Obama wants to raise taxes on the American people once again

Didn't read the link, didya? And you hope others don't either.

Aside from funding new tax credits including a tax credit for working families and expanding the child care tax credit ...

The centerpiece of the president's tax proposal is an increase in the capital gains and dividends rate on couples making more than $500,000 per year to 28 percent, the same level as under President Ronald Reagan. The top capital gains rate has already been raised from 15 percent to 23.8 percent during Obama's presidency....

Officials said the overwhelming impact of the change would be on the top 1 percent of income earners....

Officials said the fee is similar to a proposal from former Republican Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, who led the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee. Camp's plan, however, was part of a larger proposal to lower the overall corporate income tax rate....

Obama wants to put the bulk of that money into a series of measures aimed at helping middle-class Americans. Among them:

--A credit of up to $500 for families in which both spouses work. The administration says 24 million couples would benefit from the proposal, which would apply to families with annual income up to $210,000.

--Expanding the child care tax credit to up to $3,000 per child under age 5. The administration says the proposal would help more than 5 million families with the cost of child care.

--Overhauling the education tax system by consolidating six provisions into two, a move that could cut taxes for 8.5 million families. Republicans have been open to the idea of consolidating education tax breaks.
first of all they are repub-lie- tards ....do you honestly think they can comprehend what the read??? the read president wants to raise your taxes and the way they go... not only do they complain about tax being raised but the complain about no jobs ... repub-lie-tards haven't any Idea what they want
I'm always amazed when working class people who are struggling are really worried that the rich might pay more.
Both Clinton and Reagan increased taxes, grew the size of the government and increased the debt. (...and yes the cumulative debt was greater when Clinton left office than when he was elected)

The only difference between the two is that Reagan used the money a little more wisely and created a booming economy for awhile that Clinton inherited.

Clinton inherited a booming Reagan economy? I think you may be forgetting something. Like the entire Bush I administration.

Early 1990s recession

The recession of the early 1990s describes the period of economic downturn affecting much of the world in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Early 1990s recession - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Under Bush, the economy was lackluster, increasing with an annual rate of about 1.5%......growing from 8.85 trillion in real dollars in 1989 to 9.41 trillion in 1992. While under Clinton, we saw a 11% increase in GDP, with the economy growing from 9.65 in 1993 to 10.74 in 1996. It was Clinton's second term where the economy took off.

From 1993 when Clinton took office to 2000 when, the economy grew 31%, or roughly 4% per year. More than double the 4 year average of Bush 1. By any consistent logic, if Reagan were the creator of the good economy, the effects would grow stronger the closer in time you came to Reagan.

Instead, we see the exact opposite, with the economic results weaker the closer we get to Reagan. And stronger the farther we get away. Which simply obliterates your claims.

Clinton's economy (even with the help of Newt) busted the last two years.

I'm not sure if you're revising history, or are actively not aware of it. Either way, your claims are startlingly wrong.

From 1998 to 2000 the economy increased in size from 11.7 trillion to 12.68 trillion. An increase of 8.4%. That's a per annum average about 60% higher than Bush's 8 year per annum average.

If that's busted, I'll take it any day.

Our economy could have done so much better in the last 100 years without this massive government, especially post WWII.

Then why did we see far *more* recessions and depressions in the pre-war era than we did the post war? Why did the rate of recession and depression drop so starkly to roughly half its prewar levels? Would you like to compare the 70 years before the war to the 70 years after?

You won't like the results. As they contradict you to an almost absurd degree.

The Bush 41 slowdown was short in duration and was already recovering when Clinton took office. Clinton's economic slowdown after Newt left office (that Bush 43 inherited) was almost as bad.

Clinton said in his campaign speeches that it "was the worse recession since the Great Depression" and only idiots like you believed him. Of course you also believed the scumbag when he lied to the American people about sexual misconduct in the White House.

Despite his record of growing the size of government, increasing debt and increasing taxation Reagan knew slightly how to stimulate capitalism and that produced a boom that continued for a decade after he left office.

Don't be a dumbass. it just destroys your credibility.

Even the Liberal New York Times recognized the boom. (published in 1990)

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever - NYTimes.com

We don't know whether historians will call it the Great Expansion of the 1980's or Reagan's Great Expansion, but we do know from official economic statistics that the seven year period from 1982 to 1989 was the greatest, consistent burst of economic activity ever seen in the U.S. In fact, it was the greatest economic expansion the world has ever seen - in any country, at any time.

