Obama uses grieving parents to promote gun legislation

Obama is not using these people to promote gun control. It is most likely they want to be involved in this.

Over and over again we have seen people who themselves or their relatives have been the victims of a shooting become active in speaking out for gun control. James Brady for example. "Carolyn McCarthy, whose husband, Dennis McCarthy, was killed by Ferguson, and whose son, Kevin McCarthy, was severely injured, was subsequently elected to the United States Congress, on a platform of gun control." Wiki

They are useful idiots, just like the Jersey girls that Coulter rightfully attacked. They are being preyed upon after a tradgety. By banning weapons, you're not helping anything, They are going to love the parole hearings every year...they have to go back and live it over and over and over and over and over......

Where are the grieving parents from the south side of chicago? Why does the left always trot out white victums, but never any black ones. oh except the ones killed by light skinned folk?

This is not genuine on the democrats part, they couldnt give two shits about it, in fact they probably wonder why these kids werent aborted to begin with.

The Brady Campaign has been in existence for 30 years. Caroline McCarthy has been in Congress since 1997. They are not being 'preyed upon after a tragedy.' They have convictions of their own after the shootings and have worked for gun control ever since. They are not stupid people who have allowed themselves to be used.

The premise that anyone is using people who have been victims of a shooting implies that these people are stupid and cannot think for themselves. These people are not stupid and have a right to their beliefs and convictions. It is not reasonable to assume they are not intelligent enough to think for themselves.

Yeah they are, Gabrielle Giffords husband got caught with weapons he wanted to ban, Rosie ODonell did as well....
They are being used for politics......I mean liberals used terrorists being held captive to walk like dogs as propaganda, who gives a crap if those pieces of shit are being walked like dogs?
Mass Killings Stopped by Armed Citizens

The Pearl, Mississippi school shooting was stopped by the vice principal Joel Myrick with a Colt .45. Pearl High School Link

The Appalachian School shooting was stopped by two students with handguns. Appalachian Law School Link

Plans to slay everyone in the Muskegon, Michigan, store and steal enough cash and jewelry to feed their "gnawing hunger for crack cocaine" fell apart for a band of would-be killers after one of their victims fought back. Muskegon Shooting Link

The mass church shooting in Colorado Springs was stopped by the shooter being shot by a church member with a CCW permit. New Life Church Link

The Santa Clara gunshop shooting in 1999 was stopped by an armed citizen after the shooter declared that he was going to kill everyone. Police found a list of intended victims in his car. Only the perpetrator, Richard Gable Stevens was shot. Santa Clara Gunshop Link

The December, 1991, Aniston, Alabama defense where a CCW holder stopped armed robbers who were herding employees, customers, and his wife into a cooler. He shot both robbers, killing one. Aniston Shoney's Shooting Link

July 13, 2009, in Virginia at the Golden Food Market: The gunman tried to shoot several people, was stopped by a CCW carrier. Golden Food Market Shooting Link

In Early Texas, armed citizen Vic Stacy shot and stopped a deranged man who had just murdered two neighbors and was firing at police with a rifle. Stacy made a very long shot with his revolver, three times as far as the perpetrator was from the police officer, who had an AR-15 type rifle. Early Texas Peach House Shooting Link

Abraham Dickman had a history of anger against employees of the AT&T store in New York Mills, New York. On May 27th, 2010, he walked into the store with a .357 and a list of six employees. He shot the first employee, but was stopped from further attacks when Donald J. Moore, an off duty police officer who was allowed to carry his own handgun when not on duty, drew and fired his .40 caliber, killing Mr. Dickman before he could fire any more shots. AT&T store Link

College Park, GA, May 4, 2009. Two gunman entered a party and ordered the men separated from the women. Then they started counting bullets. “The other guy asked how many (bullets) he had. He said he had enough,” said Bailey. When one of the assailants prepared to rape a girl, a student was able to access a handgun and engage the two attackers in a firefight, driving one off and killing the other before the thug could rape his girlfriend.
“I think all of us are really cognizant of the fact that we could have all been killed,” said Bailey. College Park Link

