obama to regulate cow flatulence

I'm already priced out of most beef, can only really afford hamburger, but this will probably put an end to that.

Hopefully milk doesn't go up much more, it's already over $4/gal, I really can't drink coffee w/o it.
I'm already priced out of most beef, can only really afford hamburger, but this will probably put an end to that.

Hopefully milk doesn't go up much more, it's already over $4/gal, I really can't drink coffee w/o it.

they have also proposed to tax farmers

on the amount of dust they raise

They take every opportunity to exacerbate the hostile environment for business, and then point the finger at business when it doesn't take the risks needed for a more robust economy.

There's no way they don't see this, they know that what they're doing to business has negative effects, and that would lead to the conclusion that this is what they want.

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They take every opportunity to exacerbate the hostile environment for business, and then point the finger at business when it doesn't take the risks needed for a more robust economy.

There's no way they don't see this, they know that what they're doing to business has negative effects, and that would lead to the conclusion that this is what they want.


Ayup.. burn the whole damn country. Why? Easy... Cause the worse off the country is the better that benefits the Democrat Party. If everyone was successful, they wouldn't need the Democrats giving them welfare hand-outs.
i really have to laff (sic) at these liberwhacko environmentalists for blaming the United States of America for air pollution and global warming or climate change, or what-the-fuck-ever, here is a FACT i found, The US takes up approximately 0.01927% of Earth's total surface area and 0.06598% of Earth's land area. so...., how in GODs name is the United States of America the worlds worst polluter ??
Democrats need to be taken to the woodshed.

some people are so beholden to the dems and their santa claus that you could catch em on tape committing a crime and they would still get elected
look what obama has driven up
gas has doubled
medical insurance is a joke now
and now if a cow farts in the wind

come on libs/dems you can have a dem prez, just not this one

They take every opportunity to exacerbate the hostile environment for business, and then point the finger at business when it doesn't take the risks needed for a more robust economy.

There's no way they don't see this, they know that what they're doing to business has negative effects, and that would lead to the conclusion that this is what they want.


The idea is to force more people to be dependent on the government.

and it's clearly working

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Debt = $17.5 Trillion

UE = 19.4 million

on Food stamps = 46.5 million

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