Obama to visit Hiroshima

It was well known at the Head of State ceremony that Obama was apologizing for the bombs. It was reported world wide that Obama frightened the Empress.

Well then you should have no trouble providing those news quotes.
I wonder what for. To say America's sorry? Screw that! No doubt Hillary would have done the same. (If she hadn't already) It is possible that it wasn't all that necessary for the U.S. to drop atom bombs on Japan. But it was just Japan's misfortune to have been caught between a rock and a hard place. Namely, the U.S. and Russia. For a homo friendly people who would rather have their soldiers die than surrender, and expect the same from their enemies, the LAST thing I would do is apologize for dropping atom bombs on them. Which probably ended up saving more people on both sides than they killed anyway.
Don't care.

The reception Obama got in Japan was fitting as the prime minister lambasted him.
Obama already apologized when he met the Emperor and Empress in Japan during his first term by bowing too low which was a major ceremony breach of Japanese edicutte (neither spell check nor I can spell that word).

Wow! Where did you learn so much about Japan? You must be really smart.

I knew Japanese educators studying in an American University when a teen. When to Vietnam and got liberty in Sasebo and Okinawa. During my adult life I built giant machines in the US for Daifuku and met the president of the company and drank sake with him and had a Japanese project manager in charge of the project in Oregon. There are proper ways to bow and a simple one nod of your brow is commonly used. A proper bow is different Too deep of a bow is a 'kotow".
Obama already apologized when he met the Emperor and Empress in Japan during his first term by bowing too low which was a major ceremony breach of Japanese edicutte (neither spell check nor I can spell that word).

I don't think that bowing in any way to the Japanese royals is saying anything about dropping the atomic bombs. Maybe he was bowing to the quality of cars or TV's they make.

It was well known at the Head of State ceremony that Obama was apologizing for the bombs. It was reported world wide that Obama frightened the Empress.

I asked you about where you learned the word "kotow". Was that something that your Japanese contacts taught you?

Your knowledge of Obama's greeting toward the emperor last time around is very limited.

Let's see if yiu can learn something today.
I wonder what for. To say America's sorry? Screw that! No doubt Hillary would have done the same. (If she hadn't already) It is possible that it wasn't all that necessary for the U.S. to drop atom bombs on Japan. But it was just Japan's misfortune to have been caught between a rock and a hard place. Namely, the U.S. and Russia. For a homo friendly people who would rather have their soldiers die than surrender, and expect the same from their enemies, the LAST thing I would do is apologize for dropping atom bombs on them. Which probably ended up saving more people on both sides than they killed anyway.
Don't care.

The reception Obama got in Japan was fitting as the prime minister lambasted him.

It was well known at the Head of State ceremony that Obama was apologizing for the bombs. It was reported world wide that Obama frightened the Empress.

Well then you should have no trouble providing those news quotes.

My long term memory is acute, take my word for it.

If your long term memory is so acute you won't have any trouble finding one of those news reports that were 'reported world wide'.

Or maybe it is your Alzheimers that is so acute.
I wonder what for. To say America's sorry? Screw that! No doubt Hillary would have done the same. (If she hadn't already) It is possible that it wasn't all that necessary for the U.S. to drop atom bombs on Japan. But it was just Japan's misfortune to have been caught between a rock and a hard place. Namely, the U.S. and Russia. For a homo friendly people who would rather have their soldiers die than surrender, and expect the same from their enemies, the LAST thing I would do is apologize for dropping atom bombs on them. Which probably ended up saving more people on both sides than they killed anyway.
Don't care.

The reception Obama got in Japan was fitting as the prime minister lambasted him.

Sounds like he was 'lambasting' the United States over the actions of a former Marine

But Abe was unflinching in his harsh criticism of the U.S. over a new irritant that has inflamed the Japanese public: the recent arrest of a former Marine in connection with the murder of a Japanese woman in Okinawa, where anti-U.S. military sentiment is high because of a heavy American troop presence. The crime could fuel further opposition to the relocation of a U.S. Marine Corps air station on the southern Japanese island, a long-delayed project that Abe has been trying to push forward in the face of large protests.

Abe declared himself "just speechless" at the crime, and called for swift investigation of the offender "who committed this self-centered and absolutely despicable crime."

Obama, for his part, offered his condolences and "deepest regrets." He said any violent crime by U.S. personnel or contractors was appalling and pledged to do "everything that we can to prevent any crimes from taking place of this sort and that involves reviewing procedures and making sure that everything that can be done to prevent such occurrences from happening again are put into place."

I knew Japanese educators studying in an American University when a teen. When to Vietnam and got liberty in Sasebo and Okinawa. During my adult life I built giant machines in the US for Daifuku and met the president of the company and drank sake with him and had a Japanese project manager in charge of the project in Oregon. There are proper ways to bow and a simple one nod of your brow is commonly used. A proper bow is different Too deep of a bow is a 'kotow"....

You are mixing cultures, languages, and definitions.
I wonder what for. To say America's sorry? Screw that! No doubt Hillary would have done the same. (If she hadn't already) It is possible that it wasn't all that necessary for the U.S. to drop atom bombs on Japan. But it was just Japan's misfortune to have been caught between a rock and a hard place. Namely, the U.S. and Russia. For a homo friendly people who would rather have their soldiers die than surrender, and expect the same from their enemies, the LAST thing I would do is apologize for dropping atom bombs on them. Which probably ended up saving more people on both sides than they killed anyway.
Don't care.

The reception Obama got in Japan was fitting as the prime minister lambasted him.

