Obama VP Imminent - Who Will It Be?

I was just saying that if the Dems spend like drunken sailors, we can vote them out in 2 years. At least enough to take the majority away from them.

Anyways, we need to get the GOP out so we can undo all the shit they did when they ruled for 6 years. If the Dems suck, maybe they'll lose one of the houses, or both.

I have every reason not to trust the GOP. I have half a mind not to trust the dems. That means the Dems get their shot.

we can vote them out. question is, WILL they be voted out. people love getting free stuff; most arent smart enough to realize what all the spending will do to the economy though
we can vote them out. question is, WILL they be voted out. people love getting free stuff; most arent smart enough to realize what all the spending will do to the economy though

Free stuff? You mean like when Bush gave that first tax cut to everyone and then bankrupted the treasury? So in 2004, this broke ass told me he got $400 per child back under Bush and that was "better than what he got under Clinton", and now the dumb ass is unemployed and making thousands less than he did before Bush took office, and paying double in gas. Yes, people aren't smart enough. But that usually works in favor of the GOP.

The fact that this race might even be close proves your point that people aren't smart enough. Obama should win 40 states, but he won't, because people are dumb.

Do you realize what all of Bush's spending did to the economy? At least Democratic spending happens in America, so in some ways, it does help the economy. But yes, that spending adds to the national debt.

But they won't spend as much as the GOP did. Not even close.

And the Dems programs help the masses, not just the top 1%. They spent more on defense than every other country combined. Do you know you've been bamboozled? Free stuff. What a joke. I got nothing free with Clinton. We just got paid a decent wage and the economy was humming along. Then the GOP got in and fucked it all up. They took from the middle class and give what they took from the rich. They globalized the economy without worrying about the American middle class.

Don't get me started.
i do not appreciate being called names. I am civil and I expect anyone posting me to be civil.

We must stand in both afghistan and iraq and accomplish the goals. Too many have been lost or wounded as is. I assure you...if blasting the entire region to glass saves the life of one american , than go for it. I am sick of seeing many of our best dying due to roe's. I think "Lone Survivor" should be required reading to anyone thinking war has rules. there is only one rule , you survive for your country and you let the other die for his...patton said it much better.
i do not appreciate being called names. I am civil and I expect anyone posting me to be civil.

We must stand in both afghistan and iraq and accomplish the goals. Too many have been lost or wounded as is. I assure you...if blasting the entire region to glass saves the life of one american , than go for it. I am sick of seeing many of our best dying due to roe's. I think "Lone Survivor" should be required reading to anyone thinking war has rules. there is only one rule , you survive for your country and you let the other die for his...patton said it much better.

I bet you are looking forward to the day China launches a war with us and uses the same rules you do. You talk so tough when it's the big bad USA taking on a nation that doesn't have nukes. Pussy. Let's see how you handle Russia.

And the argument that we need to stay in a bad situation because otherwise soldiers died in vein? Rediculous. You don't fight/stay in a war because you want to avenge fallen soldiers.

What if staying meant bankrupting the country and losing 8 thousand more lives. Would you "stay to avenge" the 4000 dead still? Then you are a fool.

We don't stay in a war because the troops want to stay. We also don't avoid fighting wars because the troops don't want to fight. They are to be used as pawns and no matter what the leaders say, they follow their orders.
bush should be out of the discussion. we have two options ...mccain...or obama....

mccain appears to be too old and too muddled for the job. obama....i just cant get behind immediate withdrawal from iraq. the world will then see we cannot stand a prolonged fight.

The world only has to study history to see that every super power before us fell apart when they spread themselves too thin.

That's why the entire world is fucking with us now. If we ended the Iraq occupation and built up our reserves, we'd be ready to take on the next fight.

But basically how Iraq is going right now is how the Democrats wanted it to go for the last 5 years. WRAP IT UP! The GOP were dragging it out because they are making money on oil, defense and american tax dollars. They are fleecing the treasury.

They just won't give the Democrats credit. Bush has taken the Dem plan and tweeked it, used different words. Instead of withdraw, it's a horizon for leaving. Because no matter how much you walk towards a horizon, you never get there.

But the surge isn't the only reason Iraq has improved. The fear of us leaving is what is driving political reconciliation. Also, Sadr thinks if he stops killing US Soldiers, we will leave. So most of Iraq's success is because of the hope/fear that the US is leaving.

