Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Please feel free to refute what he wrote there. You can't so you simply dismiss it.
You are a low information loser.

As soon as you refute that my mother makes the best baked ziti in the world. You cant can you? I win

If he had the chance to taste it and explain why it is not the best, he may be able to refute it.

You had the chance to read the opinion piece. You likely didn't read it...but you had the chance to read it....and refute it.

But you didn't.


No his refuting my moms baked ziti wouldnt have shit to do with my opinion that its the best. Thats why its an OPINION idiot :lol:
What I do for my family is different than what the US should take on as policy. For example if someone was fucking with my family I would do any and everything to make sure they are relieved of life...maybe even cutting off some limbs.

But when we talk about a war policy I wont submit my "Cut off limbs Initiative" because its not about me its about the entire nation....but then again...you know that already and thats why hypotheticals is all you have.

So in other words, you are a typical "not in my back yard" type of guy.

Torture is not OK to save others....but it is OK if one of mine is in danger.

Got it.

No, once again I said personal revenge is not the same as crafting policy for a nation. Even after I tell you that you said it was a deflection and to answer the question. I answer and you pretend to go back to step one where personal revenge stories are the same as war policies. :badgrin::eusa_clap:

but you are saying i would pound nails to the fuckers feet if he fucked with my family right?......so you do approve of violence on someone as long as your family is the one the guy has fucked with....as far as i am concerned you are not that opposed to "torturing" someone depending on the circomstance....but you have to play the game because people like RW will look down on you...i understand....
I said it before and I'll say it again...When defending something Republicans find themselves having to say the silliest shit ever as a defense such as living in a tent is just like drowning :lol:

Would you rather be waterboarded or killed? Which is worse.

A whole lot of people have died to protect the ideals that make America a beacon to the world.

But we're just gonna toss all those sacrifices out the window just because YOU soiled your panties when the mean ol' terrorists did mean things??????????

Thank God we have a whole lot of Americans who are made of sterner stuff.

I don't wear panties. I didn't torture anyone. I tossed nothing. What window are you talking about?

Protect what ideals the ideal that our president should have the authority to kill American citizens without trial?

People made of unrelenting stuff?

WTF are you talking about?

Don't confuse my refusal to deflect away from the POTUS to a single event that happened over a decade ago by a now retired POTUS as evidence that I support putting our soldiers at risk by violating Geneva conventions.
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As soon as you refute that my mother makes the best baked ziti in the world. You cant can you? I win

If he had the chance to taste it and explain why it is not the best, he may be able to refute it.

You had the chance to read the opinion piece. You likely didn't read it...but you had the chance to read it....and refute it.

But you didn't.


No his refuting my moms baked ziti wouldnt have shit to do with my opinion that its the best. Thats why its an OPINION idiot :lol:


I see.

Make adjustments to your argument so you can win.

Got it.

You are pathetic and no longer worth my time on this subject.
So in other words, you are a typical "not in my back yard" type of guy.

Torture is not OK to save others....but it is OK if one of mine is in danger.

Got it.

No, once again I said personal revenge is not the same as crafting policy for a nation. Even after I tell you that you said it was a deflection and to answer the question. I answer and you pretend to go back to step one where personal revenge stories are the same as war policies. :badgrin::eusa_clap:

but you are saying i would pound nails to the fuckers feet if he fucked with my family right?......so you do approve of violence on someone as long as your family is the one the guy has fucked with....as far as i am concerned you are not that opposed to "torturing" someone depending on the circomstance....but you have to play the game because people like RW will look down on you...i understand....

He is so dense he does not see the contradiction in what he is saying....

"Policy should be no torturing because that is the right thing to do. But I will gladly use torture if I deem it necessary"

Talk about a guy that does not believe in the ideology he wishes to follow.
No, once again I said personal revenge is not the same as crafting policy for a nation. Even after I tell you that you said it was a deflection and to answer the question. I answer and you pretend to go back to step one where personal revenge stories are the same as war policies. :badgrin::eusa_clap:

but you are saying i would pound nails to the fuckers feet if he fucked with my family right?......so you do approve of violence on someone as long as your family is the one the guy has fucked with....as far as i am concerned you are not that opposed to "torturing" someone depending on the circomstance....but you have to play the game because people like RW will look down on you...i understand....

He is so dense he does not see the contradiction in what he is saying....

"Policy should be no torturing because that is the right thing to do. But I will gladly use torture if I deem it necessary"

Talk about a guy that does not believe in the ideology he wishes to follow.

It's immoral to torture people to save others. It is moral to torture people to save me and my family.
Typical leftist double standard.
Torture is part of the Bush legacy

The less he says about it, the better

here's a question for you, and I want an honest answer.

would you rather have water squirted up your nose or be blown into tiny pieces by a drone bomb? Bush allowed waterboarding of 3 murdering islamic terrorists, obama has blown up hundreds of INNOCENT people with drone bombs.

There is no comparison, but you fucking obama worshipers are too fricken stupid to realize it.

