Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Did it stop Columbine?

Did they get those weapons legally?

If not, they were criminals
, and should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent (if they'd lived).

But quick question...................do YOU know how they got those weapons? Link please.

Can you comprehend the irony of what you just wrote?

not a chance of it

Obama uses victims as examples to prevent this thing from happening again.

Because with the OP's logic, fuck who you are and what you have to endure. *MY* extremely lax gun rights are at stake! I will have to deal with REGULATION!

Loonies and Psychos should be given guns and nobody should do anything about it.

Adam Lanza killed his mother to get her guns and then killed others.

Gee whiz he broke how many laws?

Make another law, but you cannot legislate fucking crazy you idiot.

His mother neglected the responsibility of securing the gun, especially with her mentally ill son. Not did she pay for her neglect with her life, but the lives of many children were taken, too. Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future. All because of 1 gun owner's neglect.

Yep, "all because of one gun owner's neglect", libs feel that all other gun owners should be summarily stripped of their Constitutional rights.
Did they get those weapons legally?

If not, they were criminals
, and should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent (if they'd lived).

But quick question...................do YOU know how they got those weapons? Link please.

Can you comprehend the irony of what you just wrote?

not a chance of it


Pretty much what I thought................you can't provide links, you can't defend, so all you have is laughing and insults.

Try again when you have some real proof (or links).
Actually ya stupid moron, if you'd bothered to read the thread in it's entirety, you'd see that I was talking about the Assault Weapons Ban (matter of fact, I even posted a link) that was allowed to expire in 2004/2005 under Jr.

If it had still been in effect, the mother who was killed by the Sandy Hook shooter wouldn't have been allowed to buy those weapons, and therefore, she wouldn't have had the guns in her house, thereby preventing the Sandy Hook shooter from getting her weapons (because she couldn't have bought them) and killing all those kids.

Bring back the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994.

Then Lanza would have used a chainsaw, killing as many or more.
prove what

that criminals did not obey


You're right..................criminals WON'T obey the laws, which is why they will seek out weapons from the black market.

However......................those who ARE law abiding citizens may resent the wait, but they know they're going to pass, which means that it protects the citizens.

Unless................of course................the citizens have a record........................
Actually ya stupid moron, if you'd bothered to read the thread in it's entirety, you'd see that I was talking about the Assault Weapons Ban (matter of fact, I even posted a link) that was allowed to expire in 2004/2005 under Jr.

If it had still been in effect, the mother who was killed by the Sandy Hook shooter wouldn't have been allowed to buy those weapons, and therefore, she wouldn't have had the guns in her house, thereby preventing the Sandy Hook shooter from getting her weapons (because she couldn't have bought them) and killing all those kids.

Bring back the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994.

Then Lanza would have used a chainsaw, killing as many or more.

lanza did not obtain the firearms legally

he also stole his moms car

the other tool used in his crime

had the car been banned

there is a good likelihood

that he would not have had the

ability to haul those firearms to the school

thus the crime would have been averted
Adam Lanza killed his mother to get her guns and then killed others.

Gee whiz he broke how many laws?

Make another law, but you cannot legislate fucking crazy you idiot.

His mother neglected the responsibility of securing the gun, especially with her mentally ill son. Not did she pay for her neglect with her life, but the lives of many children were taken, too. Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future. All because of 1 gun owner's neglect.

Yep, "all because of one gun owner's neglect", libs feel that all other gun owners should be summarily stripped of their Constitutional rights.

Pretty much like gun advocates pointing to one mass shooting to prove that laws don't work (see Columbine reference above)?
Adam Lanza could have poured bleach, ammonia & toilet bowel cleaner in the hallway & killed nearly everyone in the building. Should we ban household cleaners?
You're right..................criminals WON'T obey the laws, which is why they will seek out weapons from the black market.

However......................those who ARE law abiding citizens may resent the wait, but they know they're going to pass, which means that it protects the citizens.

Unless................of course................the citizens have a record........................

Newflash, citizens don't need to be protected from LAW ABIDING citizens.

Newflash, if the citizens have a record, then they are criminals, and as you said, they won't obey the law.

So Line 1 of your own statement contradicts line 3. Line 2 is useless.
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521. Do you support or oppose - stricter gun control laws in the United States?

