Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Why did Obama even bring up this subject after 10 years? What was his point? I think that first of all it was self aggrandizement. The other is the democrats crusade of shame America first. Nothing else makes sense. What is wrong with this guy?

Its part of his plan to destroy this country, our culture, and our economy. Dividing us by race, age, income, sex, ethnicity, religion, etc is part of the plan. I truly believe that obama hates the USA and is determined to bring it to its knees and punish it for its successes and wealth.

And I truly believe (and have the proof of your posts) that you are an idiot, believe in the tooth fairy and believe that the ultra rich really have your best interests at heart.

Isn't it amazing what some people will believe? Without a shred of proof or applied logic.

You believe in Santa too, don't you red?

The ultra rich have only their personal interests at heart, anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot.

My proof that obama wants to bring down the USA? His actions over the last 6 years. Everything he has done has hurt this country. He brings home a traitor in exchange for 5 murdering terrorists but lets an innocent marine rot in a mexican jail--just one minor example.
Why did Obama even bring up this subject after 10 years? What was his point? I think that first of all it was self aggrandizement. The other is the democrats crusade of shame America first. Nothing else makes sense. What is wrong with this guy?

His back was against the wall. He had to divert away from the Brennan situation.

Brennan admitted to lying to the senate and house oversight committees when he said he was not spying on them while looking into the "torture" issue...

Now, since the CIA takes its directives from the executive branch, Obama is held accountable for illegal actions of the CIA..

So when asked about it, he simply diverted from the lies and spying and, instead talked about the "findings" of the illegal investigation.

And the press pretty much fell for the diversion....as well as the left.

"Don't worry about the fact that we approved the illegal act of spying on an oversight committee......Worry about what Bush did 10 years ago"
Why did Obama even bring up this subject after 10 years? What was his point? I think that first of all it was self aggrandizement. The other is the democrats crusade of shame America first. Nothing else makes sense. What is wrong with this guy?

His back was against the wall. He had to divert away from the Brennan situation.

Brennan admitted to lying to the senate and house oversight committees when he said he was not spying on them while looking into the "torture" issue...

Now, since the CIA takes its directives from the executive branch, Obama is held accountable for illegal actions of the CIA..

So when asked about it, he simply diverted from the lies and spying and, instead talked about the "findings" of the illegal investigation.

And the press pretty much fell for the diversion....as well as the left.

"Don't worry about the fact that we approved the illegal act of spying on an oversight committee......Worry about what Bush did 10 years ago"

But they are so incompetent whenever they deflect they just make it worse. So Bergdahl was a deflection from the VA scandal, etc etc.
The spying on Congress should be a major scandal. Feinstein's response of "well they apologized so thats settled" is absurd. Imagine if Bush had spied on her. They'd skip impeachment hearings and go straight to the lynching.
I wish bush would stop playing Jesus and just tell Obabble to go fuck himself. Slavery ended long ago...treat him like he is one of us.

Bush is smarter than that, he will remain silent and watch (along with the rest of us) as obama continually hangs himself with his own words.

"That's racist!" in 3, 2, 1 . . . .
I wish bush would stop playing Jesus and just tell Obabble to go fuck himself. Slavery ended long ago...treat him like he is one of us.

Bush is smarter than that, he will remain silent and watch (along with the rest of us) as obama continually hangs himself with his own words.

"That's racist!" in 3, 2, 1 . . . .

Torture is part of the Bush legacy

The less he says about it, the better
Ok, Obama is not deliberately bring down America, just like Benghazi he deliberately did nothing wrong, but America is still in decline and there are still four dead,.
I wish bush would stop playing Jesus and just tell Obabble to go fuck himself. Slavery ended long ago...treat him like he is one of us.

Bush is smarter than that, he will remain silent and watch (along with the rest of us) as obama continually hangs himself with his own words.

"That's racist!" in 3, 2, 1 . . . .

Torture is part of the Bush legacy

The less he says about it, the better

Torture and, the nazi like DHS, and the war on that which we fear, and the expansion of Medicare, and no child left behind.... Yeah Bush sucked. Pity that your democrats are in favor of all these aborted policies even to the point of extending them after promising to end them if brought in to replace the NEOCON machine.

