Obama to Republicans....You did build this

I don't believe he killed Osama, think he died long before that, but perhaps he believed he killed him. CNN says the 14 million jobs thing was arrived at through some questionable methods and I agree, but even if only 9.3 million jobs were created on his watch, that's much better then Bush Jr.'s 5.7 million (Source: Did President Obama really create 14 million jobs?)
You probably also believe this: Michele Bachmann: Electing Hillary Clinton ‘Will Lead To Even More Sexual Assaults Against Women’ | Right Wing Watch

I'm left wing, not right wing.

I was not making any assumptions about your politics . I was commenting on your assertion about Biladen.

No, you were assuming that I'd probably agree with something said by Michele Bachmann.


Alright, go ahead, keep on denying the patently obvious -.-
He should be planning his zero accomplishments Presidential library. I'm sorry he did have two one will be in the room of "I stole the Nobel Peace Prize from someone who deserved it more" the other will be "I'm the first black President who did absolutely nothing to improve Black Communities and race relations."

Obama's accomplishments:
Prevented a Depression
14 million jobs
More than doubled the Stock Market
Got combat troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq
Killed bin Laden
Gay rights in the military and marriage
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament
That's a list that should put him in Leavenworth about 59 years.

It's over Bubba!!

Donald Trump Is Probably Past The Point Of No Return | Huffington Post

View attachment 93723

Probably, yes, but definitely, not yet. We can hope trends continue though.
He should be planning his zero accomplishments Presidential library. I'm sorry he did have two one will be in the room of "I stole the Nobel Peace Prize from someone who deserved it more" the other will be "I'm the first black President who did absolutely nothing to improve Black Communities and race relations."

Obama's accomplishments:
Prevented a Depression
14 million jobs
More than doubled the Stock Market
Got combat troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq
Killed bin Laden
Gay rights in the military and marriage
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament
That's a list that should put him in Leavenworth about 59 years.

It's over Bubba!!

Donald Trump Is Probably Past The Point Of No Return | Huffington Post

View attachment 93723

Trump is already ranting that Hillary should be arrested and that the election is fixed

A loser till the end
He should be planning his zero accomplishments Presidential library. I'm sorry he did have two one will be in the room of "I stole the Nobel Peace Prize from someone who deserved it more" the other will be "I'm the first black President who did absolutely nothing to improve Black Communities and race relations."

Obama's accomplishments:
Prevented a Depression
14 million jobs
More than doubled the Stock Market
Got combat troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq
Killed bin Laden
Gay rights in the military and marriage
Recognition of Cuba
Iran nuclear disarmament

I don't believe he killed Osama, think he died long before that, but perhaps he believed he killed him. CNN says the 14 million jobs thing was arrived at through some questionable methods and I agree, but even if only 9.3 million jobs were created on his watch, that's much better then Bush Jr.'s 5.7 million (Source: Did President Obama really create 14 million jobs?)
You probably also believe this: Michele Bachmann: Electing Hillary Clinton ‘Will Lead To Even More Sexual Assaults Against Women’ | Right Wing Watch
Hard to believe anyone listens to Bachmanns rants

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