Another off duty police officer stopped the Trolley Square shooting with his personal handgun. He stopped the killing and contained the shooter until police reinforcements arrived and ended the situation. Trolley Square Shooting Link

Winnemucca NV shooting, 25 May, 2008 The shooter, Ernesto Villagomez, entered the Players Bar and Grill and killed two people. He reloaded and was continuing to shoot when a citizen with a concealed carry permit shot him and stopped the killing. Winnemuca Shooting Link

Parker Middle School Dance Shooting 14 Year old Andrew Jerome Wurst Killed one person and wounded three others when he was confronted by James Strand who subdued Wurst with a shotgun and held him until police arrived. Parker Middle School Dance Shooting LinK

Destiny Christian Center Shooting, April 24, 2012 Kiarron Parker rammed his car into another in the church parking lot, got out and attempted to kill multiple church members. He was only able to kill one before a member of the congregation, the nephew of the lady killed, and an off duty police officer, drew his handgun and shot Parker, stopping the killing. Destiny Christian Center Shooting LinK

Tyler Courthouse shooting, 2005 While police officers were involved in this shooting before and after Mark Alan Wilson intervened, no more people were killed after he shot the shooter, who had body armor, and who was able to return fire and kill the CCW holder, Wilson. Tyler Courthouse Shooting Link

Clackamas Mall Shooting is similar to the more common defensive uses of guns because the mere display of the gun was enough to defuse the situation. We can never know if the shooter decided to commit suicide because he was confronted by Nick Meli, the CCW holder, as the shooter is dead. However, many mass shooters commit suicide when they know that armed resistance is at hand. Clackamas Concealed Carry Showdown Link

These shootings rarely made the national news. Of course, when a mass shooting is stopped by an armed citizen, there are not as many victims. This leads to the charge that it would not really have been a “mass shooting”.
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Mass Killings Stopped by Armed Citizens

The Pearl, Mississippi school shooting was stopped by the vice principal Joel Myrick with a Colt .45, The Appalachian School shooting was stopped by two students with handguns. Both of the above incidents were stopped by the armed citizens threatening the shooter without firing. Pearl High School Link Appalachian Law School Link

Plans to slay everyone in the Muskegon, Michigan, store and steal enough cash and jewelry to feed their "gnawing hunger for crack cocaine" fell apart for a band of would-be killers after one of their victims fought back. Muskegon Shooting Link

The mass church shooting in Colorado Springs was stopped by the shooter being shot by a church member with a CCW permit. New Life Church Link

The Santa Clara gunshop shooting in 1999 was stopped by an armed citizen after the shooter declared that he was going to kill everyone. Police found a list of intended victims in his car. Only the perpetrator, Richard Gable Stevens was shot. Santa Clara Gunshop Link

The December, 1991, Aniston, Alabama defense where a CCW holder stopped armed robbers who were herding employees, customers, and his wife into a cooler. He shot both robbers, killing one. Aniston Shoney's Shooting Link

July 13, 2009, in Virginia at the Golden Food Market: The gunman tried to shoot several people, was stopped by a CCW carrier. Golden Food Market Shooting Link

Just recently, in Early Texas, armed citizen Vic Stacy shot and stopped a deranged man who had just murdered two neighbors and was firing at police with a rifle. Stacy made a very long shot with his revolver, three times as far as the perpetrator was from the police officer, who had an AR-15 type rifle. Early Texas Peach House Shooting Link

Abraham Dickman had a history of anger against employees of the AT&T store in New York Mills, New York. On May 27th, 2010, he walked into the store with a .357 and a list of six employees. He shot the first employee, but was stopped from further attacks when Donald J. Moore, an off duty police officer who was allowed to carry his own handgun when not on duty, drew and fired his .40 caliber, killing Mr. Dickman before he could fire any more shots. AT&T store Link

