Obama Urges Banks to Make Home Loans to People With Weak Credit... Again??

Of course not, but this is not what Obama is advocating. Read, think and then make a post.

People with poor credit have poor credit for a reason and that reason usually is that they don't pay their fucking bills.

Some people are scafflaws, not all. Some lost their jobs and given the Bush Recession and the exportation of many jobs - white and blue collar - overseas they couldn't secure employment. They couldn't sell a home underwater, they had lost their equity; none of which was a result of their willfull default.

People who don't pay their fucking bills should not be given loans and taxpayer money should not be used to guarantee loans to people who don't pay their fucking bills.

Read the link. People underwater would be able to refinance, stay in their home and make the lower payment. The Banks, BTW, have come all the way back and can afford to lower their rates (take a look at what banks pay you on your savings and how much they will charge you to borrow).

It's a very simple concept.

It may be simple to those who don't think critically.

Why should we be forced to guarantee loans that are larger than the value of the asset used to secure the loan?

Again it makes no sense. People got into these loans of their own accord. No one forced them to now they have to deal with it

Taxpayer money should not be used to guarantee loans for anyone.

No doubt Bush was a useless hack in this and any other fiscal issue. As an MBA myself (Michigan), I say he's an embarrassment to MBA's. He should sue Harvard for his money back.

However, a Wiki lookup will show you that Clinton was President before W. The Clinton Administration began the policies of threatening financial institutions to make more loans to riskier borrowers or they would haul their asses into congress, investigate them and make every effort to crush them. It worked. Those borrowers were ... sub-prime.

W came in, said wow, that's a bad idea, then to your point kept doing it. The moral of the story is that yeah, the Republicans suck. To blame them is fair. To blame only them is a re-writing of history. Not that liberals are hesitant to do that or will even acknowledge it. It's for those of us who don't drink the partisan kool-aid to correct you.
That claim is based on the racist principle that no minority is ever qualified for a loan and is by definition a "riskier borrower." So anything that helps qualified minorities get a loan forces banks to make riskier loans and justifies banks doing anything, no matter how crooked, to offset the minority loans.

December 07, 2011
RUSH: Practically all of the mortgage-backed securities they've bought from other people -- remember, now, the government made people in the lending industry lend money, mortgages to people that couldn't pay it back. Those mortgages were worthless from the get-go! You loan money, enough money for a schlub who is either not working or makes 20 grand a year to buy a house, you know you're not gonna be paid back, but you're the only one who knows it.
So what do you do? You pack those mortgages.

December 07, 2011
RUSH: Okay, you package this worthless paper. You sell it to some unsuspecting financial house, client list or whatever. You're lying to them about, "Yeah, there's an income stream here, these are mortgages."
You keep selling worthless paper. The people who buy it, they figure out it's worthless; they sell it to another unsuspecting group, and that goes on until there's nobody left to buy it

December 07, 2011
RUSH: But these financial houses were selling what they knew was worthless because they had been forced to make these loans by government in the first place, and they were selling worthless paper for high prices

Horse shit! Banks make a profit by making loans and collecting interest. If you qualify for the loan and have a good credit rating, your money is as good as anyone else's. They'll refuse a white guy with bad credit just as easily as a black guy.
That is pure bullshit!

The banks got stung when the media sent a black couple to the bank for a loan and were rejected and then sent in a white couple with the exact same credit portfolio to the exact same bank to buy the exact same house and the white couple were given the loan. That sting is what led to the CRA being passed in the first place.
Apparently Obama wants banks to do exactly the same thing that cause the housing crash in the first place.

Can you Democrats spin this into a positive light?

Obama administration pushes banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit - The Washington Post

The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.


Obama has a hard time learning things. One of those things is history.
That claim is based on the racist principle that no minority is ever qualified for a loan and is by definition a "riskier borrower." So anything that helps qualified minorities get a loan forces banks to make riskier loans and justifies banks doing anything, no matter how crooked, to offset the minority loans.

December 07, 2011
RUSH: Practically all of the mortgage-backed securities they've bought from other people -- remember, now, the government made people in the lending industry lend money, mortgages to people that couldn't pay it back. Those mortgages were worthless from the get-go! You loan money, enough money for a schlub who is either not working or makes 20 grand a year to buy a house, you know you're not gonna be paid back, but you're the only one who knows it.
So what do you do? You pack those mortgages.

December 07, 2011
RUSH: Okay, you package this worthless paper. You sell it to some unsuspecting financial house, client list or whatever. You're lying to them about, "Yeah, there's an income stream here, these are mortgages."
You keep selling worthless paper. The people who buy it, they figure out it's worthless; they sell it to another unsuspecting group, and that goes on until there's nobody left to buy it

December 07, 2011
RUSH: But these financial houses were selling what they knew was worthless because they had been forced to make these loans by government in the first place, and they were selling worthless paper for high prices

Horse shit! Banks make a profit by making loans and collecting interest. If you qualify for the loan and have a good credit rating, your money is as good as anyone else's. They'll refuse a white guy with bad credit just as easily as a black guy.
That is pure bullshit!

The banks got stung when the media sent a black couple to the bank for a loan and were rejected and then sent in a white couple with the exact same credit portfolio to the exact same bank to buy the exact same house and the white couple were given the loan. That sting is what led to the CRA being passed in the first place.

Dude, it's 2013 out there.

On a side note, I wonder why Acorn and other Dem operatives being caught in voter fraud haven't resulted in voter ID laws being passed? You'd think what is good for the goose would be good for the gander. But that's another thread.
The banks got stung when the media sent a black couple to the bank for a loan and were rejected and then sent in a white couple with the exact same credit portfolio to the exact same bank to buy the exact same house and the white couple were given the loan. That sting is what led to the CRA being passed in the first place.

