Obama trying to "kill" Mittens

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Ann Romney: Obama's whole campaign strategy is "let's kill this guy" - CBS News

Oh great - a drama queen.

Hint: Can't take the heat? Get out of the kitchen.

Meanwhile, stop lying about the President of the United States. And, if you're going to toss words like "kill" around, be prepared to prove it.

(Actually, I've thought, all along, that she's the brains of that duo. Now I see that neither of them are weighted down by a brain.)
You really should read the articles you link to, Dummy...
In August, some Democratic strategists let leak to the press that Obama's top aides were looking at a massive character takedown of Romney in light of a deterring economy; "kill Romney" was a phrase used by one. "That was their memo that came out from their campaign," Ann Romney said. "And it's like, 'not when I'm next to him you better not."
And from the Politico link...
“Unless things change and Obama can run on accomplishments, he will have to kill Romney,” said a prominent Democratic strategist aligned with the White House.

Read more: Obama plan: Destroy Romney - Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com
Just more evidence that there is absolutely no reason to take this dumb-ass seriously.

Why anyone continues to reply to his crap is beyond me.
I suppose this is a politically incorrect comment but Mrs. Romney strikes me as the quintessential Stepford wife; Mr. Romney seems to be another fictional character - Elmer Gantry.
I suppose this is a politically incorrect comment but Mrs. Romney strikes me as the quintessential Stepford wife; Mr. Romney seems to be another fictional character - Elmer Gantry.

Politically incorrect? Please if anyone from Romneys camp had even suggested something like this about Obama, you guys would be flipping out and you know it. Heck, you guys were trying to Crucify Ted Nugent for saying the administration would likely put him in jail if Obama is reelected trying to find some sort of threat in that.

I wish you guys would show just alittle bit of integrity.

Romney isnt fictional btw. He's just too good to be true to you guys. You guys have to go out of your way to try to find something to attack him with and it confuses the heck out of you.
I expected it before this. Dictators normally do kill their opponents, or at the very least order their arrests.
True Si, one Dem said one stupid thing and it has become - in the minds of some - a Democratic policy. So, Sarah Palin's 'bullseye map' wasn't relevant of anything yet one Dem's comments are a big deal?!

It's why partisan political speak is so foolish.
Remember 2008 when the left became unhinged with words like "target"!

I find the left and their hypocrisy amusing.

They call for civility and yet they don't want to apply it to their side and now they laugh at it because the right says anything.

And if this was reversed the left would have their panties in a bunch, claiming how unfair and racist the right is.

What is also funny is that lefties walk right in step with their commanders, no one needs to think, they just all react.

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