Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

I don't like Hillary, but I agree with her glee. I was gleeful too. Maybe she remembered Lockerbie. Do you remember Lockerbie? I remember Lockerbie. That was a Christmas present Omar gave to us.

I am not concerned about the moral aspects so much as I am concerned about the use of ineffective interrogation methods that create harmful security effects. Torture doesn't work. Interrogation experts agree. Only the uneducated think torture is a worthwhile interrogation method.

waterboarding was part of the method used to get information leadin to the takedown of Osama

No, it wasn't

Senate report: Waterboarding didn't lead to Osama bin Laden

Why do you want to coddle terrorists?
waterboarding was part of the method used to get information leadin to the takedown of Osama

No, it wasn't

Senate report: Waterboarding didn't lead to Osama bin Laden

Why do you want to coddle terrorists?


Fiction: It helped us catch Bin Laden
Truth: No it didnt

Fiction pivot: Why do you want to do anything besides torture them...errr...I mean, why do you want to coddle terrorist?

Because not torturing someone is coddling them :lol: In pretend land
Whether renegades have taken it upon themselves is beyond the point. In this case a president of the United States has taken it upon himself to approve torture. Cheney has even celebrated it and wants it to be US policy

Now, show me where a Dem has done the same

give me a fucking break....do you think a President is going to admit yea we are torturing people.....Bush got caught......geezus RW i thought you had a little more going for you....i can understand...you are a big time Democrat...but if you think we never tortured anyone before Bush than i dont know what to tell you other than....you are pretty naive......you would fall off your chair if they caught Obamas people doing this....i sure as hell would not....

Bush didn't get caught. Bush celebrated the fact that he was torturing these guys. Fucking Cheney still thinks its a good idea, If the CIA or assholes like Allen West torture prisoners, it is something we need to investigate and take punative action. Bush APPROVED it

Show me where a Democratic President EVER officially approved the torture of our prisoners
yea he was touting it because he was trying to make a bad scenario better.....terrorist were the bad boys at the moment....what the fuck else was he going to do...deny it?....that would have went over well.....most people RW are not in denial like you and a few others here are ....we all knew torture was happening behind the scenes.....and if you think it was not happening when Clinton was President with his knowledge.....then i laugh in your general direction....
give me a fucking break....do you think a President is going to admit yea we are torturing people.....Bush got caught......geezus RW i thought you had a little more going for you....i can understand...you are a big time Democrat...but if you think we never tortured anyone before Bush than i dont know what to tell you other than....you are pretty naive......you would fall off your chair if they caught Obamas people doing this....i sure as hell would not....

Bush didn't get caught. Bush celebrated the fact that he was torturing these guys. Fucking Cheney still thinks its a good idea, If the CIA or assholes like Allen West torture prisoners, it is something we need to investigate and take punative action. Bush APPROVED it

Show me where a Democratic President EVER officially approved the torture of our prisoners
yea he was touting it because he was trying to make a bad scenario better.....terrorist were the bad boys at the moment....what the fuck else was he going to do...deny it?....that would have went over well.....most people RW are not in denial like you and a few others here are ....we all knew torture was happening behind the scenes.....and if you think it was not happening when Clinton was President with his knowledge.....then i laugh in your general direction....

Show me where it happened uder the Clinton administration

Show me where Clinton and his legal experts approved the torture of prisoners. Why don't you show me where Al Gore says torture should be a regular part of US policy


Fiction: It helped us catch Bin Laden
Truth: No it didnt

Fiction pivot: Why do you want to do anything besides torture them...errr...I mean, why do you want to coddle terrorist?

Because not torturing someone is coddling them :lol: In pretend land

Straw man argument.
Because enhanced interrogation has helped stop terrorist incidents and uncovered information we wouldn't have gotten otherwise. So since it has been proved to be effective in uncovering helpful information the question is why liberals think it is more moral to sacrifice our own citizens than to interrogate terrorist.
Why do you want to coddle terrorists?


Fiction: It helped us catch Bin Laden
Truth: No it didnt

Fiction pivot: Why do you want to do anything besides torture them...errr...I mean, why do you want to coddle terrorist?

