Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today: First Black Harvard Law Review President

President Obama's most historic barrier breaking quotes lets hear them...

1. "If you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them, period"
2. "families will save $2,500 a year on their health insurance"
3. "It wasn't my red line in Syria it was the worlds red line"

Sounds like the OP really bothers you - since you're trying so hard to derail the thread.

I admit the OP bothers me because you are a racist who is impressed with people's skin color more than who they are and what they do.

President Barack Obama became the first black president 25 years ago today -- of the Harvard Law Review, that is.

The New York Times shared a screenshot Friday of their 1990 profile of Obama, which ran after he became the first black student elected to preside over the Review. Obama was 28 years old at the time.


Read the full profile here.

More: Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today

Obama and his family must have been very proud. We're also proud of you. Nice job, Mr. President.
A hand job behind the stacks went a long way back in the day. Now he can't get shit no matter what he does.
President Obama's most historic barrier breaking quotes lets hear them...

1. "If you like your plan and your doctor you can keep them, period"
2. "families will save $2,500 a year on their health insurance"
3. "It wasn't my red line in Syria it was the worlds red line"

Sounds like the OP really bothers you - since you're trying so hard to derail the thread.

Ahahaha this thread was derailed by the OP in post #1 talk about your Obama man love thread wow. :laugh:
Where are Obama's law review articles he allegedly edited? Why doesn't he release them?

Is this supposed to make sense? I suggest you talk to someone who actually was on a law review. The editors edit all the articles that are in the law review they publish. That is why they are called editors. Duh! Law reviews are mostly for professors to publish articles edited by the students. Students sometimes get one article or case notes published, in the case of a case note often without signature. Here is the case note written by Obama publish in the Law Review which has been available on the internet for a while:

Barack Obama s Harvard Law Review Student Case Comment
Where are Obama's law review articles he allegedly edited? Why doesn't he release them?

Is this supposed to make sense? I suggest you talk to someone who actually was on a law review. The editors edit all the articles that are in the law review they publish. That is why they are called editors. Duh! Law reviews are mostly for professors to publish articles edited by the students. Students sometimes get one article or case notes published, in the case of a case note often without signature. Here is the case note written by Obama publish in the Law Review which has been available on the internet for a while:

Barack Obama s Harvard Law Review Student Case Comment
Seriously? If Obama were a SCOTUS nominee he would have been laughed out of committee. Yet, because he was black, he qualified for president. We really dropped the standard in the last two elections.

President Barack Obama became the first black president 25 years ago today -- of the Harvard Law Review, that is.

The New York Times shared a screenshot Friday of their 1990 profile of Obama, which ran after he became the first black student elected to preside over the Review. Obama was 28 years old at the time.


Read the full profile here.

More: Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today

Obama and his family must have been very proud. We're also proud of you. Nice job, Mr. President.

Getting on Law Review of any of the top 10-15 law schools in this country is a huge feat. I have second-hand knowledge of this (my former spouse). If elected as editor of the Law Review it reveals that your writing skills are superior as well as grasp of the fundamentals for researching the law.

So becoming editor of the Harvard Law Review is like being the top draft into the NFL for the New England Patriots to replace Tom Brady, if I can dumb it down for our friends on the right.


President Barack Obama became the first black president 25 years ago today -- of the Harvard Law Review, that is.

The New York Times shared a screenshot Friday of their 1990 profile of Obama, which ran after he became the first black student elected to preside over the Review. Obama was 28 years old at the time.


Read the full profile here.

More: Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today

Obama and his family must have been very proud. We're also proud of you. Nice job, Mr. President.
A hand job behind the stacks went a long way back in the day. Now he can't get shit no matter what he does.

Why are righties so jealous of Obama's academic accomplishments?
Where are Obama's law review articles he allegedly edited? Why doesn't he release them?

Is this supposed to make sense? I suggest you talk to someone who actually was on a law review. The editors edit all the articles that are in the law review they publish. That is why they are called editors. Duh! Law reviews are mostly for professors to publish articles edited by the students. Students sometimes get one article or case notes published, in the case of a case note often without signature. Here is the case note written by Obama publish in the Law Review which has been available on the internet for a while:

Barack Obama s Harvard Law Review Student Case Comment
Seriously? If Obama were a SCOTUS nominee he would have been laughed out of committee. Yet, because he was black, he qualified for president. We really dropped the standard in the last two elections.

