Obama Trash Talking Trump (Again!)

Obama Trash Talking Trump (Again!)

Obama is a desperate clown.


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Obama Trash Talking Trump (Again!)

Donald Trump is inside Obama's head, and Barack just can't handle it... At one time in our nation’s history, there was an unwritten tenet that former presidents should remain quiet during their successor’s term. It was considered discourteous, even boorish, to criticize the man who took your place. But the political equivalent of, “I’ve had my turn. Now it’s yours,” is something Barack Obama cannot abide.... Without a doubt, there is one area in which former President Barack Obama excels above all others: He is a master at creating division. This is not a riotous or partisan statement; it is a fact that can be easily verified. Unable to leave behind the damage he’s already wrought, Mr. Obama is determined to do what he does best – make speeches and sow discordant political seeds by trash-talking a sitting president.... Exhibit A of this principle is race relations. In January of 2008, 19% of those polled believed that race was a “very serious” issue plaguing our nation. By autumn of 2016, that number had jumped to 42%.... “Poseur” really is the perfect word to describe Obama. He’s not merely a braggart and an egotist, nor is he just affected and insincere but rather he is primarily a fake person – a phony, through-and-through. One could aptly label Barack Obama “The Great Pretender.”... while Mr. Obama is lambasting others and casting aspersions far and wide, let us remember that he is the one down in the muck – filthier and more vile than his political nemesis and Trump’s deplorable followers.

I guess Barry Soetoro/Obama thinks he’s getting one over on us…being the first ex-POTUS who can’t keep his mouth shut. The ironic part is that Obama happens to be the first guy to eclipse Carter as the worst POTUS in HISTORY! He just can’t keep his nonsense to himself.
President Trump is taking apart the failed legacy of "The One" to the benefit of the American people, and it’s not sitting well with the former president. His ego can’t accept that the man who succeeded him is a thousand times the president he was.
So many in America simply don't believe Obama's lies anymore. The paltry crowds at Barry's 'rallies' should tell you something but, I guess the biased media are just too proud to ever admit it? The MSM will forever be licking Obama's boots and listening carefully, applauding every time he passes gas.
History will not be kind to Barry Soetoro/Barack Hussein Obama. He should go back to tearing up parks in Chi-town to build that silly monument to himself. Hmm...., how narcissistic can he be?
In the end, no one really cares. Obama is an irrelevant failed former president.​
Obama is a shit stain
There are people still listening to what Obama says? Unreal!
Yes Pap there are still people around who are fed up with trumps lies and BS Obama is an honest man Too bad you can't see the low life vile trump for what he is ,,a sick lying gasbag
Unity ?? My Ass
President Donald Trump on Sunday, just days after calling for civility on “all sides” following mail bomb attacks on prominent Democrats, called billionaire Democratic donor Tom Steyer a “crazed & stumbling lunatic” on Twitter.

Steyer was the intended recipient of one of at least 13 pipe bombs that were discovered last week. The packages were also addressed to CNN and other high-profile Democrats, including Hillary and Bill Clinton and former President Barack Obama. Police have arrested a Trump supporter in Florida in connection with the devices, which never detonated.

“Just watched Wacky Tom Steyer, who I have not seen in action before, be interviewed by [CNN’s Jake Tapper],” Trump tweeted. “He comes off as a crazed & stumbling lunatic who should be running out of money pretty soon.”
There are people still listening to what Obama says? Unreal!
Yes Pap there are still people around who are fed up with trumps lies and BS Obama is an honest man Too bad you can't see the low life vile trump for what he is ,,a sick lying gasbag

Good grief, you are one stupid idiot, Obama was an okay President, just like with other past Presidents I don’t want to hear from them. It has nothing to do with Trump, Obama, Democrat or Republican. Bush was trashed for 8 years by Obama and the Democrats and didn’t say a word.
There are people still listening to what Obama says? Unreal!
Yes Pap there are still people around who are fed up with trumps lies and BS Obama is an honest man Too bad you can't see the low life vile trump for what he is ,,a sick lying gasbag

Good grief, you are one stupid idiot, Obama was an okay President, just like with other past Presidents I don’t want to hear from them. It has nothing to do with Trump, Obama, Democrat or Republican. Bush was trashed for 8 years by Obama and the Democrats and didn’t say a word.
Was he ?? Really ?/ more so than this shithead in our WH has bashed obama before obama spoke up? you are one stupid trump apologetic ah ,,,whatever you call yourself
Obama Trash Talking Trump (Again!)