The full impact of the powerful economic recovery that President Reagan launched during the 1980s is still unfolding.
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The Bush 39 slowdown was short in duration and was already recovering when Clinton took office. Clinton's economic slowdown after Newt left office (that Bush 41 inherited) was almost as bad.

Okay, guy... If you are really this ignorant, that you can't get the numbers right, the rest of your facts are questionable.

Here - let me help you out.

39- Carter
40- Reagan
41- George H. W. Bush (The smart one)
42- Clinton
43- George W. Bush (the Stupid one)
44- Obama
So? He's going after your inheritance again. What a wonderful Pres eh?

Libtards love to take other people's money and use it for the welfare queens. It makes them feel special.

YOu mean as opposed to borrowing money from the Chinese and giving it to Halliburton like the republicans do?

Republicans are almost as bad at big government as the Democrats. Both parties suck, the Democrats just suck a little worse.

If you are concerned about borrowing money from the Chinese top give away to special interest groups then your boy Hussein Obama set the new record for that.
The Bush 39 slowdown was short in duration and was already recovering when Clinton took office. Clinton's economic slowdown after Newt left office (that Bush 41 inherited) was almost as bad.

Okay, guy... If you are really this ignorant, that you can't get the numbers right, the rest of your facts are questionable.

Here - let me help you out.

39- Carter
40- Reagan
41- George H. W. Bush (The smart one)
42- Clinton
43- George W. Bush (the Stupid one)
44- Obama

Sorry. You are right. My bad.
Okay, guy... If you are really this ignorant, that you can't get the numbers right, the rest of your facts are questionable

There is no doubt at all about flash being ignorant. Actually,describing him as "ignorant" implies that there is some chance of him becoming less ignorant.

That ain't happening. The flash is plain fucking stupid. And no one can fix stupid.
Both Clinton and Reagan increased taxes, grew the size of the government and increased the debt. (...and yes the cumulative debt was greater when Clinton left office than when he was elected)

The only difference between the two is that Reagan used the money a little more wisely and created a booming economy for awhile that Clinton inherited.

Clinton inherited a booming Reagan economy? I think you may be forgetting something. Like the entire Bush I administration.

Early 1990s recession

The recession of the early 1990s describes the period of economic downturn affecting much of the world in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Early 1990s recession - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Under Bush, the economy was lackluster, increasing with an annual rate of about 1.5%......growing from 8.85 trillion in real dollars in 1989 to 9.41 trillion in 1992. While under Clinton, we saw a 11% increase in GDP, with the economy growing from 9.65 in 1993 to 10.74 in 1996. It was Clinton's second term where the economy took off.

From 1993 when Clinton took office to 2000 when, the economy grew 31%, or roughly 4% per year. More than double the 4 year average of Bush 1. By any consistent logic, if Reagan were the creator of the good economy, the effects would grow stronger the closer in time you came to Reagan.

Instead, we see the exact opposite, with the economic results weaker the closer we get to Reagan. And stronger the farther we get away. Which simply obliterates your claims.

Clinton's economy (even with the help of Newt) busted the last two years.

I'm not sure if you're revising history, or are actively not aware of it. Either way, your claims are startlingly wrong.

From 1998 to 2000 the economy increased in size from 11.7 trillion to 12.68 trillion. An increase of 8.4%. That's a per annum average about 60% higher than Bush's 8 year per annum average.

If that's busted, I'll take it any day.

Our economy could have done so much better in the last 100 years without this massive government, especially post WWII.

Then why did we see far *more* recessions and depressions in the pre-war era than we did the post war? Why did the rate of recession and depression drop so starkly to roughly half its prewar levels? Would you like to compare the 70 years before the war to the 70 years after?

You won't like the results. As they contradict you to an almost absurd degree.

The Bush 39 slowdown was short in duration and was already recovering when Clinton took office. Clinton's economic slowdown after Newt left office (that Bush 41 inherited) was almost as bad.

Clinton said in his campaign speeches that it "was the worse recession since the Great Depression" and only idiots like you believed him. Of course you also believed the scumbag when he lied to the American people about sexual misconduct in the White House.

Despite his record of growing the size of government, increasing debt and increasing taxation Reagan knew slightly how to stimulate capitalism and that produced a boom that continued for a decade after he left office.

Don't be a dumbass. it just destroys your credibility.

