Obama To Endorse Biden This Afternoon

Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?
You should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama warned us about this pandemic. If the republicans weren’t a bunch of asshole racist scumbags and listened, we wouldn’t be attending as many funerals.
Obama warned us about this pandemic.

When? Gotta link?

Was it back in 2014-15 when he used up our stockpile and didn't replenish it?
You are an idiot.

Coming from a butt-hurt, emotionally-manipulated, partisan, TDS-suffering, hate-driven, proven-ignorant snowflake, I am honored....it means truth and facts are being spoken about Democrats because those are the 2 biggest things that offend snowflakes.

...like how if the President had listened to Biden, who called him a Xenophobe and attacked him for imposing the China Ban when he did, the country would have been open to more infected Chinese and the greater spread of the global pandemic China quietly exported.

Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?
You should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama warned us about this pandemic. If the republicans weren’t a bunch of asshole racist scumbags and listened, we wouldn’t be attending as many funerals.
Obama warned us about this pandemic.

When? Gotta link?

Was it back in 2014-15 when he used up our stockpile and didn't replenish it?
You are an idiot.

Coming from a butt-hurt, emotionally-manipulated, partisan, TDS-suffering, hate-driven, proven-ignorant snowflake, I am honored....it means truth and facts are being spoken about Democrats because those are the 2 biggest things that offend snowflakes.

...like how if the President had listened to Biden, who called him a Xenophobe and attacked him for imposing the China Ban when he did, the country would have been open to more infected Chinese and the greater spread of the global pandemic China quietly exported.

I’m done with you asshole.
Have a miserable life.
Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?
You should stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama warned us about this pandemic. If the republicans weren’t a bunch of asshole racist scumbags and listened, we wouldn’t be attending as many funerals.

Stop already, you're not fooling anyone with your bullshit.

Do the math: Look up the number of COVID deaths, divide it by the population, and multiply it by 100...

US - 0.007%

Italy - 0.03%

Spain - 0.04%

UK - 0.02%

It's probably a little late for you to learn this but when you use reason, life isn't so confusing, is it?
Those have to be the dumbest calculations. It is not the total amount of the population that matters it is the death rate among those that are infected that matters. The purpose of the lock down is to prevent the population as a whole from getting the infection.
I’m done with you asshole. Have a miserable life.
:( Awwww...don't go away angry, lil' TDS-suffering, propaganda-spreading snowflake. Just go away.

I hope and pray you and your family stay healthy and unaffected by the China Virus and that you live long enough to admit the manure you have been spreading has been regurgitated partisan talking points.

God bless.
Major endorsement.

Question...How many former Presidents are endorsing Trump?

Who cares? His living predecessors are all in the club that did the damage in the first place.

This will however shut the door on any potential usurpers. Unless he drops dead, Biden is their candidate. Get the popcorn ready.

Ex Presidents care about the integrity of the office they once held. That is why, regardless of party, they all tend to support each other once they leave office.

Not a single President can tolerate Trump
Major endorsement.

Question...How many former Presidents are endorsing Trump?

Who cares? His living predecessors are all in the club that did the damage in the first place.

This will however shut the door on any potential usurpers. Unless he drops dead, Biden is their candidate. Get the popcorn ready.

Ex Presidents care about the integrity of the office they once held. That is why, regardless of party, they all tend to support each other once they leave office.

Not a single President can tolerate Trump

Well he's better than them at this job, so it's understandable.
Ten bucks says that when the Magic Negro speaks, he will make it all about himself and his "accomplishments."

Did he actually accomplish anything?
LOL.. that sounds more like Trump than Biden. Has Trump ever spoken about anything without bloviating about himself?

As much as Trump has accomplished, he has every right to brag.

Obama accomplished nothing and Biden would be four more years of the same mediocrity.
You are an idiot.

Coming from a butt-hurt, emotionally-manipulated, partisan, TDS-suffering, hate-driven, proven-ignorant snowflake, I am honored....it means truth and facts are being spoken about Democrats because those are the 2 biggest things that offend snowflakes.

...like how if the President had listened to Biden, who called him a Xenophobe and attacked him for imposing the China Ban when he did, the country would have been open to more infected Chinese and the greater spread of the global pandemic China quietly exported.

I’m done with you asshole.
Have a miserable life.
It sure looks like you're the one having a miserable life. Guess what, asshole come November it gets even worse.
You are an idiot.

Coming from a butt-hurt, emotionally-manipulated, partisan, TDS-suffering, hate-driven, proven-ignorant snowflake, I am honored....it means truth and facts are being spoken about Democrats because those are the 2 biggest things that offend snowflakes.

...like how if the President had listened to Biden, who called him a Xenophobe and attacked him for imposing the China Ban when he did, the country would have been open to more infected Chinese and the greater spread of the global pandemic China quietly exported.

I’m done with you asshole.
Have a miserable life.
It sure looks like you're the one having a miserable life. Guess what, asshole come November it gets even worse.
When I give a fuck what you think....but I never will.
CNN will gossip for weeks that the “game-changing endorsement” is imminent. MSNBC will hype the announcement, treating it like the Second Coming.

Then, when it finally comes, sycophants on the networks will say they missed the "professor in chief" tone from the former president. New York Times columnists will opine that if we miss the adult in the White House that we supposedly had in Obama, we must vote for Biden. More fawning commentary will follow from Salon, the Atlantic, and elsewhere.

Obama’s team knows how to play the liberal media almost as well as Trump does. This announcement will be well-orchestrated and targeted at independent voters. Conservatives shouldn’t underestimate the charisma and power obama still wields.
Major endorsement.

Question...How many former Presidents are endorsing Trump?
How many endorsed him in 2016?

Exactly. So how is this a major endorsement? Obama failed on so many fronts, not the least of which is getting his cronies elected.

Why didn't he endorse him before he actually became the nominee? At this point, DumBama would endorse a doorknob if it was a Democrat. It's meaningless.
Major endorsement.

Question...How many former Presidents are endorsing Trump?

Who cares? His living predecessors are all in the club that did the damage in the first place.

This will however shut the door on any potential usurpers. Unless he drops dead, Biden is their candidate. Get the popcorn ready.

Ex Presidents care about the integrity of the office they once held. That is why, regardless of party, they all tend to support each other once they leave office.

Not a single President can tolerate Trump

Well he's better than them at this job, so it's understandable.

Few seem to think so

Trump is the only president never to have received a presidential endorsement from either party. They usually get an obligatory endorsement within party.

No President will sink that low

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