Obama to Announce Supreme Court Nominee at 11 a.m. Today

Obama Chooses Merrick Garland for Supreme Court

CN chief counsel Carrie Severino said in a blog post that Judge Merrick’s record on the bench since 1997 “leads to the conclusion that he would vote to reverse one of Justice Scalia’s most important opinions, D.C. vs. Heller, which affirmed that the Second Amendment confers an individual right to keep and bear arms.”

I thought I read that they said Obama wouldn't make the SCOTUS appointment, but the next President would....or was I imagining I'd read this?

Obama is free to nominate. Senate is free to ignore.
Obama Chooses Merrick Garland for Supreme Court......UNACCEPTABLE

Help for ya, no matter who you are, you probably won't like 50% of his decisions. Let's mush on...
Obama Chooses Merrick Garland for Supreme Court

CN chief counsel Carrie Severino said in a blog post that Judge Merrick’s record on the bench since 1997 “leads to the conclusion that he would vote to reverse one of Justice Scalia’s most important opinions, D.C. vs. Heller, which affirmed that the Second Amendment confers an individual right to keep and bear arms.”

I thought I read that they said Obama wouldn't make the SCOTUS appointment, but the next President would....or was I imagining I'd read this?

Obama is free to nominate. Senate is free to ignore.
Not really but hey, let's just ignore the Constitution (that you supposedly love and defend).
Obama Chooses Merrick Garland for Supreme Court

CN chief counsel Carrie Severino said in a blog post that Judge Merrick’s record on the bench since 1997 “leads to the conclusion that he would vote to reverse one of Justice Scalia’s most important opinions, D.C. vs. Heller, which affirmed that the Second Amendment confers an individual right to keep and bear arms.”

I thought I read that they said Obama wouldn't make the SCOTUS appointment, but the next President would....or was I imagining I'd read this?
I don't know why the nutters are getting all upset over who he nominates. The Senate pubes already stated they are going to refuse to have a hearing on whoever he chooses.
Nomination is going NOWHERE so it's all a moot point

The ball is now in the Republicans court

They can choose to ignore it but Republican Senators will still have to answer for their inaction. Every big case that comes down to 4-4 this year will be blamed on the Republicans

For what gain? That they may miraculously win the Senate and White House in 2016?
What is so funny Easy? You don't like it when the facts are right in front of your face?.
No, actually I had no intention of wasting my time responding to something so ignorant.... but since you insist....

Liberals are pathetic, specifically - as your comment demonstrates - because of your incredible ignorance and partisanship that drives your ability to completely ignore THE FACTS - such as his many FAILURES (such as his 'Red Line' disaster or claiming HE had confined ISIS...just before they proved him to be a liar by launching the largest attack on France since WWII) and somehow claim that the only reason the GOP (and many liberals) disagree with Obama is because they don't like anything about the MAN.

I don't know the man. I don't care about getting to know the man. I don't care about getting to 'know' any of my politicians. In the military I could get deployed into a location, be tasked with fighting side-by-side with someone I have never met before. I do not have to get to 'know' him. I only need to know I can trust him to do his job and NOT f* things up, thereby getting me and others killed.

I don't care about 'knowing Obama. The only thing I care about is that he is professional, intelligent, and can get the job done while ensuring I and my fellow Americans don't die as a result of something at which he failed. RESULTS. Obama has FAILED at many things. He has failed in regards to debt addition, deficit-spending, and being responsible for the 1st US Credit Downgrade in history. He has failed at foreign policy - arming Mexican Drug cartels, aiding terrorists, his 'Red line' disaster, taking the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over Libya, abandoning Americans to die... There is a long list of Obama POLICY, AGENDA, AND IDEOLOGY FAILURES.

I don't hate the man. I don't know the man. What I do now and try to do, however, is judge his performance and actions as equally as I would anyone else's, without the rose-colored partisan B$ glasses that both parties often use to defend their members while hypocritically bashing the other's. If you could suddenly convince Liberals that Obama, Hillary, Reid, and Pelosi, for example, are Republicans - never were Liberals...liberals would savagely attack and crucify them for what they have DONE. It is only the partisan glasses that keep liberals defending the inexcusable actions of their own party members.

