Obama to visit Hiroshima

When Reagan went to Berlin, he said to the Russian leader through his speech that the wall needed to be taken down. So I guess his going there meant that the Berlin wall was a bad thing. If Obama goes to hiroshima, it will mean that the bomb dropped there was also a bad thing. The all knowing seer of the universe has spoken. Would you like to change the subject more?

Reagan went to Germany and honored German soldiers killed during World War 2- was he apologizing for the United States killing them?

SANTA BARBARA — President Reagan, during a 10-day trip to Europe next month, will visit a German military cemetery and lay a wreath in honor of German soldiers killed in World War II, his spokesman announced Thursday.

Yes he was apologizing for the part the U.S. palyed in their deaths. At the very least, he wasn't un-apoligizing. Also, the U.S. NEEDS to apologize for their deaths. Because perfect 20/20 hindsite PROVES that we would have been better off backing Hitler rather than Stalin. Also, if we had done that, that whole Pearl Harbor thing probably wouldn't have happened.

Tell us more of your deep admiration of Adolf Hitler and how much you despise negroes.

It isn't often we get a glimpse inside the mind of a true Hitler lover.

People around here have already done that.
When Reagan went to Berlin, he said to the Russian leader through his speech that the wall needed to be taken down. So I guess his going there meant that the Berlin wall was a bad thing. If Obama goes to hiroshima, it will mean that the bomb dropped there was also a bad thing. The all knowing seer of the universe has spoken. Would you like to change the subject more?

Reagan went to Germany and honored German soldiers killed during World War 2- was he apologizing for the United States killing them?

SANTA BARBARA — President Reagan, during a 10-day trip to Europe next month, will visit a German military cemetery and lay a wreath in honor of German soldiers killed in World War II, his spokesman announced Thursday.

Yes he was apologizing for the part the U.S. palyed in their deaths. At the very least, he wasn't un-apoligizing. Also, the U.S. NEEDS to apologize for their deaths. Because perfect 20/20 hindsite PROVES that we would have been better off backing Hitler rather than Stalin. Also, if we had done that, that whole Pearl Harbor thing probably wouldn't have happened.

Tell us more of your deep admiration of Adolf Hitler and how much you despise negroes.

It isn't often we get a glimpse inside the mind of a true Hitler lover.

, you DON'T want to know. The same is true for negros.r darkies so far up your ass you would need a dentist to see the other end of it.

Stormfront has lost one its inmates.

Take your Hitler loving, racist ass back to your own kind.

I'm not a member of the secretly jew run forum, stormfront. Also, there are 196 million Whites in this country and 42 million negroes. Those percentages would probably be reflected in the membership here. So genetically at least, there are probably more of my kind around here. So I can be here and be among "my own kind."
Going there is another way of identifying the right wing nut jobs who will make up any crap about President Obama.

No. Going to Hiroshima was another way of saying that droping an atom bomb there was a bad thing. I saw a thing on the news yesterday about him going there. And from what I gather, he was indeed sorry we dropped the bomb.

I posted Barack Obama's entire speech.

I realize that the reading thing is far, far beyond your abilities, but I will help you out- he never apologized for anything. Not once. That 'thing' you saw on the news?

Stormfront is not the news.

What is it you don't get. Just by being there, he was apoligizing. It dosen't batter what in the hell he may have actually said.

I get it- you are a Hitler loving racist who wont' ever forgive President Obama for being black while President.

If only you had a clue. Also, I can't forgive negroes being black. At least not while they infect the same country White people live in with their presence.

Thanks again for the racist, Hitler loving USMB contingent.

Let me guess- you will be supporting Trump?

I don't expect you know how to vote- or are old enough to- but somehow I suspect you love Trump.
Reagan went to Germany and honored German soldiers killed during World War 2- was he apologizing for the United States killing them?

SANTA BARBARA — President Reagan, during a 10-day trip to Europe next month, will visit a German military cemetery and lay a wreath in honor of German soldiers killed in World War II, his spokesman announced Thursday.

Yes he was apologizing for the part the U.S. palyed in their deaths. At the very least, he wasn't un-apoligizing. Also, the U.S. NEEDS to apologize for their deaths. Because perfect 20/20 hindsite PROVES that we would have been better off backing Hitler rather than Stalin. Also, if we had done that, that whole Pearl Harbor thing probably wouldn't have happened.

Tell us more of your deep admiration of Adolf Hitler and how much you despise negroes.

It isn't often we get a glimpse inside the mind of a true Hitler lover.

People around here have already done that.
Reagan went to Germany and honored German soldiers killed during World War 2- was he apologizing for the United States killing them?

