Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

here's a question for you, and I want an honest answer.

would you rather have water squirted up your nose or be blown into tiny pieces by a drone bomb? Bush allowed waterboarding of 3 murdering islamic terrorists, obama has blown up hundreds of INNOCENT people with drone bombs.

There is no comparison, but you fucking obama worshipers are too fricken stupid to realize it.

Never forget that Obama ordered the murder of a child and a United States citizen. Nothing Bush did even came close.
Most democrats think living in a tent is torture. .

I said it before and I'll say it again...When defending something Republicans find themselves having to say the silliest shit ever as a defense such as living in a tent is just like drowning :lol:
Well, this thread has conclusively proven that the left are nothing but American hating hypocrites.

Have any of these fuckfaces other than rightwinger and his stupid tiny little feeble attempt to acknowledge the torture committed by the smelly ragheads? Why is it that these pieces of traitorous shit only seem to be united in their disdain for the so called waterboarding torture or panties on the heads of the stink murdering sacks of shit?

How about the fucking Geneva convention and their fucking violations? Are they allowed to use human shields? Is that against the fucking Geneva convention? Do the fucking liberals deny they do that? How about something as simple as wearing fucking uniforms? How the fuck do people consider waterboarding that bad when the towelheads (who fucking always stink) behead prisoners?

The funny thing about the traitorous do gooder liberals trying to convince us how much they care about the poor brown terrorists, is they think we think they actually care about them. I think they think they do too. All while the hypocritical blobs cry that saddam is not in power.

How the fuck can anyone really debate one of these pieces of hypocritical shit with out being as disrespectful as possible? That, is the real question.

Dude, the vast majority of the acts of torture that Muslims perform are performed on other Muslims or possibly black people. You hate both groups. Chill out, they are killing each other as fast as they can and as fast as we can help them. Covertly that is.

So we tortured a few of them, they tortured a few of us, now we can go back to not torturing (which has been our position for some time) and we can continue on with killing them with drones, bombs, missiles and small arms fire.

What is the problem?
Well, this thread has conclusively proven that the left are nothing but American hating hypocrites.

Lies I cant wait!

Have any of these fuckfaces other than rightwinger and his stupid tiny little feeble attempt to acknowledge the torture committed by the smelly ragheads?

Where are the lies? Thats just a he did it too excuse.

Why is it that these pieces of traitorous shit only seem to be united in their disdain for the so called waterboarding torture or panties on the heads of the stink murdering sacks of shit?

Lies bro, where are they? You just keep cursing and making excuses

How about the fucking Geneva convention and their fucking violations?

....and on and on like that. But no lies...Weird since you said we were lying our asses off

:badgrin::badgrin: His whole arguement is from the Donald Duck school of debate.
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Well, this thread has conclusively proven that the left are nothing but American hating hypocrites.

Have any of these fuckfaces other than rightwinger and his stupid tiny little feeble attempt to acknowledge the torture committed by the smelly ragheads? Why is it that these pieces of traitorous shit only seem to be united in their disdain for the so called waterboarding torture or panties on the heads of the stink murdering sacks of shit?

How about the fucking Geneva convention and their fucking violations? Are they allowed to use human shields? Is that against the fucking Geneva convention? Do the fucking liberals deny they do that? How about something as simple as wearing fucking uniforms? How the fuck do people consider waterboarding that bad when the towelheads (who fucking always stink) behead prisoners?

The funny thing about the traitorous do gooder liberals trying to convince us how much they care about the poor brown terrorists, is they think we think they actually care about them. I think they think they do too. All while the hypocritical blobs cry that saddam is not in power.

How the fuck can anyone really debate one of these pieces of hypocritical shit with out being as disrespectful as possible? That, is the real question.

democrats are the party of sociiopaths.

Under Clinton, it became an open goal of the party to purge all ethics and integrity from the party. One look at rightwinger and you can see that this was entirely successful. The ONLY consideration a democrat is to make is whether a statement aids the party. IF the statement aids the party, then the democrat makes it - if it does not, then the democrat does not make it. Fact and reality are explicitly not to be considered.

IF an infidel makes a statement that is true, which runs contrary to party goals, then the party member is to lie - loudly and aggressively - as we see ClosedCaption doing. The party alone is to be considered.

The party faithful are less reasonable that Jonestown cult members are. Fact and logic have no impact, they serve the party - it is ALL they do.

I've said on many occasions that Obama could rape and murder a small boy in live TV, and the forum democrats would applaud him for the act. This is because serving the party by praising every act of party rulers is engrained in them. There is nothing that Obama can do which CC and RW will not praise him for. Never delude yourself that you are dealing with rational and thinking people, you are not; these are democrats - ONLY party matters to them.
Most democrats think living in a tent is torture. Clearly most democrats have never gone camping or spent time in the military. I think the problem with most democrats is they just don't understand the concept of right and wrong. They have emotions and all but they really don't understand them, instead they just blindly follow where the pied piper tells them to go.

If Obama tortured an American citizen for information the democrats would celebrate in the streets.

If Obama spent the night in a tent and said that was nice, the democrats would insist we all move into tents to save the planet.

