Obama to Republicans....You did build this

President Obama's message to Republicans on their candidate Donald Trump? You built this.

"The problem is not all Republicans think the way that guy does," "The problem is they’ve been riding this tiger for a long time. They’ve been feeding this base all kinds of crazy for years.”

Obama slammed Trump — who was speaking to a Cincinnati rally at the exact same time —for his rhetoric and actions toward women. But he reserved some of his harshest criticism for Republicans who knew better and didn't stop fringe parts of their party that fed on conspiracies like the allegation that Obama wasn't born in America.

"Don't act like this started with Donald Trump. He took it to a whole other level. I have to give him credit," Obama said.

Obama to Republicans: You fed the crazy


the GOP has been feeding their loons for years.... telling them that the "media" couldn't be trusted... telling them everything is a conspiracy against *them*, telling them that democrats HATE christians because we believe that christian dogma doesn't belong in legislation.....

so what did they expect when some loudmouth reality show host tells them their conspiracy lunacy is correct?

given that they've been trained to pretend that there are not "facts", it was to be expected. the GOP created this frankenstein. hopefully the rest of us won't have to live with he obscenity they've left behind.

Aren't you late for court? :rolleyes:

Eight years of disaster from Obungles and you loons still can't see the forest for the trees
President Obama's message to Republicans on their candidate Donald Trump? You built this.

"The problem is not all Republicans think the way that guy does," "The problem is they’ve been riding this tiger for a long time. They’ve been feeding this base all kinds of crazy for years.”

Obama slammed Trump — who was speaking to a Cincinnati rally at the exact same time —for his rhetoric and actions toward women. But he reserved some of his harshest criticism for Republicans who knew better and didn't stop fringe parts of their party that fed on conspiracies like the allegation that Obama wasn't born in America.

"Don't act like this started with Donald Trump. He took it to a whole other level. I have to give him credit," Obama said.

Obama to Republicans: You fed the crazy


the GOP has been feeding their loons for years.... telling them that the "media" couldn't be trusted... telling them everything is a conspiracy against *them*, telling them that democrats HATE christians because we believe that christian dogma doesn't belong in legislation.....

so what did they expect when some loudmouth reality show host tells them their conspiracy lunacy is correct?

given that they've been trained to pretend that there are not "facts", it was to be expected. the GOP created this frankenstein. hopefully the rest of us won't have to live with he obscenity they've left behind.
What's even worse is that right wing movements across the world took note and used these techniques.
Barrack who?
Here's exhibit one of the kind of malicious insanity republicans legitimized just to win a lousy midterm election.

You're a class A exhibit why there should be a screening process to vote.
See she is practically incapable of anything other than hostility and thinks she is the normal one.

yup.... a bothering slobbering psycho.

Let's discuss Obama and knock off the trolling, troll. It's all you ever do and it's tiresome

Hey let's talk Obunglescare....you know that disaster that is breaking the backs of hard working Americans while you moochers get "free" insurance?
President Obama's message to Republicans on their candidate Donald Trump? You built this.

"The problem is not all Republicans think the way that guy does," "The problem is they’ve been riding this tiger for a long time. They’ve been feeding this base all kinds of crazy for years.”

Obama slammed Trump — who was speaking to a Cincinnati rally at the exact same time —for his rhetoric and actions toward women. But he reserved some of his harshest criticism for Republicans who knew better and didn't stop fringe parts of their party that fed on conspiracies like the allegation that Obama wasn't born in America.

"Don't act like this started with Donald Trump. He took it to a whole other level. I have to give him credit," Obama said.

Obama to Republicans: You fed the crazy


the GOP has been feeding their loons for years.... telling them that the "media" couldn't be trusted... telling them everything is a conspiracy against *them*, telling them that democrats HATE christians because we believe that christian dogma doesn't belong in legislation.....

so what did they expect when some loudmouth reality show host tells them their conspiracy lunacy is correct?

given that they've been trained to pretend that there are not "facts", it was to be expected. the GOP created this frankenstein. hopefully the rest of us won't have to live with he obscenity they've left behind.

After the Trump debacle, the Republicans will do some serious soul searching on what brought about this defeat

They will conclude:
The Liberal Lame Stream Media was against them
The election was fixed
People only voted for Hillary because she is a woman
The Clinton Mafia fixed the election
Hillary offered "Free Stuff"
Low information voters picked Hillary
He should be planning his zero accomplishments Presidential library. I'm sorry he did have two one will be in the room of "I stole the Nobel Peace Prize from someone who deserved it more" the other will be "I'm the first black President who did absolutely nothing to improve Black Communities and race relations."

