Obama to address nation over terror threats ...What will he say

Do we think if we take up a collection, what amount could we bribe him with to leave office NOW?!?!?!?!?! I know, sad we have pay for failure, but this pay is to stop MORE failure, and would be well worth it!

Nixon quit like a man for the good of the country
It's beyond obamas ability to ever behave like a man
President Obama to address nation over terror threats - CNNPolitics.com

Threats???? that wasn't an empty threat Mr. President.
He may discuss terrorism, but he'll spend the majority of the time telling us of the religion of peace.
Despite the fact him and loretta ask us turn in suspicious activity.
At any rate, could be interesting given this guys past history.
Whatever he says you and the ODSers will be against it.... I'm sure you are against it now, even before he's uttered a word..... :D
He'll create a crisis only he can solve.
Make it appear that there's a nation wide panic over gun violence. When if fact it's been created by the news media, Barrack Hussein Obama and his trusty side kick Loretta Lynch.

make contradictory statements like, Muslims' aren't the problem but turn in any suspicious behavor. Which in itself creates a prejudice agains muslims; and then tells the Muslims to turn in anything they deem prejudicial. Which will make non muslim religions angry because they wonder why they don't get the same treatment.
What could be more divisive and confusing than this?????

A crisis only he can solve. Well, better than Bush then, who created a crisis NO ONE can solve.
bush certainly had his faults. Some people actually think he was a conservative.

Yeah, like all those conservatives who voted for him TWICE.

Verses Gore, Lurch, well duh.
He'll probably blame us for the terrorist attacks, like a lot of the far left progressives/democrats do

and then call us all greedy bible thumping gun clingers and that's the reason we will not bend over for him taking away our protections ( millions of us innocent gun owners) for our families and homes

Don't expect any sympathy for us or our country. He'll take a stick and poke us all in the eye, and see I TOLD YOU SO
First, condolences to victim families, second, gun control, then close with the whopper that he was in Paris to fight the underlying cause, global warming. However, he could just blame it on Bush and how tough it is to be so popular considering the demands of the office. Then he will pull out his prayer rug and say goodnight.
First, condolences to victim families, second, gun control, then close with the whopper that he was in Paris to fight the underlying cause, global warming. However, he could just blame it on Bush and how tough it is to be so popular considering the demands of the office. Then he will pull out his prayer rug and say goodnight.

Oh darn. that's probably pretty close. I won't listen or watch him anymore.
Trust me this is going to be a gun control speech to spin and deflect from his sticking his foot in his mouth the last few weeks. The Gov of California is already out there LYING his lowlife scum ass off. Gov moonbeam went on international TV and blamed AZ and NV gun laws, claiming those states allow a wide open back door for terrorists to buy guns avoiding California gun laws...ignoring that the terrorists who attacked California purchased their guns in California not AZ or NV. Yes people the left are utter filth and a pustule on America.
Obama to address nation over terror threats ...What will he say

"Uhm, der, uhm, let me be clear, Bush's fault, nasty republicans, uhm, der, let me be clear, did I mention it's Bush's fault?, uhm der....."
Since the man has already said what he's planning to do about terrorism and how he believes we should react to it, his address will most likely be about gun control. This is one filthy leftist pustule who is EXTREMELY disappointed in Obama's dealing with the whole terrorist thing. He insults our intelligence if he thinks anyone is going to be fooled into thinking gun control will keep us safe from terrorism like San Bernardino. They are two completely separate issues. The terrorists got their guns legally, so how will more gun laws help? And pipe bombs? How do gun control laws help that? Maybe he's just hoping it will appease some of us "leftists" who are more and more disappointed in how he's handling (NOT handling is more like) the war with ISIS.
Why isn't anyone getting fired for allowing terrorist into this country? Everyone expected bush to resign after 911....wait...democratic president...my apologies. Carry on.
Amazing. Obama is caving to pressure and will address us tonight.

You think he'll do it? Call it radical Islam?

He will claim that gun control is the reason for the terror attack. That is what he will be saying. It is that obvious. No control law they have proposed would have made any difference when the smelly muslims carried out their terror attack on behalf of isis.

There is a ban on pipe bombs and they had a bunch of those. Calfornia already has strict gun control. France has some of the most strict control laws in the world.

The skinny smoking kenyan shiite marxist will then repeat the same lie that this is the only country that has such problems with mass shootings. His fucking pathetic supporters will clap away and believe that fucking lie again. It will all be cliche driven.

Mass shootings more frequent in European countries


Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe - Crime Prevention Research Center

We are nowhere folks. The contrived piece of shit in chief, who is doing the worlds socialist agenda bidding will lie through his fucking lying teeth cause that is all he is. A fucking pack of fucking lies. Everything the guy says is geared towards tearing down the country.

So, in essence, what will the skinny smoker speech be tonight?



That is what it will be about. Oh, do not forget reiterating that they are mad ut the US for global warming. Yeah, he may be reiterating those claims again.
President Obama to address nation over terror threats - CNNPolitics.com

Threats???? that wasn't an empty threat Mr. President.
He may discuss terrorism, but he'll spend the majority of the time telling us of the religion of peace.
Despite the fact him and loretta ask us turn in suspicious activity.
At any rate, could be interesting given this guys past history.
TheReligionofPeace - Islam: Taqiyya and Lying
Youtube: Armegeddon news
Political Islam
Can you imagine if this was post Pearl Harbor? Odummy. "Err what we have here is we offended Japan somehow by being American. We need to do something about that"

Isolated extremism, gun laws, Muslims are peaceful, blah blah blah. Don't care not going to watch it.
What's the over/under on when he'll mention gun control or some associated topic?

Any line on whether he'll make recommendations leading to another governmental power grab a la the Patriot Act?
I think a whiff of Reality has wafted into the White House and it has brought with it the fear that the usual lies and deflections and bullshit won't work in the speech tonight.

So, I don't expect him to blame this latest Lunatic Muslim Terror attack on Global Warming, or Workplace Violence, or even on White boys who cling to their guns and religion...much as he'll want to do all that, no....they'll have him on strict teleprompter.

The best rule when dealing with this veteran Liar is to remember:

1) Whatever he assures he will do, that is the very thing he will never do; and

2) Whatever he says he won't do, that's what he is planning to do in the next year.

He actually does his very best lying when he is on the teleprompter.

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