College Park, GA, May 4, 2009. Two gunman entered a party and ordered the men separated from the women. Then they started counting bullets. “The other guy asked how many (bullets) he had. He said he had enough,” said Bailey. When one of the assailants prepared to rape a girl, a student was able to access a handgun and engage the two attackers in a firefight, driving one off and killing the other before the thug could rape his girlfriend.
“I think all of us are really cognizant of the fact that we could have all been killed,” said Bailey. College Park Link

Another off duty police officer stopped the Trolley Square shooting with his personal handgun. He stopped the killing and contained the shooter until police reinforcements arrived and ended the situation. Trolley Square Shooting Link

Winnemucca NV shooting, 25 May, 2008 The shooter, Ernesto Villagomez, entered the Players Bar and Grill and killed two people. He reloaded and was continuing to shoot when a citizen with a concealed carry permit shot him and stopped the killing. Winnemuca Shooting Link

Parker Middle School Dance Shooting 14 Year old Andrew Jerome Wurst Killed one person and wounded three others when he was confronted by James Strand who subdued Wurst with a shotgun and held him until police arrived. Parker Middle School Dance Shooting LinK

Destiny Christian Center Shooting, April 24, 2012 Kiarron Parker rammed his car into another in the church parking lot, got out and attempted to kill multiple church members. He was only able to kill one before a member of the congregation, the nephew of the lady killed, and an off duty police officer, drew his handgun and shot Parker, stopping the killing. Destiny Christian Center Shooting LinK

Tyler Courthouse shooting, 2005 While police officers were involved in this shooting before and after Mark Alan Wilson intervened, no more people were killed after he shot the shooter, who had body armor, and who was able to return fire and kill the CCW holder, Wilson. Tyler Courthouse Shooting Link

Clackamas Mall Shooting I include this story because it is recent and has been getting some interest on the net. This case is not as clear as the others listed. This incident is similar to the more common defensive uses of guns because the mere display of the gun was enough to defuse the situation. We can never know if the shooter decided to commit suicide because he was confronted by Nick Meli, the CCW holder, as the shooter is dead. However, many mass shooters commit suicide when they know that armed resistance is at hand. Clackamas Concealed Carry Showdown Link

These shootings rarely made the national news. Of course, when a mass shooting is stopped by an armed citizen, there are not as many victims. This leads to the charge that it would not really have been a “mass shooting”.

suprising no national coverage of those......hmmmmmmm
How long will it be until some Libtard introduces the following law:

The Obvious Crime Prevention Act!
1. All criminals must turn themselves into to the proper authorities.

2. All crazy people must commit themselves to the nearest mental health center.

3. All people contemplating a crime must document their thoughts with the nearest police station and seek professional help.

4. All future persons who impulsively commit a crime must turn themselves in.

Then all the other Libtards will vigorously support and defend it, as the best idea since the creation of man kind.

They'll parade and televise thousands of victims who will say:
"If this law was in place, the criminals would never have harmed me, because they would have already turned themselves in!"

So what is the REALISTIC analogue to this?

The Obvious Gun Violence Prevention Act!
1. All criminals must turn their guns in immediately.

2. All crazy people are hereby banned from using a firearm.

3. All criminals wishing to obtain a firearm must go to a licensed dealer, who will administer a background check to automatically deny you.

4. Any previously law abiding person who is in the process of comitting a crime, must discard their weapon before completing their crime.

Then all the other Libtards will vigorously support and defend it, as the best idea since the creation of man kind.

They'll parade and televise thousands of victims who will say:
"If this law was in place, the criminals would never have shot me, because they would have already turned their guns in!"
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Some of these parents are undoubtedly in a state of depression, and Obama uses them to promote his new gun legislation…. Obama is scum:evil:

Mother Of Slain Newtown Boy Gives White House Weekly Address

Obama is not using these people to promote gun control. It is most likely they want to be involved in this.