Once again, your side uses acts of war to justify torture

You can have your leg blown off in combat. That does not justify slicing off someones leg during torture

No, we use acts of war to point out your hypocrisy. You touchy feely limp wrists get your panties in a wad over waterboarding three known terrorists. Yet, you shrug off blowing the legs off of a five year old as just an act of war. Your sensibilities are all screwed up.

BTW, dropping a hellfire missile to kill a man in Yemen, is not an act of war, it is a political assassination. However, recognizing the truth may well confuse your already mixed up sensibilities.

I don't support the torture of prisoners, although I do not agree that waterboarding is torture. I support the assassination of the American in Yemen, but I recognize it for what it was, and do not attempt to downplay the collateral damage.

The left wing outcry over waterboarding the three scumbags is as phoney as most of the rest of your left wing nonsense. You are indignant because you believe it is in your partisan political interests to be indignant. Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.
Opinion is not fact slow mo

Please show me the opinions in the article. They were facts. I am not certain you understand the difference.

He did not read it for if he did, he would not be using the lame argument to deflect that he is using.

He would have found a different lame argument to deflect with.

People think just because something occurs in a signed column then it is automatically merely an opinion and can be dismissed at will. In fact the opinion in the piece is supported by facts, which the poster here simply ignores as inconvenient.
Would you rather be waterboarded or killed? Which is worse.

A whole lot of people have died to protect the ideals that make America a beacon to the world.

But we're just gonna toss all those sacrifices out the window just because YOU soiled your panties when the mean ol' terrorists did mean things??????????

Thank God we have a whole lot of Americans who are made of sterner stuff.

I don't wear panties. I didn't torture anyone. I tossed nothing. What window are you talking about?

Protect what ideals the ideal that our president should have the authority to kill American citizens without trial?

People made of unrelenting stuff?

WTF are you talking about?

Don't confuse my refusal to deflect away from the POTUS to a single event that happened over a decade ago by a now retired POTUS as evidence that I support putting our soldiers at risk by violating Geneva conventions.

Your insistence upon turning a torture thread into a drone thread reflects your insecurity about the topic of the thread.

Whether it's torture or whether it is circumventing due process, it is a slap in the face to everyone who gave their life and everyone who loved someone who gave their life to stand up for the ideals that make America a beacon to the world.

I don't know how to say it any more simply.

Anyone who lets their fear motivate them to toss those ideals aside is a coward.

Most democrats think living in a tent is torture. Clearly most democrats have never gone camping or spent time in the military. I think the problem with most democrats is they just don't understand the concept of right and wrong. They have emotions and all but they really don't understand them, instead they just blindly follow where the pied piper tells them to go.

If Obama tortured an American citizen for information the democrats would celebrate in the streets.

If Obama spent the night in a tent and said that was nice, the democrats would insist we all move into tents to save the planet.

Waterboarding is not living in a tent

It is internationally recognized torture

And killing an accused child and innocent people around him with a drone attack at a cafe... that's within international law? Your only complaint is that it was done under Bush. Admit it.

PS did you figure out who's president yet?

The president of the USA is:
A. Obama.
B. Bush.
C. I hate Bush and everything he stands for.
D. Bush is the anti-christ
E. This thread is just a deflection away from the shit Obama is currently doing.

More false equivalencies having nothing to do with torture
here's a question for you, and I want an honest answer.

would you rather have water squirted up your nose or be blown into tiny pieces by a drone bomb? Bush allowed waterboarding of 3 murdering islamic terrorists, obama has blown up hundreds of INNOCENT people with drone bombs.

There is no comparison, but you fucking obama worshipers are too fricken stupid to realize it.

Once again, your side uses acts of war to justify torture

You can have your leg blown off in combat. That does not justify slicing off someones leg during torture

No, we use acts of war to point out your hypocrisy. You touchy feely limp wrists get your panties in a wad over waterboarding three known terrorists. Yet, you shrug off blowing the legs off of a five year old as just an act of war. Your sensibilities are all screwed up.

BTW, dropping a hellfire missile to kill a man in Yemen, is not an act of war, it is a political assassination. However, recognizing the truth may well confuse your already mixed up sensibilities.

I don't support the torture of prisoners, although I do not agree that waterboarding is torture. I support the assassination of the American in Yemen, but I recognize it for what it was, and do not attempt to downplay the collateral damage.

The left wing outcry over waterboarding the three scumbags is as phoney as most of the rest of your left wing nonsense. You are indignant because you believe it is in your partisan political interests to be indignant. Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.

Once again, just because war is a horror does not justify torture in any way.

If you want to try drone attacks as war crimes you are welcome to try
It still doesn't justify torture in any way

Objecting to torture is not partisan or phony. It used to be what being an American was all about. Standing up for what is right. And torture is not right
once again, your side uses acts of war to justify torture

you can have your leg blown off in combat. That does not justify slicing off someones leg during torture

no, we use acts of war to point out your hypocrisy. You touchy feely limp wrists get your panties in a wad over waterboarding three known terrorists. Yet, you shrug off blowing the legs off of a five year old as just an act of war. Your sensibilities are all screwed up.

