Obama wants to raise taxes on the American people once again

the dimocrap party is, and has always been, a criminal organization, NOT a political party.

the dimocrap party is, and has always been, a criminal organization, NOT a political party.

It's Cloward and Piven tactics. Use existing laws to overload the system and force it's collapse. Articles Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis

Any new proposals are just intended to give the administration yet another tentacle to reach into our lives.

Blog Obama to propose tax increases of 320 billion over 10 years
So, a guy works his whole life, sets up a trust fund so that his kids can benefit from his labors after he's gone, and Obama thinks it's perfectly alright for the federal government to swoop in and scarf up 28%. Most families who take advantage of this tax "loophole" are the families of successful small businessmen - not "trust fund babies" who probably won't miss the 28% anyway.

But it's not so much the amount as it is the concept. Obama once again wishes to punsh the most successful Americans, who build for their family's future, only to see the feds appropriate a sizable part of that future. It is a rancid redistribution scheme and Republicans shouldn't even bring it to the floor.

As for hitting up the banks, this proposal makes more sense, although how much of a deterrent it will be to keep them from making risky loans and investments is a matter of conjecture - especially when the federal government has developed policies that encourage risky lending.

Some of the "Middle Class" benefits the president wishes to bestow make sense. The tax credit for working spouses and tripling of the child care credit would be great - if we could pay for it. And therein lies the biggest problem with the president's insistence on tax increases.

Is there a serious argument that there isn't $32 billion we can't cut from a $4 trillion budget every year for the next 10 years? Before we go raising taxes on anyone, every last dime of wasteful, unnecessary, bizarre, and fraudulent spending should be cut from the budget. I refuse to believe that there is no fat in a $4 trillion budget. That's nonsense and only 5 year olds and liberals believe otherwise.

The problem isn't that we don't take in enough in taxes. A mentally challenged orangutang knows that our problem is that we spend too much. Is it too much to ask to cut the budget intelligently? Or should we head to the zoo and look to replace Congress with mentally deficient simians?
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Obama wants to raise the capital gains rates for people who make over One half million dollars per year. This is SURELY the end of civilization as we know it!

Well, a majority of the people would like to see Obama resign. So why doesn't he or would that be the end of the world? It's not up to Obama. the people PUT the Republicans in full control of CONGRESS to stop this maniac from hurting us from his ignorant visions. He should just sit down and shut the hell up...
In a related development, the richest 1% of the world will soon own more than the bottom 50% combined:

Wealthiest 1 will soon own more than rest of us combined Oxfam says - CNN.com

...and the Republicans reply, "Well, if they have no bread, let them eat cake!"
Typical populist argument.

This may or may not be a fact, but assuming it is the case, Obama has done nothing to change it. Matter of fact, it has only worsened exponentially under his watch. Perhaps this is what he wants. Make the problem worse and claim to have the solution to a problem he himself encouraged in the first place.
There is absolutely no doubt which of the two parties King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of France would be supporting if they were around in 2016!
Red States tell the story of right wing economic policy. That's why their governors go to Blue States looking for liberal skilled workers. Period!
the dimocrap party is, and has always been, a criminal organization, NOT a political party.

It's Cloward and Piven tactics. Use existing laws to overload the system and force it's collapse. Articles Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis

Any new proposals are just intended to give the administration yet another tentacle to reach into our lives.

Blog Obama to propose tax increases of 320 billion over 10 years
So, a guy works his whole life, sets up a trust fund so that his kids can benefit from his labors after he's gone, and Obama thinks it's perfectly alright for the federal government to swoop in and scarf up 28%. Most families who take advantage of this tax "loophole" are the families of successful small businessmen - not "trust fund babies" who probably won't miss the 28% anyway.

But it's not so much the amount as it is the concept. Obama once again wishes to punsh the most successful Americans, who build for their family's future, only to see the feds appropriate a sizable part of that future. It is a rancid redistribution scheme and Republicans shouldn't even bring it to the floor.

