Obama tweets congrats to US hockey hero

i don't care what people say, i would rather have obama as president than putin. putin may have scored points, obama may have lost points, but i will take any american president over any russian "president" any day of the week.
Well, yes, most presidents go to countries that host the Olympics at least for the opening ceremonies, then briefly visit the team. I can't remember a president that did not support the team representing the USA by attending the games.

Try Google. Idiot.

First American President at Olympics on Foreign Soil

Since the modern Olympics were first held in 1896, American Presidents have attended many of them. However, this has only been the case when these Olympics were held in the United States until 2008. As described in Bush first U.S. President to attend Olympic Games on foreign soil , President George W. Bush is the first American President to leave the USA to attend the Olympic Games.
Well, yes, most presidents go to countries that host the Olympics at least for the opening ceremonies, then briefly visit the team. I can't remember a president that did not support the team representing the USA by attending the games.

Try Google. Idiot.

First American President at Olympics on Foreign Soil

Since the modern Olympics were first held in 1896, American Presidents have attended many of them. However, this has only been the case when these Olympics were held in the United States until 2008. As described in Bush first U.S. President to attend Olympic Games on foreign soil , President George W. Bush is the first American President to leave the USA to attend the Olympic Games.

He did seem to enjoy himself with the beach volleyball team
Uh, he is the one constantly trying to play up his black side shooting hoops with teams and at the White House PR photo stunts.....1/2 black man can't jump. :clap2:

So now we might see him try to play hockey for some photo op....that should be hilarious.

He can't even play basketball as a 1/2 black....

Thank you for your abilities to stereotype humans into pigeon holes.
Well, yes, most presidents go to countries that host the Olympics at least for the opening ceremonies, then briefly visit the team. I can't remember a president that did not support the team representing the USA by attending the games.

Has any American president ever visited the Russian team in an Olympics held in the US? Or, indeed the team of ANY other country?

This was a slap to obama and another indication of what a masterful strategist President Putin really is.

No, presidents, not of any country, routinely go to the Olympics in other countries. And I imagine if in the same situation, if it was his own country and the same situation, Obama would congratulate the opposing team. Why do you rw idiots idolize Putin? He is a vicious, murderous dictator. You are essentially traitors to your own country and to democracy idolizing that asshole.

True, he is a vicious murderous dictator and STILL better than obama. Unless you consider obama one with the country like King Louie or Cleopatra, then there is no such thing as traitor to obama. If there was such a thing as traitor to obama, I'd be proud to be one.

This says it all.
Too bad the putz wasn't there in person...like Vlad was.

OMG, :cuckoo:you are not serious. Putin is there because he is the president of Russia and the games are in Russia. You expect the president of the US to stop doing his job here in order to go all the way to Russia to watch the Olympics? Which American president has ever done something like that? You'd criticise him if he did that. What a ridiculous post.

Geography is a lost art.
No, presidents, not of any country, routinely go to the Olympics in other countries. And I imagine if in the same situation, if it was his own country and the same situation, Obama would congratulate the opposing team. Why do you rw idiots idolize Putin? He is a vicious, murderous dictator. You are essentially traitors to your own country and to democracy idolizing that asshole.

True, he is a vicious murderous dictator and STILL better than obama. Unless you consider obama one with the country like King Louie or Cleopatra, then there is no such thing as traitor to obama. If there was such a thing as traitor to obama, I'd be proud to be one.

From the same poster who holds that pot smokers should be shot in the face...
just for fun


Aw, somebody a little unsure about his own masculinity? TMI dood but good luck coming to terms with that. Ask NovaSteve for help on this.

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