the arrival of U.S. troops – a couple hundred U.S. special operations troops working alongside Afghan opposition forces and CIA paramilitary teams captured Kabul. By December 7, 2001, anti-Taliban forces controlled every major city in Afghanistan. - See more at: How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001?The lessons of Tora Bora - The Daily Beast

Total fantasy theory you post about Osama Bin Laden not being killed on Obama's order. There was plenty of Osama Bin Laden DNA sprayed all over that house. No group ever proved it was not Osama Bin Laden's blood. Al-Qaeda even claims it was Osama Bin Laden that Obama had killed.

You don't get it, General Tommy Franks was appointed to command those soldiers by Bush. He was Bush's trusted friend from High School. No one ever told those soldiers no on any attack prior to Tora Bora. Bush's man General Tommy Franks ordered our troops to stand down while the Afghanistan's negotiated a ceasefire allowing Osama Bin Laden to escape the trap. That is a fact.
What the US accomplished in a short period of time with a small amount of men is something that should impress people. Yes, OBL escaped because of bad decisions not because he was "allowed" to escape. And no, there is no proof that OBL didn't die of Kidney disease long before Obama claims he personally double tapped OBL.

How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001—The lessons of Tora Bora -

The United States had toppled the Taliban and cornered al Qaeda with record speed and an unprecedentedly small number of troops.Nine weeks after September 11 – forty-seven days after the arrival of the first CIA team in Afghanistan, thirty-six days after the start of the bombing campaign, and twenty-three days after the arrival of U.S. troops – a couple hundred U.S. special operations troops working alongside Afghan opposition forces and CIA paramilitary teams captured Kabul. By December 7, 2001, anti-Taliban forces controlled every major city in Afghanistan. - See more at: How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001?The lessons of Tora Bora - The Daily Beast

Where you lose all credibility

Prove he did not. Certainly you are not going to use the same CIA that you condemn for enhanced interrogation techniques as a valid source.

Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years - and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror? | Mail Online
What the US accomplished in a short period of time with a small amount of men is something that should impress people. Yes, OBL escaped because of bad decisions not because he was "allowed" to escape. And no, there is no proof that OBL didn't die of Kidney disease long before Obama claims he personally double tapped OBL.

How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001—The lessons of Tora Bora -

The United States had toppled the Taliban and cornered al Qaeda with record speed and an unprecedentedly small number of troops.Nine weeks after September 11 – forty-seven days after the arrival of the first CIA team in Afghanistan, thirty-six days after the start of the bombing campaign, and twenty-three days after the arrival of U.S. troops – a couple hundred U.S. special operations troops working alongside Afghan opposition forces and CIA paramilitary teams captured Kabul. By December 7, 2001, anti-Taliban forces controlled every major city in Afghanistan. - See more at: How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001?The lessons of Tora Bora - The Daily Beast

Where you lose all credibility

Prove he did not. Certainly you are not going to use the same CIA that you condemn for enhanced interrogation techniques as a valid source.

Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years - and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror? | Mail Online

I know, I know

I can't prove we landed on the moon either
What the US accomplished in a short period of time with a small amount of men is something that should impress people. Yes, OBL escaped because of bad decisions not because he was "allowed" to escape. And no, there is no proof that OBL didn't die of Kidney disease long before Obama claims he personally double tapped OBL.

How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001—The lessons of Tora Bora -

The United States had toppled the Taliban and cornered al Qaeda with record speed and an unprecedentedly small number of troops.Nine weeks after September 11 – forty-seven days after the arrival of the first CIA team in Afghanistan, thirty-six days after the start of the bombing campaign, and twenty-three days after the arrival of U.S. troops – a couple hundred U.S. special operations troops working alongside Afghan opposition forces and CIA paramilitary teams captured Kabul. By December 7, 2001, anti-Taliban forces controlled every major city in Afghanistan. - See more at: How Bin Laden Escaped in 2001?The lessons of Tora Bora - The Daily Beast

Total fantasy theory you post about Osama Bin Laden not being killed on Obama's order. There was plenty of Osama Bin Laden DNA sprayed all over that house. No group ever proved it was not Osama Bin Laden's blood. Al-Qaeda even claims it was Osama Bin Laden that Obama had killed.

You don't get it, General Tommy Franks was appointed to command those soldiers by Bush. He was Bush's trusted friend from High School. No one ever told those soldiers no on any attack prior to Tora Bora. Bush's man General Tommy Franks ordered our troops to stand down while the Afghanistan's negotiated a ceasefire allowing Osama Bin Laden to escape the trap. That is a fact.

So, in the liberal mind there was a stand down order at Tora Bora, even though the videos of the US bombing the hell out of something, yet at Benghazi there was no stand down order even though no help was sent.....right.

I posted what is reported, you post your opinion.
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

Guess an aide told him he can't run for a 3rd term and so leave it all out on the field. Had he been like this from the very brginning I mighta given a shit enough to vote.
Where you lose all credibility

Prove he did not. Certainly you are not going to use the same CIA that you condemn for enhanced interrogation techniques as a valid source.

Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years - and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror? | Mail Online

I know, I know

I can't prove we landed on the moon either

Reductio ad absurdum

Where are the pictures that were promised? I am thinking it really wouldn't matter if they did post them it would just be of a brown skinned man who we would argue to his true identity. Why I think they are not shown is that the body was more then just double tapped and that is why they were not shown, maybe.

