Obama wants to raise the minimum wage when we're on the verge of a second recession?

So business owners are either going to stop hiring or start hiring illegal workers, because they don't want to pay Americans over $7.25 an hour? We should all look up to these patriotic "job creators".


Not all.

Many will just see that it's not worth the risk to spend $20K per year on basic entry level labor. That's lost opportunity for low skilled people looking for a job.
Do you lefties really believe that forcing employers who already arent hiring to pay more for labor is going to result in more jobs?
How has our nation thrived and dominated the world economy.....with a min wage that has consistently raised over the last few decades????

We built it on the backs of previous generations who understood freedom. The encroachment by government has been slowly occuring the past 100 years. Unless we reverse the trends and start implimenting policy and living the virtuous lives we need to to resettle our foundation, the work our forefathers did will be undone and we will be no better than anyone else. Already, the wisdom our forefathers had is being lost in this generation because of the corruption occuring.

You don't even seem to understand you are making things worse for the unskilled workers while you try to make things better for them. And it doesn't matter the evidence. Do you think it's just a coincidence that we have been having an unemployment problem since we last increased the minimum wage? Or have you even correlated the two?

We had unemployment down to 2% in the 1920s. That was without massive government spending. That was without massive taxation. And that was without a minimum wage. Then progressives managed to convince the people that they cant do jack without the government interfering. Now we've reached a point where a majority of people want to rely on government for their needs and wants. That's not a good place to be.
I thought "trickle down economics" would work? All this is...is to require the rich to engage in trickle down economics.

More money in rich people's pockets = good/ More money in poor people's pockets = bad

^^Is that about right?

nope. Not at all.

Artificially increasing the cost of labor costs jobs. It doesn't benefit the people it claims to benefit.

There is a magic universe that exists inside the minds of statists where good intentions always create wonderful results.
Bucs is right about one thing. I will be okay. But unskilled people wont be.

He's just too fucking stupid to get it. I give up.

As I said, min wage has gone up for decades, and the US got rich. You, like biz owners of the past, will be fine.

And, like past decades, unskilled people will not be ok. Thats why we had crime in the 80's, and 90's, and 00's.

And, back in the 80's and 90's, there were idiots bitching about how raising the minimum wage to $4.25 would bring economic ruin to America.

Just like you are today.

The US hasnt had a stagnant economy with little growth and no hiring all that time ya fool. This is a recipe for economic disaster at this point in time. We're one quarter away from going right back to where we were in 2008 and this is the solution the left comes up with? :cuckoo:
This will happen after the recovery, and after the Pubs are voted out of the House, the stupid a-holes. The ones who ruined the nonrich and demand the last 30 years.
Bucs is right about one thing. I will be okay. But unskilled people wont be.

He's just too fucking stupid to get it. I give up.

As I said, min wage has gone up for decades, and the US got rich. You, like biz owners of the past, will be fine.

And, like past decades, unskilled people will not be ok. Thats why we had crime in the 80's, and 90's, and 00's.

And, back in the 80's and 90's, there were idiots bitching about how raising the minimum wage to $4.25 would bring economic ruin to America.

Just like you are today.

The US hasnt had a stagnant economy with little growth and no hiring all that time ya fool. This is a recipe for economic disaster at this point in time. We're one quarter away from going right back to where we were in 2008 and this is the solution the left comes up with? :cuckoo:


Get to work asshole, you need to go earn me some money, I got billz to pay.

A LIVING WAGE will be $11, the equivalent of the min. wage in 1968, before idiot greedy Pubs destroyed the Great Society.
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What planet do you live on where you believe this to be a good idea?

Beyond that when I take on commercial work I often have to hire temporary help. Help that picks up debris or does simple meanial tasks. Definitely not worthy of the 20+ dollar an hour cost it would end up being going though a temp agency. I simply wouldnt hire while others would resort to illegal under the table practices.

Simple Menial Tasks. Or as we call them, "Jobs the Republican base is qualified for but too lazy to do".

