Obama to visit Hiroshima

Way to throw our soldiers under the bus on Memorial Day weekend.

Obama is a POS
Obama is the first serving US President to visit the site where 140,000 people died following the dropping of the 'Little Boy' bomb on August 6, 1945.

He said: '71 years ago, death fell from the sky and the world was changed,' as he honored all of the victims of the Second World War after laying a wreath at the site.

The bomb, he said, 'demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself'.

Obama asked: 'Why do we come to this place, to Hiroshima? We come to ponder a terrible force unleashed in the not so distant past. we come to mourn the dead.

'It is not the fact of war that sets Hiroshima apart.'

Standing in Peace Park, Obama said we 'force ourselves to imagine the moment the bomb fell. We force ourselves to feel the dread...we listen to a silent cry. We remember all the innocents killed across the arch of that terrible war.

‘Mere words cannot give voice to such suffering, but we have a shared responsibility to look directly into the eye of history and ask what we must do differently to curb such suffering again.’

What happened 'was not fate,’ he said. And every act of aggression between nations, every act of terror and of cruelty ‘shows our work is never done.’

‘We may not be able to eliminate man's capacity to do evil,’ he said, ‘so nations and the alliances we have formed must possess the means to defend ourselves.’

For nations with nuclear stockpiles, ‘we must have the courage to escape the logic of fear, and pursue a world without them.'

.... excerpt

Obama embraces Hiroshima survivor and reflecting on WWII bombing

Isn't this the same speech he gave in Tehran????
Having lived in Japan for close-to four years with my family, mostly off base in the suburbs (Hanatako Cho, near Haiki) - the Japanese have little or no use for black people.
Having lived in Japan for close-to four years with my family, mostly off base in the suburbs (Hanatako Cho, near Haiki) - the Japanese have little or no use for black people.

False generalization

Sorry asshole
Accurate appraisal of the situation
Eat some shit


Nope. Just a revelation of your own prejudice.

Nope, just being the only American in the neighborhood
Bbq'd together, out to dinner, watched each other's kids, lots of laughs
Great people
Love America
Hate blacks
Sorry asshole
That's just the way it is

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Having lived in Japan for close-to four years with my family, mostly off base in the suburbs (Hanatako Cho, near Haiki) - the Japanese have little or no use for black people.

False generalization

Sorry asshole
Accurate appraisal of the situation
Eat some shit


Nope. Just a revelation of your own prejudice.

Nope, just being the only American in the neighborhood
Bbq'd together, out to dinner, watched each other's kids, lots of laughs
Great people
Love America
Hate blacks
Sorry asshole
That's just the way it is

No, that's just the way you want to make people believe who don't know better. It fits with your well-established lack of character.
The president isn't apologizing for the US dropping the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This is just more right wing lying hyperbole that is spoken on con radio and then quickly disseminates, like a virus, out to the extremities of the conservative body of loons, who then repeat it as if Jeeezus whispered it in their ear.

Which brings to mind, What Would Jesus Have Done? Would he have dropped two atomic bombs on two cities? What say you fake kristians.

What would you know about Christians fake or any other? The only shit you know is the liberal talking points that Soros commands you to regurgitate like a fucking cat that licks the carpet. If you liberals get any more full of shit, you will need flush handles for ears.

Who is Soros? Is that another of your imaginary arch enemies? Maybe he's friends with Zeus?

Your brainwashing goes way beyond the normal neocon, you have crossed over into Alex Jones crazy.

You are really up on current events. George Soros has only been a left-wing billionaire agitator for over 30 years and pays lib jerkoffs to throw public fits of desperation. Go back to sucking that lib ass. You are so dumb it's pitiful.

You're an angry little thing aren't you.

Stupid people do that to me.

Nah it's your natural way.
What would you know about Christians fake or any other? The only shit you know is the liberal talking points that Soros commands you to regurgitate like a fucking cat that licks the carpet. If you liberals get any more full of shit, you will need flush handles for ears.