I really have to wonder how a person such as OBL could hide so easily when a Americans are killed by drones so easily. We can fly to the Moon and back but can't find one man for 11 years? Really?
Obama must have called for an independent investigation. (No, he never did)

Get this everyone. Liberals think Bush is as guilty as hitler. Just ask them. They do. They will brag about it too. As guilty as hitler.....the socialist. That means, get this everyone, they believe Bush is guilty of murdering millions of people. Yes they do. That is not an exaggeration either.

Of course on top of all of that they also claim there was torture. The left, as I have said a lot of times and never get a response and we all know why, claim water boarding is torture. Trust this, they only whip up into a frenzy when a poor little brown terrorist (even the one that master minded 911) is water boarded. Do they say one fucking word about our own soldiers being water boarded during training? No, of course not. Why does an asshole criminal like Obama or his retarded minions NOT care about that? Well it is really simple. They hate America, and they truly hate the American military, especially if they are white. Not true? We all know it is true.

Now, do you all know how utterly ridiculous rightwinger is? He thinks the reason the obama has not called for an investigation is the same reason Gerald Ford did not do that to Nixon. He......is equating Nixon spying on like 5 democrats, to hitler's atrocities. Ahhhh, rightwinger and their stupid liberal philosophies.

He also seemingly has not problem with the UN (a liberal piece of shit organization) has not charged Bush with any war crime. Not one. None. Zip. Nada.

Of course Obama knows his retarded minions in the press will rally when he touches the hot button topics. They really love it when he brings up the never ending line of cliches where they are all united. His polls started dropping among those morons. Imagine that? The morons started to think a little bit? How does Obama rally the base? BRING UP SOMETHING OLD AND STUPID LIKE WATER BOARDING.

It works every time too. Look at rightwinger falling for the shit....again. What a fucking tard.

He is also rallying the terrorists.
We engaged in torture

It is a disgrace to this nation

We need to acknowledge it and do whatever possible to ensure it never happens again

What do you suggest We do to avoid a US President killing a US Citizen without Due Process again?

A US citizen actively engaged in taking up arms against this country is fair game

A child eating lunch at a cafe is taking up arms against his country because his father is accused by the president? A muslim holy man taking a ride in a car is taking up arms because he is accused by the president of preaching to a known terrorist?

But it's ok to elect a president who's a known friend of convicted drug traffickers, and another president who's a known friend of domestic terrorists and embezzlers?

Seems to me your idea of justice is despotism.
Of course on top of all of that they also claim there was torture. The left, as I have said a lot of times and never get a response and we all know why, claim water boarding is torture. Trust this, they only whip up into a frenzy when a poor little brown terrorist (even the one that master minded 911) is water boarded. Do they say one fucking word about our own soldiers being water boarded during training? No, of course not. Why does an asshole criminal like Obama or his retarded minions NOT care about that? Well it is really simple. They hate America, and they truly hate the American military, especially if they are white. Not true? We all know it is true.

No one responds to your stupid remarks because your comment on this topic is so ridiculous. US military persons who submit to water boarding do so voluntarily. It is part of their training. They volunteer and request to be given the privilege to serve in units and occupations that have a higher than normal chance of capture. More significantly, they know that the persons applying the torture will probably not actually kill them by drowning. The enemy torture victim does not know that.
Obama must have called for an independent investigation. (No, he never did)

Get this everyone. Liberals think Bush is as guilty as hitler. Just ask them. They do. They will brag about it too. As guilty as hitler.....the socialist. That means, get this everyone, they believe Bush is guilty of murdering millions of people. Yes they do. That is not an exaggeration either.

Of course on top of all of that they also claim there was torture. The left, as I have said a lot of times and never get a response and we all know why, claim water boarding is torture. Trust this, they only whip up into a frenzy when a poor little brown terrorist (even the one that master minded 911) is water boarded. Do they say one fucking word about our own soldiers being water boarded during training? No, of course not. Why does an asshole criminal like Obama or his retarded minions NOT care about that? Well it is really simple. They hate America, and they truly hate the American military, especially if they are white. Not true? We all know it is true.

Now, do you all know how utterly ridiculous rightwinger is? He thinks the reason the obama has not called for an investigation is the same reason Gerald Ford did not do that to Nixon. He......is equating Nixon spying on like 5 democrats, to hitler's atrocities. Ahhhh, rightwinger and their stupid liberal philosophies.

He also seemingly has not problem with the UN (a liberal piece of shit organization) has not charged Bush with any war crime. Not one. None. Zip. Nada.

Of course Obama knows his retarded minions in the press will rally when he touches the hot button topics. They really love it when he brings up the never ending line of cliches where they are all united. His polls started dropping among those morons. Imagine that? The morons started to think a little bit? How does Obama rally the base? BRING UP SOMETHING OLD AND STUPID LIKE WATER BOARDING.

It works every time too. Look at rightwinger falling for the shit....again. What a fucking tard.

He is also rallying the terrorists.

Yeap. Plus, whenever the American beloved left wing, mainstream, media always blames Israel for targeting kids (when all of the evidence conclusively shows hamas is deliberately using them as human shields) they motivate every single terror group to do the same thing, since the world falls right into what they are hoping they will do.

What should we refer to these pieces of traitorous shit when they deliberately leave out that hamas is deliberately using human shields and that it motivates them when assholes like this puts all blame on Israel?


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