Over and over again we have seen people who themselves or their relatives have been the victims of a shooting become active in speaking out for gun control. James Brady for example. "Carolyn McCarthy, whose husband, Dennis McCarthy, was killed by Ferguson, and whose son, Kevin McCarthy, was severely injured, was subsequently elected to the United States Congress, on a platform of gun control." Wiki

They are useful idiots, just like the Jersey girls that Coulter rightfully attacked. They are being preyed upon after a tradgety. By banning weapons, you're not helping anything, They are going to love the parole hearings every year...they have to go back and live it over and over and over and over and over......

Where are the grieving parents from the south side of chicago? Why does the left always trot out white victums, but never any black ones. oh except the ones killed by light skinned folk?

This is not genuine on the democrats part, they couldnt give two shits about it, in fact they probably wonder why these kids werent aborted to begin with.

they should be weeping

that they had been led to believe through not well thought out

and often dangerous liberal policies that thier child

would be safe in a gun free zone

where those who are entrusted to preserve the security

of our children are taught to throwpens and books

at a crazed killer until help can arrive

in 10 to 30 minutes

or until the crazed killer decides to off himself
Obama is not using these people to promote gun control. It is most likely they want to be involved in this.

Over and over again we have seen people who themselves or their relatives have been the victims of a shooting become active in speaking out for gun control. James Brady for example. "Carolyn McCarthy, whose husband, Dennis McCarthy, was killed by Ferguson, and whose son, Kevin McCarthy, was severely injured, was subsequently elected to the United States Congress, on a platform of gun control." Wiki

They are useful idiots, just like the Jersey girls that Coulter rightfully attacked. They are being preyed upon after a tradgety. By banning weapons, you're not helping anything, They are going to love the parole hearings every year...they have to go back and live it over and over and over and over and over......

Where are the grieving parents from the south side of chicago? Why does the left always trot out white victums, but never any black ones. oh except the ones killed by light skinned folk?

This is not genuine on the democrats part, they couldnt give two shits about it, in fact they probably wonder why these kids werent aborted to begin with.

they should be weeping

that they had been led to believe through not well thought out

and often dangerous liberal policies that thier child

would be safe in a gun free zone

where those who are entrusted to preserve the security

of our children are taught to throwpens and books

at a crazed killer until help can arrive

in 10 to 30 minutes

or until the crazed killer decides to off himself

I agree, and then they'll let the killer go because of some excuse....and liberals I guess just want to rely on the police so they can scrape our boddies off the floor...because that's about all they can do.
Did anyone ever stop to think that the assault weapons ban that was passed under Clinton in 1994, and allowed by Jr. to expire in 2004 would have stopped this?

Apparently, the weapons used by the Sandy Hook shooter wouldn't have been allowed to be purchased if they had allowed it to continue, and that includes assault weapons as well as high capacity magazines.

Letting the assault weapons ban expire was done under Jr. Why didn't the Congress have enough presence of mind to keep it in effect?

As a matter of fact..................if it was allowed to continue, the incident with Gabby Giffords wouldn't have happened, nor would the Aurora shooting in CO, because they would have had to go to the black market to get those weapons, and I don't think crazy idiots have that much focus to find where they're at.

I mean................we did okay for 10 years with them being banned, why is it such a problem now when we've had so many deaths?

The assault weapons ban should have been kept going.

Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They are useful idiots, just like the Jersey girls that Coulter rightfully attacked. They are being preyed upon after a tradgety. By banning weapons, you're not helping anything, They are going to love the parole hearings every year...they have to go back and live it over and over and over and over and over......

Where are the grieving parents from the south side of chicago? Why does the left always trot out white victums, but never any black ones. oh except the ones killed by light skinned folk?

This is not genuine on the democrats part, they couldnt give two shits about it, in fact they probably wonder why these kids werent aborted to begin with.