SANTA BARBARA — President Reagan, during a 10-day trip to Europe next month, will visit a German military cemetery and lay a wreath in honor of German soldiers killed in World War II, his spokesman announced Thursday.

Yes he was apologizing for the part the U.S. palyed in their deaths. At the very least, he wasn't un-apoligizing. Also, the U.S. NEEDS to apologize for their deaths. Because perfect 20/20 hindsite PROVES that we would have been better off backing Hitler rather than Stalin. Also, if we had done that, that whole Pearl Harbor thing probably wouldn't have happened.

Tell us more of your deep admiration of Adolf Hitler and how much you despise negroes.

It isn't often we get a glimpse inside the mind of a true Hitler lover.

, you DON'T want to know. The same is true for negros.r darkies so far up your ass you would need a dentist to see the other end of it.

Stormfront has lost one its inmates.

Take your Hitler loving, racist ass back to your own kind.

I'm not a member of the secretly jew run forum, stormfront. Also, there are 196 million Whites in this country and 42 million negroes. Those percentages would probably be reflected in the membership here. So genetically at least, there are probably more of my kind around here. So I can be here and be among "my own kind."

Your kind is a sorry subset of human beings- the racist- Hitler loving subset- you number in the thousands at most and here at USMB, there are only a few of you- Stevie the racist and Shooter.
He's never apologized . The whole "apology tour " is a right wing lie .
He did not say the words but by being there. laying a wreath for the dead he is saying sorry in actions.. HE should be laying the wreath at Pearl Harbor not in Japan!!!

Poor Right Wing Nut Jobs- so upset that President Obama didn't apologize that they have manufacture an apology.
Going there is another way of identifying the right wing nut jobs who will make up any crap about President Obama.

No. Going to Hiroshima was another way of saying that droping an atom bomb there was a bad thing. I saw a thing on the news yesterday about him going there. And from what I gather, he was indeed sorry we dropped the bomb.

I posted Barack Obama's entire speech.

I realize that the reading thing is far, far beyond your abilities, but I will help you out- he never apologized for anything. Not once. That 'thing' you saw on the news?

Stormfront is not the news.

What is it you don't get. Just by being there, he was apoligizing. It dosen't batter what in the hell he may have actually said.

I get it- you are a Hitler loving racist who wont' ever forgive President Obama for being black while President.

If only you had a clue. Also, I can't forgive negroes being black. At least not while they infect the same country White people live in with their presence.

While we allow YOU to remain and spread Idiot Rash.....
Reagan went to Germany and honored German soldiers killed during World War 2- was he apologizing for the United States killing them?

SANTA BARBARA — President Reagan, during a 10-day trip to Europe next month, will visit a German military cemetery and lay a wreath in honor of German soldiers killed in World War II, his spokesman announced Thursday.

Yes he was apologizing for the part the U.S. palyed in their deaths. At the very least, he wasn't un-apoligizing. Also, the U.S. NEEDS to apologize for their deaths. Because perfect 20/20 hindsite PROVES that we would have been better off backing Hitler rather than Stalin. Also, if we had done that, that whole Pearl Harbor thing probably wouldn't have happened.

Tell us more of your deep admiration of Adolf Hitler and how much you despise negroes.

It isn't often we get a glimpse inside the mind of a true Hitler lover.

People around here have already done that.
Reagan went to Germany and honored German soldiers killed during World War 2- was he apologizing for the United States killing them?

SANTA BARBARA — President Reagan, during a 10-day trip to Europe next month, will visit a German military cemetery and lay a wreath in honor of German soldiers killed in World War II, his spokesman announced Thursday.

Yes he was apologizing for the part the U.S. palyed in their deaths. At the very least, he wasn't un-apoligizing. Also, the U.S. NEEDS to apologize for their deaths. Because perfect 20/20 hindsite PROVES that we would have been better off backing Hitler rather than Stalin. Also, if we had done that, that whole Pearl Harbor thing probably wouldn't have happened.

Tell us more of your deep admiration of Adolf Hitler and how much you despise negroes.

It isn't often we get a glimpse inside the mind of a true Hitler lover.

, you DON'T want to know. The same is true for negros.r darkies so far up your ass you would need a dentist to see the other end of it.

Stormfront has lost one its inmates.

Take your Hitler loving, racist ass back to your own kind.

I'm not a member of the secretly jew run forum, stormfront. Also, there are 196 million Whites in this country and 42 million negroes. Those percentages would probably be reflected in the membership here. So genetically at least, there are probably more of my kind around here. So I can be here and be among "my own kind."

Your kind is only the most pathetic idiots and cowards.

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