Support 53%
Oppose 42%
DK/NA 04%

National (US) Poll - April 4, 2013 - Background Checks Could Lead T | Quinnipiac University Connecticut

The other question that should have been asked of the respondents at the time is:

"Do you have shit for brains...?"

or, perhaps more gently worded...

"Do you tend to buy into everything that's presented by the mainstream media...?"
Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
-John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill Quotes - BrainyQuote

“We’ve got to stop being the stupid party. It’s time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults.”
— Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal in the keynote address at the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting in Charlotte yesterday.

Last edited:
521. Do you support or oppose - stricter gun control laws in the United States?

Support 53%
Oppose 42%
DK/NA 04%

National (US) Poll - April 4, 2013 - Background Checks Could Lead T | Quinnipiac University Connecticut

The other question that should have been asked of the respondents at the time is:

"Do you have shit for brains...?"

or, perhaps more gently worded...

"Do you tend to buy into everything that's presented by the mainstream media...?"
Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
-John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill Quotes - BrainyQuote

“We’ve got to stop being the stupid party. It’s time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults.”
— Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal in the keynote address at the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting in Charlotte yesterday.

Bobby Jindal: ?We?ve got to stop being the stupid party? | TIME.com

According to this libtard the Constitution is subject to popular vote.
Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address


WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama has called on the mother of one of the children massacred inside a Connecticut school in December to deliver his Saturday radio and Internet address. The White House is using an emotional appeal to seek public support for gun control legislation.

With her husband David at her side, Francine Wheeler talked about her six-year-old son, Ben, as only a mother can. “Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched. His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. And he could not wait to get to school every morning," she said.

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

Sadly she is toast for me next week. I am so sorry for her loss. But I'll have to take her out. She can cry all she needs to. But her pain and her sorrow cannot and must not over ride the Constitution.

How DARE you attack this mother!

If I gave out neg reps, you would get 1,000 a day. You are a piece of human excrement.

Any shred of decency that you try to portray yourself as having is a FUCKING LIE.

You are the scum of this nation.
Obama uses victims as examples to prevent this thing from happening again.

Because with the OP's logic, fuck who you are and what you have to endure. *MY* extremely lax gun rights are at stake! I will have to deal with REGULATION!

Loonies and Psychos should be given guns and nobody should do anything about it.

why doesnt he use white victums from black predators? or why doesnt he use black victums from black predators?

Where are you liberals in the inner city killing fields? Chicago has strict gun laws....but still a ton of violence...hmmmmmmm

Stupid argument. Chicagoans need only go a few miles to reach a place with hardly any gun laws. That is what they do.
Adam Lanza killed his mother to get her guns and then killed others.

Gee whiz he broke how many laws?

Make another law, but you cannot legislate fucking crazy you idiot.

His mother neglected the responsibility of securing the gun, especially with her mentally ill son. Not did she pay for her neglect with her life, but the lives of many children were taken, too. Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future. All because of 1 gun owner's neglect.

Why wansnt her son in an assylum getting shock therapy or something? Dumbfucks like you let them all out because that was mean.....yeah thanks now we get shot by these dumbasses......

Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future, when people like this should be in assylums and killed as soon as convicted so we can get rid of them and those families can MOVE on....until then they have to relive this over and over because of callous dumbass homos like you.

Who "let them all out"?

Do you know who is responsible for defunding the nation's mental health system?

Please.....learn, then post.
Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address


WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama has called on the mother of one of the children massacred inside a Connecticut school in December to deliver his Saturday radio and Internet address. The White House is using an emotional appeal to seek public support for gun control legislation.

With her husband David at her side, Francine Wheeler talked about her six-year-old son, Ben, as only a mother can. “Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched. His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. And he could not wait to get to school every morning," she said.

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

Sadly she is toast for me next week. I am so sorry for her loss. But I'll have to take her out. She can cry all she needs to. But her pain and her sorrow cannot and must not over ride the Constitution.

What do you mean by " she is toast " and " I'll have to take her out "?
I stand with Francine Wheeler, a courageous mother whose pain will never go away. Here is what she said:

Weekly Address: Sandy Hook Victim’s Mother Calls for Commonsense Gun Responsibility Reforms

Remarks of Francine Wheeler
The President’s Weekly Address​

Hi. As you’ve probably noticed, I’m not the President. I’m just a citizen. And as a citizen, I’m here at the White House today because I want to make a difference and I hope you will join me.

