Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Actually, when Bush listened to Uncle Fester DICK Cheney, he jumped under the bus himself. For generations water boarding was considered punishment....until DICK decided that it wasn't. Then the far right loons on this board fell over themselves defending the practice. Really....it was embarrassing.

Link to any of those statements? Waterboarding is part of military training in some areas.

Not anymore
Not a valid analogy. No one has ever died from waterboarding, being buried alive has resulted in millions of deaths.

Now, if we want to define torture, lets look at what muslims do to those who do not kowtow to mohammed.
feet first into a wood chipper
pushed off a third floor roof
electrodes to the testicles
eyes burned out with a red hot poker
gang rape
cutting off hands, feet, ears, noses
making you stand in a water filled room and then dropping electric leads into the water
pulling off fingernails
cutting off tongues

you libtards get all spun up about waterboarding but say nothing about the methods of your muslim friends. you are lunatics.

So we set our own standard of behavior at the level of Muslim terrorists. Nobody defends what they do, but it in no way justifies sinking to their level and engaging in torture

Some don't mind sinking to their level......don't mind at all.

If your in a boxing match, yes. you are going to follow the rules of the ring but if your walking to your car one night with your girlfriend and you are jumped by a couple of thugs, are you going to get down and dirty to fight? to protect yourself and your girlfriend? Anything goes.... or are you going to ask them to stop and wait while you lace on your boxing gloves?
So we set our own standard of behavior at the level of Muslim terrorists. Nobody defends what they do, but it in no way justifies sinking to their level and engaging in torture

Some don't mind sinking to their level......don't mind at all.

If your in a boxing match, yes. you are going to follow the rules of the ring but if your walking to your car one night with your girlfriend and you are jumped by a couple of thugs, are you going to get down and dirty to fight? to protect yourself and your girlfriend? Anything goes.... or are you going to ask them to stop and wait while you lace on your boxing gloves?

Anything goes does not apply to nations that hold themselves up to the rest of the world for its values
UN Convention Against Torture

For the purposes of this Convention, torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.

No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat or war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.

Each State Party shall ensure that any individual who alleges he has been subjected to torture in any territory under its jurisdiction has the right to complain to and to have his case promptly and impartially examined its competent authorities. Steps shall be taken to ensure that the complainant and witnesses are protected against all ill-treatment or intimidation as a consequence of his complaint or any evidence given.

Signed by President Reagan in 1985
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You all ever notice how our beloved liberals who claim to be such peaceniks never make a big deal how the brown Muslim terrorists violate the Geneva convention in how they have treated prisoners?

When is the last time you saw one them even voice concern over any of that? Instead they actually have been insisting that America should be all politically correct with how we conduct the war. It is no wonder these stink Muslims take advantage of the liberals here and shoot at our guys and kill our guys from residents or mosques.

Don't worry. I already know why. They think America is a big bad imperialist nation forcing capitalism on these poor innocent nations.

Fucking liberals. Politically correct wars. Stupid pieces of ignorant, traitorous shit.
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You all ever notice how our beloved liberals who claim to be such peaceniks never make a big deal how the brown Muslim terrorists violate the Geneva convention in how they have treated prisoners?

When is the last time you saw one them even voice concern over any of that? Instead they actually have been insisting that America should be all politically correct with how we conduct the war. It is no wonder these stink Muslims take advantage of the liberals here and shoot at our guys and kill our guys from residents on mosques.

Don't worry. I already know why. They think America is a big bad to imperialist nation forcing capitalism on these poor innocent nations.

Fucking liberals. Politically correct wars. Stupid pieces of ignorant, traitorous shit.

"They do it too" is not a justification for sinking down to their level

All Americans condemn the use of torture by terrorists, it is only conservatives who advocate degrading ourselves by engaging in torture
Some don't mind sinking to their level......don't mind at all.

If your in a boxing match, yes. you are going to follow the rules of the ring but if your walking to your car one night with your girlfriend and you are jumped by a couple of thugs, are you going to get down and dirty to fight? to protect yourself and your girlfriend? Anything goes.... or are you going to ask them to stop and wait while you lace on your boxing gloves?

Anything goes does not apply to nations that hold themselves up to the rest of the world for its values

Yeah I also think that about the drone program and the killing of American citizens without due process. Funny how people justify what they want when they want.
UN Convention Against Torture

For the purposes of this Convention, torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.

No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat or war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.

Each State Party shall ensure that any individual who alleges he has been subjected to torture in any territory under its jurisdiction has the right to complain to and to have his case promptly and impartially examined its competent authorities. Steps shall be taken to ensure that the complainant and witnesses are protected against all ill-treatment or intimidation as a consequence of his complaint or any evidence given.

Signed by President Reagan in 1985

Are Muslim countries guilty of violating any of that? Do you fucking care?


You don't. You piece of shit.
You all ever notice how our beloved liberals who claim to be such peaceniks never make a big deal how the brown Muslim terrorists violate the Geneva convention in how they have treated prisoners?

When is the last time you saw one them even voice concern over any of that? Instead they actually have been insisting that America should be all politically correct with how we conduct the war. It is no wonder these stink Muslims take advantage of the liberals here and shoot at our guys and kill our guys from residents on mosques.