The Brady Campaign has been in existence for 30 years. Caroline McCarthy has been in Congress since 1997. They are not being 'preyed upon after a tragedy.' They have convictions of their own after the shootings and have worked for gun control ever since. They are not stupid people who have allowed themselves to be used.

The premise that anyone is using people who have been victims of a shooting implies that these people are stupid and cannot think for themselves. These people are not stupid and have a right to their beliefs and convictions. It is not reasonable to assume they are not intelligent enough to think for themselves.

Yeah they are, Gabrielle Giffords husband got caught with weapons he wanted to ban, Rosie ODonell did as well....
They are being used for politics......I mean liberals used terrorists being held captive to walk like dogs as propaganda, who gives a crap if those pieces of shit are being walked like dogs?

As far as Mark Kelly, it depends on whether or not you believe his version. He would have to be pretty stupid to think him purchasing a gun would not be noticed by the media. And, according to the article, the gun shop canceled the purchase because he did not intend to use it for the reason he gave. Apparently, the gun shop also believed his story.

Rejected: Gun Store Cancels AR-15 Purchase by Gabby Giffords? Husband | TheBlaze.com

As far as Rosie O’Donnell, I’m not familiar with her show as I don’t watch it. On looking at a couple of articles, it appears she has spoken out against guns and then bought one for herself. However, I don’t see how this fits into the debate about Obama using people who are in grief over a family member being shot. O’Donnell has not been used by the administration; she spoke out on her own behalf. It has nothing to do with this discussion if she turned out to be a hypocrite.

As far as the ‘dog walking’ issue:
During the War in Iraq, human rights violations, committed from late 2003 to early 2004, in the form of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse, including torture, reports of rape, sodomy and homicide of prisoners held in the Abu Ghraib prison (currently known as the Baghdad Central Prison) came to public attention beginning in early 2004 with Department of Defense announcements. These acts were committed by military police personnel of the United States Army together with those of additional US governmental agencies.
These things were against the Geneva Convention, Those mistreated were not ‘terrorists,’ they were prisoners of war. What was done to them was against the Geneva Convention’s rules on how to treat prisoners of war. If you don’t what to abide by the Geneva Convention, you should move to an undeveloped, third world nation instead of living in a modern, first world one.
Did anyone ever stop to think that the assault weapons ban that was passed under Clinton in 1994, and allowed by Jr. to expire in 2004 would have stopped this?

Apparently, the weapons used by the Sandy Hook shooter wouldn't have been allowed to be purchased if they had allowed it to continue, and that includes assault weapons as well as high capacity magazines.

Letting the assault weapons ban expire was done under Jr. Why didn't the Congress have enough presence of mind to keep it in effect?

As a matter of fact..................if it was allowed to continue, the incident with Gabby Giffords wouldn't have happened, nor would the Aurora shooting in CO, because they would have had to go to the black market to get those weapons, and I don't think crazy idiots have that much focus to find where they're at.

I mean................we did okay for 10 years with them being banned, why is it such a problem now when we've had so many deaths?

The assault weapons ban should have been kept going.

Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look man he didnt purchase it, and ok so his mom picks up a semi automatic 22, with a 17 shot clip......or he gets a 9 mm and puts on 5 10 shot clips....the point is it's not about the weapon......you can get around this crap, escpecially if your crazy and want to kill people. it' about having crazy people out there to start with and not discouraging crime.

I mean we have victums righs groups....WHY THE HELL DO WE NEED THOSE???? Because criminals get all kinds of bs crap and can get off on technicallites that are horrible. Why hasnt the Aurora shooter gone to trial? he' just laughs at everyone on camera.....wow that's a discouragin sign for a future fame jockey/crazy nutjob wanting to kill people.....
Why doesn't anyone talk about the LARGEST factor that causes mass shootings? The media itself.

These bastards are glorified by the media, and it "inspires" every sick person in the country to go and out perform the previous one. Holmes and Lanza have become so infamous, that every person (who isn't in hibernation) knows their fucking name and what they've done.