Obama's accomplishments:
Prevented a Depression
14 million jobs
More than doubled the Stock Market
Got combat troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq
Killed bin Laden
Gay rights in the military and marriage
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

I don't believe he killed Osama, think he died long before that, but perhaps he believed he killed him. CNN says the 14 million jobs thing was arrived at through some questionable methods and I agree, but even if only 9.3 million jobs were created on his watch, that's much better then Bush Jr.'s 5.7 million (Source: Did President Obama really create 14 million jobs?)
Barrack who?
Here's exhibit one of the kind of malicious insanity republicans legitimized just to win a lousy midterm election.

You're a class A exhibit why there should be a screening process to vote.
See she is practically incapable of anything other than hostility and thinks she is the normal one.

yup.... a bothering slobbering psycho.

Let's discuss Obama and knock off the trolling, troll. It's all you ever do and it's tiresome

Hey let's talk Obunglescare....you know that disaster that is breaking the backs of hard working Americans while you moochers get "free" insurance?
The worst kind of crazy is the kind where the subject thinks they are normal and everyone else is crazy. Stick to the topic which happens to be how the republicans decided to cater to the radical fringe.
He should be planning his zero accomplishments Presidential library. I'm sorry he did have two one will be in the room of "I stole the Nobel Peace Prize from someone who deserved it more" the other will be "I'm the first black President who did absolutely nothing to improve Black Communities and race relations."
Well we do have michelle crying about Trumps pussy remark, and then going back to the white house and cheering her favorite rap artist calling her a whore and a bitch.
The republican party is like a church picnic that suddenly turned into a lynch mob.

The republican party is like a church picnic that suddenly turned into a lynch mob...
President Obama's message to Republicans on their candidate Donald Trump? You built this.

"The problem is not all Republicans think the way that guy does," "The problem is they’ve been riding this tiger for a long time. They’ve been feeding this base all kinds of crazy for years.”

Obama slammed Trump — who was speaking to a Cincinnati rally at the exact same time —for his rhetoric and actions toward women. But he reserved some of his harshest criticism for Republicans who knew better and didn't stop fringe parts of their party that fed on conspiracies like the allegation that Obama wasn't born in America.

"Don't act like this started with Donald Trump. He took it to a whole other level. I have to give him credit," Obama said.

Obama to Republicans: You fed the crazy


I do honestly believe ~ What goes around comes around..

Obama is leaving the WH looking like a gracious man to most people.

As usual, Obama has it wrong. Washington did this. Obama did this. How is obummer's good friend Iran treating him? America is worse because of obummer and the democrats! Democrats are assholes. Democrats hate Catholics, Christians and needy latinos. Roflmao.

About that Iran thing, we went in and took out a duly democratically elected govt in Iran. Been trouble ever since. Folks be like that.
The republican party is like a church picnic that suddenly turned into a lynch mob.

The republican party is like a church picnic that suddenly turned into a lynch mob...
President Obama's message to Republicans on their candidate Donald Trump? You built this.

"The problem is not all Republicans think the way that guy does," "The problem is they’ve been riding this tiger for a long time. They’ve been feeding this base all kinds of crazy for years.”

Obama slammed Trump — who was speaking to a Cincinnati rally at the exact same time —for his rhetoric and actions toward women. But he reserved some of his harshest criticism for Republicans who knew better and didn't stop fringe parts of their party that fed on conspiracies like the allegation that Obama wasn't born in America.

"Don't act like this started with Donald Trump. He took it to a whole other level. I have to give him credit," Obama said.

Obama to Republicans: You fed the crazy


I do honestly believe ~ What goes around comes around..

Obama is leaving the WH looking like a gracious man to most people.


The rational ones, yeah.
Here's exhibit one of the kind of malicious insanity republicans legitimized just to win a lousy midterm election.

You're a class A exhibit why there should be a screening process to vote.
See she is practically incapable of anything other than hostility and thinks she is the normal one.

yup.... a bothering slobbering psycho.

