Obama-Warren and Counterfeit Diversity


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. "The nearly simultaneous exposure of the false claims of Elizabeth Warren to Cherokee ancestry and Obama's to Kenyan nationality is an example of two events that are not quite a pure coincidence.

a. ...an author's bio written in the early '90s stated that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. There is little or no possibility that it was printed without his knowledge. (One of the similarities between the two cases is that the institutions involved simply repeated what the principals said.) The bio made the Kenya claim because that's what Obama told its fabricators to put down.

b. Elizabeth Warren. In comparison to Obama, Warren's case is simplicity itself: she was claiming to be something she was not in order to ease her climb up the academic ladder. Warren asserted herself to be an American Indian, ... Her case rests on a document that research by the Breibart sites has demonstrated to be nonexistent.

2. Warren, already female, decided to throw in the Indian card as well to trump the competition. ...she played it for all it was worth, ...Warren achieved the highest academic positions, served as advisor to the president, and was a candidate for a powerful federal position, and now she has a shot at the U.S. Senate. All of this is based on a single untruth about her ethnic background. Clearly, Warren is something of a poster girl for affirmative action.

3. Warren may also have given us the key to the Obama records conundrum. Obama was making his way through the Ivies at roughly the same time as Warren, during the period when PC was becoming dominant.

a. Obama was black -- at least in part -- which represents the hole card as regards diversity, trumping feminism, sexuality, and almost any brand of foreign origin. We know he played that to the hilt. But there were plenty of other blacks breaking into academia at the time. Obama faced a lot of competition, the same as Warren did from other females. But Obama, also like Warren, possessed another card. That is...if you didn't look too closely.

b. That was the Kenya connection. It's quite likely he didn't even have to make the claim explicitly. In the atmosphere of the time, educational institutions were desperate to pad the roster by any and every means in order to demonstrate their "diversity." All that Obama needed to do was simply mention that his father was a Kenyan political personality, and well-programmed academic functionaries would fill in the rest.

4. ...a serious third-worlder, in the pure Frantz Fanon sense, within a milieu where third-world figures are automatically granted sainthood. And beyond that, it may very likely have resulted in financial rewards, in the form of grants or scholarships (his father, after all, was a beneficiary of such a program). Without opening the records, we will never know.

5. Then, when the lie became inconvenient -- when Obama began thinking of the presidency -- the claim was either scrubbed or locked up behind academic privacy walls,...

a. ...the parallels between the two cases -- academia, ethnicity, diversity, cheating, false claims -- are enticing and structurally impressive. If this isn't the explanation, I suspect it's very close.

6. Claiming that you're a foreigner is not an impeachable offense, not even illegal, as such. But it is perfectly in line with the squalid personality and record of our hustler president. He has failed as a leader, he has failed as a statesman, and he is now failing as a fraud. It's really too bad he didn't choose to present himself as, say, a quarter Cherokee."
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