However, does that mean I'm going to pass laws that restrict the freedom of the press? NO. But I'm sure going to use my free speech to criticize them, perhaps use our freedom of assembly to protest them, to make the voluntarily change their ways.
The Brady Campaign has been in existence for 30 years. Caroline McCarthy has been in Congress since 1997. They are not being 'preyed upon after a tragedy.' They have convictions of their own after the shootings and have worked for gun control ever since. They are not stupid people who have allowed themselves to be used.

The premise that anyone is using people who have been victims of a shooting implies that these people are stupid and cannot think for themselves. These people are not stupid and have a right to their beliefs and convictions. It is not reasonable to assume they are not intelligent enough to think for themselves.

Yeah they are, Gabrielle Giffords husband got caught with weapons he wanted to ban, Rosie ODonell did as well....
They are being used for politics......I mean liberals used terrorists being held captive to walk like dogs as propaganda, who gives a crap if those pieces of shit are being walked like dogs?

As far as Mark Kelly, it depends on whether or not you believe his version. He would have to be pretty stupid to think him purchasing a gun would not be noticed by the media. And, according to the article, the gun shop canceled the purchase because he did not intend to use it for the reason he gave. Apparently, the gun shop also believed his story.

Rejected: Gun Store Cancels AR-15 Purchase by Gabby Giffords? Husband | TheBlaze.com

As far as Rosie O’Donnell, I’m not familiar with her show as I don’t watch it. On looking at a couple of articles, it appears she has spoken out against guns and then bought one for herself. However, I don’t see how this fits into the debate about Obama using people who are in grief over a family member being shot. O’Donnell has not been used by the administration; she spoke out on her own behalf. It has nothing to do with this discussion if she turned out to be a hypocrite.

As far as the ‘dog walking’ issue:
During the War in Iraq, human rights violations, committed from late 2003 to early 2004, in the form of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse, including torture, reports of rape, sodomy and homicide of prisoners held in the Abu Ghraib prison (currently known as the Baghdad Central Prison) came to public attention beginning in early 2004 with Department of Defense announcements. These acts were committed by military police personnel of the United States Army together with those of additional US governmental agencies.
These things were against the Geneva Convention, Those mistreated were not ‘terrorists,’ they were prisoners of war. What was done to them was against the Geneva Convention’s rules on how to treat prisoners of war. If you don’t what to abide by the Geneva Convention, you should move to an undeveloped, third world nation instead of living in a modern, first world one.

Ok the terrorist thing, OMG if you really think that's bad, then you're insane.
NExt Rosie shows the hypocrisy of liberals (I know one example of many) and that liberals dont call her on it.....Atleast if a preacher screws a hooker, he loses his job, nothing was made about Rosie...and Rosie wasnt just again guns, she tried to get them all banned and thought they were the most evil things ever. She tried to embarass Tom Selleck on her show, because he's in the NRA.
She's a tool.

And as for Mark Kelly, come on he was buying the guns and he said the checks werent thorough enough, but he had to wait 20 days to get his gun. How long do they have to take? It's a bs story. My God you try to make somone wait 20 days for an abortion and people like you go apeshit over how long a time it is.
Did anyone ever stop to think that the assault weapons ban that was passed under Clinton in 1994, and allowed by Jr. to expire in 2004 would have stopped this?

Apparently, the weapons used by the Sandy Hook shooter wouldn't have been allowed to be purchased if they had allowed it to continue, and that includes assault weapons as well as high capacity magazines.

Letting the assault weapons ban expire was done under Jr. Why didn't the Congress have enough presence of mind to keep it in effect?

As a matter of fact..................if it was allowed to continue, the incident with Gabby Giffords wouldn't have happened, nor would the Aurora shooting in CO, because they would have had to go to the black market to get those weapons, and I don't think crazy idiots have that much focus to find where they're at.

I mean................we did okay for 10 years with them being banned, why is it such a problem now when we've had so many deaths?