My name is Francine Wheeler. My husband David is with me. We live in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.

David and I have two sons. Our older son Nate, soon to be 10 years old, is a fourth grader at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Our younger son, Ben, age six, was murdered in his first-grade classroom on December 14th, exactly 4 months ago this weekend.

David and I lost our beloved son, but Nate lost his best friend. On what turned out to be the last morning of his life, Ben told me, quite out of the blue, “ I still want to be an architect, Mama, but I also want to be a paleontologist, because that’s what Nate is going to be and I want to do everything Nate does.”

Ben’s love of fun and his excitement at the wonders of life were unmatched His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over. He couldn’t wait to get to school every morning. He sang with perfect pitch and had just played at his third piano recital. Irrepressibly bright and spirited, Ben experienced life at full tilt.

Until that morning. 20 of our children, and 6 of our educators – gone. Out of the blue.

I’ve heard people say that the tidal wave of anguish our country felt on 12/14 has receded. But not for us. To us, it feels as if it happened just yesterday. And in the four months since we lost our loved ones, thousands of other Americans have died at the end of a gun. Thousands of other families across the United States are also drowning in our grief.

Please help us do something before our tragedy becomes your tragedy.

Sometimes, I close my eyes and all I can remember is that awful day waiting at the Sandy Hook Volunteer Firehouse for the boy who would never come home – the same firehouse that was home to Ben’s Tiger Scout Den 6. But other times, I feel Ben’s presence filling me with courage for what I have to do – for him and all the others taken from us so violently and too soon.

We have to convince the Senate to come together and pass commonsense gun responsibility reforms that will make our communities safer and prevent more tragedies like the one we never thought would happen to us.

When I packed for Washington on Monday, it looked like the Senate might not act at all. Then, after the President spoke in Hartford, and a dozen of us met with Senators to share our stories, more than two-thirds of the Senate voted to move forward.

But that’s only the start. They haven’t yet passed any bills that will help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. And a lot of people are fighting to make sure they never do.

Now is the time to act. Please join us. You can talk to your Senator, too. Or visit WhiteHouse.gov to find out how you can join the President and get involved.

Help this be the moment when real change begins. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Weekly Address: Sandy Hook Victim's Mother Calls for Commonsense Gun Responsibility Reforms | The White House
Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

Sadly she is toast for me next week. I am so sorry for her loss. But I'll have to take her out. She can cry all she needs to. But her pain and her sorrow cannot and must not over ride the Constitution.

What do you mean by " she is toast " and " I'll have to take her out "?

She means this grieving mother must be destroyed. She must be the target of HATE and attack. This is what patriots do to fellow citizens.
Adam Lanza could have poured bleach, ammonia & toilet bowel cleaner in the hallway & killed nearly everyone in the building. Should we ban household cleaners?

I would like a nutter to explain why this tired, overused nugget of logic it faulty.

Anyone? Will anyone of you be honest and tell this imbecile why her point is retarded?
Adam Lanza killed his mother to get her guns and then killed others.

Gee whiz he broke how many laws?

Make another law, but you cannot legislate fucking crazy you idiot.

His mother neglected the responsibility of securing the gun, especially with her mentally ill son. Not did she pay for her neglect with her life, but the lives of many children were taken, too. Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future. All because of 1 gun owner's neglect.

Why wansnt her son in an assylum getting shock therapy or something? Dumbfucks like you let them all out because that was mean.....yeah thanks now we get shot by these dumbasses......

Imagine the mothers, fathers, and families devastated by such a thing when their kid was at school, learning and paving the way towards their future, when people like this should be in assylums and killed as soon as convicted so we can get rid of them and those families can MOVE on....until then they have to relive this over and over because of callous dumbass homos like you.

Reagan let them out of the asylums because it was to expensive.

In California, for example, the number of patients in state mental hospitals reached a peak of 37,500 in 1959 when Edmund G. Brown was Governor, fell to 22,000 when Ronald Reagan attained that office in 1967, and continued to decline under his administration and that of his successor, Edmund G. Brown Jr. The senior Mr. Brown now expresses regret about the way the policy started and ultimately evolved. ''They've gone far, too far, in letting people out,'' he said in an interview.

Reagan went on to cut funding for mental health services as President.

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