Let's walk back through history based on your logic:

1) Two couples, presumably equal except for their skin color applied for a loan at one unnamed bank. The white was accepted and the black denied.

2) You say that was because the whites were rated prime and the black rated as sub prime because of their skin color, which proves the entire industry is racist.

3) So based on this one couple, Bill Clinton had to go to all the banks and threaten their existence to force them to make more sub-prime loans because what the banks called sub prime loans were actually prime loans to black people.

4) W continued the same policy.

5) Eventually the market collapsed because of sub prime lenders, who you say were blacks who were actually prime.

6) So apparently the black people you said were prime didn't pay. That you blame black people for the meltdown makes us a bunch of racists and you don't grasp that if they didn't pay, the banks might have been right about them being less than prime in the first place.

This is why I like talking to you Ed. You're a hoot.
Now tell me do the bank brokers NOW have to have a license?

YEAP they do.

What was the DATE that was implimented?

I worked as a morgage broker during the boom. Blaming them is so off the market it's so suiting to you TM.

Brokers could only give loans based on the lenders guidelines (which were usually Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's guidelines) and the banks did the underwritting.
Yes, let's give people with poor credit histories and virtually no down payments government guaranteed loans...cuz that worked out so well for the economy last time.
Hey, it worked for Clinton. I guess he's trying to regain that "First Black President" title back from him.
Man, Obama REALLY wants his bubble... little baby wants his bubble, it's his turn!
Obama really needs something to pan out in his second term or else he might just be remembered as a worse President than Bush...
The banks would not have written SO MUCH subprime which was NOT covered by CRA becuase they could use thier self hired and trained brokers to sell ANYTHING they told them to sell.

No Broker license to get in the way.

The only people these brokers were beholden to were the banks.

IF they had been licensed like in the opast they would have told the Banks "I cant sell that becuase I will lose my license and in turn lose my carreer".

The Bush SEC gave the banks all the parts of GLBact 1999 that they wanted and held back all the shit the banks hated.

ever heard of redlining????
Man, Obama REALLY wants his bubble... little baby wants his bubble, it's his turn!

And when the bubble bursts again, it will be W's fault again...

W's Presidency has now been freaking over 12 1/2 years with no end in site. W was responsible for a recession that started six months before he took office and 4 years and counting after he's still responsible for this one. At what point does Obama raise his hand and take responsibility for anything?
The banks would not have written SO MUCH subprime which was NOT covered by CRA becuase they could use thier self hired and trained brokers to sell ANYTHING they told them to sell.

No Broker license to get in the way.

The only people these brokers were beholden to were the banks.

IF they had been licensed like in the opast they would have told the Banks "I cant sell that becuase I will lose my license and in turn lose my carreer".

The Bush SEC gave the banks all the parts of GLBact 1999 that they wanted and held back all the shit the banks hated.

ever heard of redlining????

It was a common practice way back in the sixties...but redlining's been illegal since the Fair Housing Act back in 1968.
Apparently Obama wants banks to do exactly the same thing that cause the housing crash in the first place.

Can you Democrats spin this into a positive light?

Obama administration pushes banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit - The Washington Post

The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.

Here is what really caused the housing crash:

Home loans didn't bring on the recession; gimmicky financial instruments bloated to 100 times their value are what caused all this pain.

Wall Street turned a few million home-loans into what Warren Buffet called "economic weapons of mass destruction," cratered the global economy and then, when the bubble burst, turned around and insisted on a massive bailout courtesy of the American tax-payer.

The entire subprime mortgage market was worth only $1.4 trillion in the fall of 2007, and that includes loans that were up-to-date. As former Goldman Sachs trader Nomi Prins noted in her book, It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bailouts, Bonuses, and Backroom Deals from Washington to Wall Street, the federal government could have bought up every single residential mortgage in the country – good, bad and in between – and it would have cost a trillion less than the bailouts.

Short of that, notes Prins, if the crisis were really about people buying McMansions that they couldn't afford, “we could have solved it much more cheaply in a couple of days in late 2008, by simply providing borrowers with additional capital to reduce their loan principals. It would have cost about 3 percent of what the entire bailout wound up costing, with comparatively similar risk.”

What brought down the global economy was as much as $140 trillion worth of financial gimmickery built on top of the mortgage industry. It was the alphabet soup of the credit meltdown – the CDOs, default swaps and other derivitaves that made less than a trillion dollars of foreclosed loans into an economic weapon of mass destruction that would cost the American economy alone $14 trillion in lost wealth.

More: The Absurd Zombie Lie About the Economy Right-Wingers Desperately Cling To -- And Why It's Totally Wrong | By Joshua Holland/Alternet
What a great idea...
Start the whole mess all over again.
Obama...doesn't have a clue how to get this country out of the crapper except to
get more people on government programs.
Whatever happened to the days of coming up with a down payment
of at least 20% and having good credit?....
You didn't know this was coming?


Maybe if you read the finance pages this would not really surprise you.
Whatever happened to the days of coming up with a down payment
of at least 20% and having good credit?....

I hear you. But I'd like days where it's up to banks who to lend their own money to and if they don't follow your advice and the loans default, the government doesn't bail them out.
Whatever happened to the days of coming up with a down payment
of at least 20% and having good credit?....

Bingo. That's the standard in Canada, and they avoided the entire subprime mess.
Apparently Obama wants banks to do exactly the same thing that cause the housing crash in the first place.

Can you Democrats spin this into a positive light?

Obama administration pushes banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit - The Washington Post

The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.


Well somebody's got to buy all those houses that the first round of people with bad credit couldn't pay for!

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