Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

So if your child were in a box underground with 8 hours of air left...and the only guy who knows where that box is refuses to talk.

If you punched the shit out of him in an effort to make him talk....

You would be un-American?

You need more straw. We're talking about US policy not someones child. Your name should be the Great Equivocator

Actually, I was responding to a post about American Values.....and American Values refers to the values of each individual American.

SO my question is valid.

And you tried to deflect.

Cause that's pretty much all you do.

What I do for my family is different than what the US should take on as policy. For example if someone was fucking with my family I would do any and everything to make sure they are relieved of life...maybe even cutting off some limbs.

But when we talk about a war policy I wont submit my "Cut off limbs Initiative" because its not about me its about the entire nation....but then again...you know that already and thats why hypotheticals is all you have.
No, it wasn't

Senate report: Waterboarding didn't lead to Osama bin Laden

The Senate report concludes such information wasn't critical, according to the aides. Mohammed only discussed al-Kuwaiti months after being waterboarded, while he was under standard interrogation, they said. And Mohammed neither acknowledged al-Kuwaiti's significance nor provided interrogators with the courier's real name.

I've said on many occasions that you have less integrity than anyone I've ever met. You lie about everything - and usually are proud of it. You put party first - integrity isn't even a consideration for you.

So why would ANYONE ever believe anything you post or say? In fact, I'm sure no one does. If you claimed it was daytime at high noon, only a fool would take your word for it.

So what we have is an op-ed from Useless Rag Today.

{Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said that some of the information that was used to locate and kill Osama bin Laden was attained using torture.

The admission comes after months of speculation about the role that waterboarding plays in CIA interrogations following its graphic depiction in the Oscar-nominated film Zero Dark Thirty.

Read more: Defense Secretary Panetta admits that CIA used the information from waterboarding to capture Osama Bin Laden | Mail Online
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Oh, here is a different USA Today story refuting the op-ed you posted:

{Zero Dark Thirty, the film about the hunt for and killing of Osama bin Laden, got a fresh infusion of buzz over the weekend when outgoing secretary of Defense Leon Panetta confirmedagain that enhanced interrogation techniques aided the effort to find bin Laden.}

Jonah Goldberg: Torture helped get bin Laden?

{"Enhanced interrogation techniques" were used to extract information that led to the mission's success, Panetta said during an interview with anchor Brian Williams. Those techniques included waterboarding, he acknowledged.

Panetta, who in a 2009 CIA confirmation hearing declared "waterboarding is torture and it's wrong," said Tuesday that debate about its use will continue.}

CIA chief: Waterboarding aided bin Laden raid - TODAY News - TODAY.com

See, you lie about everything. You say what you think will promote your party, you never even consider whether what you claim happens to be true.

If the torture intelligence was so vital, why wasn't Bush able to do a thing with it in over five years. The sketchy intel was revealed in normal interrogation months after the last torture session.

The fact that the CIA tries to justify its own human right violations is not surprising
If the torture intelligence was so vital, why wasn't Bush able to do a thing with it in over five years. The sketchy intel was revealed in normal interrogation months after the last torture session.

The fact that the CIA tries to justify its own human right violations is not surprising

Again, you have no ethics or integrity - explaining or debating to you is a waste of time. Sociopaths are not reasonable people.

But for the lurkers, Panetta made it clear that information obtained through waterboarding put the CIA on the trail that led to Osama. It didn't point to the house, but was the key to finding the right path.
You need more straw. We're talking about US policy not someones child. Your name should be the Great Equivocator

Actually, I was responding to a post about American Values.....and American Values refers to the values of each individual American.

SO my question is valid.

And you tried to deflect.

Cause that's pretty much all you do.

What I do for my family is different than what the US should take on as policy. For example if someone was fucking with my family I would do any and everything to make sure they are relieved of life...maybe even cutting off some limbs.

But when we talk about a war policy I wont submit my "Cut off limbs Initiative" because its not about me its about the entire nation....but then again...you know that already and thats why hypotheticals is all you have.

So in other words, you are a typical "not in my back yard" type of guy.

Torture is not OK to save others....but it is OK if one of mine is in danger.