Sounds like he was 'lambasting' the United States over the actions of a former Marine

But Abe was unflinching in his harsh criticism of the U.S. over a new irritant that has inflamed the Japanese public: the recent arrest of a former Marine in connection with the murder of a Japanese woman in Okinawa, where anti-U.S. military sentiment is high because of a heavy American troop presence. The crime could fuel further opposition to the relocation of a U.S. Marine Corps air station on the southern Japanese island, a long-delayed project that Abe has been trying to push forward in the face of large protests.

Abe declared himself "just speechless" at the crime, and called for swift investigation of the offender "who committed this self-centered and absolutely despicable crime."

Obama, for his part, offered his condolences and "deepest regrets." He said any violent crime by U.S. personnel or contractors was appalling and pledged to do "everything that we can to prevent any crimes from taking place of this sort and that involves reviewing procedures and making sure that everything that can be done to prevent such occurrences from happening again are put into place."
Something a diplomat from a "friendly" nation would have done in private and not in front of the press with the president standing right next to him.
Kinda reminds me of when Carson skewered Obamacare right in front of the president. Obama simply does not command any respect.
UNREAL. Obama Tells Reporters: His Trip to Hiroshima To Honor "All" War Dead (VIDEO)

The president isn't apologizing for the US dropping the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This is just more right wing lying hyperbole that is spoken on con radio and then quickly disseminates, like a virus, out to the extremities of the conservative body of loons, who then repeat it as if Jeeezus whispered it in their ear.

Which brings to mind, What Would Jesus Have Done? Would he have dropped two atomic bombs on two cities? What say you fake kristians.

What would you know about Christians fake or any other? The only shit you know is the liberal talking points that Soros commands you to regurgitate like a fucking cat that licks the carpet. If you liberals get any more full of shit, you will need flush handles for ears.

Who is Soros? Is that another of your imaginary arch enemies? Maybe he's friends with Zeus?

Your brainwashing goes way beyond the normal neocon, you have crossed over into Alex Jones crazy.

You are really up on current events. George Soros has only been a left-wing billionaire agitator for over 30 years and pays lib jerkoffs to throw public fits of desperation. Go back to sucking that lib ass. You are so dumb it's pitiful.
Something a diplomat from a "friendly" nation would have done in private and not in front of the press with the president standing right next to him.......

Do you really not understand politics?
I understand that you think you're something special and that an oriental avatar gives you a unique perspective. It does not. Now get back to your special ed class and bug off.
The president isn't apologizing for the US dropping the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This is just more right wing lying hyperbole that is spoken on con radio and then quickly disseminates, like a virus, out to the extremities of the conservative body of loons, who then repeat it as if Jeeezus whispered it in their ear.

Which brings to mind, What Would Jesus Have Done? Would he have dropped two atomic bombs on two cities? What say you fake kristians.

What would you know about Christians fake or any other? The only shit you know is the liberal talking points that Soros commands you to regurgitate like a fucking cat that licks the carpet. If you liberals get any more full of shit, you will need flush handles for ears.

Who is Soros? Is that another of your imaginary arch enemies? Maybe he's friends with Zeus?

Your brainwashing goes way beyond the normal neocon, you have crossed over into Alex Jones crazy.

You are really up on current events. George Soros has only been a left-wing billionaire agitator for over 30 years and pays lib jerkoffs to throw public fits of desperation. Go back to sucking that lib ass. You are so dumb it's pitiful.

You're an angry little thing aren't you.
Something a diplomat from a "friendly" nation would have done in private and not in front of the press with the president standing right next to him.......

Do you really not understand politics?
I understand that you think you're something special and that an oriental avatar gives you a unique perspective. It does not. Now get back to your special ed class and bug off.

You've got issues.
So jugears goes over there and talks about weapons proliferation after giving Iran the keys to the plutonium box and starts letting the military complex (that eisenhower warned us about) sell armament to Vietnam.
Obama will rewrite this sucker that trump actually flew the enola gay and dropped the bomb... and the left like sheep will believe him.
Have to love the whining conservatives eagerly participate in every other day. They aren't happy until they've constructed some miserable imaginary event to hate someone over.

Sad to watch but they are what they are.
The president isn't apologizing for the US dropping the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This is just more right wing lying hyperbole that is spoken on con radio and then quickly disseminates, like a virus, out to the extremities of the conservative body of loons, who then repeat it as if Jeeezus whispered it in their ear.

Which brings to mind, What Would Jesus Have Done? Would he have dropped two atomic bombs on two cities? What say you fake kristians.

What would you know about Christians fake or any other? The only shit you know is the liberal talking points that Soros commands you to regurgitate like a fucking cat that licks the carpet. If you liberals get any more full of shit, you will need flush handles for ears.

Who is Soros? Is that another of your imaginary arch enemies? Maybe he's friends with Zeus?

Your brainwashing goes way beyond the normal neocon, you have crossed over into Alex Jones crazy.

You are really up on current events. George Soros has only been a left-wing billionaire agitator for over 30 years and pays lib jerkoffs to throw public fits of desperation. Go back to sucking that lib ass. You are so dumb it's pitiful.

You're an angry little thing aren't you.

Stupid people do that to me.
From The Associated Press 27 May 2016:
"Death fell from the sky and the world was changed," Obama said, after laying a wreath, closing his eyes and briefly bowing his head before an arched monument in Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park that honors those killed on Aug. 6, 1945, when U.S. forces dropped the bomb that ushered in the nuclear age. The bombing, Obama said, "demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself."


They were warned! President Harry Truman warned them: "If they do not now accept our terms they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth."

It came to pass...

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