Obama wants to raise tobacco taxes - again...

Percentage-wise, Obama is smacking the hell out of tobacco users.

5. Tobacco tax hike. The president's budget nearly doubles the tobacco tax, from $1.01 to $1.95 per pack, and then indexes it to inflation from there. This is a clear tax hike on middle class Americans. According to independent estimates, the average smoker in America makes about $40,000 per year. Additionally, tobacco taxes are a declining tax revenue base, and as a result it's inappropriate to fund new government programs using it. This isn't the first time President Obama has raised federal tobacco taxes. In 2009, on his 16th day in office, he signed into law a 156 percent increase in the tobacco tax. Such tax increases are a violation of Obama's central campaign promise not to sign "any form of tax increase" on Americans making less than $250,000 per year. Tax increase: $78 billion.

Top 10 Tax Hikes in the Obama Budget

What other group or product is getting raped like this?
Percentage-wise, Obama is smacking the hell out of tobacco users.

5. Tobacco tax hike. The president's budget nearly doubles the tobacco tax, from $1.01 to $1.95 per pack, and then indexes it to inflation from there. This is a clear tax hike on middle class Americans. According to independent estimates, the average smoker in America makes about $40,000 per year. Additionally, tobacco taxes are a declining tax revenue base, and as a result it's inappropriate to fund new government programs using it. This isn't the first time President Obama has raised federal tobacco taxes. In 2009, on his 16th day in office, he signed into law a 156 percent increase in the tobacco tax. Such tax increases are a violation of Obama's central campaign promise not to sign "any form of tax increase" on Americans making less than $250,000 per year. Tax increase: $78 billion.

Top 10 Tax Hikes in the Obama Budget

What other group or product is getting raped like this?

middle class white males???
Turn a vice into something nice. The promise is often that new revenues generated from the vice will go towards saving children and puppy dogs. The promises are designed to give people that warm fuzzy feeling but never deliver on the full extent of the promise. Gambling and the Florida lottery are one such example. Sold to reluctant voters as a means of supplementing educational spending in Florida, 20 years later it has supplanted (replaced) state spending on education, allowing legislators to redirect spending to non-education areas. Florida has in fact dropped in spending per student and ranks near the bottom when compared to other states.

Enjoy that warm fuzzy feeling as long as you can.
This highly pisses me off - again. Not one penny of tobacco taxes goes toward smokers' healthcare - so why in the hell should smokers (tobacco users) be taxed to pay for children's healthcare and schooling?

On this - I say fuck you, Obama!

so what if it pisses you off

Turn a vice into something nice. The promise is often that new revenues generated from the vice will go towards saving children and puppy dogs. The promises are designed to give people that warm fuzzy feeling but never deliver on the full extent of the promise. Gambling and the Florida lottery are one such example. Sold to reluctant voters as a means of supplementing educational spending in Florida, 20 years later it has supplanted (replaced) state spending on education, allowing legislators to redirect spending to non-education areas. Florida has in fact dropped in spending per student and ranks near the bottom when compared to other states.

Enjoy that warm fuzzy feeling as long as you can.

Thank you and Amen! It's all about the warm fuzzy lie.
Percentage-wise, Obama is smacking the hell out of tobacco users.

5. Tobacco tax hike. The president's budget nearly doubles the tobacco tax, from $1.01 to $1.95 per pack, and then indexes it to inflation from there. This is a clear tax hike on middle class Americans. According to independent estimates, the average smoker in America makes about $40,000 per year. Additionally, tobacco taxes are a declining tax revenue base, and as a result it's inappropriate to fund new government programs using it. This isn't the first time President Obama has raised federal tobacco taxes. In 2009, on his 16th day in office, he signed into law a 156 percent increase in the tobacco tax. Such tax increases are a violation of Obama's central campaign promise not to sign "any form of tax increase" on Americans making less than $250,000 per year. Tax increase: $78 billion.

Top 10 Tax Hikes in the Obama Budget

What other group or product is getting raped like this?

Alcohol, but to a somewhat lesser extent.
The people got what they voted for.

