Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Geez....this again?

There are some things that are so evil, so vile, they never be forgiven or forgotten.

This definitely is one of those things.

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Like murdering a 16 year old American kid sipping a Latte in a cafe - like Obama did?

If that is the case, and the question mark becomes a period, justice should be sought. It may not lead to the WH. It may have been neglect or a crime committed by anyone of a number of individuals and agencies tasked with selecting and approving targets. Plenty of high profile elected officials have had the opportunity to run with that ball. But it has absolutely nothing to do with torture. The two topics are not related except for the fact that both have aided in the recruitment of enemy forces against us and lowered our moral standing in the world. Both have threatened our security and safety.
Your insistence upon turning a torture thread into a drone thread reflects your insecurity about the topic of the thread.

Whether it's torture or whether it is circumventing due process, it is a slap in the face to everyone who gave their life and everyone who loved someone who gave their life to stand up for the ideals that make America a beacon to the world.

I don't know how to say it any more simply.

Anyone who lets their fear motivate them to toss those ideals aside is a coward.


There never was a torture thread, except in the petty minds of left wing zealots attempting to feign indignation over waterboarding three terrorist scumbags. So, I demonstrate just how petty, partisan and hypocritical such feigned outrage is.

You want to shift the discussion to "We who oppose torture are more American than you who apporve of torture." Well, patriotic ass, neither I, nor many others, approve of torture, and therefore, you are only more American than camel shit.

Bush didn't believe that waterboarding was torture, Cheney didn't believe that waterboarding was torture, I don't believe that waterboarding was torture, and a whole lot of good Americans do not believe that waterboarding is torture. You are entitled to a contrary belief, but you are not entitled to your feigned indignation.

Too many other factors in the war on terrorism are much more horrible than the waterboarding of scumbags, and since you are not indignant over any of that, then your feigned indignation over waterboarding is nothing more than partisan posturing.

Our government assassinated an American in Yemen, with no due process, and killed and mained other completely innocent people in the process. That is something to get indignant over. But, you won't, because it would not be in your partisan interest to do so.

That, in itself, makes this entire thread an exercise in partisan, left wing, bullshit.

As far as cowards go, you people are not even up to that level.

What you believe and what is true are two different things. It is torture. I believe my car is a space ship but that doesnt mean its going to the moon silly rabbit

What I believe is as true as what you believe. Funny how that works, isn't it? Torture is a relative term, and therefore torture is in the mind of the beholder. Creating fear in an individual is not torture, and although doing so may be frowned upon by the striped suit set as unsavory, it still is not torture. Torture is the deliberate act of causing pain and/or injury to another party.

However, this thread is not about how to define torture. This thread is about castigating the people who approved of waterboarding three known terrorists in an effort to elicit information from them.

It is about left wing, partisan ideologues, attempting to feign indignation over the event, and pretend that is the American way. I have shown that it is neither the American way, nor is it anything to feign indignation over. Americans have tortured prisoners in the civil war, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and probably many more times and places that we will never know about. Getting indignant over waterboarding three scumbags is petty, to the point of trivalizing torture as part of warfare. And, the only reason it is being done is for partisan political purposes.

My point is, and always has been, that if waterboarding known terrorists causes you angst, why are you not briming over with indignation about much worse things happening in this war on terror? The plain answer is that you lefties only mount your high horses when you see partisan, political advantage in doing so.
If that is the case, and the question mark becomes a period, justice should be sought.


Obama killed this boy, an American citizen, that is a fact.

The boy was not suspected of any criminal acts, was not under indictment, there were no warrants for his arrest, he wasn't even on the no fly list.

But Obama slaughtered him with a drone strike.

These are all irrefutable and uncontested facts.

The Killed-at-16 Transparency Test: Obama Owes Us Answers About This Dead American - The Atlantic

You of the left hold party above all, so you will defend Obama and the party.

It may not lead to the WH. It may have been neglect or a crime committed by anyone of a number of individuals and agencies tasked with selecting and approving targets. Plenty of high profile elected officials have had the opportunity to run with that ball. But it has absolutely nothing to do with torture. The two topics are not related except for the fact that both have aided in the recruitment of enemy forces against us and lowered our moral standing in the world. Both have threatened our security and safety.

The boy was on Obama's kill list - Obama didn't like his father. Granted, his father was a terrorist, so no one liked him.

{ Early one morning in September 2011, Abdulrahman set out from our home in Sana by himself. He went to look for his father, whom he hadn’t seen for years. He left a note for his mother explaining that he missed his father and wanted to find him, and asking her to forgive him for leaving without permission.