The assault weapons ban should have been kept going.

Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look man he didnt purchase it, and ok so his mom picks up a semi automatic 22, with a 17 shot clip......or he gets a 9 mm and puts on 5 10 shot clips....the point is it's not about the weapon......you can get around this crap, escpecially if your crazy and want to kill people. it' about having crazy people out there to start with and not discouraging crime.

I mean we have victums righs groups....WHY THE HELL DO WE NEED THOSE???? Because criminals get all kinds of bs crap and can get off on technicallites that are horrible. Why hasnt the Aurora shooter gone to trial? he' just laughs at everyone on camera.....wow that's a discouragin sign for a future fame jockey/crazy nutjob wanting to kill people.....

one can easily get around a magazine size limit

plus one can always pack more magazines

what was it 154 shots in 10 minutes

that is an average of 3 or 4 seconds between firing

plenty of time to swap out a magazine
Did anyone ever stop to think that the assault weapons ban that was passed under Clinton in 1994, and allowed by Jr. to expire in 2004 would have stopped this?

Did it stop Columbine?

Did they get those weapons legally?

If not, they were criminals, and should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent (if they'd lived).

But quick question...................do YOU know how they got those weapons? Link please.
Did anyone ever stop to think that the assault weapons ban that was passed under Clinton in 1994, and allowed by Jr. to expire in 2004 would have stopped this?

Did it stop Columbine?

Did they get those weapons legally?

If not, they were criminals
, and should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent (if they'd lived).

But quick question...................do YOU know how they got those weapons? Link please.

Can you comprehend the irony of what you just wrote?

How long will it be until some Libtard introduces the following law:

The Obvious Crime Prevention Act!
1. All criminals must turn themselves into to the proper authorities.

2. All crazy people must commit themselves to the nearest mental health center.

3. All people contemplating a crime must document their thoughts with the nearest police station and seek professional help.

4. All future persons who impulsively commit a crime must turn themselves in.

Then all the other Libtards will vigorously support and defend it, as the best idea since the creation of man kind.

They'll parade and televise thousands of victims who will say:
"If this law was in place, the criminals would never have harmed me, because they would have already turned themselves in!"

So what is the REALISTIC analogue to this?

The Obvious Gun Violence Prevention Act!
1. All criminals must turn their guns in immediately.

2. All crazy people are hereby banned from using a firearm.

3. All criminals wishing to obtain a firearm must go to a licensed dealer, who will administer a background check to automatically deny you.

4. Any previously law abiding person who is in the process of comitting a crime, must discard their weapon before completing their crime.

Then all the other Libtards will vigorously support and defend it, as the best idea since the creation of man kind.

They'll parade and televise thousands of victims who will say:
"If this law was in place, the criminals would never have shot me, because they would have already turned their guns in!"
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Yeah they are, Gabrielle Giffords husband got caught with weapons he wanted to ban, Rosie ODonell did as well....
They are being used for politics......I mean liberals used terrorists being held captive to walk like dogs as propaganda, who gives a crap if those pieces of shit are being walked like dogs?

As far as Mark Kelly, it depends on whether or not you believe his version. He would have to be pretty stupid to think him purchasing a gun would not be noticed by the media. And, according to the article, the gun shop canceled the purchase because he did not intend to use it for the reason he gave. Apparently, the gun shop also believed his story.

Rejected: Gun Store Cancels AR-15 Purchase by Gabby Giffords? Husband | TheBlaze.com

As far as Rosie O’Donnell, I’m not familiar with her show as I don’t watch it. On looking at a couple of articles, it appears she has spoken out against guns and then bought one for herself. However, I don’t see how this fits into the debate about Obama using people who are in grief over a family member being shot. O’Donnell has not been used by the administration; she spoke out on her own behalf. It has nothing to do with this discussion if she turned out to be a hypocrite.

