Obama To Endorse Biden This Afternoon

Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?
LOL.. that sounds more like Trump than Biden. Has Trump ever spoken about anything without bloviating about himself?
He gives credit to where credit is due. Unlike Obama with his god like echo when he speaks. Lol
Oh, I watched it.

And, having watched it, I would be remiss if I didn't point out that he didn't utter a single word about Covid-19.

He spoke in such ridiculously general terms that only someone completely on board the Hate-Trump train would conclude that he was talking about this pandemic.

He wasn't.

Enjoy your fail. It looks good on you...
Obama warned us about this pandemic.

You're talking about the SWINE FLU, right? It's about damn time!

:p lol
No, moron. He warned us about future pandemics.

Everyone knew there were going to be future pandemics with the number of Illegals crossing the borders, and the number of Americans living and crapping on the sidewalks in formerly great cities. But Obama did nothing to stop it.
Obama warned us about this pandemic.

You're talking about the SWINE FLU, right? It's about damn time!

:p lol
No, moron. He warned us about future pandemics.

Everyone knew there were going to be future pandemics with the number of Illegals crossing the borders, and the number of Americans living and crapping on the sidewalks in formerly great cities. But Obama did nothing to stop it.
Trump made it worse.
He warned us about 'future pandemics'.

Well DAMN...then I am a frigging 'Obama-level' GENIOUS because I predicted decades ago the world would continue to face earthquakes, floods, Tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, mud slides, wildfires, illnesses, and other continuously-occurring dangers.

Maybe me and Barry should be nominated jointly for a Nobel Peace Prize?!

He warned us about 'future pandemics'.

Well DAMN...then I am a frigging 'Obama-level' GENIOUS because I predicted decades ago the world would continue to face earthquakes, floods, Tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, mud slides, wildfires, illnesses, and other continuously-occurring dangers.

Maybe me and Barry should be nominated jointly for a Nobel Peace Prize?!

You are an idiot.
Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?
You should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama warned us about this pandemic. If the republicans weren’t a bunch of asshole racist scumbags and listened, we wouldn’t be attending as many funerals.

Stop already, you're not fooling anyone with your bullshit.

Do the math: Look up the number of COVID deaths, divide it by the population, and multiply it by 100...

US - 0.007%

Italy - 0.03%

Spain - 0.04%

UK - 0.02%

It's probably a little late for you to learn this but when you use your head for something other than a hat rack, life isn't so confusing, is it?

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