Obama wants to raise taxes on the American people once again

Obama Wants The Death Tax Increased to 60 Percent, More Taxes on College Savings

townhall.com ^

As the old saying goes, there are two things that are certain in life, death and taxes. Tomorrow night during his 2015 State of the Union speech, President Obama will announce that people paying taxes their entire lives just isn't good enough. The President wants the current 40 percent death tax rate increased to 60 percent. Americans for Tax Reform breaks down the details: 2. Stealth increase in the death tax rate from 40% to nearly 60%. Under current law, when you inherit an asset your basis in the asset is the higher of the fair market value at the...

Lets do the math. One percent of one million is more than one percent of $50k.
There is absolutely no doubt which of the two parties King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of France would be supporting if they were around in 2016!

Yes, the ruling party of the wealthy, like the Clintons, Obama, and the Kennedy's.

Who could be bought and sold with Mitt's pocket change.....

But, no matter. There is absolutely no rational reason why taxes on capital gains for people making more than half a million dollars per years should not be raised, rather than raising the taxes on the middle class. When it is brought up by me, or anyone else, the conversation is instantly deflected to what a jerk Obama is, and even how wealthy Kennedy was. In short, the reason why the republicans don't like it is two fold. One, it is Obama's idea. Two, it does not set well with the Koch brothers and their fellow travelers, who are, in fact, the financial engine that drives the Republican party.

Except, of course, for the fact that making capital more expensive results in less of being available. You know, economic reality and stuff.

Less of what?

Capital, of course.
There is absolutely no doubt which of the two parties King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of France would be supporting if they were around in 2016!

Yes, the ruling party of the wealthy, like the Clintons, Obama, and the Kennedy's.

Who could be bought and sold with Mitt's pocket change.....

But, no matter. There is absolutely no rational reason why taxes on capital gains for people making more than half a million dollars per years should not be raised, rather than raising the taxes on the middle class. When it is brought up by me, or anyone else, the conversation is instantly deflected to what a jerk Obama is, and even how wealthy Kennedy was. In short, the reason why the republicans don't like it is two fold. One, it is Obama's idea. Two, it does not set well with the Koch brothers and their fellow travelers, who are, in fact, the financial engine that drives the Republican party.

Except, of course, for the fact that making capital more expensive results in less of being available. You know, economic reality and stuff.

Less of what?

Capital, of course.

don't confuse the liberals with basic economics, it makes their little heads implode.
Yes, the ruling party of the wealthy, like the Clintons, Obama, and the Kennedy's.

Who could be bought and sold with Mitt's pocket change.....

But, no matter. There is absolutely no rational reason why taxes on capital gains for people making more than half a million dollars per years should not be raised, rather than raising the taxes on the middle class. When it is brought up by me, or anyone else, the conversation is instantly deflected to what a jerk Obama is, and even how wealthy Kennedy was. In short, the reason why the republicans don't like it is two fold. One, it is Obama's idea. Two, it does not set well with the Koch brothers and their fellow travelers, who are, in fact, the financial engine that drives the Republican party.

Except, of course, for the fact that making capital more expensive results in less of being available. You know, economic reality and stuff.

Less of what?

Capital, of course.

don't confuse the liberals with basic economics, it makes their little heads implode.

Oh, but it's so much fun to watch their emotion bubbles deflect reality. Some bubbles should be checked out by the military, they are so impervious.
Im sure someone else has said this already but there is no way - NONE - that any of these proposals (and im including that community college nonsense) get enacted.
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address

Im sure someone else has said this already but there is no way - NONE - that any of these proposals (and im including that community college nonsense) get enacted.
Thank you.
Yes they are dead on arrival. They are worse than that. They represent an intrasigent White House that will not work with Congress. Obama will send proposals he knows have no chance of passing and then blame Congress for "doing nothing." That isnt leadership. Not by a far cry
Im sure someone else has said this already but there is no way - NONE - that any of these proposals (and im including that community college nonsense) get enacted.

Of course a Republican Congress will never enact these proposals

What Obama is doing is making them take a stand in favor of low taxes for the rich and against tax cuts for working Americans

Expect more

That Obama is such a rascal
There is absolutely no doubt which of the two parties King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of France would be supporting if they were around in 2016!

Yes, the ruling party of the wealthy, like the Clintons, Obama, and the Kennedy's.


Here are the political affiliations of America’s 50 richest families, ranked according to wealth:

1. Walton – Republican

2. Koch – Republican

3. Mars – Republican

4. Cargill-MacMillan – Republican

5. Johnson (Fidelity) – Republican

6. Hearst – Republican

7. Cox – Democrat

Are America s Richest Families Republicans or Democrats - Forbes
There is absolutely no doubt which of the two parties King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of France would be supporting if they were around in 2016!

Yes, the ruling party of the wealthy, like the Clintons, Obama, and the Kennedy's.

Who could be bought and sold with Mitt's pocket change.....

But, no matter. There is absolutely no rational reason why taxes on capital gains for people making more than half a million dollars per years should not be raised, rather than raising the taxes on the middle class. When it is brought up by me, or anyone else, the conversation is instantly deflected to what a jerk Obama is, and even how wealthy Kennedy was. In short, the reason why the republicans don't like it is two fold. One, it is Obama's idea. Two, it does not set well with the Koch brothers and their fellow travelers, who are, in fact, the financial engine that drives the Republican party.

Except, of course, for the fact that making capital more expensive results in less of being available. You know, economic reality and stuff.