Got it.
If the torture intelligence was so vital, why wasn't Bush able to do a thing with it in over five years. The sketchy intel was revealed in normal interrogation months after the last torture session.

The fact that the CIA tries to justify its own human right violations is not surprising

Again, you have no ethics or integrity - explaining or debating to you is a waste of time. Sociopaths are not reasonable people.

But for the lurkers, Panetta made it clear that information obtained through waterboarding put the CIA on the trail that led to Osama. It didn't point to the house, but was the key to finding the right path.

Actually no, he did not make that clear

It is just you putting words in his mouth
A majority of Americans don't believe waterboarding is torture or don't give a damn as long as lives are saved.

Cool story but lives werent saved from it....Unless you are supporting torture just because

Leon Panetta disagrees with you. Take it up with him.

They were told:

"don't listen to what you hear from those that were directly involved. Just continue looking at the shiny object"
Actually no, he did not make that clear

It is just you putting words in his mouth

{WASHINGTON — Intelligence garnered from waterboarded detainees was used to track down al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and kill him, CIA Chief Leon Panetta told NBC News on Tuesday. }

Try a different lie, that was an;

Actually, I was responding to a post about American Values.....and American Values refers to the values of each individual American.

SO my question is valid.

And you tried to deflect.

Cause that's pretty much all you do.

What I do for my family is different than what the US should take on as policy. For example if someone was fucking with my family I would do any and everything to make sure they are relieved of life...maybe even cutting off some limbs.

But when we talk about a war policy I wont submit my "Cut off limbs Initiative" because its not about me its about the entire nation....but then again...you know that already and thats why hypotheticals is all you have.

So in other words, you are a typical "not in my back yard" type of guy.

Torture is not OK to save others....but it is OK if one of mine is in danger.

Got it.

No, once again I said personal revenge is not the same as crafting policy for a nation. Even after I tell you that you said it was a deflection and to answer the question. I answer and you pretend to go back to step one where personal revenge stories are the same as war policies. :badgrin::eusa_clap:
I wish bush would stop playing Jesus and just tell Obabble to go fuck himself. Slavery ended long ago...treat him like he is one of us.

Bush is smarter than that, he will remain silent and watch (along with the rest of us) as obama continually hangs himself with his own words.

"That's racist!" in 3, 2, 1 . . . .

Torture is part of the Bush legacy

The less he says about it, the better

here's a question for you, and I want an honest answer.

would you rather have water squirted up your nose or be blown into tiny pieces by a drone bomb? Bush allowed waterboarding of 3 murdering islamic terrorists, obama has blown up hundreds of INNOCENT people with drone bombs.

There is no comparison, but you fucking obama worshipers are too fricken stupid to realize it.
Actually no, he did not make that clear

It is just you putting words in his mouth

{WASHINGTON — Intelligence garnered from waterboarded detainees was used to track down al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and kill him, CIA Chief Leon Panetta told NBC News on Tuesday. }

Try a different lie, that was an;


Once again, conservatives selectively quote what was actually said

Panetta: Waterboarding Produced Some Leads Used to Get bin Laden

Leon Panetta, who as CIA director oversaw the U.S. operation that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, said the job could have been done without resorting to controversial interrogation methods that some have said constitute torture.
I think we could have gotten Bin Laden without that," Panetta added in response to a question about what the interviewer called enhanced interrogation or torture.
Panetta did not elaborate on how this might have been done, but said most of the intelligence used to find bin Laden had been stitched together without resort to enhanced interrogation.
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Bush is smarter than that, he will remain silent and watch (along with the rest of us) as obama continually hangs himself with his own words.

"That's racist!" in 3, 2, 1 . . . .

Torture is part of the Bush legacy

The less he says about it, the better

here's a question for you, and I want an honest answer.

would you rather have water squirted up your nose or be blown into tiny pieces by a drone bomb? Bush allowed waterboarding of 3 murdering islamic terrorists, obama has blown up hundreds of INNOCENT people with drone bombs.

There is no comparison, but you fucking obama worshipers are too fricken stupid to realize it.

Once again, your side uses acts of war to justify torture

You can have your leg blown off in combat. That does not justify slicing off someones leg during torture
Cool story but lives werent saved from it....Unless you are supporting torture just because

Leon Panetta disagrees with you. Take it up with him.

