Obama to Show Birth Certificate

is obama a narcissist?

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    Votes: 36 57.1%
  • hell no, he is a good president

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • liberalism is a mental disorder

    Votes: 17 27.0%
  • don't insult my president...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Barry Soetoro traveled to the US under and Indonesian passport (His mother married an Indonesian citizen) when he was 19. Indonesia does not have dual citizenship.

1. There has been no evidence that he traveled under an Indonesian passport.

2. This is the United States of American not Indonesia our citizenship is determined under our laws not the laws of another country. It matters not what Indonesia does or does not recognize.

3. Even if naturalized by his mother as an Indonesian citizen while he was a young child, under the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 Section 349 (applicable federal law at the time) there is NOTHING a parent can do that will cause a minor child to loose his/her citizenship.

The verifiable facts mean nothing to about 47% of the people omnthe right.

Obama is a citizen and that has been dxetermined by the documentation that is accepted by EVERY institution in this country.

Facts and documentation be damned.

These are the people whos thoughts are for sale to the highest bidder.

They will believe ANYTHING they are told as long as it helps them retain their failed ideas.
The verifiable facts mean nothing to about 47% of the people omnthe right.

Obama is a citizen and that has been dxetermined by the documentation that is accepted by EVERY institution in this country.

Facts and documentation be damned.

These are the people whos thoughts are for sale to the highest bidder.

They will believe ANYTHING they are told as long as it helps them retain their failed ideas.[/QUOTE]

would that be like President Bush STOLE the election from the Bore Gore?
Or that Bush KNEW and had a hand in 9/11

The felons list alone would have changed the election results.

There is court documented evidence of that.

Bush seemed to not know enough about the prospect of 911.

They completely ignored a report titled "Bin Laden determined to strike inside US" before the attack took place.

Now realize that all the evidence the right shows for Obama not being a citizen has been soundly repudiated in every case.

The documents are in place and have been verified by the proper authorities.

I know facts wont stop you from spewing the lies you are spoon fed by Fox.
He's Kenyan or something else. Surely not born in America -

Read a tidbit from this latest article - pay particular attention to the area in red

In Hawaii, accessing some Obama birth info is easy

(AP) – 1 day ago

HONOLULU (AP) — Lost in the renewed scrutiny into President Barack Obama's birth records is the fact that anyone can walk into a Hawaii vital records office, wait in line behind couples getting marriage licenses and open a baby-blue government binder containing basic information about his birth.

Highlighted in yellow on page 1,218 of the thick binder is the computer-generated listing for a boy named Barack Hussein Obama II born in Hawaii, surrounded by the alphabetized last names of all other children born in-state between 1960 and 1964. This is the only government birth information, called "index data," available to the public.

Huh?? The "Computer Generated Listing?"

Pardon me "Ass"-ociated Press - Computers weren't around in 1961....

The Associated Press: In Hawaii, accessing some Obama birth info is easy
how do you rationalize with a person who refuses cokd hard facts?

This shows how nutty the right is
Huh?? The "Computer Generated Listing?"

Pardon me "Ass"-ociated Press - Computers weren't around in 1961....


Lord, I apologize for makin' that thar stupidity...please be with the starvin' pygmies down there in New Guinea, amen."

how do you rationalize with a person who refuses cokd hard facts?

This shows how nutty the right is

I'm a member of the right (been a Republican since 1978), I don't condone the ignorance that because computers were not common in 1961, that data hasn't been transferred to computer files since then.

how do you rationalize with a person who refuses cokd hard facts?

This shows how nutty the right is

I'm a member of the right (been a Republican since 1978), I don't condone the ignorance that because computers were not common in 1961, that data hasn't been transferred to computer files since then.


Not buyin' it....

He should just cough-up the birth certificate, you know - "Man Up," like Donald Trump did.

so in other words, Shut the hell up, how DARE YA question the boyking.:lol:
how do you rationalize with a person who refuses cokd hard facts?

This shows how nutty the right is

I'm a member of the right (been a Republican since 1978), I don't condone the ignorance that because computers were not common in 1961, that data hasn't been transferred to computer files since then.


Then slap these nutters down or watch the right be distroyed by thier dishonesty
how do you rationalize with a person who refuses cokd hard facts?

This shows how nutty the right is

I'm a member of the right (been a Republican since 1978), I don't condone the ignorance that because computers were not common in 1961, that data hasn't been transferred to computer files since then.


Then slap these nutters down or watch the right be distroyed by thier dishonesty
WW does a fine job of that, and has for years.

He's a real, true, honest republican. One of the best.
He's Kenyan or something else. Surely not born in America -

Read a tidbit from this latest article - pay particular attention to the area in red

In Hawaii, accessing some Obama birth info is easy

(AP) – 1 day ago

HONOLULU (AP) — Lost in the renewed scrutiny into President Barack Obama's birth records is the fact that anyone can walk into a Hawaii vital records office, wait in line behind couples getting marriage licenses and open a baby-blue government binder containing basic information about his birth.

Highlighted in yellow on page 1,218 of the thick binder is the computer-generated listing for a boy named Barack Hussein Obama II born in Hawaii, surrounded by the alphabetized last names of all other children born in-state between 1960 and 1964. This is the only government birth information, called "index data," available to the public.

Huh?? The "Computer Generated Listing?"

Pardon me "Ass"-ociated Press - Computers weren't around in 1961....

The Associated Press: In Hawaii, accessing some Obama birth info is easy

i saw that to, i'll see if i can find my post. there we're computers then, and in use in government, but the original post made it seem as if the book on the counter was old., original documentation. if it's a hoax the have to be crack in the caper, if there are we will find them, just as the democrats would be so helpful to do if it was president bush (not like dan rather reporting... kenneth, what's the frequency!...kenneth...)
i think obama should appoint a commission to get to the truth, he probably won't though.
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If one of you Liberal idiots would please post Obama's birth certificate - like Donald Trump did - I will STFU.

Short of that - the guy was born in Kenya or some other 3rd world Muslim shithole.

Case closed.

Next !
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how do you rationalize with a person who refuses cokd hard facts?

This shows how nutty the right is

I'm a member of the right (been a Republican since 1978), I don't condone the ignorance that because computers were not common in 1961, that data hasn't been transferred to computer files since then.


Then slap these nutters down or watch the right be distroyed by thier dishonesty

WW has been doing just that in other threads.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFp-EyNSX1Q]YouTube - Fuck It! We'll Do It Live![/ame]
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I am an Arnold Swartz fan...i love all of his movies. But what pisses me off is that he wasn't born in this country and when he ran for Governor of California noone made an issue that he wasn't born in this country. A man who is born of a White woman and African father is elected President and all of a sudden the issue of his birthright is questioned! To me it doesn't seem fair that b/c this man has black blood in his veins he has to be scruitinized and put under a microscope so to speak. Why wasn't Arnold? He wasn't born here! But that doesn't matter b/c he has the right COLOR!!

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