Everyone knew he wouldn't stop taxes.

obama is helping to make America

a smugglers paradise


the ATF worries that cigs will if not already become

the #1 smuggled product

big un taxed $$profits$$ to be made under the table


a study out of chicago reported and this is a couple of years old now

that 7 of 10 tax stamps on a random packs of smokes

in the down town area or the city had the

wrong tax stamp
Turn a vice into something nice. The promise is often that new revenues generated from the vice will go towards saving children and puppy dogs. The promises are designed to give people that warm fuzzy feeling but never deliver on the full extent of the promise. Gambling and the Florida lottery are one such example. Sold to reluctant voters as a means of supplementing educational spending in Florida, 20 years later it has supplanted (replaced) state spending on education, allowing legislators to redirect spending to non-education areas. Florida has in fact dropped in spending per student and ranks near the bottom when compared to other states.

Enjoy that warm fuzzy feeling as long as you can.

What is their standing as far as educational results?
Maine will also be increasing taxes again (they just did a few months ago) by another 30 cents.

So it looks like the ciggies I buy will soon cost about $9.50 a pack.

FWIW when I started smoking as a kid they cost about 30 cents a pack and I made about 85 cents an hour washing dishes.

Wonder how many dishwashers are making $9.50 x 2.5 = $23.75 per hour these days?
Percentage-wise, Obama is smacking the hell out of tobacco users.

5. Tobacco tax hike. The president's budget nearly doubles the tobacco tax, from $1.01 to $1.95 per pack, and then indexes it to inflation from there. This is a clear tax hike on middle class Americans. According to independent estimates, the average smoker in America makes about $40,000 per year. Additionally, tobacco taxes are a declining tax revenue base, and as a result it's inappropriate to fund new government programs using it. This isn't the first time President Obama has raised federal tobacco taxes. In 2009, on his 16th day in office, he signed into law a 156 percent increase in the tobacco tax. Such tax increases are a violation of Obama's central campaign promise not to sign "any form of tax increase" on Americans making less than $250,000 per year. Tax increase: $78 billion.

Top 10 Tax Hikes in the Obama Budget

Preaching to the choir, I knew this and more will be coming.
Maine will also be increasing taxes again (they just did a few months ago) by another 30 cents.

So it looks like the ciggies I buy will soon cost about $9.50 a pack.

FWIW when I started smoking as a kid they cost about 30 cents a pack and I made about 85 cents an hour washing dishes.

Wonder how many dishwashers are making $9.50 x 2.5 = $23.75 per hour these days?

a lot but only in the oil rich state of North Dakota

Percentage-wise, Obama is smacking the hell out of tobacco users.

5. Tobacco tax hike. The president's budget nearly doubles the tobacco tax, from $1.01 to $1.95 per pack, and then indexes it to inflation from there. This is a clear tax hike on middle class Americans. According to independent estimates, the average smoker in America makes about $40,000 per year. Additionally, tobacco taxes are a declining tax revenue base, and as a result it's inappropriate to fund new government programs using it. This isn't the first time President Obama has raised federal tobacco taxes. In 2009, on his 16th day in office, he signed into law a 156 percent increase in the tobacco tax. Such tax increases are a violation of Obama's central campaign promise not to sign "any form of tax increase" on Americans making less than $250,000 per year. Tax increase: $78 billion.

Top 10 Tax Hikes in the Obama Budget

Preaching to the choir, I knew this and more will be coming.

that was pretty much the dire warning sent out before the election
Turn a vice into something nice. The promise is often that new revenues generated from the vice will go towards saving children and puppy dogs. The promises are designed to give people that warm fuzzy feeling but never deliver on the full extent of the promise. Gambling and the Florida lottery are one such example. Sold to reluctant voters as a means of supplementing educational spending in Florida, 20 years later it has supplanted (replaced) state spending on education, allowing legislators to redirect spending to non-education areas. Florida has in fact dropped in spending per student and ranks near the bottom when compared to other states.

Enjoy that warm fuzzy feeling as long as you can.

What is their standing as far as educational results?

I was responding to the fact that new taxes are promised to a good cause but often fail to deliver on that promise. My sister has been a primary school teacher in Florida for some ten years. She buys most of her kids school supplies using her own money. She isn't the only one to do this. With the Lottery, no one imagined that it would be that way so many years later.
Of course they will raise the cigarette taxes. If everyone quitts smoking they will have to raise the taxes somewhere else to get the money.

As for education?? We dump billions into that bottomless pit every year and the education in this country still stinks.
Of course they will raise the cigarette taxes. If everyone quitts smoking they will have to raise the taxes somewhere else to get the money.

As for education?? We dump billions into that bottomless pit every year and the education in this country still stinks.

who says they quitts

many simply go black market

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