Obama tops Romney in outsourcing of jobs

The outsourcing is a phony issue. If we were to put measures in place based on denying foreign manufacturers, prices on goods would go way up and the standard of living would go way down. Politicians know this but if they think they can use the rhetoric to their advantage then they do. Beware of the outsourcing jiving politicians. They're basically saying 'I'm counting on your ignorance.'

The real issue is what kind of bs regulations and taxes do we have that are inhibiting business domestically and internationally. Give me a candidate who is discussing those issues earnestly.

Horseshit. We had the best standard of living in our history when union membership was at its highest and we had reasonable laws to protect our manufacturing.

Even Ronald Reagan took steps to protect our industries. He put rules into place to keep Japanese companies from "Dumping" (Selling products at such a low price it put American competitors out of business.)

Of course, even Reagan would be a RINO today.
I don't expect much better from the Obama campaign but I would think they would be smarter and check the facts.

Obama The Outsourcer and Chiefl

Lies and more lies.

Have any lefties checked into Pelosi and how her overseas investments are doing?

How about Wasserman-Schultz?

Look into any of the three and you find out real quick what hypocrites this group is.

The outsourcing is a phony issue. If we were to put measures in place based on denying foreign manufacturers, prices on goods would go way up and the standard of living would go way down. Politicians know this but if they think they can use the rhetoric to their advantage then they do. Beware of the outsourcing jiving politicians. They're basically saying 'I'm counting on your ignorance.'

The real issue is what kind of bs regulations and taxes do we have that are inhibiting business domestically and internationally. Give me a candidate who is discussing those issues earnestly.

I would rather have good paying manufacturing jobs than cheap (and cheaply made) chinese goods

That comment shows a lack of understanding of the issue.

The reason you get cheap Chinese goods is because manufacturing jobs in America are too expensive now.
Lies and more lies.

Have any lefties checked into Pelosi and how her overseas investments are doing?

How about Wasserman-Schultz?

Look into any of the three and you find out real quick what hypocrites this group is.

Pelosi isn't running for President. Neither is Schultz...

and there is a big difference between investments and actually facilitating outsourcing, which is what Romney and Company did.

Is it because he's a Mormon?

Seems to me this is just self-manufactured issue by Democrats.

They make threats against Republicans to raise the minimum-wage and jobs are outsourced.
They pass a health care bill that will make it too expensive to hire anyone and jobs are outsourced.
They impose thousands of new regulations on businesses so they close down their American operations when they can.
Democrats are the anti-business party so businesses ether move or go out of business.

Seems to me Democrats had something to do with outsourcing.

I guess they could just hire more firefighters and policemen......but the cities are too broke to do so.

Kind of the icing on the cake........

Costs in the United States are so out of control that they outsourced manufacture of the US Olympic teams uniforms to China.
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The copy on the new, devastating ad which nails Obama for his blatant lie on outsourcing:

AD FACTS: Script For “No Evidence”

MITT ROMNEY: “I’m Mitt Romney and I approve this message.”

VIDEO TEXT: “When A President Doesn’t Tell The Truth”

VOICEOVER: “When a President doesn’t tell the truth”

VIDEO TEXT: “How Can We Trust Him To Lead?”

VOICEOVER: “How can we trust him to lead?”

VIDEO TEXT: “Obama’s Outsourcing Attacks: ‘Misleading, Unfair And Untrue’”

The Washington Post: “On Just About Every Level, This Ad Is Misleading, Unfair And Untrue…” “The Obama campaign fails to make its case. On just about every level, this ad is misleading, unfair and untrue, from the use of “corporate raider” to its examples of alleged outsourcing. Simply repeating the same debunked claims won’t make them any more correct.” (Glenn Kessler, “4 Pinocchios For Obama’s Newest Anti-Romney Ad,” The Washington Post, 6/21/12)

VOICEOVER: “The Obama outsourcing attacks: ‘misleading, unfair and untrue’”