Waterboarding is not living in a tent

It is internationally recognized torture
Most democrats think living in a tent is torture. Clearly most democrats have never gone camping or spent time in the military. I think the problem with most democrats is they just don't understand the concept of right and wrong. They have emotions and all but they really don't understand them, instead they just blindly follow where the pied piper tells them to go.

If Obama tortured an American citizen for information the democrats would celebrate in the streets.

If Obama spent the night in a tent and said that was nice, the democrats would insist we all move into tents to save the planet.

Waterboarding is not living in a tent

It is internationally recognized torture

And killing an accused child and innocent people around him with a drone attack at a cafe... that's within international law? Your only complaint is that it was done under Bush. Admit it.

PS did you figure out who's president yet?

The president of the USA is:
A. Obama.
B. Bush.
C. I hate Bush and everything he stands for.
D. Bush is the anti-christ
E. This thread is just a deflection away from the shit Obama is currently doing.
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Most democrats think living in a tent is torture. Clearly most democrats have never gone camping or spent time in the military. I think the problem with most democrats is they just don't understand the concept of right and wrong. They have emotions and all but they really don't understand them, instead they just blindly follow where the pied piper tells them to go.

If Obama tortured an American citizen for information the democrats would celebrate in the streets.

If Obama spent the night in a tent and said that was nice, the democrats would insist we all move into tents to save the planet.

Waterboarding is not living in a tent

It is internationally recognized torture

So are tents right? :lol::lol: The material always chafes my skin
This entire paragraph is backed up with nothing but hope that its true. No torture hasnt provided us with important information and not torturing someone is not coddling them. You're 2 for 2 in wrong
Look like "Low Information Loser" strikes again. Hey, havent you figured out you just dont have the chops to debate me yet?
Marc A. Thiessen - Enhanced Interrogations Worked

An opinion piece? Thats your proof? Damn...thats messed up if that is your lead in. That just shows how much nothing you have to present as proof

Please feel free to refute what he wrote there. You can't so you simply dismiss it.
You are a low information loser.
Look like "Low Information Loser" strikes again. Hey, havent you figured out you just dont have the chops to debate me yet?
Marc A. Thiessen - Enhanced Interrogations Worked

An opinion piece? Thats your proof? Damn...thats messed up if that is your lead in. That just shows how much nothing you have to present as proof

Please feel free to refute what he wrote there. You can't so you simply dismiss it.
You are a low information loser.

As soon as you refute that my mother makes the best baked ziti in the world. You cant can you? I win
An opinion piece? Thats your proof? Damn...thats messed up if that is your lead in. That just shows how much nothing you have to present as proof

Please feel free to refute what he wrote there. You can't so you simply dismiss it.
You are a low information loser.

As soon as you refute that my mother makes the best baked ziti in the world. You cant can you? I win

Deflection. You are a loser.
An opinion piece? Thats your proof? Damn...thats messed up if that is your lead in. That just shows how much nothing you have to present as proof

Please feel free to refute what he wrote there. You can't so you simply dismiss it.
You are a low information loser.

As soon as you refute that my mother makes the best baked ziti in the world. You cant can you? I win

If he had the chance to taste it and explain why it is not the best, he may be able to refute it.

You had the chance to read the opinion piece. You likely didn't read it...but you had the chance to read it....and refute it.

But you didn't.

Opinion is not fact slow mo

He asked you to refute it. Prove to him it is wrong. He did not say it is fact.

So you did what you always do.

You deflected.


"Everything that idiot said is untrue."

There ya go.

One man's opinion is every bit as valid as anothers.

So I take it you didn't read it either.

For if you did, you would realize there are statements in there that CAN be refutable if there are facts out there to refute it.

You guys are lame.
Bush didn't get caught. Bush celebrated the fact that he was torturing these guys. Fucking Cheney still thinks its a good idea, If the CIA or assholes like Allen West torture prisoners, it is something we need to investigate and take punative action. Bush APPROVED it

Show me where a Democratic President EVER officially approved the torture of our prisoners
yea he was touting it because he was trying to make a bad scenario better.....terrorist were the bad boys at the moment....what the fuck else was he going to do...deny it?....that would have went over well.....most people RW are not in denial like you and a few others here are ....we all knew torture was happening behind the scenes.....and if you think it was not happening when Clinton was President with his knowledge.....then i laugh in your general direction....

Show me where it happened uder the Clinton administration

Show me where Clinton and his legal experts approved the torture of prisoners. Why don't you show me where Al Gore says torture should be a regular part of US policy

RW ....they are not going to admit it.....are you that fucking dumb?.........i thought Dottie was a dumbass...."hey everybody...we are torturing people....just thought we should let you know"......Bill Clinton.......geezus.....
Most democrats think living in a tent is torture. .

I said it before and I'll say it again...When defending something Republicans find themselves having to say the silliest shit ever as a defense such as living in a tent is just like drowning :lol:

Would you rather be waterboarded or killed? Which is worse.

A whole lot of people have died to protect the ideals that make America a beacon to the world.

But we're just gonna toss all those sacrifices out the window just because YOU soiled your panties when the mean ol' terrorists did mean things??????????

Thank God we have a whole lot of Americans who are made of sterner stuff.
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