Who is Soros? Is that another of your imaginary arch enemies? Maybe he's friends with Zeus?

Your brainwashing goes way beyond the normal neocon, you have crossed over into Alex Jones crazy.

You are really up on current events. George Soros has only been a left-wing billionaire agitator for over 30 years and pays lib jerkoffs to throw public fits of desperation. Go back to sucking that lib ass. You are so dumb it's pitiful.

You're an angry little thing aren't you.

Stupid people do that to me.

Nah it's your natural way.

Angry might be mine, but you can't fix stupid.
Who is Soros? Is that another of your imaginary arch enemies? Maybe he's friends with Zeus?

Your brainwashing goes way beyond the normal neocon, you have crossed over into Alex Jones crazy.

You are really up on current events. George Soros has only been a left-wing billionaire agitator for over 30 years and pays lib jerkoffs to throw public fits of desperation. Go back to sucking that lib ass. You are so dumb it's pitiful.

You're an angry little thing aren't you.

Stupid people do that to me.

Nah it's your natural way.

Angry might be mine, but you can't fix stupid.

You've cornered the market on both. Stupidity lends itself to anger because you have a hard time with reality.

But you keep trying Shia.
Honoring all war dead means honoring the japs who tortured US prisoners on the Bataan death march. And just before Memorial Day too. Way to go Obama.
Trump said he doesn't like anyone that was captured. A huge dishonoring of our brave soldiers in every war we've fought.

Way to go Trump.
My only regret is that he was not there 71 years ago...

Yeah. Sitting on the bomb like the cowboy pilot in Dr Strangelove. But that would have been a faster death than he deserves.

Why am I not surprised that the Right Wing Nut Job contingent is fantasizing about a violent death of President Obama?

Fantasize about this.

View attachment 76071

You wrote a book about Barack Obama?

Lying about what he said?

I am only amazed that you could write that many letters.

Here is a snap shot of you at work

Where did you ever get the idea that I wrote a book about obama. But I did show somewhere around here once a picture of him and a quote from his book. I will do so again.

He will stand at the Hiroshima and either say that the bomb dropped there was a good thing or a bad thing. In a diplomatic sense, what do you think he will say. I KNOW. Do you?

You think saying that the bombing was a bad thing is an apology?

That's some high level thinking right there.

Do you think saying the bombing was a good thing would be an apology? Your thinking is FUBAR.

Saying it was a good thing would be retarded.

And going there is another way of saying it was a bad thing.

Going there is another way of identifying the right wing nut jobs who will make up any crap about President Obama.

No. Going to Hiroshima was another way of saying that droping an atom bomb there was a bad thing. I saw a thing on the news yesterday about him going there. And from what I gather, he was indeed sorry we dropped the bomb. Apparently he would have been happier if far more Americans and Japanese died in an invasion. As well as sharing more of Japan with Russia. But I say screw Omonkey. Only a slack jawed asswipe would defend Obama in this matter.
Honoring all war dead means honoring the japs who tortured US prisoners on the Bataan death march. And just before Memorial Day too. Way to go Obama.

Ospadea probably just figured that all the "Whity" Americans who died, were tortured or mistreated in any number of ways got what they deserved.
The president isn't apologizing for the US dropping the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This is just more right wing lying hyperbole that is spoken on con radio and then quickly disseminates, like a virus, out to the extremities of the conservative body of loons, who then repeat it as if Jeeezus whispered it in their ear.

Which brings to mind, What Would Jesus Have Done? Would he have dropped two atomic bombs on two cities? What say you fake kristians.

As I said to someone else, it was on ABC or CBS news that they said that while he was in Japan, he planned to visit Hiroshima. What do you think he planned to do there. Tell the Japanese people that droping an atom bomb there was necessary?

Why don't you tell us oh all knowing seer of the universe. What would a US president visiting Berlin have in mind while doing so? In your mind it is either to apologize or to surrender.

You people need to join present day. You live in the past and cling to it with grim death.

Or, if you need to feel angry and sad and fearful, knock yourself out. You have grown tiresome to the adults. Go hide if it makes you feel better.

