Obama to address nation over terror threats ...What will he say

Nothing he could say or do would prove that he is the President that we need at this time.
He is nothing more than an empty suit.
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I think a whiff of Reality has wafted into the White House and it has brought with it the fear that the usual lies and deflections and bullshit won't work in the speech tonight.

So, I don't expect him to blame this latest Lunatic Muslim Terror attack on Global Warming, or Workplace Violence, or even on White boys who cling to their guns and religion...much as he'll want to do all that, no....they'll have him on strict teleprompter.

The best rule when dealing with this veteran Liar is to remember:

1) Whatever he assures he will do, that is the very thing he will never do; and

2) Whatever he says he won't do, that's what he is planning to do in the next year.

He actually does his very best lying when he is on the teleprompter.

If this country (fucking liberal losers) have not seen what the fucking smelly sandpeople's intent is after 911, nothing will.


He went on an apology tour. He hates the country. Always has. Along with every fucking elitist liberal in the academia world. He is a skinny fucking elitist loser who has been shaped to do exactly what he is doing.

Racial division. Gender division. Class division. All under the guise of robin hood and selling his fucking morons on a mythical utopia. Creating the scapegoats along the way. Free market system, rich people, right wingers, Christians, white people, Israel, on and on and on.

Seriously. If we do not know what these fucking morons are all about nothing will. The fucking morons on the left thought it was isolated to osama and al qaeda? As if any fucking liberal can actually distinguish the difference between any of them.

They murder our civilians? Use our own civilian air lines to crush New York, and these fucking digusting traitors blame us? As if these fucking sandmonkeys have not been warring with everyone who does not subscribe to sharia law since 632ad? They think it was boooooooooosh?

Do you have any idea what we are dealing with. The arrogance?

I hate them. For a reason too. They are not worth the mucus that lines my intestines.
A step in the right direction is to put public presidential pressure on the Muslim Community to do more to OUT these Lunatics before the go operational.

Nobody rational person believes the Muslim Community has done enough in that regard. Many think it rises to a conspiracy of silence.

Will he do that? Is it asking too much to seek help from the very Culture from which this Scouge has sprung.
Might want to address some of these findings
ISIS in America: Three Key Findings
ISIS in America: Three Key Findings
12/3/2015 10:09AM
A new report from George Washington University's Program on Extremism sheds light on the radicalization of American ISIS supporters. WSJ's Shelby Holliday highlights three key findings.
If this was 1941 - the Liberals would be in love with the Japanese.
How these Liberals "think" is beyond comprehension.

Since it's now, you ultra right wingers are arming terrorist that are in the US already. What is the matter with your brain. Is it that broken?
I'm not arming anyone with anything, dipshit. Don't have a clue what "right wing" you're talking about. You mean from the Speaker of the House on down, idiot?
President Obama to address nation over terror threats - CNNPolitics.com

Threats???? that wasn't an empty threat Mr. President.
He may discuss terrorism, but he'll spend the majority of the time telling us of the religion of peace.
Despite the fact him and loretta ask us turn in suspicious activity.
At any rate, could be interesting given this guys past history.

Guns Bad!
Bush Bad!
Republicans bad!
Me good!
Bow down and worship Me!
Guns Bad!
Republicans Bad!
Me Good!
Bow down and worship Me!
Obama to address nation over terror threats ...What will he say

"Uhm, der, uhm, let me be clear, Bush's fault, nasty republicans, uhm, der, let me be clear, did I mention it's Bush's fault?, uhm der....."

Exactly ^^^^^^^^ umh err.....err. haaa...hnnn uhhrrr....hnmmmm

Would anyone be surprised if He were to announce martial law and suspension of elections?

No, really be surprised?

Before you make a complete ass of yourself Google the meaning of the word "if". It's only one syllable so you liberal Ph.D. candidates ought not have trouble with it.
Don't make America define if. We'll get Slick Willie since he helped us understand what the definition of is.........is.

Me thinks we will find out how much of a threat are white Christians.

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