A couple of days after Abdulrahman left, we were relieved to receive word that he was safe and with cousins in southern Yemen, where our family is from. Days later, his father was targeted and killed by American drones in a northern province, hundreds of miles away. After Anwar died, Abdulrahman called us and said he was going to return home. }


The Obama administration said the kid should have picked a better father;

{ I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well being of their children.}

How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American - The Atlantic

You'll defend this, maybe praise it.

Party above all - always and without exception.
Once again, your side uses acts of war to justify torture

You can have your leg blown off in combat. That does not justify slicing off someones leg during torture

No, we use acts of war to point out your hypocrisy. You touchy feely limp wrists get your panties in a wad over waterboarding three known terrorists. Yet, you shrug off blowing the legs off of a five year old as just an act of war. Your sensibilities are all screwed up.

BTW, dropping a hellfire missile to kill a man in Yemen, is not an act of war, it is a political assassination. However, recognizing the truth may well confuse your already mixed up sensibilities.

I don't support the torture of prisoners, although I do not agree that waterboarding is torture. I support the assassination of the American in Yemen, but I recognize it for what it was, and do not attempt to downplay the collateral damage.

The left wing outcry over waterboarding the three scumbags is as phoney as most of the rest of your left wing nonsense. You are indignant because you believe it is in your partisan political interests to be indignant. Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.

Once again, just because war is a horror does not justify torture in any way.

If you want to try drone attacks as war crimes you are welcome to try
It still doesn't justify torture in any way

Objecting to torture is not partisan or phony. It used to be what being an American was all about. Standing up for what is right. And torture is not right

nor is being for it....
Once again, your side uses acts of war to justify torture

You can have your leg blown off in combat. That does not justify slicing off someones leg during torture

No, we use acts of war to point out your hypocrisy. You touchy feely limp wrists get your panties in a wad over waterboarding three known terrorists. Yet, you shrug off blowing the legs off of a five year old as just an act of war. Your sensibilities are all screwed up.

BTW, dropping a hellfire missile to kill a man in Yemen, is not an act of war, it is a political assassination. However, recognizing the truth may well confuse your already mixed up sensibilities.

I don't support the torture of prisoners, although I do not agree that waterboarding is torture. I support the assassination of the American in Yemen, but I recognize it for what it was, and do not attempt to downplay the collateral damage.

The left wing outcry over waterboarding the three scumbags is as phoney as most of the rest of your left wing nonsense. You are indignant because you believe it is in your partisan political interests to be indignant. Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.

Once again, just because war is a horror does not justify torture in any way.

If you want to try drone attacks as war crimes you are welcome to try
It still doesn't justify torture in any way

Objecting to torture is not partisan or phony. It used to be what being an American was all about. Standing up for what is right. And torture is not right

Absolutely correct.

"War is hell" is not reason or excuse to torture.

BUT, the US has always tortured. We pretended we didn't and we gave lip service to being against the very torture our own soldiers endured. But we did it too.

Good for President Obama for being honest and in the open about it. That's the only way we will ever put a stop to it.
No, once again I said personal revenge is not the same as crafting policy for a nation. Even after I tell you that you said it was a deflection and to answer the question. I answer and you pretend to go back to step one where personal revenge stories are the same as war policies. :badgrin::eusa_clap:

but you are saying i would pound nails to the fuckers feet if he fucked with my family right?......so you do approve of violence on someone as long as your family is the one the guy has fucked with....as far as i am concerned you are not that opposed to "torturing" someone depending on the circomstance....but you have to play the game because people like RW will look down on you...i understand....

I'm all for violence..just not as a policy, understand? I mean its not that hard. You righties think that because I would fuck someone up for my family then that means we should make that across the board policy. All or nothing :lol: No gray area.

Sorry but its bullshit. I like ice cream but that doesnt mean I have to like ALL ice cream or I really dont like it :lol:

if you would fuck a guy up for hurting your family you would have no objections for fucking someone up if it meant thousands of lives may be saved you know it and i know it.....your problem CC is you opened your mouth and said what you said about hurting someone for YOUR family but fuck everyone else's family.....now you are trying to dance your way out of this......you are to fucking late....you said what you said....you sound like a fucking far righty....hey i got mine....to bad for you.....nice guy.....
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Is that all you got? :badgrin:

Obama's mother was a porn star. How far do you want to go?