What happened? Huh? Please explain why the democrats did bubkis about all these failed policies. Please explain why the democrats supported them in the first place. The democraps are even worse than the pubs about this crap, at least the pubs are honest about their war hawk propaganda based bullshit policies.
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UN Convention Against Torture

For the purposes of this Convention, torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.

No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat or war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture.

Each State Party shall ensure that any individual who alleges he has been subjected to torture in any territory under its jurisdiction has the right to complain to and to have his case promptly and impartially examined its competent authorities. Steps shall be taken to ensure that the complainant and witnesses are protected against all ill-treatment or intimidation as a consequence of his complaint or any evidence given.

Signed by President Reagan in 1985

Are Muslim countries guilty of violating any of that? Do you fucking care?


You don't. You piece of shit.

I think the point they are trying to make is we don't want to be like the enemy. Unfortunately sometimes we do have to be like the enemy. That said, they are inconsistent in their fake protest. They do not care about brown skinned people as witness by their defense of Obama and his kill list.

I am not sure how they would differentiate between a suicide bomber walking into a road side Café and doing his dirty work and sending a hellfire missile into the same café.

Can you just imagine how unhinged the dimocraps would have come if Bush had ordered the murder of an American child that was merely eating at a road side cafe? Killing and maiming of women and children eating at a road side cafe, really? And he's still POTUS. Not even a hint of resistance from the democrats.

Then he uses the American SS (aka NHS) to spy on republican candidates and the IRS to run off political opponents. Then the IRS brazenly destroys evidence. This after the prior Fast and Furious incident with the NHS arming terrorists and mexican drug cartel with fully automatic machine guns.

What percentage of America believes waterboarding is torture?

Does it matter?
Torture is still a crime under international law, so those who engage in it should be arrested and sent to trial.

Of course, America being a civilised country, won't do that.

Except for a couple of idiots who filmed themselves abusing prisoners, America NEVER arrests its war criminals.

Water boarding is not torture under the definition used by international law. Water boarding does not cause severe or long term physical damage.
Stop the preaching and name calling and give your solution like you where originally challenged to do. How would you kill or capture the terrorist that is planning an attack that will kill Americans when you know his location but the location is beyond your reach without the use of a drone, a manned aircraft with a cruise missile or a special operations insertion.

You Communists love to claim that your little tin god killed Osama bin Laden - he didn't - in fact the prancing little fairy damned near prohibited the Navy from killing him.

But you know what DID get Osama? Water boarding - it was information obtained through water boarding that lead to location of Osama.
It's a sad group that makes more of a fuss over being accused of torture than torture itself.

its also pretty sad when one thinks that this country would not resort to something like that again just because Bush and company got caught....

Actually, the most pathetic part, other than these bloviated hypocritical piles of scum pretending to care about torture and never bring the brown people torturing, is that they actually think things like this Should not be used.
Who? Where?

RW.....if you dont think this Country has tortured people before Bush then you are about as naive as some guy who just fell off the turnip truck...

Whether renegades have taken it upon themselves is beyond the point. In this case a president of the United States has taken it upon himself to approve torture. Cheney has even celebrated it and wants it to be US policy

Now, show me where a Dem has done the same

give me a fucking break....do you think a President is going to admit yea we are torturing people.....Bush got caught......geezus RW i thought you had a little more going for you....i can understand...you are a big time Democrat...but if you think we never tortured anyone before Bush than i dont know what to tell you other than....you are pretty naive......you would fall off your chair if they caught Obamas people doing this....i sure as hell would not....
RW.....if you dont think this Country has tortured people before Bush then you are about as naive as some guy who just fell off the turnip truck...

Whether renegades have taken it upon themselves is beyond the point. In this case a president of the United States has taken it upon himself to approve torture. Cheney has even celebrated it and wants it to be US policy

Now, show me where a Dem has done the same

give me a fucking break....do you think a President is going to admit yea we are torturing people.....Bush got caught......geezus RW i thought you had a little more going for you....i can understand...you are a big time Democrat...but if you think we never tortured anyone before Bush than i dont know what to tell you other than....you are pretty naive......you would fall off your chair if they caught Obamas people doing this....i sure as hell would not....

