Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Red herring argument.
Rabbi Rules!

Do you understand what a red herring is?

If waterboarding is "just a little water"
Should it be available to local police departments?

Waterboarding yielded useful information. Nap time.

Waterboarding Used to Be a Crime

After World War II, we convicted several Japanese soldiers for waterboarding American and Allied prisoners of war

You convicted and hanged Japanese troops for waterboarding torture, but it isn't torture when the CIA did it.

Get real and charge the CIA members responsible for war crimes.
Well, a civilised country would, but I don't expect the US of Arse to do so.

You haven't examined what was said in the video. You surely haven't cross referenced it to determine the validity of the title claim. If you had you would realize your source doesn't say what you think it says or want people to believe it says.

Panetta and the CIA said waterboarding yielded useful information. Nap time.

Well, gosh, the CIA said it, so it must be true.
At least they admit they're war criminals.
Do you understand what a red herring is?

If waterboarding is "just a little water"
Should it be available to local police departments?

Waterboarding yielded useful information. Nap time.

Waterboarding Used to Be a Crime

After World War II, we convicted several Japanese soldiers for waterboarding American and Allied prisoners of war

You convicted and hanged Japanese troops for waterboarding torture, but it isn't torture when the CIA did it.

Get real and charge the CIA members responsible for war crimes.
Well, a civilised country would, but I don't expect the US of Arse to do so.

So what. If you don't live here, piss off. If you do live here, you're free to leave.
You haven't examined what was said in the video. You surely haven't cross referenced it to determine the validity of the title claim. If you had you would realize your source doesn't say what you think it says or want people to believe it says.

Panetta and the CIA said waterboarding yielded useful information. Nap time.

Well, gosh, the CIA said it, so it must be true.
At least they admit they're war criminals.

Leon Panetta said it too. He believes it's torture, yet he admitted that it worked. Panetta is an honest democrat. We're used to leftist trash calling patriotic Americans war criminals. Knock yourself out.
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The Telegraph article is based on the MSNBC clip. Water boarding is not specifically mentioned. Nor is the claim made that torture led to the intelligence in question. Only a suggestion is made that torture may have had a roll, but the spokesperson makes it clear that the information could have been acquired without the torture.
You base your thesis on a one minute MSNBC interview clip where the person being interviewed is laughing and reminding the interviewer that the topic is about a movie.
Have you finished reading the links I provided from National Intelligence College and the Army Command and General Staff College?

You haven't examined what was said in the video. You surely haven't cross referenced it to determine the validity of the title claim. If you had you would realize your source doesn't say what you think it says or want people to believe it says.

Panetta and the CIA said waterboarding yielded useful information. Nap time.

Well, gosh, the CIA said it, so it must be true.
At least they admit they're war criminals.

nobody cares s0n.......its 2014. Talk about whistling past the graveyard shit......:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. Only the internet k00ks are talking about George Bush.
Panetta and the CIA said waterboarding yielded useful information. Nap time.

Well, gosh, the CIA said it, so it must be true.
At least they admit they're war criminals.

Leon Panetta said it too. He believes it's torture, yet he admitted that it worked. Panetta is an honest democrat. We're used to leftist trash calling patriotic Americans war criminals. Knock yourself out.

I'm a Thatcherite.
You don't have to be left wing to dislike crime and criminals.
Get fucked, moron.
The Telegraph article is based on the MSNBC clip. Water boarding is not specifically mentioned. Nor is the claim made that torture led to the intelligence in question. Only a suggestion is made that torture may have had a roll, but the spokesperson makes it clear that the information could have been acquired without the torture.
You base your thesis on a one minute MSNBC interview clip where the person being interviewed is laughing and reminding the interviewer that the topic is about a movie.
Have you finished reading the links I provided from National Intelligence College and the Army Command and General Staff College?


Whatever. Panetta said it worked. Deal with it.
This is what Obama wants us to focus on. The guy is a very sick man. He looks totally lost. I wish I was an Israeli. At least I'd have a real president.
This is what Obama wants us to focus on. The guy is a very sick man. He looks totally lost. I wish I was an Israeli. At least I'd have a real president.

He wants to take away your right to torture?
This is what Obama wants us to focus on. The guy is a very sick man. He looks totally lost. I wish I was an Israeli. At least I'd have a real president.

He wants to take away your right to torture?

You don't see it, do you. Obama doesn't have a clue. The Middle East is on fire. I thought Obama was going to bring in a new age. What happened?
'Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture '

How is it possible for Bush to be thrown under a bus he was never on?

Normal use of this particular idiom denotes that a former political ally is sacrificed for the benefit of the bus driver...and thus becomes 'road kill' in the interest of the driver/party/group.

When was Bush ever an Obama political ally?

Somebody had a brain fart.

This is what Obama wants us to focus on. The guy is a very sick man. He looks totally lost. I wish I was an Israeli. At least I'd have a real president.

He wants to take away your right to torture?

You don't see it, do you. Obama doesn't have a clue. The Middle East is on fire. I thought Obama was going to bring in a new age. What happened?

Another righty droping their love affair with Putin for Netenyahu

Did Fox play a role? Doesn't seem spontaneous

Will Netenyahu let you torture?
He wants to take away your right to torture?

You don't see it, do you. Obama doesn't have a clue. The Middle East is on fire. I thought Obama was going to bring in a new age. What happened?

Another righty droping their love affair with Putin for Netenyahu

Did Fox play a role? Doesn't seem spontaneous

Will Netenyahu let you torture?

Now you're just another blabbing leftist fool. What happened to the new age Obama was gonna usher in?
You don't see it, do you. Obama doesn't have a clue. The Middle East is on fire. I thought Obama was going to bring in a new age. What happened?

Another righty droping their love affair with Putin for Netenyahu

Did Fox play a role? Doesn't seem spontaneous

Will Netenyahu let you torture?

Now you're just another blabbing leftist fool. What happened to the new age Obama was gonna usher in?

Deflect much?

Let's get back to your love of torture
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

The fairy tale you and this moron you call a POTUS is no were close to reality...

There are bad people in this world and as long as you keep your head in your ass someone with a brain will keep protecting your dumbass as well as his...

It is common knowledge that Bush not only engaged in torture but acknowledged it. This was no secret black ops operation by the CIA. Bush approved torture. The report is out today

Does is make you proud to be an American?

I am very proud to be an American, you on the other hand are pathetic...

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