Let's discuss Obama and knock off the trolling, troll. It's all you ever do and it's tiresome

Hey let's talk Obunglescare....you know that disaster that is breaking the backs of hard working Americans while you moochers get "free" insurance?
The worst kind of crazy is the kind where the subject thinks they are normal and everyone else is crazy. Stick to the topic which happens to be how the republicans decided to cater to the radical fringe.

I don't take direction from you...learn that and live it. The topic is Obama, my posts are on Obama and his failed policies that have contributed to the downfall of this nation and his meager attempt to blame republicans. The problem is the facts make you uncomfortable...as they should
Diehard republicans like Trump do not have the moral honesty to admit mistakes or bad policy, it is a meme they believe as if it came from Zeus. Notice it is always the MSM's fault, while information from right wing sources is bible. Weird people, and why given power they are such failures. From Coolidge Hoover to Reagan Bush all failures, responsibility is missing, when you live in a bubble the bubble becomes your reality.

'Donald Trump, Mainstream Conservative'
"Those who have long stoked the flames of populism should not be surprised by the results."
Conservatives too: Donald Trump, Mainstream Conservative

"UPDATE: I believe that if Trump becomes president, he will eventually be impeached, and on solid grounds. He cannot help himself. It’s going to be one damn thing after another." Trump Killed Outrage

"The result, of course, is the GOP as we see it today — a party where the lunatics have taken over the asylum, a party that’s now in open warfare with its Presidential candidate. Because for all that conservatives would like to argue that Donald Trump doesn’t represent them, the truth is that he does. He embodies every unpleasant aspect of conservatism; the only difference is that he does so openly and unabashedly. It’s no accident that the most prominent of these is his attitude to women, because he is the walking, talking, groping embodiment of an ideal that has never seen women with anything but contempt." Donald Trump is No Aberration; Oppression of Women is a Fundamental Fact of Conservatism
The republican party is like a church picnic that suddenly turned into a lynch mob.

The republican party is like a church picnic that suddenly turned into a lynch mob...
President Obama's message to Republicans on their candidate Donald Trump? You built this.

"The problem is not all Republicans think the way that guy does," "The problem is they’ve been riding this tiger for a long time. They’ve been feeding this base all kinds of crazy for years.”

Obama slammed Trump — who was speaking to a Cincinnati rally at the exact same time —for his rhetoric and actions toward women. But he reserved some of his harshest criticism for Republicans who knew better and didn't stop fringe parts of their party that fed on conspiracies like the allegation that Obama wasn't born in America.

"Don't act like this started with Donald Trump. He took it to a whole other level. I have to give him credit," Obama said.

Obama to Republicans: You fed the crazy


I do honestly believe ~ What goes around comes around..

Obama is leaving the WH looking like a gracious man to most people.


Obama is the most popular figure in US politics
You're a class A exhibit why there should be a screening process to vote.
See she is practically incapable of anything other than hostility and thinks she is the normal one.

yup.... a bothering slobbering psycho.

Let's discuss Obama and knock off the trolling, troll. It's all you ever do and it's tiresome

Hey let's talk Obunglescare....you know that disaster that is breaking the backs of hard working Americans while you moochers get "free" insurance?
The worst kind of crazy is the kind where the subject thinks they are normal and everyone else is crazy. Stick to the topic which happens to be how the republicans decided to cater to the radical fringe.

I don't take direction from you...learn that and live it. The topic is Obama, my posts are on Obama and his failed policies that have contributed to the downfall of this nation and his meager attempt to blame republicans. The problem is the facts make you uncomfortable...as they should

The topic is about the current state of the Republican Party
Thank you for this thread, the ultimate example of Liberal Hypocrisy and Blame-Shifting!

Barry tells SUCCESSFUL American Business owners, 'You Didn't Build This' because his ass and his liberal 'Big Gubment' BS want to take credit for everything good that happens. (Of course if a Liberal is successful it is because of their own 'entrepreneurial spirit' and 'individual hard work'.)

Then Barry, the asshole who called Bush 'Un-Patriotic' for adding $4 Trillion in new debt over 8 years before adding nearly $7 trillion in new debt over only 4 years...the asshole who destroyed the health care in the US - replacing it with lies, an un-affordable disaster, and a government-imposed fine for not buying their mandated product, does what he does BEST - BLAMES EVERYONE ELSE FOR HIS FAILURE!

Again, thank you for this great reminder of what Hypocrites and blame-shifters Barry &liberals are.
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