Even the Liberal New York Times recognized the boom. (published in 1990)

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever - NYTimes.com

We don't know whether historians will call it the Great Expansion of the 1980's or Reagan's Great Expansion, but we do know from official economic statistics that the seven year period from 1982 to 1989 was the greatest, consistent burst of economic activity ever seen in the U.S. In fact, it was the greatest economic expansion the world has ever seen - in any country, at any time.

The full impact of the powerful economic recovery that President Reagan launched during the 1980s is still unfolding.
this says dumb ass all over it read it and weep numbers don't lie
Ronald Reagan R 1981–1985 91,037 96,353 +5,322 +1.43%
Ronald Reagan R 1985–1989 96,353 107,133 +10,780 +2.69%
George H. W. Bush R 1989–1993 107,133 109,726 +2,593 +0.60%
Bill Clinton D 1993–1997 109,726 121,233 +11,507 +2.52%
Bill Clinton D 1997–2001 121,231 132,466 +11,233 +2.24%
George W. Bush R 2001–2005 132,466 132,553 +87 +.06%
George W. Bush R 2005–2009 132,553 133,631 +1,129 +0.21%
Barack Obama D 2009–2013 133,631 135,295 +1,536 +0.28%
Barack Obama D 2013–6/2014 135,295 138,941 +3,646 +1.80%
It is not enough that the American people are already taxed to the hilt and that the filthy ass combined government already takes over 40% of the GNP for the cost of government but this piece of shit in the White House wants to once again raise taxes on the American people.

Yea, we really need more taxes now, don't we? The stupid idiots in the White House can't cut back on spending but they sure as hell can call for more taxes.

This is the type of bead government you get when you elect Democrats. Of course if history is any indication the Republicans will probably give him what he wants.

His stupid tax plan is taking money from Americans that earned the money and giving to Americans that didn't earn it while keeping spending and the tax burden at the already astronomical high. Stupid Libtardeconomics.

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address Fox News

Obama to call for new tax increases in State of the Union address

No wonder you're confused. You don't have the whole story. You're not going to get it at fox news.

Here's the whole story:

Obama To Propose Tax Hikes On Wealthy, Breaks For Middle Class

Here's the part that you don't know:

During his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Barack Obama will lay out a plan to extend tax credits to the middle class by hiking taxes on wealthier Americans and big banks, according to senior administration officials.

Under the plan, the capital gains tax for couples with income over $500,000 per year would be raised from its current level of 23.8 percent up to 28. The plan would also strip a tax break, known as a "step-up," that allows heirs to avoid capital gains taxes on large inheritances.

In addition, the plan would institute a new tax on the biggest financial institutions, basing the fee on liabilities in order to discourage risky borrowing. The administration says the fee would hit the roughly 100 banks that have assets of $50 billion or more.

The president's plan would use revenues from those tax code changes to finance credits aimed at the middle class, officials said. That includes extending the earned income tax credits to families without children, which would benefit an estimated 13 million low-income workers, while also tripling the maximum tax credits for child care in low- and middle-income homes.

According to officials, the capital gains tax reforms would impact "almost exclusively" the top 1 percent of earners, carving out the majority of middle-income families from the hikes.

And you believe all that BS I suppose? Remember with his OScamCare if you LIKE YOUR PLAN you can keep your plan? please hufferpufferpost isn't the whole STORY
Obama is doing his usual class warfare. Steal from one to give to others. And then hope people see him as some SAVIOR
Obama is doing his usual class warfare. Steal from one to give to others. And then hope people see him as some SAVIOR

All tax structures steal from one group to give to another. It is only a question of how much

Reallocating our tax structure is long overdue
Didn't read the link, didya? And you hope others don't either.

Aside from funding new tax credits including a tax credit for working families and expanding the child care tax credit ...

The centerpiece of the president's tax proposal is an increase in the capital gains and dividends rate on couples making more than $500,000 per year to 28 percent, the same level as under President Ronald Reagan. The top capital gains rate has already been raised from 15 percent to 23.8 percent during Obama's presidency....

Officials said the overwhelming impact of the change would be on the top 1 percent of income earners....

Officials said the fee is similar to a proposal from former Republican Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, who led the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee. Camp's plan, however, was part of a larger proposal to lower the overall corporate income tax rate....

Obama wants to put the bulk of that money into a series of measures aimed at helping middle-class Americans. Among them:

--A credit of up to $500 for families in which both spouses work. The administration says 24 million couples would benefit from the proposal, which would apply to families with annual income up to $210,000.

