Obama wants to raise taxes on the American people once again

Im sure someone else has said this already but there is no way - NONE - that any of these proposals (and im including that community college nonsense) get enacted.

Of course a Republican Congress will never enact these proposals

What Obama is doing is making them take a stand in favor of low taxes for the rich and against tax cuts for working Americans

Expect more

That Obama is such a rascal

Yes -- but the polling has shown that the public really doesnt think this approach helps them much at the end of the day even if they say support the proposals for whatever reason. This was the reason the White House moved off this issue for a while and I'm not sure why they have moved back to it really. I dont think its a big advantage for him long term because most people seem to feel that - sure im ok with taxing that rich guy more due to resentment / fairness / whatever you choose to call it -- but at the end of the day it doesnt really do much for me. Thats the rub with this.

I think this is where you go as the WH when you have no where else left to go and there are really nothing but pretty far leftists remaining in the Democratic caucus.

Expect this to be the first of many initiatives where Democrats float bills to help working Americans and Republicans kill them

Republicans are going to find out that being in control of Congress does not always work in your favor
I see few here realize that the wealthy 1% can ADJUST their income, and holdings, through tax loopholes and creative accounting to pay NO TAX IF the regime keeps forcing them to pay more. What are they paying now approx. 24% of al Federal tax... sooner or later they simply will NOT PAY their supposedly fair share, and what shall we do then, become MORE UNPATRIOTIC and borrow a few TRILLION MORE on our credit card from the bank of China?...CUT SPENDING is the answer!
Idiots like Obama thinks you can tax America to prosperity and the moronic Moon Bats that voted for him believe that shit.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats and make fun of them for being so stupid..
Idiots like Obama thinks you can tax America to prosperity and the moronic Moon Bats that voted for him believe that shit.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats and make fun of them for being so stupid..

True, but thankfully a large majority who voted for him saw their mistake and finally took all the power of Congress away from him and his party. He can say whatever he wants from the back of that bus he invited Republicans to sit at when he was first elected
Didn't read the link, didya? And you hope others don't either.

Aside from funding new tax credits including a tax credit for working families and expanding the child care tax credit ...

The centerpiece of the president's tax proposal is an increase in the capital gains and dividends rate on couples making more than $500,000 per year to 28 percent, the same level as under President Ronald Reagan. The top capital gains rate has already been raised from 15 percent to 23.8 percent during Obama's presidency....

Officials said the overwhelming impact of the change would be on the top 1 percent of income earners....

Officials said the fee is similar to a proposal from former Republican Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, who led the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee. Camp's plan, however, was part of a larger proposal to lower the overall corporate income tax rate....

Obama wants to put the bulk of that money into a series of measures aimed at helping middle-class Americans. Among them:

--A credit of up to $500 for families in which both spouses work. The administration says 24 million couples would benefit from the proposal, which would apply to families with annual income up to $210,000.

--Expanding the child care tax credit to up to $3,000 per child under age 5. The administration says the proposal would help more than 5 million families with the cost of child care.

--Overhauling the education tax system by consolidating six provisions into two, a move that could cut taxes for 8.5 million families. Republicans have been open to the idea of consolidating education tax breaks.

You didn't read what I wrote, did you? Pay better attention next time.

"His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics."

If that shithead thought the middle class needed a tax break then he shouldn't have raised taxes to support Obamacare, should he?

This idea that the only way to "give the middle class a tax break" is to raise taxes on other people so that bloated government spending can stay at its astronomical high levels is nothing more than idiotic Libtard economics. The kind of economics that screws up our country.

Instead of raising taxes on other people to fund middle class tax breaks why not reduce spending? Don't you think that would be the much better thing to do or are you one of these idiots that thinks the government is spending its money wisely?

Cut soc sec and medicare, and educ. That's the ticket
Idiots like Obama thinks you can tax America to prosperity and the moronic Moon Bats that voted for him believe that shit.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats and make fun of them for being so stupid..

Obama is not suggesting a raise in taxes

It is revenue neutral
Early in the bush Admin it was projected that the gvt would have a 5.6 trillion dollar surplus over the following 10 years, and sold the American people on giving most of this projected budget surplus back to the people who paid the taxes, and they sold Americans in to believing the wealthiest 10 % are the ones who are paying the most of these projected surplus taxes therefore the richest 10% would be getting the MOST of these tax breaks in dollars.... back to them.