As far as the ‘dog walking’ issue:
During the War in Iraq, human rights violations, committed from late 2003 to early 2004, in the form of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse, including torture, reports of rape, sodomy and homicide of prisoners held in the Abu Ghraib prison (currently known as the Baghdad Central Prison) came to public attention beginning in early 2004 with Department of Defense announcements. These acts were committed by military police personnel of the United States Army together with those of additional US governmental agencies.
These things were against the Geneva Convention, Those mistreated were not ‘terrorists,’ they were prisoners of war. What was done to them was against the Geneva Convention’s rules on how to treat prisoners of war. If you don’t what to abide by the Geneva Convention, you should move to an undeveloped, third world nation instead of living in a modern, first world one.

Ok the terrorist thing, OMG if you really think that's bad, then you're insane.
NExt Rosie shows the hypocrisy of liberals (I know one example of many) and that liberals dont call her on it.....Atleast if a preacher screws a hooker, he loses his job, nothing was made about Rosie...and Rosie wasnt just again guns, she tried to get them all banned and thought they were the most evil things ever. She tried to embarass Tom Selleck on her show, because he's in the NRA.
She's a tool.

And as for Mark Kelly, come on he was buying the guns and he said the checks werent thorough enough, but he had to wait 20 days to get his gun. How long do they have to take? It's a bs story. My God you try to make somone wait 20 days for an abortion and people like you go apeshit over how long a time it is.

Whether or not you agree about Abu Ghraib, what was done to the prisoners was against the Geneva Convention. The dog walking/dog collar thing may not seem that bad, but it made good press, and that is what the media is after, so they focused on that. However, it was a valid story that the prisoners were mistreated.

Rosie and Selleck: movie stars. They provide more media fodder; not fodder for what you seem to think is a liberal conspiracy and not being used by the government: they are front page because of notariety, that's all. They sell advertising and make more money for the media.

Neither of them, nor does Abu Ghraib, has anything to do with the topic of this thread, which is Obama hypothetically 'using' grieving parents to further his agenda. Again, I think these people speak for themselves. They are not idiots. They have a right to their convictions as much as anyone else.
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Did it stop Columbine?

Did they get those weapons legally?

If not, they were criminals
, and should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent (if they'd lived).

But quick question...................do YOU know how they got those weapons? Link please.


How long will it be until some Libtard introduces the following law:

The Obvious Crime Prevention Act!
1. All criminals must turn themselves into to the proper authorities.

2. All crazy people must commit themselves to the nearest mental health center.

3. All people contemplating a crime must document their thoughts with the nearest police station and seek professional help.

4. All future persons who impulsively commit a crime must turn themselves in.

Then all the other Libtards will vigorously support and defend it, as the best idea since the creation of man kind.

They'll parade and televise thousands of victims who will say:
"If this law was in place, the criminals would never have harmed me, because they would have already turned themselves in!"

So what is the REALISTIC analogue to this?

The Obvious Gun Violence Prevention Act!
1. All criminals must turn their guns in immediately.

2. All crazy people are hereby banned from using a firearm.

3. All criminals wishing to obtain a firearm must go to a licensed dealer, who will administer a background check to automatically deny you.

4. Any previously law abiding person who is in the process of comitting a crime, must discard their weapon before completing their crime.

Then all the other Libtards will vigorously support and defend it, as the best idea since the creation of man kind.

They'll parade and televise thousands of victims who will say:
"If this law was in place, the criminals would never have shot me, because they would have already turned their guns in!"

Actually ya stupid moron, if you'd bothered to read the thread in it's entirety, you'd see that I was talking about the Assault Weapons Ban (matter of fact, I even posted a link) that was allowed to expire in 2004/2005 under Jr.

If it had still been in effect, the mother who was killed by the Sandy Hook shooter wouldn't have been allowed to buy those weapons, and therefore, she wouldn't have had the guns in her house, thereby preventing the Sandy Hook shooter from getting her weapons (because she couldn't have bought them) and killing all those kids.

Bring back the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994.

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