Why would that be? He graduated with pretty much the same credentials from Harvard as Scalia or Roberts. Just because you hate him doesn't mean he is not qualified.
Where are Obama's law review articles he allegedly edited? Why doesn't he release them?

Is this supposed to make sense? I suggest you talk to someone who actually was on a law review. The editors edit all the articles that are in the law review they publish. That is why they are called editors. Duh! Law reviews are mostly for professors to publish articles edited by the students. Students sometimes get one article or case notes published, in the case of a case note often without signature. Here is the case note written by Obama publish in the Law Review which has been available on the internet for a while:

Barack Obama s Harvard Law Review Student Case Comment
Seriously? If Obama were a SCOTUS nominee he would have been laughed out of committee. Yet, because he was black, he qualified for president. We really dropped the standard in the last two elections.

If we're talking minorities on the Supreme Court, it's too bad that Clarence Thomas wasn't laughed out of the committee.

Wow, we should all feel proud to have such an accomplished man as our president.

President Barack Obama became the first black president 25 years ago today -- of the Harvard Law Review, that is.

The New York Times shared a screenshot Friday of their 1990 profile of Obama, which ran after he became the first black student elected to preside over the Review. Obama was 28 years old at the time.


Read the full profile here.

More: Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today

Obama and his family must have been very proud. We're also proud of you. Nice job, Mr. President.

Getting on Law Review of any of the top 10-15 law schools in this country is a huge feat. I have second-hand knowledge of this (my former spouse). If elected as editor of the Law Review it reveals that your writing skills are superior as well as grasp of the fundamentals for researching the law.

So becoming editor of the Harvard Law Review is like being the top draft into the NFL for the New England Patriots to replace Tom Brady, if I can dumb it down for our friends on the right.

If he is so brilliant, why doesn't he release one of his reviews?
Where are Obama's law review articles he allegedly edited? Why doesn't he release them?

Is this supposed to make sense? I suggest you talk to someone who actually was on a law review. The editors edit all the articles that are in the law review they publish. That is why they are called editors. Duh! Law reviews are mostly for professors to publish articles edited by the students. Students sometimes get one article or case notes published, in the case of a case note often without signature. Here is the case note written by Obama publish in the Law Review which has been available on the internet for a while:

Barack Obama s Harvard Law Review Student Case Comment
Seriously? If Obama were a SCOTUS nominee he would have been laughed out of committee. Yet, because he was black, he qualified for president. We really dropped the standard in the last two elections.

Why would that be? He graduated with pretty much the same credentials from Harvard as Scalia or Roberts. Just because you hate him doesn't mean he is not qualified.
Although politically incorrect today, the Obama example will be testament to the folly of affirmative action and the decline of America for historians.
Obama is not even black. He's the offspring of an absentee father who was an African national and an assimilated white American mother and was raised by assimilated white American grandparents in an assimilated mostly white American community. All he has that is remotely black is skin color. But isn't that all it comes down to for segregationist democrats? Isn't that all that matters?
Then consider that superficial race-based merit system got him socially promoted all of his life to the point where his voters at Harvard dare not vote against the ostensible black man because that would make them racist in the eyes of insulated white lefties.

I hear that a lot from white people.

Who considers Obama to be black?

African Americans.
Obama is not even black. He's the offspring of an absentee father who was an African national and an assimilated white American mother and was raised by assimilated white American grandparents in an assimilated mostly white American community. All he has that is remotely black is skin color. But isn't that all it comes down to for segregationist democrats? Isn't that all that matters?
Then consider that superficial race-based merit system got him socially promoted all of his life to the point where his voters at Harvard dare not vote against the ostensible black man because that would make them racist in the eyes of insulated white lefties.

I hear that a lot from white people.

Who considers Obama to be black?

African Americans.
That speaks for itself. And helps make my point. Self-identifying blacks vote almost exclusively democrat.

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