Donald Trump is inside Obama's head, and Barack just can't handle it... At one time in our nation’s history, there was an unwritten tenet that former presidents should remain quiet during their successor’s term. It was considered discourteous, even boorish, to criticize the man who took your place. But the political equivalent of, “I’ve had my turn. Now it’s yours,” is something Barack Obama cannot abide.... Without a doubt, there is one area in which former President Barack Obama excels above all others: He is a master at creating division. This is not a riotous or partisan statement; it is a fact that can be easily verified. Unable to leave behind the damage he’s already wrought, Mr. Obama is determined to do what he does best – make speeches and sow discordant political seeds by trash-talking a sitting president.... Exhibit A of this principle is race relations. In January of 2008, 19% of those polled believed that race was a “very serious” issue plaguing our nation. By autumn of 2016, that number had jumped to 42%.... “Poseur” really is the perfect word to describe Obama. He’s not merely a braggart and an egotist, nor is he just affected and insincere but rather he is primarily a fake person – a phony, through-and-through. One could aptly label Barack Obama “The Great Pretender.”... while Mr. Obama is lambasting others and casting aspersions far and wide, let us remember that he is the one down in the muck – filthier and more vile than his political nemesis and Trump’s deplorable followers.

I guess Barry Soetoro/Obama thinks he’s getting one over on us…being the first ex-POTUS who can’t keep his mouth shut. The ironic part is that Obama happens to be the first guy to eclipse Carter as the worst POTUS in HISTORY! He just can’t keep his nonsense to himself.
President Trump is taking apart the failed legacy of "The One" to the benefit of the American people, and it’s not sitting well with the former president. His ego can’t accept that the man who succeeded him is a thousand times the president he was.
So many in America simply don't believe Obama's lies anymore. The paltry crowds at Barry's 'rallies' should tell you something but, I guess the biased media are just too proud to ever admit it? The MSM will forever be licking Obama's boots and listening carefully, applauding every time he passes gas.
History will not be kind to Barry Soetoro/Barack Hussein Obama. He should go back to tearing up parks in Chi-town to build that silly monument to himself. Hmm...., how narcissistic can he be?
In the end, no one really cares. Obama is an irrelevant failed former president.​

Trump is human garbage, so it's easy.
There are people still listening to what Obama says? Unreal!
Yes Pap there are still people around who are fed up with trumps lies and BS Obama is an honest man Too bad you can't see the low life vile trump for what he is ,,a sick lying gasbag

Good grief, you are one stupid idiot, Obama was an okay President, just like with other past Presidents I don’t want to hear from them. It has nothing to do with Trump, Obama, Democrat or Republican. Bush was trashed for 8 years by Obama and the Democrats and didn’t say a word.
Was he ?? Really ?/ more so than this shithead in our WH has bashed obama before obama spoke up? you are one stupid trump apologetic ah ,,,whatever you call yourself
You still can’t comprehend what the hell you read can you? I didn’t apologize for Trump. I stated I don’t want to hear from any past Presidents about what is going on, they had their chance, now move on. It doesn’t matter politics or who it is, I didn’t want to hear from Reagan, Bush or any of the others. Learn how to comprehend what is written before you continue to sound like a moron.
There are people still listening to what Obama says? Unreal!
Yes Pap there are still people around who are fed up with trumps lies and BS Obama is an honest man Too bad you can't see the low life vile trump for what he is ,,a sick lying gasbag

Good grief, you are one stupid idiot, Obama was an okay President, just like with other past Presidents I don’t want to hear from them. It has nothing to do with Trump, Obama, Democrat or Republican. Bush was trashed for 8 years by Obama and the Democrats and didn’t say a word.
Was he ?? Really ?/ more so than this shithead in our WH has bashed obama before obama spoke up? you are one stupid trump apologetic ah ,,,whatever you call yourself

Don't know about Papa, but some of us prefer DEPLORABLE....dumbass.
Obabble is the worst president and ex president ever.
Not true, says most Americans that voted for him twice....the orange ouldnt land the popular vote even against Hillary.