As for hitting up the banks, this proposal makes more sense, although how much of a deterrent it will be to keep them from making risky loans and investments is a matter of conjecture - especially when the federal government has developed policies that encourage risky lending.

Some of the "Middle Class" benefits the president wishes to bestow make sense. The tax credit for working spouses and tripling of the child care credit would be great - if we could pay for it. And therein lies the biggest problem with the president's insistence on tax increases.

Is there a serious argument that there isn't $32 billion we can't cut from a $4 trillion budget every year for the next 10 years? Before we go raising taxes on anyone, every last dime of wasteful, unnecessary, bizarre, and fraudulent spending should be cut from the budget. I refuse to believe that there is no fat in a $4 trillion budget. That's nonsense and only 5 year olds and liberals believe otherwise.

The problem isn't that we don't take in enough in taxes. A mentally challenged orangutang knows that our problem is that we spend too much. Is it too much to ask to cut the budget intelligently? Or should we head to the zoo and look to replace Congress with mentally deficient simians?
It's profit that was NEVER TAXED.... taxing such profit that was NEVER taxed is not a problem with me.

And you don't even wonder why the top 1% gathers more and more and more and more of the total wealth, while it diminishes among the middle class? It's because the laws in place FAVOR them to gather this wealth....and you lick it up like ice cream...such a good pawn you are....
There is absolutely no doubt which of the two parties King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of France would be supporting if they were around in 2016!

Yes, the ruling party of the wealthy, like the Clintons, Obama, and the Kennedy's.
There is absolutely no doubt which of the two parties King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of France would be supporting if they were around in 2016!

Yes, the ruling party of the wealthy, like the Clintons, Obama, and the Kennedy's.

Who could be bought and sold with Mitt's pocket change.....

But, no matter. There is absolutely no rational reason why taxes on capital gains for people making more than half a million dollars per years should not be raised, rather than raising the taxes on the middle class. When it is brought up by me, or anyone else, the conversation is instantly deflected to what a jerk Obama is, and even how wealthy Kennedy was. In short, the reason why the republicans don't like it is two fold. One, it is Obama's idea. Two, it does not set well with the Koch brothers and their fellow travelers, who are, in fact, the financial engine that drives the Republican party.
There is absolutely no doubt which of the two parties King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of France would be supporting if they were around in 2016!

Yes, the ruling party of the wealthy, like the Clintons, Obama, and the Kennedy's.

Who could be bought and sold with Mitt's pocket change.....

But, no matter. There is absolutely no rational reason why taxes on capital gains for people making more than half a million dollars per years should not be raised, rather than raising the taxes on the middle class. When it is brought up by me, or anyone else, the conversation is instantly deflected to what a jerk Obama is, and even how wealthy Kennedy was. In short, the reason why the republicans don't like it is two fold. One, it is Obama's idea. Two, it does not set well with the Koch brothers and their fellow travelers, who are, in fact, the financial engine that drives the Republican party.

Except, of course, for the fact that making capital more expensive results in less of being available. You know, economic reality and stuff.

Even Obama’s allies in the press are calling his tax hike proposals a political ploy
posted at 2:41 pm on January 19, 2015 by Noah Rothman

You better sit down for this one: President Barack Obama plans to propose a series of new tax hikes in his State of the Union address.

The vast majority of those proposed tax increases are purportedly aimed at the “rich,” although they would invariably affect millions of Americans who do not qualify as well-off by any standard definition.

Many of Obama’s proposed hikes ostensibly target the wealthy by seeking to boost capital gains taxes on investment income and on “gifts” associated with inheritance. None of these proposals have much of a chance of passing the newly GOP-dominated Congress, but they are not necessarily policy recommendations so much as political positioning statements. These populist “soak the rich” pitches are aimed, in part, at helping the White House maneuver ahead of negotiations with Republicans over tax code reform, but they are also designed to appease an increasingly agitated Democratic base apprehensive over what they see as frustratingly Obama’s casual approach to wealth redistribution.