Bush didn't get caught. Bush celebrated the fact that he was torturing these guys. Fucking Cheney still thinks its a good idea, If the CIA or assholes like Allen West torture prisoners, it is something we need to investigate and take punative action. Bush APPROVED it

Show me where a Democratic President EVER officially approved the torture of our prisoners
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You all ever notice how our beloved liberals who claim to be such peaceniks never make a big deal how the brown Muslim terrorists violate the Geneva convention in how they have treated prisoners?

When is the last time you saw one them even voice concern over any of that? Instead they actually have been insisting that America should be all politically correct with how we conduct the war. It is no wonder these stink Muslims take advantage of the liberals here and shoot at our guys and kill our guys from residents on mosques.

Don't worry. I already know why. They think America is a big bad to imperialist nation forcing capitalism on these poor innocent nations.

Fucking liberals. Politically correct wars. Stupid pieces of ignorant, traitorous shit.

"They do it too" is not a justification for sinking down to their level

All Americans condemn the use of torture by terrorists, it is only conservatives who advocate degrading ourselves by engaging in torture

and the people making the torture accusation on three Al Qadea get to set the definition of what torture is. Isnt that convenient for you.

Speaking of your loving democrates, remember Hillary on the death of Kaddafi in Lybia?
" we came we saw we killed" and she damn well new he wasnt just killed , he was tortured to death. She looked as gleeful as a little girl opening a christmas present. Thats all you need to know. The leadership on the left is hypicritical when it comes to morallity. Its all for politics
You all ever notice how our beloved liberals who claim to be such peaceniks never make a big deal how the brown Muslim terrorists violate the Geneva convention in how they have treated prisoners?

When is the last time you saw one them even voice concern over any of that? Instead they actually have been insisting that America should be all politically correct with how we conduct the war. It is no wonder these stink Muslims take advantage of the liberals here and shoot at our guys and kill our guys from residents on mosques.

Don't worry. I already know why. They think America is a big bad to imperialist nation forcing capitalism on these poor innocent nations.

Fucking liberals. Politically correct wars. Stupid pieces of ignorant, traitorous shit.

"They do it too" is not a justification for sinking down to their level

All Americans condemn the use of torture by terrorists, it is only conservatives who advocate degrading ourselves by engaging in torture

and the people making the torture accusation on three Al Qadea get to set the definition of what torture is. Isnt that convenient for you.

Speaking of your loving democrates, remember Hillary on the death of Kaddafi in Lybia?
" we came we saw we killed" and she damn well new he wasnt just killed , he was tortured to death. She looked as gleeful as a little girl opening a christmas present. Thats all you need to know. The leadership on the left is hypicritical when it comes to morallity. Its all for politics

Waterboarding is identified as torture around the world. Even the US has prosecuted the act.

Qadhafi was killed by his own people. The US had no control over it. However, we DO have control over how we treat our own prisoners
You all ever notice how our beloved liberals who claim to be such peaceniks never make a big deal how the brown Muslim terrorists violate the Geneva convention in how they have treated prisoners?

When is the last time you saw one them even voice concern over any of that? Instead they actually have been insisting that America should be all politically correct with how we conduct the war. It is no wonder these stink Muslims take advantage of the liberals here and shoot at our guys and kill our guys from residents on mosques.

Don't worry. I already know why. They think America is a big bad to imperialist nation forcing capitalism on these poor innocent nations.

Fucking liberals. Politically correct wars. Stupid pieces of ignorant, traitorous shit.

"They do it too" is not a justification for sinking down to their level

All Americans condemn the use of torture by terrorists, it is only conservatives who advocate degrading ourselves by engaging in torture

and the people making the torture accusation on three Al Qadea get to set the definition of what torture is. Isnt that convenient for you.