Don't worry. I already know why. They think America is a big bad to imperialist nation forcing capitalism on these poor innocent nations.

Fucking liberals. Politically correct wars. Stupid pieces of ignorant, traitorous shit.

"They do it too" is not a justification for sinking down to their level

All Americans condemn the use of torture by terrorists, it is only conservatives who advocate degrading ourselves by engaging in torture

That must be why Republicans are such shitty parents. Their kids do something wrong and use the ole "well so and so did it to". And the Republican parents are well that's ok then.

And to think Dems are giving Muslim terrorists a pass on their use of torture is bullshit.

Unless "giving them a pass on torture" means killing them with drones and any other way we get a chance to kill them.

And if the torture of a few years ago was making us so much safer, why didn't it last? The Republicans are still scared to death of a bunch of Muslims 10000 miles away. So much for effective torture.
Actually, when Bush listened to Uncle Fester DICK Cheney, he jumped under the bus himself. For generations water boarding was considered punishment....until DICK decided that it wasn't. Then the far right loons on this board fell over themselves defending the practice. Really....it was embarrassing.

Fake concern and fake protest by the left does not mean anyone "fell over themselves" defending enhance interrogation techniques. Which I am more then happy to have Bush and Chaney go on trail. But if you agree then you had better stop falling over yourself defending what Obama has done with the drone program and his bombing of sovereign countries which were absolutely no threat to the US.

You do realize that the same CIA that kept using enhanced interrogation techniques before Obama did after Obama. They are the same people that put names on Obama's kill list.

So try and be consistent, I am against both water boarding and the bombing of ally countries for pretty much any reason. I am especially against the execution of Americans at the say of the CIA, only.
UN Convention Against Torture

For the purposes of this Convention, torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.

No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat or war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.

Each State Party shall ensure that any individual who alleges he has been subjected to torture in any territory under its jurisdiction has the right to complain to and to have his case promptly and impartially examined its competent authorities. Steps shall be taken to ensure that the complainant and witnesses are protected against all ill-treatment or intimidation as a consequence of his complaint or any evidence given.

Signed by President Reagan in 1985

Are Muslim countries guilty of violating any of that? Do you fucking care?


You don't. You piece of shit.

I think the point they are trying to make is we don't want to be like the enemy. Unfortunately sometimes we do have to be like the enemy. That said, they are inconsistent in their fake protest. They do not care about brown skinned people as witness by their defense of Obama and his kill list.

I am not sure how they would differentiate between a suicide bomber walking into a road side Café and doing his dirty work and sending a hellfire missile into the same café.
You all ever notice how our beloved liberals who claim to be such peaceniks never make a big deal how the brown Muslim terrorists violate the Geneva convention in how they have treated prisoners?

When is the last time you saw one them even voice concern over any of that? Instead they actually have been insisting that America should be all politically correct with how we conduct the war. It is no wonder these stink Muslims take advantage of the liberals here and shoot at our guys and kill our guys from residents on mosques.

Don't worry. I already know why. They think America is a big bad to imperialist nation forcing capitalism on these poor innocent nations.

Fucking liberals. Politically correct wars. Stupid pieces of ignorant, traitorous shit.

"They do it too" is not a justification for sinking down to their level

All Americans condemn the use of torture by terrorists, it is only conservatives who advocate degrading ourselves by engaging in torture

I still do not see you saying a fucking peep about their atrocities you piece of smelly shit. Therefore, do not try and convince me you give two shits about the Geneva convention or how prisoners are treated. You just find any and all ways to find anything to make a poignant attack at America and white conservatives.

Until I see any of you pieces of lying shit even come close to your disgust for how the pigs over there are treating prisoners as they rape them, behead them, and do it openly, then all of your outrage over mistreatment is nothing but feigned outrage from an American hating cocksucker.

You deserve no respect for your pathetic disposition and you will get none for me. In other words. Fuck you.
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You all ever notice how our beloved liberals who claim to be such peaceniks never make a big deal how the brown Muslim terrorists violate the Geneva convention in how they have treated prisoners?

When is the last time you saw one them even voice concern over any of that? Instead they actually have been insisting that America should be all politically correct with how we conduct the war. It is no wonder these stink Muslims take advantage of the liberals here and shoot at our guys and kill our guys from residents on mosques.

Don't worry. I already know why. They think America is a big bad to imperialist nation forcing capitalism on these poor innocent nations.

Fucking liberals. Politically correct wars. Stupid pieces of ignorant, traitorous shit.

"They do it too" is not a justification for sinking down to their level

All Americans condemn the use of torture by terrorists, it is only conservatives who advocate degrading ourselves by engaging in torture

I still do not see you saying a fucking peep about their atrocities you piece of smelly shit. Therefore, do not try and convince me you give two shits about the Geneva convention or how prisoners are treated. You just find any and all ways to find anything to make a poignant attack at America and white conservatives.

Until I see any of you pieces of lying shit even come close to your disgust for how the pigs over there are treating prisoners as they rape them, behead them, and do it openly, then all of your outrage over mistreatment is nothing but feigned outrage from an American hating cocksucker.