Because not torturing someone is coddling them :lol: In pretend land

Straw man argument.
Because enhanced interrogation has helped stop terrorist incidents and uncovered information we wouldn't have gotten otherwise. So since it has been proved to be effective in uncovering helpful information the question is why liberals think it is more moral to sacrifice our own citizens than to interrogate terrorist.

First of all. torture hasn't prevented future attacks
Secondly, even if was 100% effective, torture is a debasement of American values

Fiction: It helped us catch Bin Laden
Truth: No it didnt

Fiction pivot: Why do you want to do anything besides torture them...errr...I mean, why do you want to coddle terrorist?

Because not torturing someone is coddling them :lol: In pretend land

Straw man argument.
Because enhanced interrogation has helped stop terrorist incidents and uncovered information we wouldn't have gotten otherwise. So since it has been proved to be effective in uncovering helpful information the question is why liberals think it is more moral to sacrifice our own citizens than to interrogate terrorist.

First of all. torture hasn't prevented future attacks
Secondly, even if was 100% effective, torture is a debasement of American values
First of all that is demonstrably false.
Second, that is merely your opinion. In my opinion winning the war against people who are evil is a true American value, not coddling murderers who would gladly behead any of us here on Youtube.

Fiction: It helped us catch Bin Laden
Truth: No it didnt

Fiction pivot: Why do you want to do anything besides torture them...errr...I mean, why do you want to coddle terrorist?

Because not torturing someone is coddling them :lol: In pretend land

Straw man argument.
Because enhanced interrogation has helped stop terrorist incidents and uncovered information we wouldn't have gotten otherwise. So since it has been proved to be effective in uncovering helpful information the question is why liberals think it is more moral to sacrifice our own citizens than to interrogate terrorist.

First of all. torture hasn't prevented future attacks
Secondly, even if was 100% effective, torture is a debasement of American values

So if your child were in a box underground with 8 hours of air left...and the only guy who knows where that box is refuses to talk.

If you punched the shit out of him in an effort to make him talk....

You would be un-American?
Why do you want to coddle terrorists?


Fiction: It helped us catch Bin Laden
Truth: No it didnt

Fiction pivot: Why do you want to do anything besides torture them...errr...I mean, why do you want to coddle terrorist?

Because not torturing someone is coddling them :lol: In pretend land

Straw man argument.
Because enhanced interrogation has helped stop terrorist incidents and uncovered information we wouldn't have gotten otherwise. So since it has been proved to be effective in uncovering helpful information the question is why liberals think it is more moral to sacrifice our own citizens than to interrogate terrorist.

This entire paragraph is backed up with nothing but hope that its true. No torture hasnt provided us with important information and not torturing someone is not coddling them. You're 2 for 2 in wrong
Straw man argument.
Because enhanced interrogation has helped stop terrorist incidents and uncovered information we wouldn't have gotten otherwise. So since it has been proved to be effective in uncovering helpful information the question is why liberals think it is more moral to sacrifice our own citizens than to interrogate terrorist.

First of all. torture hasn't prevented future attacks
Secondly, even if was 100% effective, torture is a debasement of American values

So if your child were in a box underground with 8 hours of air left...and the only guy who knows where that box is refuses to talk.

If you punched the shit out of him in an effort to make him talk....

You would be un-American?

You need more straw. We're talking about US policy not someones child. Your name should be the Great Equivocator

Fiction: It helped us catch Bin Laden
Truth: No it didnt

Fiction pivot: Why do you want to do anything besides torture them...errr...I mean, why do you want to coddle terrorist?

Because not torturing someone is coddling them :lol: In pretend land

Straw man argument.
Because enhanced interrogation has helped stop terrorist incidents and uncovered information we wouldn't have gotten otherwise. So since it has been proved to be effective in uncovering helpful information the question is why liberals think it is more moral to sacrifice our own citizens than to interrogate terrorist.

This entire paragraph is backed up with nothing but hope that its true. No torture hasnt provided us with important information and not torturing someone is not coddling them. You're 2 for 2 in wrong
Look like "Low Information Loser" strikes again. Hey, havent you figured out you just dont have the chops to debate me yet?
Marc A. Thiessen - Enhanced Interrogations Worked
First of all. torture hasn't prevented future attacks
Secondly, even if was 100% effective, torture is a debasement of American values

So if your child were in a box underground with 8 hours of air left...and the only guy who knows where that box is refuses to talk.