I am not saying everything Obama has done has been bad - never said that. I do not, however, play the partisan BS about how he can never get anything right....or wrong.

So, when I read your stupid, partisan comment I chose to ignore it...until you forced my hand. You wanted my honest, NON-partisan comment...there ya go, Oh, and don't bother responding / feel like you have to reply because I don't know YOU and don't care what you have to say in response to my comments in this post. Don't feel like I am calling you out - I'm NOT. I don't care.

I know your not calling me out, we are discussing and know I feel the same way as I am not attacking you...

First off I am not in a party right now and call bullshit when I see it, I am not a liberal so you can't go there.. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean that they are automatically a liberal.

You refuse to see that many before Obama who made the call in their last term.

2nd your comments on what Obama has done wrong are all bullshit talk and something a liberal hater would say about any left president...

So with that...see the Facts Jack.....In your face Grace...:itsok:

I am not ignoring anything. Obama can make the nomination if he wants. IMO, based oh his actions and decisions, he is not capable or worthy of being entrusted to make such a critical nomination. Disagree with me? Fine. Again, Obama can make all the nominations he wants...doesn't mean Congress is FORCED to give him who / what he wants. Congress is the Checks and balances system to the Executive Branch for a reason...and a large reason Obama has made it a habit of going around them and using Executive orders to do whatever the hell he wants / wants...Constitutional or not.

The difference is that the Republicans in Senate can say....I object to Judge Garland because:
If their because is ...Because Obama nominated him they will be held accountable
Obama Chooses Merrick Garland for Supreme Court......UNACCEPTABLE

Help for ya, no matter who you are, you probably won't like 50% of his decisions. Let's mush on...


The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.

Joseph Story
Supreme Court Justice

What is so funny Easy? You don't like it when the facts are right in front of your face?.
No, actually I had no intention of wasting my time responding to something so ignorant.... but since you insist....

Liberals are pathetic, specifically - as your comment demonstrates - because of your incredible ignorance and partisanship that drives your ability to completely ignore THE FACTS - such as his many FAILURES (such as his 'Red Line' disaster or claiming HE had confined ISIS...just before they proved him to be a liar by launching the largest attack on France since WWII) and somehow claim that the only reason the GOP (and many liberals) disagree with Obama is because they don't like anything about the MAN.

I don't know the man. I don't care about getting to know the man. I don't care about getting to 'know' any of my politicians. In the military I could get deployed into a location, be tasked with fighting side-by-side with someone I have never met before. I do not have to get to 'know' him. I only need to know I can trust him to do his job and NOT f* things up, thereby getting me and others killed.

I don't care about 'knowing Obama. The only thing I care about is that he is professional, intelligent, and can get the job done while ensuring I and my fellow Americans don't die as a result of something at which he failed. RESULTS. Obama has FAILED at many things. He has failed in regards to debt addition, deficit-spending, and being responsible for the 1st US Credit Downgrade in history. He has failed at foreign policy - arming Mexican Drug cartels, aiding terrorists, his 'Red line' disaster, taking the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over Libya, abandoning Americans to die... There is a long list of Obama POLICY, AGENDA, AND IDEOLOGY FAILURES.

I don't hate the man. I don't know the man. What I do now and try to do, however, is judge his performance and actions as equally as I would anyone else's, without the rose-colored partisan B$ glasses that both parties often use to defend their members while hypocritically bashing the other's. If you could suddenly convince Liberals that Obama, Hillary, Reid, and Pelosi, for example, are Republicans - never were Liberals...liberals would savagely attack and crucify them for what they have DONE. It is only the partisan glasses that keep liberals defending the inexcusable actions of their own party members.

I am not saying everything Obama has done has been bad - never said that. I do not, however, play the partisan BS about how he can never get anything right....or wrong.