More right wing sickening lies. Republicans passed out a million DVD's making that claim. What a sickening bunch of racist psychopaths. Yet, they still insist they are the party of God. Makes you wonder what kind of a God they believe in.

a guy who hates white people calling someone a racist....fascinating....
No, we use acts of war to point out your hypocrisy. You touchy feely limp wrists get your panties in a wad over waterboarding three known terrorists. Yet, you shrug off blowing the legs off of a five year old as just an act of war. Your sensibilities are all screwed up.

BTW, dropping a hellfire missile to kill a man in Yemen, is not an act of war, it is a political assassination. However, recognizing the truth may well confuse your already mixed up sensibilities.

I don't support the torture of prisoners, although I do not agree that waterboarding is torture. I support the assassination of the American in Yemen, but I recognize it for what it was, and do not attempt to downplay the collateral damage.

The left wing outcry over waterboarding the three scumbags is as phoney as most of the rest of your left wing nonsense. You are indignant because you believe it is in your partisan political interests to be indignant. Pure, unadulterated hypocrisy.

Once again, just because war is a horror does not justify torture in any way.

If you want to try drone attacks as war crimes you are welcome to try
It still doesn't justify torture in any way

Objecting to torture is not partisan or phony. It used to be what being an American was all about. Standing up for what is right. And torture is not right

Absolutely correct.

"War is hell" is not reason or excuse to torture.

BUT, the US has always tortured. We pretended we didn't and we gave lip service to being against the very torture our own soldiers endured. But we did it too.

Good for President Obama for being honest and in the open about it. That's the only way we will ever put a stop to it.

hey RW ....are you going to get on Luddy for what he said?.....you got on me for saying the same dam thing.....
THIS is a torture thread.
Read the headline.

Don't blame me for not taking your diversionary expedition.

So now you sink to imagining my positions and opinions and castigating me for what you imagine my views to be???

Stick with diversion - it's not quite as silly.

Technical detail.
Waterboarding is not torture. Ergo there was no torture. Unless you can produce evidence of something else.
And based on your posts we know all you produce is malodorous gas.

Reality check: A whole lot more people believe (69% of Americans) it is torture. So if it's just a matter of opinion - you lose.

But even more compelling is that war crimes prosecutors have convicted soldiers of torture for doing it. UNITED STATES war crimes prosecutors.

Popular fallacy! Rabbi rules!
If that's true then why isnt Obama prosecuting Bush era officials for torture? Where are the indictments?
It is not clear waterboarding is torture. The Bush Administration had several legal memos on the topic concluding it was not.
No one is using war as a justification. A strawman argument
National security is a reason to obtain intelligence on the enemy, including enhanced interrogation.
Waterboarding is not torture
Waterboarding is not torture.

Of course it is....even John McCain will tell you that it is

Nobody knows more about torture than John McCain

Ipse dixit fallacy! Rabbi Rules!
When have you ever believed anything John McCain said? Oh yeah, when it agreed with you.

Is there any American who understands torture better than John McCain?
Once again, just because war is a horror does not justify torture in any way.

If you want to try drone attacks as war crimes you are welcome to try
It still doesn't justify torture in any way

Objecting to torture is not partisan or phony. It used to be what being an American was all about. Standing up for what is right. And torture is not right

Absolutely correct.

"War is hell" is not reason or excuse to torture.

BUT, the US has always tortured. We pretended we didn't and we gave lip service to being against the very torture our own soldiers endured. But we did it too.

Good for President Obama for being honest and in the open about it. That's the only way we will ever put a stop to it.

hey RW ....are you going to get on Luddy for what he said?.....you got on me for saying the same dam thing.....

Doesnt make it acceptable does it?

Remember the Mi Lia massacre and Lt Calley? We still have to prosecute our attrocities
Of course it is....even John McCain will tell you that it is

Nobody knows more about torture than John McCain

Ipse dixit fallacy! Rabbi Rules!
When have you ever believed anything John McCain said? Oh yeah, when it agreed with you.

Is there any American who understands torture better than John McCain?

Yes. Why do you think McCain understands torture? Because he was tortured himself? That is the personal fallacy. McCain would be the last person you'd ask about torture.
Again, Rabbi Rules!
Absolutely correct.

"War is hell" is not reason or excuse to torture.

BUT, the US has always tortured. We pretended we didn't and we gave lip service to being against the very torture our own soldiers endured. But we did it too.

Good for President Obama for being honest and in the open about it. That's the only way we will ever put a stop to it.

hey RW ....are you going to get on Luddy for what he said?.....you got on me for saying the same dam thing.....