Prosperity through lower wages! Yea!
As I said, min wage has gone up for decades, and the US got rich. You, like biz owners of the past, will be fine.

And, like past decades, unskilled people will not be ok. Thats why we had crime in the 80's, and 90's, and 00's.

And, back in the 80's and 90's, there were idiots bitching about how raising the minimum wage to $4.25 would bring economic ruin to America.

Just like you are today.

The US hasnt had a stagnant economy with little growth and no hiring all that time ya fool. This is a recipe for economic disaster at this point in time. We're one quarter away from going right back to where we were in 2008 and this is the solution the left comes up with? :cuckoo:


Get to work asshole, you need to go earn me some money, I got billz to pay.


When I was a kid, CEO's earned around 40 times the wage of the average worker. Now it's 300 to 400 times the wage of the average worker. If they are so good, where are the jobs?
It's hard to believe the left doesn't see how many jobs and small businesses this would cost. It's like they live in lala-land, with no concept of how the real world works. And the worst part? The youngest voters are the ones who would get screwed the most, and their age group is the one who voted mostly for Obama. I feel for 'em, I really do. High UE, poor economy, huge debt, and unsustainable social programs. They're screwed, and don't appear to even know it.
^ so stupid that the nations largest employer- WallyWorld has 10's of thousands receiving food stamps Righties. :rolleyes:

PolitiFact | Alan Grayson says more Walmart employees on Medicaid, food stamps than other companies
In Ohio, the state Department of Job and Family Services report found Wal-Mart to be the state’s top employer for workers and family members who receive Medicaid (16,098), food stamps (14,799) and cash assistance (803), according to January 2012 numbers.

If there is one argument against the GOP that resonates across demographics it's this one.

They're against abortion, right? So they are against the funding of contraception. The result of which will lead to more pregnancies and, of course, more abortion.

They're against making Wal Mart pay a living wage to their employees. But they are also against robust (or any in most cases) social safety nets for those who are the working poor--the same safety nets that subsidize Wal*Mart's low wages; and those of Target, Ross, Lowes, etc...

They're against any mention of sane limitations on the purchase of guns. One of the arguments that gets repeated over and over are that the guns are necessary to prevent the government from enslaving it's people. Yet many (if not most) are against any cuts in the military spending--the same military they live in constant fear of.
See, this is macro ecconomics, not just your little business- The workers will get, say, 20% more, prices will go up 4%, and DEMAND will go up 10%.
The GOP would be against the right to be against stuff....it it wasn't for them being against so much stuff.
^ so stupid that the nations largest employer- WallyWorld has 10's of thousands receiving food stamps Righties. :rolleyes:

PolitiFact | Alan Grayson says more Walmart employees on Medicaid, food stamps than other companies
In Ohio, the state Department of Job and Family Services report found Wal-Mart to be the state’s top employer for workers and family members who receive Medicaid (16,098), food stamps (14,799) and cash assistance (803), according to January 2012 numbers.

If there is one argument against the GOP that resonates across demographics it's this one.

They're against abortion, right? So they are against the funding of contraception. The result of which will lead to more pregnancies and, of course, more abortion.

They're against making Wal Mart pay a living wage to their employees. But they are also against robust (or any in most cases) social safety nets for those who are the working poor--the same safety nets that subsidize Wal*Mart's low wages; and those of Target, Ross, Lowes, etc...

They're against any mention of sane limitations on the purchase of guns. One of the arguments that gets repeated over and over are that the guns are necessary to prevent the government from enslaving it's people. Yet many (if not most) are against any cuts in the military spending--the same military they live in constant fear of.

Very few are against social safety nets. Most on the right are against the social safety hammock.

Walmart isn't subsidized by social programs, it just educates it's employees on the government programs out there. That's something the mom&pop stores that paid the same low wages didn't do.
See, this is macro ecconomics, not just your little business- The workers will get, say, 20% more, prices will go up 4%, and DEMAND will go up 10%.

Unemployment will go up. Low-skilled jobs will disappear because the market won't bear increased prices in low margin industries. Income inequality will increase because barriers to entry into the workforce will increase.

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