VIDEO TEXT: “There Was ‘No Evidence’ That Mitt Romney Shipped Jobs Overseas”

FactCheck.org: “We Found No Evidence To Support The Claim That Romney — While He Was Still Running Bain Capital — Shipped American Jobs Overseas.” “But after reviewing numerous corporate filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, contemporary news accounts, company histories and press releases, and the evidence offered by both the Obama and Romney campaigns, we found no evidence to support the claim that Romney — while he was still running Bain Capital — shipped American jobs overseas.” (Robert Farley and Eugene Kiely, “Obama’s ‘Outsourcer’ Overreach,” FactCheck.org, 6/29/12)

VOICEOVER: “There Was ‘No Evidence’ That Mitt Romney Shipped Jobs Overseas”

VIDEO TEXT: “Candidate Obama Lied About Hillary Clinton”

VOICEOVER: “Candidate Obama lied about Hillary Clinton”

HILLARY CLINTON: “So shame on you, Barack Obama.”

HILLARY CLINTON: “So, shame on you, Barack Obama. It is time you ran a campaign consistent with your messages in public. That’s what I expect from you.” (Senator Hillary Clinton, Remarks, Cincinnati, OH, 2/23/08)

VIDEO TEXT: “But America Expects More From A President”

VOICEOVER: “But America expects more from a president”

VIDEO TEXT: “Obama’s Dishonest Campaign: Another Reason America Has Lost Confidence In Barack Obama”

VOICEOVER: “Obama’s dishonest campaign: Another reason America has lost confidence in Barack Obama”

Obama keeps digging himself a bigger whole. Won't take much to bury such a small little man.
LOL!! Liberals are such nut jobs, they will find excuses for Obama;s stupidity.

I'm just wondering who they will throw under the bus, Pelosi and/or Schultz?
my guess is they will divert it and not address the issue at all.

Dumb fuck, the dems have tried numerous times to stop offshoring, but of course the america hating GOP trash do what they do best, filibuster anything that doesn't help out the rich or their corporate masters.

GOP Blocks Bill to Punish Companies that Move Jobs Abroad - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

GOP Blocks Bill to Close Offshore Loophole | New York Daily News

Republican Senators Block Anti-Offshoring Bill

So it's Republican's fault that Obama is a better outsourcer than Romney, hell of a spin there bud.
Is it because he's a Mormon?

Seems to me this is just self-manufactured issue by Democrats.

They make threats against Republicans to raise the minimum-wage and jobs are outsourced.
They pass a health care bill that will make it too expensive to hire anyone and jobs are outsourced.
They impose thousands of new regulations on businesses so they close down their American operations when they can.
Democrats are the anti-business party so businesses ether move or go out of business.

Seems to me Democrats had something to do with outsourcing.

I guess they could just hire more firefighters and policemen......but the cities are too broke to do so.

Kind of the icing on the cake........

Costs in the United States are so out of control that they outsourced manufacture of the US Olympic teams uniforms to China.

Why you're right. We should all work for the same wages Chinese peasents work for, and be happy with it.

Seriously, fuck you.
That comment shows a lack of understanding of the issue.

The reason you get cheap Chinese goods is because manufacturing jobs in America are too expensive now.

Outsourcing is about breaking the American Middle Class, not about saving that much money.

Always has been.

Blaming American workers for Corporate Greed is like blaming women for their rapes beause they wore a trampy dress.
We have the greatest standards of living now, not in 1962.

Horseshit and you know it....

In fact, it is true.

"Our results show evidence of considerable improvement in material well-being for both the middle class and the poor over the past three decades. Median income and consumption both rose by more than 50 percent in real terms between 1980 and 2009.

In addition, the middle 20 percent of the income distribution experienced noticeable improvements in housing characteristics: living units became bigger and much more likely to have air conditioning and other features. The quality of the cars these families own also improved considerably. Similarly, we find strong evidence of improvement in the material well-being of poor families."

