Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Not really - false equivalency is not that interesting. A whole lot of folks who can't argue the issue use it.

It's pretty boring actually.

Obama thinks he can distract from his record of abject failure and extreme unpopularity by once again screaming "BOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHH."

Talk about boring....

Is false equivalency all you guys have?

There is no false equivalency. There is no equivalency at all.
A whole lot of people have died to protect the ideals that make America a beacon to the world.

But we're just gonna toss all those sacrifices out the window just because YOU soiled your panties when the mean ol' terrorists did mean things??????????

Thank God we have a whole lot of Americans who are made of sterner stuff.

I don't wear panties. I didn't torture anyone. I tossed nothing. What window are you talking about?

Protect what ideals the ideal that our president should have the authority to kill American citizens without trial?

People made of unrelenting stuff?

WTF are you talking about?

Don't confuse my refusal to deflect away from the POTUS to a single event that happened over a decade ago by a now retired POTUS as evidence that I support putting our soldiers at risk by violating Geneva conventions.

Your insistence upon turning a torture thread into a drone thread reflects your insecurity about the topic of the thread.

Whether it's torture or whether it is circumventing due process, it is a slap in the face to everyone who gave their life and everyone who loved someone who gave their life to stand up for the ideals that make America a beacon to the world.

I don't know how to say it any more simply.

Anyone who lets their fear motivate them to toss those ideals aside is a coward.


There never was a torture thread, except in the petty minds of left wing zealots attempting to feign indignation over waterboarding three terrorist scumbags. So, I demonstrate just how petty, partisan and hypocritical such feigned outrage is.

You want to shift the discussion to "We who oppose torture are more American than you who apporve of torture." Well, patriotic ass, neither I, nor many others, approve of torture, and therefore, you are only more American than camel shit.

Bush didn't believe that waterboarding was torture, Cheney didn't believe that waterboarding was torture, I don't believe that waterboarding was torture, and a whole lot of good Americans do not believe that waterboarding is torture. You are entitled to a contrary belief, but you are not entitled to your feigned indignation.

Too many other factors in the war on terrorism are much more horrible than the waterboarding of scumbags, and since you are not indignant over any of that, then your feigned indignation over waterboarding is nothing more than partisan posturing.

Our government assassinated an American in Yemen, with no due process, and killed and mained other completely innocent people in the process. That is something to get indignant over. But, you won't, because it would not be in your partisan interest to do so.

That, in itself, makes this entire thread an exercise in partisan, left wing, bullshit.

As far as cowards go, you people are not even up to that level.
THIS is a torture thread.
Read the headline.

Don't blame me for not taking your diversionary expedition.

So now you sink to imagining my positions and opinions and castigating me for what you imagine my views to be???

Stick with diversion - it's not quite as silly.
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THIS is a torture thread.
Read the headline.

Don't blame me for not taking your diversionary expedition.

So now you sink to imagining my positions and opinions and castigating me for what you imagine my views to be???

Stick with diversion - it's not quite as silly.

Technical detail.
Waterboarding is not torture. Ergo there was no torture. Unless you can produce evidence of something else.
And based on your posts we know all you produce is malodorous gas.
I don't wear panties. I didn't torture anyone. I tossed nothing. What window are you talking about?

Protect what ideals the ideal that our president should have the authority to kill American citizens without trial?

People made of unrelenting stuff?

WTF are you talking about?

Don't confuse my refusal to deflect away from the POTUS to a single event that happened over a decade ago by a now retired POTUS as evidence that I support putting our soldiers at risk by violating Geneva conventions.

Your insistence upon turning a torture thread into a drone thread reflects your insecurity about the topic of the thread.

Whether it's torture or whether it is circumventing due process, it is a slap in the face to everyone who gave their life and everyone who loved someone who gave their life to stand up for the ideals that make America a beacon to the world.

I don't know how to say it any more simply.

Anyone who lets their fear motivate them to toss those ideals aside is a coward.


There never was a torture thread, except in the petty minds of left wing zealots attempting to feign indignation over waterboarding three terrorist scumbags. So, I demonstrate just how petty, partisan and hypocritical such feigned outrage is.

You want to shift the discussion to "We who oppose torture are more American than you who apporve of torture." Well, patriotic ass, neither I, nor many others, approve of torture, and therefore, you are only more American than camel shit.

Bush didn't believe that waterboarding was torture, Cheney didn't believe that waterboarding was torture, I don't believe that waterboarding was torture, and a whole lot of good Americans do not believe that waterboarding is torture. You are entitled to a contrary belief, but you are not entitled to your feigned indignation.

Too many other factors in the war on terrorism are much more horrible than the waterboarding of scumbags, and since you are not indignant over any of that, then your feigned indignation over waterboarding is nothing more than partisan posturing.