--Expanding the child care tax credit to up to $3,000 per child under age 5. The administration says the proposal would help more than 5 million families with the cost of child care.

--Overhauling the education tax system by consolidating six provisions into two, a move that could cut taxes for 8.5 million families. Republicans have been open to the idea of consolidating education tax breaks.
Yup, and he also thinks we're stupid and you Luddy must be the dumbest of them all.

How many times do you expect us to fall for the fraudulent acts of a president that can't tell the true?

The problem with anything that these people in the White House do is that they never tell us the whole story. Their goal is to take our money, not make life easier for us. The massive drop in gas prices has put cash back in the pockets of consumers, and all politicians on both sides start talking about is how to squeeze even more taxes out of us. Obama is no different. He's the worst of them as a matter of fact. Trying to discuss his proposals is a total waste of time because they aren't serious and completely dishonest.

Many of you are going to get a shock this year when you try to get your refund if you don't have an acceptable health care plan. Your refund will be held up or confiscated. The IRS has been grabbing people's bank accounts without warning and when the reason is proven to be erroneous the funds aren't returned. snopes.com Is the IRS Seizing Innocent Americans Bank Accounts

When we have to deal with criminals in government this will become extremely frequent.
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His retarded base, who live for these robin hood fairy tales, is what this is all about. It is a basic cycle with the democrats.

They will divide races by pushing race issues. Claim war on women by pushing those myths. They will claim to raise taxes and call it their "fair share."

The left (especially the large voting block that does not actually pay taxes) does not even know they do not pay taxes. That, is how stupid they are.

You can also tell the ones on this board who do not pay their taxes (I am assuming they do not even pay their own bills) chant for higher taxes on the rich.

Annnnd......on evil corporations! They then brag that the stock market rose significantly under obama as he paid off the billionaires with the zero interest rate policy. That is right, they brag about that. The very ones that chanted at the "occupy wall street" rallies.

The president then makes this public proclamation, and his stupid base just cheer like the fucking tools they are.

Do not waste your time trying to be respectful to these wastes of shit. They have no clue what is going on.
IRS Seizing Bank Accounts of Innocent Americans
Sunday, 26 Oct 2014 09:52 AM

By John Blosser

The Internal Revenue Service has been seizing money from the bank accounts of individuals and businesses with no proof of any crimes nor any charges filed.

Now, the IRS claims that it will stop — but will it?

Using a law, the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000, that allows the feds to seize money from suspected gangsters, drug dealers and terrorists, the IRS has put innocent people into bankruptcy and massive debt and taken the money a military father saved from his paychecks to put his kids through college, solely by tracking the amounts that people put into their bank accounts.

When no criminal activity is charged, The New York Times reports, the IRS often negotiates to return only part of the seized money, leaving impoverished citizens with little option but to either accept the IRS' offer or continue a lengthy and very expensive legal battle to try to get their legitimately earned money back.

The problem has been growing. The Institute for Justice estimates that from just 114 seizures in 2005, the IRS made 639 seizures in 2012, and in only 20 percent of the cases were any criminal charges ever pursued.

Under the Bank Secrecy Act, banks report transactions larger than $10,000 to federal authorities, but also report a pattern of regular, smaller deposits which appear designed to get around the act. This alone can be enough to trigger a seizure, the Times reports, and banks filed over 700,000 "suspicious" reports last year.
News Update

One involved a 27-year-old Long Island candy and cigarette distribution company, Bi-County Distributors, which made daily cash deposits, usually under $10,000. When the IRS seized $447,000 from the company, it refused to return it, despite the fact that there was no crime to prosecute, and instead offered a partial settlement.

The company is now $300,000 in debt and attorney Joseph Potashnik told the Times, "I don’t think they’re (the IRS) really interested in anything. They just want the money."

Army Sgt. Jeff Cortazzo was saving up for his daughters' college education when the IRS seized $66,000 of his money – it cost him $21,000 to get the remainder back.

IRS Seizing Bank Accounts of Innocent Americans
Everyone needs to know that Obama has put in place a bunch of criminals that are trying to take us to the cleaners. They're using laws to justify their criminal actives. Lawyers making up laws as they go. It's not just going on at the federal level, but state and local level as well. Local governments can be more abusive than the federal government because of the penny annie criminals that are put into office through knowing the right people. Now wholesale fraud is taking place among the feds on a massive scale. Because of this oppressive attitude nothing the feds tell us can be trusted. NOTHING!!!!

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