Btw, dropping a hellfire missile to kill a man in yemen, is not an act of war, it is a political assassination. However, recognizing the truth may well confuse your already mixed up sensibilities.

I don't support the torture of prisoners, although i do not agree that waterboarding is torture. I support the assassination of the american in yemen, but i recognize it for what it was, and do not attempt to downplay the collateral damage.

The left wing outcry over waterboarding the three scumbags is as phoney as most of the rest of your left wing nonsense. You are indignant because you believe it is in your partisan political interests to be indignant. Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.

once again, just because war is a horror does not justify torture in any way.

If you want to try drone attacks as war crimes you are welcome to try
it still doesn't justify torture in any way

objecting to torture is not partisan or phony. It used to be what being an american was all about. Standing up for what is right. And torture is not right

Once again, your side uses acts of war to justify torture

You can have your leg blown off in combat. That does not justify slicing off someones leg during torture

No, we use acts of war to point out your hypocrisy. You touchy feely limp wrists get your panties in a wad over waterboarding three known terrorists. Yet, you shrug off blowing the legs off of a five year old as just an act of war. Your sensibilities are all screwed up.

BTW, dropping a hellfire missile to kill a man in Yemen, is not an act of war, it is a political assassination. However, recognizing the truth may well confuse your already mixed up sensibilities.

I don't support the torture of prisoners, although I do not agree that waterboarding is torture. I support the assassination of the American in Yemen, but I recognize it for what it was, and do not attempt to downplay the collateral damage.

The left wing outcry over waterboarding the three scumbags is as phoney as most of the rest of your left wing nonsense. You are indignant because you believe it is in your partisan political interests to be indignant. Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.

Once again, just because war is a horror does not justify torture in any way.

If you want to try drone attacks as war crimes you are welcome to try
It still doesn't justify torture in any way

Objecting to torture is not partisan or phony. It used to be what being an American was all about. Standing up for what is right. And torture is not right

It is not clear waterboarding is torture. The Bush Administration had several legal memos on the topic concluding it was not.
No one is using war as a justification. A strawman argument
National security is a reason to obtain intelligence on the enemy, including enhanced interrogation.
Waterboarding is not torture
Waterboarding is not torture.
no, we use acts of war to point out your hypocrisy. You touchy feely limp wrists get your panties in a wad over waterboarding three known terrorists. Yet, you shrug off blowing the legs off of a five year old as just an act of war. Your sensibilities are all screwed up.

Btw, dropping a hellfire missile to kill a man in yemen, is not an act of war, it is a political assassination. However, recognizing the truth may well confuse your already mixed up sensibilities.

I don't support the torture of prisoners, although i do not agree that waterboarding is torture. I support the assassination of the american in yemen, but i recognize it for what it was, and do not attempt to downplay the collateral damage.

The left wing outcry over waterboarding the three scumbags is as phoney as most of the rest of your left wing nonsense. You are indignant because you believe it is in your partisan political interests to be indignant. Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.

once again, just because war is a horror does not justify torture in any way.

If you want to try drone attacks as war crimes you are welcome to try
it still doesn't justify torture in any way

objecting to torture is not partisan or phony. It used to be what being an american was all about. Standing up for what is right. And torture is not right



So torturing one who admits to being part of a conspiracy to kill as many innocent Americans as possible in an effort to prevent attacks is NOT American....


intentionally killing an American citizen for alleged crimes without due process IS American.

once again, just because war is a horror does not justify torture in any way.

If you want to try drone attacks as war crimes you are welcome to try
it still doesn't justify torture in any way

objecting to torture is not partisan or phony. It used to be what being an american was all about. Standing up for what is right. And torture is not right



So torturing one who admits to being part of a conspiracy to kill as many innocent Americans as possible in an effort to prevent attacks is NOT American....


intentionally killing an American citizen for alleged crimes without due process IS American.


Not really - false equivalency is not that interesting. A whole lot of folks who can't argue the issue use it.

It's pretty boring actually.
So in other words, you are a typical "not in my back yard" type of guy.

Torture is not OK to save others....but it is OK if one of mine is in danger.

Got it.

No, once again I said personal revenge is not the same as crafting policy for a nation. Even after I tell you that you said it was a deflection and to answer the question. I answer and you pretend to go back to step one where personal revenge stories are the same as war policies. :badgrin::eusa_clap:

but you are saying i would pound nails to the fuckers feet if he fucked with my family right?......so you do approve of violence on someone as long as your family is the one the guy has fucked with....as far as i am concerned you are not that opposed to "torturing" someone depending on the circomstance....but you have to play the game because people like RW will look down on you...i understand....

I'm all for violence..just not as a policy, understand? I mean its not that hard. You righties think that because I would fuck someone up for my family then that means we should make that across the board policy. All or nothing :lol: No gray area.

Sorry but its bullshit. I like ice cream but that doesnt mean I have to like ALL ice cream or I really dont like it :lol:

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