Our government assassinated an American in Yemen, with no due process, and killed and mained other completely innocent people in the process. That is something to get indignant over. But, you won't, because it would not be in your partisan interest to do so.

That, in itself, makes this entire thread an exercise in partisan, left wing, bullshit.

As far as cowards go, you people are not even up to that level.

What you believe and what is true are two different things. It is torture. I believe my car is a space ship but that doesnt mean its going to the moon silly rabbit
Did Obama throw Lincoln under the bus yet for his torturing of confederate soldiers, women, and children? Or is Obama just a hypocrite when it comes to bitching about past incidents of torture by past presidents?
No, we use acts of war to point out your hypocrisy. You touchy feely limp wrists get your panties in a wad over waterboarding three known terrorists. Yet, you shrug off blowing the legs off of a five year old as just an act of war. Your sensibilities are all screwed up.

BTW, dropping a hellfire missile to kill a man in Yemen, is not an act of war, it is a political assassination. However, recognizing the truth may well confuse your already mixed up sensibilities.

I don't support the torture of prisoners, although I do not agree that waterboarding is torture. I support the assassination of the American in Yemen, but I recognize it for what it was, and do not attempt to downplay the collateral damage.

The left wing outcry over waterboarding the three scumbags is as phoney as most of the rest of your left wing nonsense. You are indignant because you believe it is in your partisan political interests to be indignant. Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.

Once again, just because war is a horror does not justify torture in any way.

If you want to try drone attacks as war crimes you are welcome to try
It still doesn't justify torture in any way

Objecting to torture is not partisan or phony. It used to be what being an American was all about. Standing up for what is right. And torture is not right

It is not clear waterboarding is torture. The Bush Administration had several legal memos on the topic concluding it was not.
No one is using war as a justification. A strawman argument
National security is a reason to obtain intelligence on the enemy, including enhanced interrogation.
Waterboarding is not torture
Waterboarding is not torture.

Of course it is....even John McCain will tell you that it is

Nobody knows more about torture than John McCain
Once again, just because war is a horror does not justify torture in any way.

If you want to try drone attacks as war crimes you are welcome to try
It still doesn't justify torture in any way

Objecting to torture is not partisan or phony. It used to be what being an American was all about. Standing up for what is right. And torture is not right

It is not clear waterboarding is torture. The Bush Administration had several legal memos on the topic concluding it was not.
No one is using war as a justification. A strawman argument
National security is a reason to obtain intelligence on the enemy, including enhanced interrogation.
Waterboarding is not torture
Waterboarding is not torture.

Of course it is....even John McCain will tell you that it is

Nobody knows more about torture than John McCain

Ipse dixit fallacy! Rabbi Rules!
When have you ever believed anything John McCain said? Oh yeah, when it agreed with you.
Did Obama throw Lincoln under the bus yet for his torturing of confederate soldiers, women, and children? Or is Obama just a hypocrite when it comes to bitching about past incidents of torture by past presidents?

Is that all you got? :badgrin:
THIS is a torture thread.
Read the headline.

Don't blame me for not taking your diversionary expedition.

So now you sink to imagining my positions and opinions and castigating me for what you imagine my views to be???

Stick with diversion - it's not quite as silly.

Technical detail.
Waterboarding is not torture. Ergo there was no torture. Unless you can produce evidence of something else.
And based on your posts we know all you produce is malodorous gas.

Reality check: A whole lot more people believe (69% of Americans) it is torture. So if it's just a matter of opinion - you lose.

But even more compelling is that war crimes prosecutors have convicted soldiers of torture for doing it. UNITED STATES war crimes prosecutors.
It is not clear waterboarding is torture. The Bush Administration had several legal memos on the topic concluding it was not.
No one is using war as a justification. A strawman argument
National security is a reason to obtain intelligence on the enemy, including enhanced interrogation.
Waterboarding is not torture
Waterboarding is not torture.

Of course it is....even John McCain will tell you that it is

Nobody knows more about torture than John McCain

Ipse dixit fallacy! Rabbi Rules!
When have you ever believed anything John McCain said? Oh yeah, when it agreed with you.

Wrong logical fallacy Einstein.
Did Obama throw Lincoln under the bus yet for his torturing of confederate soldiers, women, and children? Or is Obama just a hypocrite when it comes to bitching about past incidents of torture by past presidents?

Is that all you got? :badgrin:

Obama's mother was a porn star. How far do you want to go?

More right wing sickening lies. Republicans passed out a million DVD's making that claim. What a sickening bunch of racist psychopaths. Yet, they still insist they are the party of God. Makes you wonder what kind of a God they believe in.

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