So, when I read your stupid, partisan comment I chose to ignore it...until you forced my hand. You wanted my honest, NON-partisan comment...there ya go, Oh, and don't bother responding / feel like you have to reply because I don't know YOU and don't care what you have to say in response to my comments in this post. Don't feel like I am calling you out - I'm NOT. I don't care.

I know your not calling me out, we are discussing and know I feel the same way as I am not attacking you...

First off I am not in a party right now and call bullshit when I see it, I am not a liberal so you can't go there.. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean that they are automatically a liberal.

You refuse to see that many before Obama who made the call in their last term.

2nd your comments on what Obama has done wrong are all bullshit talk and something a liberal hater would say about any left president...

So with that...see the Facts Jack.....In your face Grace...:itsok:

I am not ignoring anything. Obama can make the nomination if he wants. IMO, based oh his actions and decisions, he is not capable or worthy of being entrusted to make such a critical nomination. Disagree with me? Fine. Again, Obama can make all the nominations he wants...doesn't mean Congress is FORCED to give him who / what he wants. Congress is the Checks and balances system to the Executive Branch for a reason...and a large reason Obama has made it a habit of going around them and using Executive orders to do whatever the hell he wants / wants...Constitutional or not.

So Mitch McConnell and his cronies didn't push Obama into making these orders?.You know they said that "What ever Obama says they will vote against it. "
I do think turtle McConnell is a nasty racist, who wants Obama to look bad... But it isn't working.
These jerks in Congress will take the sides of the Big money over the people who voted them in, and even if it hurts the people they will deny anything Obama puts in.
This is why America is so pissed....A government for the wealthy. Yes the dems too.

The difference is that the Republicans in Senate can say....I object to Judge Garland because:
If their because is ...Because Obama nominated him they will be held accountable
Liberals declaring their opinions to be facts NEVER gets old...

The guy is a leftist who would (predicted) potentially overturn Scalia's decision and pave the way for Americans to be dis-armed. That is sure dawn-well good enough reason NOT to let this guy 'join the club'.
Obama Chooses Merrick Garland for Supreme Court......UNACCEPTABLE

Help for ya, no matter who you are, you probably won't like 50% of his decisions. Let's mush on...


The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.

Joseph Story
Supreme Court Justice

Maybe that was true once but it sure as shit ain't now. Now they can kill you in Kabul, Afghanistan, while drinking coffee in New Mexico...
Nomination is going NOWHERE so it's all a moot point

The ball is now in the Republicans court

They can choose to ignore it but Republican Senators will still have to answer for their inaction. Every big case that comes down to 4-4 this year will be blamed on the Republicans

For what gain? That they may miraculously win the Senate and White House in 2016?

It is in their court now... Deal with it ... :thup:

The GOP gets blamed for everything anyway … Don’t see why this would be any different.
And if you are stupid enough to think that the GOP would gain from giving in and not standing their ground … Well, you haven’t been paying much attention to politics lately.

Sad thing is McConnell and the rest of the Liberal Washington Establishment jackasses will crumble and give Obama what he wants. (Of course it's not 'crumbing' when it's what you want, too...)

The GOP leadership would rather 'survive' as a whole on their knees as a minority to the Liberals, trimming a few young / weak members from its ranks to do so, than risk leading, taking chances, being bold, doing what's best for the country and in turn piss someone off and possibly get voted out the next election...at least then they would go out with a clean conscience and on their feet instead of a bunch of self-serving boot-lickers.
Sad thing is McConnell and the rest of the Liberal Washington Establishment jackasses will crumble and give Obama what he wants. (Of course it's not 'crumbing' when it's what you want, too...)
Doing their job is not crumbling. Give Advice and Consent. That means voting...
Obama Chooses Merrick Garland for Supreme Court......UNACCEPTABLE

Help for ya, no matter who you are, you probably won't like 50% of his decisions. Let's mush on...


The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.

Joseph Story
Supreme Court Justice

Maybe that was true once but it sure as shit ain't now. Now they can kill you in Kabul, Afghanistan, while drinking coffee in New Mexico...

ONLY in the fascists' GUN FREE ZONES.


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