Poverty in America? - Walter E. Williams - [page]
We have the greatest standards of living now, not in 1962.

Horseshit and you know it....

People live in bigger homes, own more cars, have wider choices of food, take vacations outside the country, live longer, have better medical care, can walk around with a computer/mobile phone in their pockets, can make phone calls around the world for virtually free, have 200 channels on their HDTV, etc.

But you keep walking around in that Fog of Hate!

Better stock up on tin foil before the price of aluminum goes up, Joe!

That comment shows a lack of understanding of the issue.

The reason you get cheap Chinese goods is because manufacturing jobs in America are too expensive now.

Outsourcing is about breaking the American Middle Class, not about saving that much money.

Always has been.

Blaming American workers for Corporate Greed is like blaming women for their rapes beause they wore a trampy dress.
The outsourcing is a phony issue. If we were to put measures in place based on denying foreign manufacturers, prices on goods would go way up and the standard of living would go way down. Politicians know this but if they think they can use the rhetoric to their advantage then they do. Beware of the outsourcing jiving politicians. They're basically saying 'I'm counting on your ignorance.'

The real issue is what kind of bs regulations and taxes do we have that are inhibiting business domestically and internationally. Give me a candidate who is discussing those issues earnestly.

I would rather have good paying manufacturing jobs than cheap (and cheaply made) chinese goods

Because you don't understand macro economics and you're relying on emotion and not intellect. You surely must be a Democrat.

Then by all means, please explain instead of just sounding like a dick.
We have the greatest standards of living now, not in 1962.

Horseshit and you know it....

In fact, it is true.

"Our results show evidence of considerable improvement in material well-being for both the middle class and the poor over the past three decades. Median income and consumption both rose by more than 50 percent in real terms between 1980 and 2009.

In addition, the middle 20 percent of the income distribution experienced noticeable improvements in housing characteristics: living units became bigger and much more likely to have air conditioning and other features. The quality of the cars these families own also improved considerably. Similarly, we find strong evidence of improvement in the material well-being of poor families."

Poverty in America? - Walter E. Williams - [page]

If you are going to use SteppinFetchit as a source, you really don't pass the laugh test.
The price of aluminum has more to do with the cost than the price of labor.

Fact is, what you gain in price, you lose in quality and timeliness, and it usually isn't a good tradeoff.

This is what I do for a living, guy. It's why I know the claims about labor costs are bullshit.

This was always about breaking the American Middle Class.

Better stock up on tin foil before the price of aluminum goes up, Joe!

That comment shows a lack of understanding of the issue.

The reason you get cheap Chinese goods is because manufacturing jobs in America are too expensive now.

Outsourcing is about breaking the American Middle Class, not about saving that much money.

Always has been.

Blaming American workers for Corporate Greed is like blaming women for their rapes beause they wore a trampy dress.
We have the greatest standards of living now, not in 1962.

Horseshit and you know it....

People live in bigger homes, own more cars, have wider choices of food, take vacations outside the country, live longer, have better medical care, can walk around with a computer/mobile phone in their pockets, can make phone calls around the world for virtually free, have 200 channels on their HDTV, etc.

But you keep walking around in that Fog of Hate!


Still Horseshit. Better Technology does not mean better standard of living...

Go visit a place like Cleveland some time, tell me how they are living better than they did in the 1960's.
Horseshit and you know it....

In fact, it is true.

"Our results show evidence of considerable improvement in material well-being for both the middle class and the poor over the past three decades. Median income and consumption both rose by more than 50 percent in real terms between 1980 and 2009.

In addition, the middle 20 percent of the income distribution experienced noticeable improvements in housing characteristics: living units became bigger and much more likely to have air conditioning and other features. The quality of the cars these families own also improved considerably. Similarly, we find strong evidence of improvement in the material well-being of poor families."

Poverty in America? - Walter E. Williams - [page]

If you are going to use SteppinFetchit as a source, you really don't pass the laugh test.


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