Speaking of your loving democrates, remember Hillary on the death of Kaddafi in Lybia?
" we came we saw we killed" and she damn well new he wasnt just killed , he was tortured to death. She looked as gleeful as a little girl opening a christmas present. Thats all you need to know. The leadership on the left is hypicritical when it comes to morallity. Its all for politics

I don't like Hillary, but I agree with her glee. I was gleeful too. Maybe she remembered Lockerbie. Do you remember Lockerbie. I remember Lockerbie That was a Christmas present Omar gave to us.
You all ever notice how our beloved liberals who claim to be such peaceniks never make a big deal how the brown Muslim terrorists violate the Geneva convention in how they have treated prisoners?

When is the last time you saw one them even voice concern over any of that? Instead they actually have been insisting that America should be all politically correct with how we conduct the war. It is no wonder these stink Muslims take advantage of the liberals here and shoot at our guys and kill our guys from residents on mosques.

Don't worry. I already know why. They think America is a big bad to imperialist nation forcing capitalism on these poor innocent nations.

Fucking liberals. Politically correct wars. Stupid pieces of ignorant, traitorous shit.

"They do it too" is not a justification for sinking down to their level

All Americans condemn the use of torture by terrorists, it is only conservatives who advocate degrading ourselves by engaging in torture

and the people making the torture accusation on three Al Qadea get to set the definition of what torture is. Isnt that convenient for you.

Speaking of your loving democrates, remember Hillary on the death of Kaddafi in Lybia?
" we came we saw we killed" and she damn well new he wasnt just killed , he was tortured to death. She looked as gleeful as a little girl opening a christmas present. Thats all you need to know. The leadership on the left is hypicritical when it comes to morallity. Its all for politics

I don't like Hillary, but I agree with her glee. I was gleeful too. Maybe she remembered Lockerbie. Do you remember Lockerbie? I remember Lockerbie. That was a Christmas present Omar gave to us.

I am not concerned about the moral aspects so much as I am concerned about the use of ineffective interrogation methods that create harmful security effects. Torture doesn't work. Interrogation experts agree. Only the uneducated think torture is a worthwhile interrogation method.
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"They do it too" is not a justification for sinking down to their level

All Americans condemn the use of torture by terrorists, it is only conservatives who advocate degrading ourselves by engaging in torture

and the people making the torture accusation on three Al Qadea get to set the definition of what torture is. Isnt that convenient for you.

Speaking of your loving democrates, remember Hillary on the death of Kaddafi in Lybia?
" we came we saw we killed" and she damn well new he wasnt just killed , he was tortured to death. She looked as gleeful as a little girl opening a christmas present. Thats all you need to know. The leadership on the left is hypicritical when it comes to morallity. Its all for politics

I don't like Hillary, but I agree with her glee. I was gleeful too. Maybe she remembered Lockerbie. Do you remember Lockerbie? I remember Lockerbie. That was a Christmas present Omar gave to us.

I am not concerned about the moral aspects so much as I am concerned about the use of ineffective interrogation methods that create harmful security effects. Torture doesn't work. Interrogation experts agree. Only the uneducated think torture is a worthwhile interrogation method.

waterboarding was part of the method used to get information leadin to the takedown of Osama
and the people making the torture accusation on three Al Qadea get to set the definition of what torture is. Isnt that convenient for you.

Speaking of your loving democrates, remember Hillary on the death of Kaddafi in Lybia?
" we came we saw we killed" and she damn well new he wasnt just killed , he was tortured to death. She looked as gleeful as a little girl opening a christmas present. Thats all you need to know. The leadership on the left is hypicritical when it comes to morallity. Its all for politics

I don't like Hillary, but I agree with her glee. I was gleeful too. Maybe she remembered Lockerbie. Do you remember Lockerbie? I remember Lockerbie. That was a Christmas present Omar gave to us.

I am not concerned about the moral aspects so much as I am concerned about the use of ineffective interrogation methods that create harmful security effects. Torture doesn't work. Interrogation experts agree. Only the uneducated think torture is a worthwhile interrogation method.

waterboarding was part of the method used to get information leadin to the takedown of Osama

No, it wasn't


The Senate report concludes such information wasn't critical, according to the aides. Mohammed only discussed al-Kuwaiti months after being waterboarded, while he was under standard interrogation, they said. And Mohammed neither acknowledged al-Kuwaiti's significance nor provided interrogators with the courier's real name.
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