The president surely hoped that the media would not recognize his naked attempt to appeal to the Democratic Party’s restive left-wing and might characterize all of his proposals as honest attempts to address the problem of economic disparity. Unfortunately for the White House, many in the media were not playing along.

“This [tax proposal] is designed to embarrass Republicans into looking like they’re protecting the rich,” NPR contributor Cokie Roberts insisted on Monday. She was not necessarily lamenting the president’s decision to engage in a political ploy, but by even observing its crass political nature undermines its effectiveness.

The New York Times’ Neil Irwin echoed Roberts in acknowledging that Obama’s tax hike proposals were not so much about tax policy but about “shaping the Democratic Party after Obama.”

all of it here:
Even Obama s allies in the press are calling his tax hike proposals a political ploy Hot Air
Obama wants to raise the capital gains rates for people who make over One half million dollars per year. This is SURELY the end of civilization as we know it!

Well, a majority of the people would like to see Obama resign. So why doesn't he or would that be the end of the world? It's not up to Obama. the people PUT the Republicans in full control of CONGRESS to stop this maniac from hurting us from his ignorant visions. He should just sit down and shut the hell up...

They had a chance to ask him to resign in 2012. Over 60 million voters thought otherwise
There is absolutely no doubt which of the two parties King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of France would be supporting if they were around in 2016!

Yes, the ruling party of the wealthy, like the Clintons, Obama, and the Kennedy's.

Who could be bought and sold with Mitt's pocket change.....

But, no matter. There is absolutely no rational reason why taxes on capital gains for people making more than half a million dollars per years should not be raised, rather than raising the taxes on the middle class. When it is brought up by me, or anyone else, the conversation is instantly deflected to what a jerk Obama is, and even how wealthy Kennedy was. In short, the reason why the republicans don't like it is two fold. One, it is Obama's idea. Two, it does not set well with the Koch brothers and their fellow travelers, who are, in fact, the financial engine that drives the Republican party.

Except, of course, for the fact that making capital more expensive results in less of being available. You know, economic reality and stuff.

Less of what?
There is absolutely no doubt which of the two parties King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of France would be supporting if they were around in 2016!

Yes, the ruling party of the wealthy, like the Clintons, Obama, and the Kennedy's.

Who could be bought and sold with Mitt's pocket change.....

But, no matter. There is absolutely no rational reason why taxes on capital gains for people making more than half a million dollars per years should not be raised, rather than raising the taxes on the middle class. When it is brought up by me, or anyone else, the conversation is instantly deflected to what a jerk Obama is, and even how wealthy Kennedy was. In short, the reason why the republicans don't like it is two fold. One, it is Obama's idea. Two, it does not set well with the Koch brothers and their fellow travelers, who are, in fact, the financial engine that drives the Republican party.

Except, of course, for the fact that making capital more expensive results in less of being available. You know, economic reality and stuff.

Less of what?

Russian caviar, maybe?
There is absolutely no doubt which of the two parties King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette of France would be supporting if they were around in 2016!

Yes, the ruling party of the wealthy, like the Clintons, Obama, and the Kennedy's.

Who could be bought and sold with Mitt's pocket change.....

But, no matter. There is absolutely no rational reason why taxes on capital gains for people making more than half a million dollars per years should not be raised, rather than raising the taxes on the middle class. When it is brought up by me, or anyone else, the conversation is instantly deflected to what a jerk Obama is, and even how wealthy Kennedy was. In short, the reason why the republicans don't like it is two fold. One, it is Obama's idea. Two, it does not set well with the Koch brothers and their fellow travelers, who are, in fact, the financial engine that drives the Republican party.

Except, of course, for the fact that making capital more expensive results in less of being available. You know, economic reality and stuff.

Less of what?

Russian caviar, maybe?

Less capital gains, less money, less federal revenue, less what?

Or is caviar your actual answer?

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