Obama to visit Kenya. Will there be an explosion of "birtherism"?

Not as big as an explosion as you did here with Rtard`ism.

Maybe Obama should go to Iraq where he re-started the dumbest war in history as long as a Republican is in power.
When the going gets rough Barry gets going. God forbid he should stay in D.C. and face fallout from the idiotic treaty with Iran or the intentional insult to the U.S. Military by failing to lower the Flag until he made his point. Nobody will "go nuts" when Barry is in Kenya except the jack ass left.
Yo, hope he is taking the Army with him, he might need it!!! That is, if they will stand up for him?

Boko Haram
That Obama's father was born in Kenya is a verifiable fact.

Obama himself? Not so verifiable. No one knows for sure where that fucker squeezed forth from the mama hole.
Kenya witch doctor foretells Obama visit

Will right wingers go nuts with Obama in Kenya? Will there be an explosion of "birtherism"?

Quite frankly, R-Derp...who cares? Barry's two terms are finally coming to a close and perhaps we'll actually get someone in the Oval Office that has a clue what they're doing. If he spent the next year and a half in Kenya...or Martha's Vineyard or Hawaii...that would be just fine with me.


Snapshot of 2005 Calender taken by British reporter in Obama's Kenyan grandmothers home.


Yo, if you going to say it? Show it!!!
View attachment 45463
Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And while he was signing that bill into law, LBJ supposedly turned to someone and said, “There goes the South for a generation.”

Yo, you can believe History, or deny it?

That Obama's father was born in Kenya is a verifiable fact.

Obama himself? Not so verifiable. No one knows for sure where that fucker squeezed forth from the mama hole.

No ignorant idiot knows where Barack Obama Jr. is born.

Anyone with an IQ above 50 and the reading comprehensions beyond a third grader does.

Hell the only President in history to show us all his Birth certificate- and the only President in history to have the State of his birth officially confirm he was born there.

And you idiots don't know where he was born?

Probably for the same reason you refer to a vagina as a 'mama hole'.

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