Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

I seriously doubt that any politician takes minimum wage laws seriously, or expects them to produce positive outcomes beyond bolstering their own political fortunes.
Obamas premise is that raising the minumum wage would take people out of poverty.Problem with that is he isnt factoring in the cost of goods that will also increase. Its a net loss for so many. How is this not obvious? 1 guy gets a dollar raise while 3 get laid off. The demands put on the one increase as well as the cost of living going up. Where is the upside?

Poverty wont decline. The poverty level will increase though. By a few thousand dollars.

Ever think that the employees of OTHER people will now have a little bit more money, and thus, maybe you'll get more customers as a result since they have more to spend? Sure, that'll mean you gotta have a good product to sale. But, Im sure you do.

We've increased the min wage many times before. We'll be fine. The righties just cant help but react with anger out of greed.

When I was a teenager, in the 50's, we had young men and women as ushers in movies. We had young men and women pumping gas and putting air in tires. We had teenagers sweeping floors and stocking shelves in markets. There were numerous opportunities for after school jobs, for high school kids to make some pocket money and learn what it took to stay employed. The congress raised the minimum wage, and almost all of those jobs have disappeared.

Do you really think we are better off for that increase in the minimum wage?

That had zero to do with minimum wage.
Why stop at $9.00 an hour? Why not force business to pay everyone $50 per hour, or $100?
No one should work full time and remain below the poverty line.

No one should allow themselves to be so devoid of marketable skills that they have to work for such low wages.

Which "marketable" skills are you referring too?

The good fortune to be born into a wealthy family?

Good fortune is not a skill. Marketable as in skills that are worth more than minimum wage.

Obama has essentially said that any full time employee should make at least enough to live on. In short, he wants a living wage. The problem is his economic intelligence is so deficient that he doesn't see the problem with that. First in practice it doesn't work. What is a raise in income for the worker is an increase in expenses for a business. Typically min wage increases lead to greater unemployment among low skilled workers simply because there's less money to pay them. As speaker Boehner accurately pointed out, such a policy move actually make it harder for those on the bottom rungs to climb the economic ladder because there are fewer opportunities for people to gain the skill to climb it.

For theory perspective, Obama is essentially proposing we change the compensation paradigm. No longer should we pay people based on the market value of the skills provided, we should pay them on the basis of what they need. That's wrong. It is wrong because it transfers the responsibility of achieving a socio-economic outcome on to your employer rather where it should be, on you.
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Why stop at $9.00 an hour? Why not force business to pay everyone $50 per hour, or $100?

I've never had much luck with pressing the "completely fucking irrational" nature of minimum wage laws to advocates. Maybe once you've crossed that bridge, there's no coming back?
Why stop at $9.00 an hour? Why not force business to pay everyone $50 per hour, or $100?

I've never had much luck with pressing the "completely fucking irrational" nature of minimum wage laws to advocates. Maybe once you've crossed that bridge, there's no coming back?

Minimum wage is like higher taxes, there's no end to it.
When I was a kid, CEO's earned around 40 times the wage of the average worker. Now it's 300 to 400 times the wage of the average worker. If they are so good, where are the jobs?

Let me guess, when you were a kid there was no minimum wage.

I wonder if those two things are connected.

Adjusted for inflation the minimum wage peaked in 1969.

How is that an argument for the minimum wage? You first have to prove a need for something before you can complain about how it is affected by inflation.

Do you actually want to debate minimum wage, or do you just want to whinge?
No one should work full time and remain below the poverty line.

No one should allow themselves to be so devoid of marketable skills that they have to work for such low wages.

Which "marketable" skills are you referring too?

The good fortune to be born into a wealthy family?

Minimum wage was part of that, even if nosy assholes caused the government to protect teens from getting real world jobs and learning the value of a dollar.
If you dont pay anyone minimum wage, then how does raising minimum wage affect you? It shouldnt be an issue, should it? You may not pay minimum wage now, but soon you will hahahaha!

Because it artificially jacks up the cost of labor across the board, genius.

So...the guys he was paying a little above min wage, will now have the ability to make around that same pay at a lot of other businesses, since min wage will go up. Meaning: He will have to COMPETE a bit harder to keep his employees.

Yes, the cost of labor just went up. "Labor" isn't just a word. Labor is people. Labor is employees. Their worth is more now. You'll have to compete for the good ones a bit harder. Get creative, like Google does for it's employees.

Hey, nobody said business would be easy:eusa_whistle:

You need to return to bagging groceries, since that seems to encompass your knowledge of how business works.

With 23 million unemployed Americans, plus millions of illegals, few businesses need to compete for unskilled labor. Labor is a market, just like any other market, and it is a basic economic fact that when you raise prices in any market, you get less of that product. That simply means that raising the minimum wage, for whatever grand reason, results in less minimum wage jobs. The people who lose their job, or those who cannot get a job because of an increased minimum wage do not consider the result so grand.
No one should work full time and remain below the poverty line.

No one should allow themselves to be so devoid of marketable skills that they have to work for such low wages.

Which "marketable" skills are you referring too?

The good fortune to be born into a wealthy family?

No, Dumbass, I am referring to individuals, and what they do to improve their marketable skills, and therefore improve their lots in life. I am referring to those who take the bull by the horns and improve their value to an employer, and those who just drift through life, expecting someone else to take care of their basic needs.

I wasn't born into a wealthy family, or even a middle class family, and I, like most others who graduated high school, had few marketable skills. Nor, did I have that many options for gainful employment. I managed, without too many personal sacrifices, to gain marketable skills, and eventually moved into the middle class. Any other person, sound of mind and body, can do the same. All it takes is the desire, and a little effort.

Of course, I spent a lot of Friday and Saturday nights with my face in a book while most of my classmates were blowing their minimum pay at the local pub, and complaining about how their lives sucked.
That is a self imposed penalty. Why should everyone else pay more because Johnny didnt pay attention in school?

As you see, and like I've said many times,

it's not just the poor who don't work that the Right hates. They hate the poor with jobs as well.

Stop trolling. That has nothing to do with my response.

You're telling us that kids in college who are working at minimum wage deserve poverty wages because they're too stupid?

You hate the poor, admit it.

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