You deserve no respect for pathetic disposition and you will get none for me. In other words. Fuck you.

yes, Yes, YES

ALL Americans are appalled by the atrocities committed by those "brown skinned Muslims" you talk about

Civilized nations do evrything in their power to capture them and bring them to justice. They do not bring themselves down to their level and play tit-for-tat torture
"They do it too" is not a justification for sinking down to their level

All Americans condemn the use of torture by terrorists, it is only conservatives who advocate degrading ourselves by engaging in torture

I still do not see you saying a fucking peep about their atrocities you piece of smelly shit. Therefore, do not try and convince me you give two shits about the Geneva convention or how prisoners are treated. You just find any and all ways to find anything to make a poignant attack at America and white conservatives.

Until I see any of you pieces of lying shit even come close to your disgust for how the pigs over there are treating prisoners as they rape them, behead them, and do it openly, then all of your outrage over mistreatment is nothing but feigned outrage from an American hating cocksucker.

You deserve no respect for pathetic disposition and you will get none for me. In other words. Fuck you.

yes, Yes, YES

ALL Americans are appalled by the atrocities committed by those "brown skinned Muslims" you talk about

Civilized nations do evrything in their power to capture them and bring them to justice. They do not bring themselves down to their level and play tit-for-tat torture
We even made one of those brown skinned muslims our POTUS so they would love us.
I still do not see you saying a fucking peep about their atrocities you piece of smelly shit. Therefore, do not try and convince me you give two shits about the Geneva convention or how prisoners are treated. You just find any and all ways to find anything to make a poignant attack at America and white conservatives.

Until I see any of you pieces of lying shit even come close to your disgust for how the pigs over there are treating prisoners as they rape them, behead them, and do it openly, then all of your outrage over mistreatment is nothing but feigned outrage from an American hating cocksucker.

You deserve no respect for pathetic disposition and you will get none for me. In other words. Fuck you.

yes, Yes, YES

ALL Americans are appalled by the atrocities committed by those "brown skinned Muslims" you talk about

Civilized nations do evrything in their power to capture them and bring them to justice. They do not bring themselves down to their level and play tit-for-tat torture
We even made one of those brown skinned muslims our POTUS so they would love us.

I've already told you I'm not discussing the issue with racists
yes, Yes, YES

ALL Americans are appalled by the atrocities committed by those "brown skinned Muslims" you talk about

Civilized nations do evrything in their power to capture them and bring them to justice. They do not bring themselves down to their level and play tit-for-tat torture
We even made one of those brown skinned muslims our POTUS so they would love us.

I've already told you I'm not discussing the issue with racists

You ever get around to listing all of the things you thought made Obama qualified to be president,other than him being a democrat and black?

You...are the patronizing racist.

Laughing at you, for not knowing patronizing blacks is just racist as anything you claim. Especially when your biggest racists (the black profiteers) call black conservatives Uncle Tom. I think it is funny that you would deny that you ever used that term.

You fucking brainwashed, hypocritical, demented, American hating,Muslim loving (only because they are brown and not Christian) patronizing racist.
We even made one of those brown skinned muslims our POTUS so they would love us.

I've already told you I'm not discussing the issue with racists

You ever get around to listing all of the things you thought made Obama qualified to be president,other than him being a democrat and black?

You...are the patronizing racist.

Laughing at you, for not knowing patronizing blacks is just racist as anything you claim. Especially when your biggest racists (the black profiteers) call black conservatives Uncle Tom. I think it is funny that you would deny that you ever used that term.

You fucking brainwashed, hypocritical, demented, American hating,Muslim loving (only because they are brown and not Christian) patronizing racist.

^^^^^bravo, you nailed RW, and his sock Jake.
Why did Obama even bring up this subject after 10 years? What was his point? I think that first of all it was self aggrandizement. The other is the democrats crusade of shame America first. Nothing else makes sense. What is wrong with this guy?
Why did Obama even bring up this subject after 10 years? What was his point? I think that first of all it was self aggrandizement. The other is the democrats crusade of shame America first. Nothing else makes sense. What is wrong with this guy?

Its part of his plan to destroy this country, our culture, and our economy. Dividing us by race, age, income, sex, ethnicity, religion, etc is part of the plan. I truly believe that obama hates the USA and is determined to bring it to its knees and punish it for its successes and wealth.
Why did Obama even bring up this subject after 10 years? What was his point? I think that first of all it was self aggrandizement. The other is the democrats crusade of shame America first. Nothing else makes sense. What is wrong with this guy?

Its part of his plan to destroy this country, our culture, and our economy. Dividing us by race, age, income, sex, ethnicity, religion, etc is part of the plan. I truly believe that obama hates the USA and is determined to bring it to its knees and punish it for its successes and wealth.

And I truly believe (and have the proof of your posts) that you are an idiot, believe in the tooth fairy and believe that the ultra rich really have your best interests at heart.

Isn't it amazing what some people will believe? Without a shred of proof or applied logic.

You believe in Santa too, don't you red?

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