And no country could withstand this 6 years of occupation.
The world only has to study history to see that every super power before us fell apart when they spread themselves too thin.

That's why the entire world is fucking with us now. If we ended the Iraq occupation and built up our reserves, we'd be ready to take on the next fight.

But basically how Iraq is going right now is how the Democrats wanted it to go for the last 5 years. WRAP IT UP! The GOP were dragging it out because they are making money on oil, defense and american tax dollars. They are fleecing the treasury.

They just won't give the Democrats credit. Bush has taken the Dem plan and tweeked it, used different words. Instead of withdraw, it's a horizon for leaving. Because no matter how much you walk towards a horizon, you never get there.

But the surge isn't the only reason Iraq has improved. The fear of us leaving is what is driving political reconciliation. Also, Sadr thinks if he stops killing US Soldiers, we will leave. So most of Iraq's success is because of the hope/fear that the US is leaving.

And no country could withstand this 6 years of occupation.

More brainless ranting from our resident Mental Midget!

Bring the Neg reps on LOSER BOY!!
if blasting the entire region to glass saves the life of one american , than go for it.

so the life of one american is worth those of 27 million iraqis and 32 million afganis? lets see, if we combine those numbers, we get 59 million. times that by 300 million americans, that means the lives of the people in our country are worth 17.7 quadrillion non-americans.


you freaking idiot. iraqi's have the same right to life as you.
hell yes, most not all of them would gladly kill us. I do not believe in limited warfare.
I believe if we are there to win, win the thing and get out. If that means we have to massacre them before they kill us....so be it. Remember the pilots on the 9/11 flights....had lived in the us ..they had tasted freedom and still rejected freedom for their
god. that i think scares me the most...to taste freedom and rejected it. so call me an idiot but man dont be smacking me...i have a server head injury years ago (no jokes) and that would hurt.

why do you care about people more than willing to kill you and yours. they beheaded our soldiers. I do now wish death on anyone..but they seem to be deteremined to bring it upon themselves. you obviously have no idea how much they hate us. i assure you if bin laden had a nuke he would use it in a heartbeat. How many americans do you think would die then. dont be stupid....never have sympathy for the enemy they have none for you.
hell yes, most not all of them would gladly kill us. I do not believe in limited warfare.
I believe if we are there to win, win the thing and get out. If that means we have to massacre them before they kill us....so be it. Remember the pilots on the 9/11 flights....had lived in the us ..they had tasted freedom and still rejected freedom for their
god. that i think scares me the most...to taste freedom and rejected it. so call me an idiot but man dont be smacking me...i have a server head injury years ago (no jokes) and that would hurt.

why do you care about people more than willing to kill you and yours. they beheaded our soldiers. I do now wish death on anyone..but they seem to be deteremined to bring it upon themselves. you obviously have no idea how much they hate us. i assure you if bin laden had a nuke he would use it in a heartbeat. How many americans do you think would die then. dont be stupid....never have sympathy for the enemy they have none for you.

you really think every iraqi and afgani are out to get you?
i dont usually turn to name calling, but you truly are an idiot. go talk with some muslims, maybe they can enlighten you.

a piker is basically a gambler who only uses small amounts of money.
I bet you are looking forward to the day China launches a war with us and uses the same rules you do. You talk so tough when it's the big bad USA taking on a nation that doesn't have nukes. Pussy. Let's see how you handle Russia.

And the argument that we need to stay in a bad situation because otherwise soldiers died in vein? Rediculous. You don't fight/stay in a war because you want to avenge fallen soldiers.

What if staying meant bankrupting the country and losing 8 thousand more lives. Would you "stay to avenge" the 4000 dead still? Then you are a fool.

We don't stay in a war because the troops want to stay. We also don't avoid fighting wars because the troops don't want to fight. They are to be used as pawns and no matter what the leaders say, they follow their orders.

oddly enough the majority of troops i have spoken to...want to finish the mission they were ask to do. o btw your use of vulgar names simply shows that your mind is smaller than your dick. a fact mostly likely already realized by most here but i am new. took me a couple of posts from you to realize that. Russian is that the country that spent 2 decades trying to win in afgh? So you think we should just pull out of both wars or what? Do you have any idea of the slaughter that happens if and when we do that?

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