Doesnt make it acceptable does it?

Remember the Mi Lia massacre and Lt Calley? We still have to prosecute our attrocities

So where are the indictments?
"They do it too" is not a justification for sinking down to their level

All Americans condemn the use of torture by terrorists, it is only conservatives who advocate degrading ourselves by engaging in torture

and the people making the torture accusation on three Al Qadea get to set the definition of what torture is. Isnt that convenient for you.

Speaking of your loving democrates, remember Hillary on the death of Kaddafi in Lybia?
" we came we saw we killed" and she damn well new he wasnt just killed , he was tortured to death. She looked as gleeful as a little girl opening a christmas present. Thats all you need to know. The leadership on the left is hypicritical when it comes to morallity. Its all for politics

Waterboarding is identified as torture around the world. Even the US has prosecuted the act.

Qadhafi was killed by his own people. The US had no control over it. However, we DO have control over how we treat our own prisoners

Why did Hillary take credit for killing Kadaffi? I remmeber seeing that news report and she just seemed very strange to me. Sorry, I guess she just likes killing. Moammar was no worse than Sheik Mohammed who was waterboarded.

Why people cry for him I will never understand, If you were in charge, and you had captured a terrorist leader who may or may not posses knowlege of wether an attack was
about to take place in the US, and you did not do eveyrthing in your power to find out what
they knew, you would be blamed if they set off a Nuke or a dirty bomb, or whatever act it could have been. Its much easier to armchair quarterback afterwards and criticize. The three terrorists, were not uniformed soldiers. They dont get the same rights. I know you will say but they are human too, but I might disagree with you. They gave up their rights to play the human CARD when they started cutting off other human's heads with a knife. If it makes me a bad person for having that opinion then I will have to live with that.

Water boarding may be torture for everyone else on the planet, but for those three I would call it therapy. Im sure they felt much better after it was over
Absolutely correct.

"War is hell" is not reason or excuse to torture.

BUT, the US has always tortured. We pretended we didn't and we gave lip service to being against the very torture our own soldiers endured. But we did it too.

Good for President Obama for being honest and in the open about it. That's the only way we will ever put a stop to it.

hey RW ....are you going to get on Luddy for what he said?.....you got on me for saying the same dam thing.....

Doesnt make it acceptable does it?

Remember the Mi Lia massacre and Lt Calley? We still have to prosecute our attrocities

geezus are you afraid to criticize your fellow lefties?.....they cant hurt you....i promise you.....
If that is the case, and the question mark becomes a period, justice should be sought.


Obama killed this boy, an American citizen, that is a fact.

The boy was not suspected of any criminal acts, was not under indictment, there were no warrants for his arrest, he wasn't even on the no fly list.

But Obama slaughtered him with a drone strike.

These are all irrefutable and uncontested facts.

The Killed-at-16 Transparency Test: Obama Owes Us Answers About This Dead American - The Atlantic

You of the left hold party above all, so you will defend Obama and the party.

It may not lead to the WH. It may have been neglect or a crime committed by anyone of a number of individuals and agencies tasked with selecting and approving targets. Plenty of high profile elected officials have had the opportunity to run with that ball. But it has absolutely nothing to do with torture. The two topics are not related except for the fact that both have aided in the recruitment of enemy forces against us and lowered our moral standing in the world. Both have threatened our security and safety.

The boy was on Obama's kill list - Obama didn't like his father. Granted, his father was a terrorist, so no one liked him.

{ Early one morning in September 2011, Abdulrahman set out from our home in Sana by himself. He went to look for his father, whom he hadn’t seen for years. He left a note for his mother explaining that he missed his father and wanted to find him, and asking her to forgive him for leaving without permission.

A couple of days after Abdulrahman left, we were relieved to receive word that he was safe and with cousins in southern Yemen, where our family is from. Days later, his father was targeted and killed by American drones in a northern province, hundreds of miles away. After Anwar died, Abdulrahman called us and said he was going to return home. }


The Obama administration said the kid should have picked a better father;

{ I would suggest that you should have a far more responsible father if they are truly concerned about the well being of their children.}

How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American - The Atlantic

You'll defend this, maybe praise it.

Party above all - always and without exception.

Why stop at that boy?

We have killed thousands of innocent boys and girls in bombing attacks through the years. Wars do that. In WWII we used carpet bombing. In VietNam we used napalm. Thousands of innocents were killed. It is the nature of war

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