Obama To Endorse Biden This Afternoon

Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?
You should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama warned us about this pandemic. If the republicans weren’t a bunch of asshole racist scumbags and listened, we wouldn’t be attending as many funerals.

Stop already, you're not fooling anyone with your bullshit.

Do the math: Look up the number of COVID deaths, divide it by the population, and multiply it by 100...

US - 0.007%

Italy - 0.03%

Spain - 0.04%

UK - 0.02%

It's probably a little late for you to learn this but when you use reason, life isn't so confusing, is it?
Those have to be the dumbest calculations. It is not the total amount of the population that matters it is the death rate among those that are infected that matters. The purpose of the lock down is to prevent the population as a whole from getting the infection.

So you want to play that game? Ok then: Figure the total percentage of the population which was infected with COVID-19 and we get this:

US - 0.18%

Italy - 0.26%

Spain - 0.34%

UK - 0.14%

France - 0.2%

The UK is a little lower, but not much. Now tell me again just how President Trump "mismanaged" this so horribly. You guys and girls have no sense of proportion.

The reality of it is, you don't really care how many people die, as long as it can be used to unseat this President. Now be a man and admit that.
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It doesn’t matter that the endorsement is inevitable. It’s about getting people to wonder why Obama waited so long. Biden was an exceptionally weak front-runner, and he could have used Obama’s influence earlier so the Democratic Party could coalesce behind a candidate to take on Trump.

The Trump campaign should lean in to the speculation (though it’s probably true) that Obama didn’t think Biden had what it takes, and he didn’t want to waste an endorsement on a candidate who can barely remember his own positions. Now, Obama is settling. He has to.
Major endorsement.

Question...How many former Presidents are endorsing Trump?

Who cares? His living predecessors are all in the club that did the damage in the first place.

This will however shut the door on any potential usurpers. Unless he drops dead, Biden is their candidate. Get the popcorn ready.

Ex Presidents care about the integrity of the office they once held. That is why, regardless of party, they all tend to support each other once they leave office.

Not a single President can tolerate Trump

That's how you know when a politician is a good one; when all the other politicians hate him.
Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?
You should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama warned us about this pandemic. If the republicans weren’t a bunch of asshole racist scumbags and listened, we wouldn’t be attending as many funerals.

Stop already, you're not fooling anyone with your bullshit.

Do the math: Look up the number of COVID deaths, divide it by the population, and multiply it by 100...

US - 0.007%

Italy - 0.03%

Spain - 0.04%

UK - 0.02%

It's probably a little late for you to learn this but when you use reason, life isn't so confusing, is it?
Those have to be the dumbest calculations. It is not the total amount of the population that matters it is the death rate among those that are infected that matters. The purpose of the lock down is to prevent the population as a whole from getting the infection.

So you want to play that game? Ok then: Figure the total percentage of the population which was infected with COVID-19 and we get this:

US - 0.18%

Italy - 0.26%

Spain - 0.34%

UK - 0.14%

The UK is a little lower, but not much. Now tell me again just how President Trump "mismanaged" this so horribly. You guys and girls have no sense of proportion.

The reality of it is, you don't really care how many people die, as long as it can be used to unseat this President. Now be a man and admit that.
The UK is a little lower in population infected, but their death rate is 3 times what it is in the US. The UK govt run healthcare system obviously sucks.
Major endorsement.

Question...How many former Presidents are endorsing Trump?

Who cares? His living predecessors are all in the club that did the damage in the first place.

This will however shut the door on any potential usurpers. Unless he drops dead, Biden is their candidate. Get the popcorn ready.

Ex Presidents care about the integrity of the office they once held. That is why, regardless of party, they all tend to support each other once they leave office.

Not a single President can tolerate Trump

That's how you know when a politician is a good one; when all the other politicians hate him.

honestly, this ain't wrong.
Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?
You should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama warned us about this pandemic. If the republicans weren’t a bunch of asshole racist scumbags and listened, we wouldn’t be attending as many funerals.

Stop already, you're not fooling anyone with your bullshit.

Do the math: Look up the number of COVID deaths, divide it by the population, and multiply it by 100...

US - 0.007%

Italy - 0.03%

Spain - 0.04%

UK - 0.02%

It's probably a little late for you to learn this but when you use your head for something other than a hat rack, life isn't so confusing, is it?
It's a poor hat rack with their heads shoved up their asses so far.
Major endorsement.

Question...How many former Presidents are endorsing Trump?

Who cares? His living predecessors are all in the club that did the damage in the first place.

This will however shut the door on any potential usurpers. Unless he drops dead, Biden is their candidate. Get the popcorn ready.

Ex Presidents care about the integrity of the office they once held. That is why, regardless of party, they all tend to support each other once they leave office.

Not a single President can tolerate Trump

Birds of a feather .... globalists all.
Major endorsement.

Question...How many former Presidents are endorsing Trump?

Who cares? His living predecessors are all in the club that did the damage in the first place.

This will however shut the door on any potential usurpers. Unless he drops dead, Biden is their candidate. Get the popcorn ready.

Ex Presidents care about the integrity of the office they once held. That is why, regardless of party, they all tend to support each other once they leave office.

Not a single President can tolerate Trump

Well he's better than them at this job, so it's understandable.

Few seem to think so

Trump is the only president never to have received a presidential endorsement from either party. They usually get an obligatory endorsement within party.

No President will sink that low
What about Washington dingbat?
Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?
You should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama warned us about this pandemic. If the republicans weren’t a bunch of asshole racist scumbags and listened, we wouldn’t be attending as many funerals.
Interesting...so Barack Obama made sure the Federal stockpile of materials to fight against the pandemic he was "warning" us about was fully stocked...right, Billy? Oh, wait...he didn't do that?
Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?
You should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama warned us about this pandemic. If the republicans weren’t a bunch of asshole racist scumbags and listened, we wouldn’t be attending as many funerals.
We don't believe you. Never again. No matter how much power comes back to Progs.
decades ago that by now all the major coastal
He also warned us about the oceans rising because of global warming. Once he got out of office, bought a mansion on the ocean. :auiqs.jpg:

Now, now...In Barry's defense that was technically AL GORE who prophesied decades ago that by now all the major coastal cities would be under water, the polar ice caps would be gone, polar bears would be gone, cats and dogs would be living together...Armageddon....

....poor bastard must have been home sick from school 'THAT DAY':

Will melting ice cause water level to rise? - YouTube
Major endorsement.

Question...How many former Presidents are endorsing Trump?

He was Obama's choice for VP, which was one step away from becoming President, how is this a major endorsement? I believe if Warren had stayed in Obama would have endorsed her.
He was Obama's choice for VP, which was one step away from becoming President, how is this a major endorsement? I believe if Warren had stayed in Obama would have endorsed her.

Considering how when hearing Obama had been nominated for President Joe responded by saying finally there was a clean-cut, articulate black man, I am surprised Barry would endorse a dirty, old, white, inarticulate, rambling, dementia-suffering, basement bunker dweller to be his (finally) replacement to re-start his forgotten 'legacy' of 'fundamentally changing America....

...but that's just me.
Barack And Joe are my favorite bromance couple. they are 2 beautiful men who made America beautiful again. don't you just miss these guys? i personally miss these cats, and want them back!

the Obama era was the epitome of calmness, civility, and coolness. that's what Americans lost when Trump came along, that's what Americans will get back when Biden is elected POTUS!

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