But the problem with that was that the projected suprplusses CAME FROM projected Social Security surplus moneys to be collected OF WHICH the top 10% paid NONE of, or very very very little of, because above $65k a year at that time was NOT TAXED for Social Security.....

So the original Bush tax cuts based on the gvt having a projected budget surplus, BELONGED to all of us making less than the $65k...yet the most of it, monetarily went to the very people, WHO DID NOT PAY IN TO IT.

That is a perfect example of stealing from Peter to pay for Paul...

And a perfect example of REVERSE ROBIN HOOD tactics.

They took the middle classes MONEY and gave 50% of it to the very top10% who didn't pay in to it, or paid very little of their total income towards it.

I have no problems at all, with reversing the situation and those in the working class getting JUST SOME itty bitty BIT of their OWN MONEY back from the wealthiest who stole from them for the 10 years or so of Bush tax cuts.


Cut soc sec and medicare, and educ. That's the ticket

We don't need a federal Department of Education. Education is best funded and managed on the local community level. We don't need federal involvement.

Ron Paul came up with a budget plan (Restore America Now) that cuts a trillion a year out of federal spending while increasing defense and maintaining social security and medicare. Defunding the Department of Education is one of the budget line items. I like it!

I think that is a good start and then we can phase out this stupid Social Security Ponzi scheme and then medicare. Just think how irresponsible and sorry a person is to not take care of their own retirement or their own medical bills and have to depend on the filthy ass corrupt and incompetent government to do it for them.
Obama is not suggesting a raise in taxes

It is revenue neutral

It is not revenue neutral for the people having to pay the additional taxes, you moron.

If he really thinks the middle class needs a tax break then he should fund it with spending cuts and not stealing it from somebody else.

If he was so concerned about the middle class he sure as hell has not shown it in the last six years. Real income for the middle class has decreased since Obama has been President. Obamacare was a tremendous hit on the middle class and the children of the middle class are going to be burdened with Obama's tremendous debt for the at least two more generations.
The scumbag in chief has had 6 years to advance his tax plan. The first two, we couldn't have stopped it.

Why is he doing it now? It's not gonna happen, even the Lying Cocksucker in Chief knows it.


Simple, the ONLY think this cock-breath maggot is good at is campaigning. It's all he ever does, it's all he's capable of, it's all he really wants to do.

He isn't interested in getting a tax bill or anything else through Congress. He only cares about the campaign trail and the stump.

It's all he's got. It's all he ever does. He is INCAPABLE of governing
Obama is not suggesting a raise in taxes

It is revenue neutral

It is not revenue neutral for the people having to pay the additional taxes, you moron.

If he really thinks the middle class needs a tax break then he should fund it with spending cuts and not stealing it from somebody else.

If he was so concerned about the middle class he sure as hell has not shown it in the last six years. Real income for the middle class has decreased since Obama has been President. Obamacare was a tremendous hit on the middle class and the children of the middle class are going to be burdened with Obama's tremendous debt for the at least two more generations.

No shit sherlock

The Reagan and Bush tax cuts were not revenue neutral either
Obama is not suggesting a raise in taxes

It is revenue neutral

It is not revenue neutral for the people having to pay the additional taxes, you moron.

If he really thinks the middle class needs a tax break then he should fund it with spending cuts and not stealing it from somebody else.

If he was so concerned about the middle class he sure as hell has not shown it in the last six years. Real income for the middle class has decreased since Obama has been President. Obamacare was a tremendous hit on the middle class and the children of the middle class are going to be burdened with Obama's tremendous debt for the at least two more generations.

No shit sherlock

The Reagan and Bush tax cuts were not revenue neutral either

actually they were revenue positive, thats why obozo kept them in place.
Obama is not suggesting a raise in taxes

It is revenue neutral

It is not revenue neutral for the people having to pay the additional taxes, you moron.

If he really thinks the middle class needs a tax break then he should fund it with spending cuts and not stealing it from somebody else.

If he was so concerned about the middle class he sure as hell has not shown it in the last six years. Real income for the middle class has decreased since Obama has been President. Obamacare was a tremendous hit on the middle class and the children of the middle class are going to be burdened with Obama's tremendous debt for the at least two more generations.

No shit sherlock

The Reagan and Bush tax cuts were not revenue neutral either

actually they were revenue positive, thats why obozo kept them in place.

-$18 Trillion revenue positive
Obama is not suggesting a raise in taxes

It is revenue neutral

It is not revenue neutral for the people having to pay the additional taxes, you moron.