Well consider this: Trump came into office with absolutely zero political experience or education. Yet we Americans chose him over a well versed political figure like Hillary. That's how bad she was.

In reality, not only should Trump have lost the popular vote by 20 million, but he should have lost the EC by at least 100. However people were so fed up with the Democrat party, the Swamp, and partisan politics that we chose a person like Trump over her. And the only reason she got the popular vote was because of California.
Obama Trash Talking Trump (Again!)

Donald Trump is inside Obama's head, and Barack just can't handle it... At one time in our nation’s history, there was an unwritten tenet that former presidents should remain quiet during their successor’s term. It was considered discourteous, even boorish, to criticize the man who took your place. But the political equivalent of, “I’ve had my turn. Now it’s yours,” is something Barack Obama cannot abide.... Without a doubt, there is one area in which former President Barack Obama excels above all others: He is a master at creating division. This is not a riotous or partisan statement; it is a fact that can be easily verified. Unable to leave behind the damage he’s already wrought, Mr. Obama is determined to do what he does best – make speeches and sow discordant political seeds by trash-talking a sitting president.... Exhibit A of this principle is race relations. In January of 2008, 19% of those polled believed that race was a “very serious” issue plaguing our nation. By autumn of 2016, that number had jumped to 42%.... “Poseur” really is the perfect word to describe Obama. He’s not merely a braggart and an egotist, nor is he just affected and insincere but rather he is primarily a fake person – a phony, through-and-through. One could aptly label Barack Obama “The Great Pretender.”... while Mr. Obama is lambasting others and casting aspersions far and wide, let us remember that he is the one down in the muck – filthier and more vile than his political nemesis and Trump’s deplorable followers.

I guess Barry Soetoro/Obama thinks he’s getting one over on us…being the first ex-POTUS who can’t keep his mouth shut. The ironic part is that Obama happens to be the first guy to eclipse Carter as the worst POTUS in HISTORY! He just can’t keep his nonsense to himself.
President Trump is taking apart the failed legacy of "The One" to the benefit of the American people, and it’s not sitting well with the former president. His ego can’t accept that the man who succeeded him is a thousand times the president he was.
So many in America simply don't believe Obama's lies anymore. The paltry crowds at Barry's 'rallies' should tell you something but, I guess the biased media are just too proud to ever admit it? The MSM will forever be licking Obama's boots and listening carefully, applauding every time he passes gas.
History will not be kind to Barry Soetoro/Barack Hussein Obama. He should go back to tearing up parks in Chi-town to build that silly monument to himself. Hmm...., how narcissistic can he be?
In the end, no one really cares. Obama is an irrelevant failed former president.​

When people attack Trump and he responds, we support Trump for the reaction. We can't be hypocrites about this. Trump was bashing Obama since the time he got elected. Mind you he was pretty pissed about DumBama spying on him while running, but Obama is only responding to Trump's attacks and he has that right to do so.

However now Hussein is pissed because Trump is doing what he said he was going to do, and that was De-Bama the country.