When Reagan went to Berlin, he said to the Russian leader through his speech that the wall needed to be taken down. So I guess his going there meant that the Berlin wall was a bad thing. If Obama goes to hiroshima, it will mean that the bomb dropped there was also a bad thing. The all knowing seer of the universe has spoken. Would you like to change the subject more?
Where did President Obama in his speed say that the bomb was a bad thing? Could you provide a link?

Goint to Hiroshima to honor the enemy who died from the atom bomb is another way of saying that it was a bad thing. Now if he would have taken a piss on the monument there (as he should have done) instead of laying a wreath there, that would have been a different story.
The president isn't apologizing for the US dropping the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This is just more right wing lying hyperbole that is spoken on con radio and then quickly disseminates, like a virus, out to the extremities of the conservative body of loons, who then repeat it as if Jeeezus whispered it in their ear.

Which brings to mind, What Would Jesus Have Done? Would he have dropped two atomic bombs on two cities? What say you fake kristians.

As I said to someone else, it was on ABC or CBS news that they said that while he was in Japan, he planned to visit Hiroshima. What do you think he planned to do there. Tell the Japanese people that droping an atom bomb there was necessary?

Diplomacy. He is not apologizing for shit. Why don't you KNOW things instead of just guessing all the time?

He will stand at the Hiroshima and either say that the bomb dropped there was a good thing or a bad thing. In a diplomatic sense, what do you think he will say. I KNOW. Do you?

Or he will do exactly what he has been saying- and RWNJ's like you will then just lie about what he says.

Here's why Obama decided to go to Hiroshima - CNNPolitics.com

Obama said Thursday at the G-7 meeting in Japan that he is going to Hiroshima to underscore the "very real risks" of nuclear weapons and the "urgency that we all should have."
He called the dropping of the atomic bomb an "inflection point in modern history" and is something "all of us have had to deal with in one war or another," adding that the "back drop of a nuclear event remains something that i think presses on the back of our imaginations."

Please don't tell me what a negro says. It doesn't interest me. As the meaningless double talk bullshit that you mentioned shows.
The president isn't apologizing for the US dropping the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This is just more right wing lying hyperbole that is spoken on con radio and then quickly disseminates, like a virus, out to the extremities of the conservative body of loons, who then repeat it as if Jeeezus whispered it in their ear.

Which brings to mind, What Would Jesus Have Done? Would he have dropped two atomic bombs on two cities? What say you fake kristians.

As I said to someone else, it was on ABC or CBS news that they said that while he was in Japan, he planned to visit Hiroshima. What do you think he planned to do there. Tell the Japanese people that droping an atom bomb there was necessary?

Why don't you tell us oh all knowing seer of the universe. What would a US president visiting Berlin have in mind while doing so? In your mind it is either to apologize or to surrender.

You people need to join present day. You live in the past and cling to it with grim death.

Or, if you need to feel angry and sad and fearful, knock yourself out. You have grown tiresome to the adults. Go hide if it makes you feel better.

When Reagan went to Berlin, he said to the Russian leader through his speech that the wall needed to be taken down. So I guess his going there meant that the Berlin wall was a bad thing. If Obama goes to hiroshima, it will mean that the bomb dropped there was also a bad thing. The all knowing seer of the universe has spoken. Would you like to change the subject more?

Reagan went to Germany and honored German soldiers killed during World War 2- was he apologizing for the United States killing them?

SANTA BARBARA — President Reagan, during a 10-day trip to Europe next month, will visit a German military cemetery and lay a wreath in honor of German soldiers killed in World War II, his spokesman announced Thursday.

Yes he was apologizing for the part the U.S. palyed in their deaths. At the very least, he wasn't un-apoligizing. Also, the U.S. NEEDS to apologize for their deaths. Because perfect 20/20 hindsite PROVES that we would have been better off backing Hitler rather than Stalin. Also, if we had done that, that whole Pearl Harbor thing probably wouldn't have happened.

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