They were told:

"don't listen to what you hear from those that were directly involved. Just continue looking at the shiny object"

Actually no, he did not make that clear

It is just you putting words in his mouth

{WASHINGTON — Intelligence garnered from waterboarded detainees was used to track down al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and kill him, CIA Chief Leon Panetta told NBC News on Tuesday. }

Try a different lie, that was an;


Actually no, he did not make that clear

It is just you putting words in his mouth

{WASHINGTON — Intelligence garnered from waterboarded detainees was used to track down al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and kill him, CIA Chief Leon Panetta told NBC News on Tuesday. }

Try a different lie, that was an;


Once again, conservatives selectively quote what was actually said

Panetta: Waterboarding Produced Some Leads Used to Get bin Laden

Leon Panetta, who as CIA director oversaw the U.S. operation that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, said the job could have been done without resorting to controversial interrogation methods that some have said constitute torture.
I think we could have gotten Bin Laden without that," Panetta added in response to a question about what the interviewer called enhanced interrogation or torture.
Panetta did not elaborate on how this might have been done, but said most of the intelligence used to find bin Laden had been stitched together without resort to enhanced interrogation.

"Some have said constituted torture." That's you......"some". Life goes on.
This entire paragraph is backed up with nothing but hope that its true. No torture hasnt provided us with important information and not torturing someone is not coddling them. You're 2 for 2 in wrong
Look like "Low Information Loser" strikes again. Hey, havent you figured out you just dont have the chops to debate me yet?
Marc A. Thiessen - Enhanced Interrogations Worked

An opinion piece? Thats your proof? Damn...thats messed up if that is your lead in. That just shows how much nothing you have to present as proof

These idiots have gone beyond intellectually lazy or stupid. They have reached the immature and childish level of simply refusing to accept fact because they base some kind self awareness on a of lack of security about themselves that forces them to just deny, deny, deny. They will believe a hack opinion piece rather that an educated review, or they are just to lazy to read this:

Most democrats think living in a tent is torture. Clearly most democrats have never gone camping or spent time in the military. I think the problem with most democrats is they just don't understand the concept of right and wrong. They have emotions and all but they really don't understand them, instead they just blindly follow where the pied piper tells them to go.

If Obama tortured an American citizen for information the democrats would celebrate in the streets.

If Obama spent the night in a tent and said that was nice, the democrats would insist we all move into tents to save the planet.
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Most democrats think living in a tent is torture. Clearly most democrats have never gone camping or spent time in the military. I think the problem with most democrats is they just don't understand the concept of right and wrong. They have emotions and all but they really don't understand them, instead they just blindly follow where the pied piper tells them to go.

If Obama tortured an American citizen for information the democrats would celebrate in the streets.

If Obama spent the night in a tent and said that was nice, the democrats would insist we all move into tents to save the planet.

Obama has tortured an entire group of people in this country called "Republicans". He tortured them to find intelligence. No intelligence was found. Democrats will celebrate in the fall when they elect more Democrats.

If Obama spent the night in a tent, you Republicans would condemn him for dereliction of duty and try and impeach him. Who really knows why Republican do half the shit they do.
Well, this thread has conclusively proven that the left are nothing but American hating hypocrites.

Have any of these fuckfaces other than rightwinger and his stupid tiny little feeble attempt to acknowledge the torture committed by the smelly ragheads? Why is it that these pieces of traitorous shit only seem to be united in their disdain for the so called waterboarding torture or panties on the heads of the stink murdering sacks of shit?

How about the fucking Geneva convention and their fucking violations? Are they allowed to use human shields? Is that against the fucking Geneva convention? Do the fucking liberals deny they do that? How about something as simple as wearing fucking uniforms? How the fuck do people consider waterboarding that bad when the towelheads (who fucking always stink) behead prisoners?

The funny thing about the traitorous do gooder liberals trying to convince us how much they care about the poor brown terrorists, is they think we think they actually care about them. I think they think they do too. All while the hypocritical blobs cry that saddam is not in power.

How the fuck can anyone really debate one of these pieces of hypocritical shit with out being as disrespectful as possible? That, is the real question.

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