It's one thing that a new President disassembles the the policies and regulations of the previous President, but in the process, making the country better by doing so. DumBama told us the days of great economies are long gone, and lower GDP is something we will just have to get used to; there is nothing he could do about it. Trump is showing him how it's done, and that has to be killing him.
There are people still listening to what Obama says? Unreal!
Yes Pap there are still people around who are fed up with trumps lies and BS Obama is an honest man Too bad you can't see the low life vile trump for what he is ,,a sick lying gasbag

Good grief, you are one stupid idiot, Obama was an okay President, just like with other past Presidents I don’t want to hear from them. It has nothing to do with Trump, Obama, Democrat or Republican. Bush was trashed for 8 years by Obama and the Democrats and didn’t say a word.
Was he ?? Really ?/ more so than this shithead in our WH has bashed obama before obama spoke up? you are one stupid trump apologetic ah ,,,whatever you call yourself
You still can’t comprehend what the hell you read can you? I didn’t apologize for Trump. I stated I don’t want to hear from any past Presidents about what is going on, they had their chance, now move on. It doesn’t matter politics or who it is, I didn’t want to hear from Reagan, Bush or any of the others. Learn how to comprehend what is written before you continue to sound like a moron.
So sorry to offend your delicate eyes Why shouldn't a past president whose work has been destroyed by an asshole like trump speak up??Why don't idiots like you give a damn as to what others so much more intelligent than you say??
There are people still listening to what Obama says? Unreal!
Yes Pap there are still people around who are fed up with trumps lies and BS Obama is an honest man Too bad you can't see the low life vile trump for what he is ,,a sick lying gasbag

Good grief, you are one stupid idiot, Obama was an okay President, just like with other past Presidents I don’t want to hear from them. It has nothing to do with Trump, Obama, Democrat or Republican. Bush was trashed for 8 years by Obama and the Democrats and didn’t say a word.
trashed for 8 years ?? That's the biggest bullshit at this place all week
There are people still listening to what Obama says? Unreal!
Yes Pap there are still people around who are fed up with trumps lies and BS Obama is an honest man Too bad you can't see the low life vile trump for what he is ,,a sick lying gasbag

Good grief, you are one stupid idiot, Obama was an okay President, just like with other past Presidents I don’t want to hear from them. It has nothing to do with Trump, Obama, Democrat or Republican. Bush was trashed for 8 years by Obama and the Democrats and didn’t say a word.
Was he ?? Really ?/ more so than this shithead in our WH has bashed obama before obama spoke up? you are one stupid trump apologetic ah ,,,whatever you call yourself
You still can’t comprehend what the hell you read can you? I didn’t apologize for Trump. I stated I don’t want to hear from any past Presidents about what is going on, they had their chance, now move on. It doesn’t matter politics or who it is, I didn’t want to hear from Reagan, Bush or any of the others. Learn how to comprehend what is written before you continue to sound like a moron.
So sorry to offend your delicate eyes Why shouldn't a past president whose work has been destroyed by an asshole like trump speak up??Why don't idiots like you give a damn as to what others so much more intelligent than you say??

No offense nut, you need how to comprehend what you read. What you call destroyed is relief to others, the insurance was a disaster, pay for it then can’t afford the deductibles? Hell, the cost was outrageous, I prefer my old catastrophic policy, low premium and high deductible. A lot better then high premium and high deductible.

Why don’t I give a damn about what Obama says now? Because we had 8 years of his agenda and he made it tougher for small businesses to succeed. I’m not thrilled with Trump at all other than his administration has made our industry stronger than it has been since 2008.

Now, I wouldn’t mind seeing another Republican in office other than Trump. I still plan on a third party vote in 2020.
There are people still listening to what Obama says? Unreal!
Yes Pap there are still people around who are fed up with trumps lies and BS Obama is an honest man Too bad you can't see the low life vile trump for what he is ,,a sick lying gasbag

Good grief, you are one stupid idiot, Obama was an okay President, just like with other past Presidents I don’t want to hear from them. It has nothing to do with Trump, Obama, Democrat or Republican. Bush was trashed for 8 years by Obama and the Democrats and didn’t say a word.
trashed for 8 years ?? That's the biggest bullshit at this place all week

Sure did, look it up, you nuts and Obama blamed Republicans and Bush for eight years and now you play dumb? Another dishonest lefty, what a big surprise!
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