If he really thinks the middle class needs a tax break then he should fund it with spending cuts and not stealing it from somebody else.

If he was so concerned about the middle class he sure as hell has not shown it in the last six years. Real income for the middle class has decreased since Obama has been President. Obamacare was a tremendous hit on the middle class and the children of the middle class are going to be burdened with Obama's tremendous debt for the at least two more generations.

No shit sherlock

The Reagan and Bush tax cuts were not revenue neutral either

actually they were revenue positive, thats why obozo kept them in place.

-$18 Trillion revenue positive

thats funny, 8 trillion of that belongs to obama, 10 trillion belongs to all the previous presidents combined.

govt revenue increased after the bush tax cuts, the problem was that the govt increased spending by more than the increased revenue.
Im sure someone else has said this already but there is no way - NONE - that any of these proposals (and im including that community college nonsense) get enacted.
Thank you.
Yes they are dead on arrival. They are worse than that. They represent an intrasigent White House that will not work with Congress. Obama will send proposals he knows have no chance of passing and then blame Congress for "doing nothing." That isnt leadership. Not by a far cry
Obama gave up on leadership. He is now the acting leader of the democratic party.

He wants congress to voite against free community college.
He wants congress to vote against "tax credits to the middle class"...

And the 2016 campaign will be about...

The democrats who want you to get an education for free and give the middle class another 2,000 in their pockets versus the GOP who only care about the rich.

Its a fucking game to this asshole.
Obama wants to divide this country. Once again. Obama is once again proposing legislation that will destroy this country. What for?
No shit sherlock

The Reagan and Bush tax cuts were not revenue neutral either

Both Reagan and Bush and Bush increased the size of government and the debt and that is one of the reasons that I am not a Republican any more.

However, the school yard excuse of "Johnny did it also" doesn't excuse Obama's stupid ass class warfare plan to steal money from one group and giving it to another, which is nothing more than government thievery.
Obama is not suggesting a raise in taxes

It is revenue neutral

It is not revenue neutral for the people having to pay the additional taxes, you moron.

If he really thinks the middle class needs a tax break then he should fund it with spending cuts and not stealing it from somebody else.

If he was so concerned about the middle class he sure as hell has not shown it in the last six years. Real income for the middle class has decreased since Obama has been President. Obamacare was a tremendous hit on the middle class and the children of the middle class are going to be burdened with Obama's tremendous debt for the at least two more generations.

No shit sherlock

The Reagan and Bush tax cuts were not revenue neutral either
The Reagan and Bush tax cuts saved this country. How much is that worth?
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address

No wonder you're confused. You don't have the whole story. You're not going to get it at fox news.

Here's the whole story:

Obama To Propose Tax Hikes On Wealthy, Breaks For Middle Class

Here's the part that you don't know:

During his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Barack Obama will lay out a plan to extend tax credits to the middle class by hiking taxes on wealthier Americans and big banks, according to senior administration officials.

Under the plan, the capital gains tax for couples with income over $500,000 per year would be raised from its current level of 23.8 percent up to 28. The plan would also strip a tax break, known as a "step-up," that allows heirs to avoid capital gains taxes on large inheritances.

In addition, the plan would institute a new tax on the biggest financial institutions, basing the fee on liabilities in order to discourage risky borrowing. The administration says the fee would hit the roughly 100 banks that have assets of $50 billion or more.

The president's plan would use revenues from those tax code changes to finance credits aimed at the middle class, officials said. That includes extending the earned income tax credits to families without children, which would benefit an estimated 13 million low-income workers, while also tripling the maximum tax credits for child care in low- and middle-income homes.

According to officials, the capital gains tax reforms would impact "almost exclusively" the top 1 percent of earners, carving out the majority of middle-income families from the hikes.

And you believe all that BS I suppose? Remember with his OScamCare if you LIKE YOUR PLAN you can keep your plan? please hufferpufferpost isn't the whole STORY
is that your best quoting a mistake figures...
Everyone needs to know that Obama has put in place a bunch of criminals that are trying to take us to the cleaners. They're using laws to justify their criminal actives. Lawyers making up laws as they go. It's not just going on at the federal level, but state and local level as well. Local governments can be more abusive than the federal government because of the penny annie criminals that are put into office through knowing the right people. Now wholesale fraud is taking place among the feds on a massive scale. Because of this oppressive attitude nothing the feds tell us can be trusted. NOTHING!!!!
Your Nuts !!! just plain nuts!!!

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