If you punched the shit out of him in an effort to make him talk....

You would be un-American?

You need more straw. We're talking about US policy not someones child. Your name should be the Great Equivocator

Deflection. Why dont you answer the question?
First of all. torture hasn't prevented future attacks
Secondly, even if was 100% effective, torture is a debasement of American values

So if your child were in a box underground with 8 hours of air left...and the only guy who knows where that box is refuses to talk.

If you punched the shit out of him in an effort to make him talk....

You would be un-American?

You need more straw. We're talking about US policy not someones child. Your name should be the Great Equivocator

Actually, I was responding to a post about American Values.....and American Values refers to the values of each individual American.

SO my question is valid.

And you tried to deflect.

Cause that's pretty much all you do.
No, it wasn't

Senate report: Waterboarding didn't lead to Osama bin Laden

The Senate report concludes such information wasn't critical, according to the aides. Mohammed only discussed al-Kuwaiti months after being waterboarded, while he was under standard interrogation, they said. And Mohammed neither acknowledged al-Kuwaiti's significance nor provided interrogators with the courier's real name.

I've said on many occasions that you have less integrity than anyone I've ever met. You lie about everything - and usually are proud of it. You put party first - integrity isn't even a consideration for you.

So why would ANYONE ever believe anything you post or say? In fact, I'm sure no one does. If you claimed it was daytime at high noon, only a fool would take your word for it.

So what we have is an op-ed from Useless Rag Today.

{Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said that some of the information that was used to locate and kill Osama bin Laden was attained using torture.

The admission comes after months of speculation about the role that waterboarding plays in CIA interrogations following its graphic depiction in the Oscar-nominated film Zero Dark Thirty.

Read more: Defense Secretary Panetta admits that CIA used the information from waterboarding to capture Osama Bin Laden | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Oh, here is a different USA Today story refuting the op-ed you posted:

{Zero Dark Thirty, the film about the hunt for and killing of Osama bin Laden, got a fresh infusion of buzz over the weekend when outgoing secretary of Defense Leon Panetta confirmedagain that enhanced interrogation techniques aided the effort to find bin Laden.}

Jonah Goldberg: Torture helped get bin Laden?

{"Enhanced interrogation techniques" were used to extract information that led to the mission's success, Panetta said during an interview with anchor Brian Williams. Those techniques included waterboarding, he acknowledged.

Panetta, who in a 2009 CIA confirmation hearing declared "waterboarding is torture and it's wrong," said Tuesday that debate about its use will continue.}

CIA chief: Waterboarding aided bin Laden raid - TODAY News - TODAY.com

See, you lie about everything. You say what you think will promote your party, you never even consider whether what you claim happens to be true.
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

About time Obama starts talking back to these idiots who have harassed him and his family for six years now. Bush/Cheney did approve torture in the Middle East.
Straw man argument.
Because enhanced interrogation has helped stop terrorist incidents and uncovered information we wouldn't have gotten otherwise. So since it has been proved to be effective in uncovering helpful information the question is why liberals think it is more moral to sacrifice our own citizens than to interrogate terrorist.

This entire paragraph is backed up with nothing but hope that its true. No torture hasnt provided us with important information and not torturing someone is not coddling them. You're 2 for 2 in wrong
Look like "Low Information Loser" strikes again. Hey, havent you figured out you just dont have the chops to debate me yet?
Marc A. Thiessen - Enhanced Interrogations Worked

An opinion piece? Thats your proof? Damn...thats messed up if that is your lead in. That just shows how much nothing you have to present as proof
So if your child were in a box underground with 8 hours of air left...and the only guy who knows where that box is refuses to talk.

If you punched the shit out of him in an effort to make him talk....

You would be un-American?

You need more straw. We're talking about US policy not someones child. Your name should be the Great Equivocator

Deflection. Why dont you answer the question?

Because this is about policy not hypothetical revenge stories

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