REALLY? Record Corp profits the past 5 years, lowest EFFECTIVE tax rates in generations, where were those 'jobs' again created?

STUDY: These Charts Show There's Almost No Correlation Between Tax Rates and GDP

These Charts Show There s Probably No Correlation Between Tax Rates and GDP - Business Insider

Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth (or not)

If you read the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal (or surf around the nether regions of Forbes.com), you may come to the conclusion that no aspect of tax policy is more important for economic growth than the way we tax capital gains. You’d be wrong

Capital Gains Tax Rates and Economic Growth or not - Forbes





Andrew Mellon had a few distinctly progressive ideas. Of particular note, he suggested taxing "earned" income from wages and salaries more lightly that "unearned" income from investments. As he argued:

The fairness of taxing more lightly income from wages, salaries or from investments is beyond question. In the first case, the income is uncertain and limited in duration; sickness or death destroys it and old age diminishes it; in the other, the source of income continues; the income may be disposed of during a man's life and it descends to his heirs.

Surely we can afford to make a distinction between the people whose only capital is their mental and physical energy and the people whose income is derived from investments. Such a distinction would mean much to millions of American workers and would be an added inspiration to the man who must provide a competence during his few productive years to care for himself and his family when his earnings capacity is at an end.

Tax History Project -- The Republican Roots of New Deal Tax Policy
Im sure someone else has said this already but there is no way - NONE - that any of these proposals (and im including that community college nonsense) get enacted.

Of course a Republican Congress will never enact these proposals

What Obama is doing is making them take a stand in favor of low taxes for the rich and against tax cuts for working Americans

Expect more

That Obama is such a rascal
Grandstanding and playing politics instead of governing. Yes, we get it.
Yes, the ruling party of the wealthy, like the Clintons, Obama, and the Kennedy's.

Who could be bought and sold with Mitt's pocket change.....

But, no matter. There is absolutely no rational reason why taxes on capital gains for people making more than half a million dollars per years should not be raised, rather than raising the taxes on the middle class. When it is brought up by me, or anyone else, the conversation is instantly deflected to what a jerk Obama is, and even how wealthy Kennedy was. In short, the reason why the republicans don't like it is two fold. One, it is Obama's idea. Two, it does not set well with the Koch brothers and their fellow travelers, who are, in fact, the financial engine that drives the Republican party.

Except, of course, for the fact that making capital more expensive results in less of being available. You know, economic reality and stuff.

Less of what?

Capital, of course.

don't confuse the liberals with basic economics, it makes their little heads implode.

I wish I could live in fantasyland like the GOP. Sadly, I have to live with facts and reality.

Im sure someone else has said this already but there is no way - NONE - that any of these proposals (and im including that community college nonsense) get enacted.

Of course a Republican Congress will never enact these proposals

What Obama is doing is making them take a stand in favor of low taxes for the rich and against tax cuts for working Americans

Expect more

That Obama is such a rascal

Yes -- but the polling has shown that the public really doesnt think this approach helps them much at the end of the day even if they say support the proposals for whatever reason. This was the reason the White House moved off this issue for a while and I'm not sure why they have moved back to it really. I dont think its a big advantage for him long term because most people seem to feel that - sure im ok with taxing that rich guy more due to resentment / fairness / whatever you choose to call it -- but at the end of the day it doesnt really do much for me. Thats the rub with this.

I think this is where you go as the WH when you have no where else left to go and there are really nothing but pretty far leftists remaining in the Democratic caucus.
Im sure someone else has said this already but there is no way - NONE - that any of these proposals (and im including that community college nonsense) get enacted.

Of course a Republican Congress will never enact these proposals

What Obama is doing is making them take a stand in favor of low taxes for the rich and against tax cuts for working Americans

Expect more

That Obama is such a rascal
Grandstanding and playing politics instead of governing. Yes, we get it.

How many Obamacares repeals can we expect this year from the GOPers? lol
Im sure someone else has said this already but there is no way - NONE - that any of these proposals (and im including that community college nonsense) get enacted.

Of course a Republican Congress will never enact these proposals

What Obama is doing is making them take a stand in favor of low taxes for the rich and against tax cuts for working Americans

Expect more

That Obama is such a rascal

Yes -- but the polling has shown that the public really doesnt think this approach helps them much at the end of the day even if they say support the proposals for whatever reason. This was the reason the White House moved off this issue for a while and I'm not sure why they have moved back to it really. I dont think its a big advantage for him long term because most people seem to feel that - sure im ok with taxing that rich guy more due to resentment / fairness / whatever you choose to call it -- but at the end of the day it doesnt really do much for me. Thats the rub with this.

I think this is where you go as the WH when you have no where else left to go and there are really nothing but pretty far leftists remaining in the Democratic caucus.

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory

The conclusion?

Lowering the tax rates on the wealthy and top earners in America do not appear to have any impact on the nation’s economic growth.

This paragraph from the report says it all—

“The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment and productivity growth. The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie. However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution.”

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study - Forbes


Im sure someone else has said this already but there is no way - NONE - that any of these proposals (and im including that community college nonsense) get enacted.

Of course a Republican Congress will never enact these proposals

What Obama is doing is making them take a stand in favor of low taxes for the rich and against tax cuts for working Americans

Expect more

That Obama is such a rascal
Grandstanding and playing politics instead of governing. Yes, we get it.

Maybe Obama can start to kick out as many "cut taxes on working Americans" bills as Republicans have produced "repeal Obamacare" bills

but that would be putting politics over governing wouldn't it?

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