Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today: First Black Harvard Law Review President

Oh, boy. . . . You realize that Obama only got chosen to be the HLR editor after the rules for choosing the editor were changed to consider factors other than just merit, right? Until Obama was chosen, the editor was always one of the top five law students, regardless of race. That rule was changed. If it had not been changed, Obama would not even have been eligible for consideration.
Oh, boy. . . . You realize that Obama only got chosen to be the HLR editor after the rules for choosing the editor were changed to consider factors other than just merit, right? Until Obama was chosen, the editor was always one of the top five law students, regardless of race. That rule was changed. If it had not been changed, Obama would not even have been eligible for consideration.

Give us some "credible" proof that Obama wasn't "eligible for consideration" due to grades and class standing.

At the end of his first year he was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review based on his grades and a writing competition.[59]

Early life and career of Barack Obama - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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Oh, boy. . . . You realize that Obama only got chosen to be the HLR editor after the rules for choosing the editor were changed to consider factors other than just merit, right? Until Obama was chosen, the editor was always one of the top five law students, regardless of race. That rule was changed. If it had not been changed, Obama would not even have been eligible for consideration.

The rule was changed to include writing ability in the early 70s. Something pretty relevant to the head of a publication. And with Obama graduating Magna Cum Laude, he's clearly not an academic slouch.
Oh, boy. . . . You realize that Obama only got chosen to be the HLR editor after the rules for choosing the editor were changed to consider factors other than just merit, right? Until Obama was chosen, the editor was always one of the top five law students, regardless of race. That rule was changed. If it had not been changed, Obama would not even have been eligible for consideration.

The rule was changed to include writing ability in the early 70s. Something pretty relevant to the head of a publication. And with Obama graduating Magna Cum Laude, he's clearly not an academic slouch.

Thank you! I agree!
President Barack Obama became the first black president 25 years ago today -- of the Harvard Law Review, that is.

The New York Times shared a screenshot Friday of their 1990 profile of Obama, which ran after he became the first black student elected to preside over the Review. Obama was 28 years old at the time.


Read the full profile here.

More: Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today

Obama and his family must have been very proud. We're also proud of you. Nice job, Mr. President.
Yes he was!


That was CORRECTED - you racist asshole.

Knowing full well the flood of comments that is about to ensue, here's the statement that the literary agent who has stirred up quite the controversy this afternoon gave to Political Wire:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

More: The Literary Agent Who Wrote That Obama Was Born In Kenya Says It Was A Mistake

Did she explain why she made up where authors were born without asking them?

Did the publisher explain why they continued to use it for 16 years, until 2007?
President Barack Obama became the first black president 25 years ago today -- of the Harvard Law Review, that is.

The New York Times shared a screenshot Friday of their 1990 profile of Obama, which ran after he became the first black student elected to preside over the Review. Obama was 28 years old at the time.


Read the full profile here.

More: Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today

Obama and his family must have been very proud. We're also proud of you. Nice job, Mr. President.
Yes he was!


That was CORRECTED - you racist asshole.

Knowing full well the flood of comments that is about to ensue, here's the statement that the literary agent who has stirred up quite the controversy this afternoon gave to Political Wire:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

More: The Literary Agent Who Wrote That Obama Was Born In Kenya Says It Was A Mistake

Did she explain why she made up where authors were born without asking them?

Did the publisher explain why they continued to use it for 16 years, until 2007?
Probably because no one bothered to look at it again until after Audacity of Hope came out 2006. Either that, or after his presidential campaign was announced in 2007.

You'll note it hadn't been updated with any accomplishment after 1991. Like....becoming a State Senator. Or a US senator. Both of which they would have added if they'd been looking at it before 2007.

President Barack Obama became the first black president 25 years ago today -- of the Harvard Law Review, that is.

The New York Times shared a screenshot Friday of their 1990 profile of Obama, which ran after he became the first black student elected to preside over the Review. Obama was 28 years old at the time.


Read the full profile here.

More: Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today

Obama and his family must have been very proud. We're also proud of you. Nice job, Mr. President.
A hand job behind the stacks went a long way back in the day. Now he can't get shit no matter what he does.

Why are righties so jealous of Obama's academic accomplishments?
President Barack Obama became the first black president 25 years ago today -- of the Harvard Law Review, that is.

The New York Times shared a screenshot Friday of their 1990 profile of Obama, which ran after he became the first black student elected to preside over the Review. Obama was 28 years old at the time.


Read the full profile here.

More: Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today

Obama and his family must have been very proud. We're also proud of you. Nice job, Mr. President.
Yes he was!


That was CORRECTED - you racist asshole.

Knowing full well the flood of comments that is about to ensue, here's the statement that the literary agent who has stirred up quite the controversy this afternoon gave to Political Wire:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

More: The Literary Agent Who Wrote That Obama Was Born In Kenya Says It Was A Mistake

Did she explain why she made up where authors were born without asking them?

Did the publisher explain why they continued to use it for 16 years, until 2007?
Probably because no one bothered to look at it again until after Audacity of Hope came out 2006. Either that, or after his presidential campaign was announced in 2007.

You'll note it hadn't been updated with any accomplishment after 1991. Like....becoming a State Senator. Or a US senator. Both of which they would have added if they'd been looking at it before 2007.

Show where the publisher makes up birth locations for their authors. She called it a "fact checking" error, that doesn't explain who made up he was born in Kenya.
Oh, boy. . . . You realize that Obama only got chosen to be the HLR editor after the rules for choosing the editor were changed to consider factors other than just merit, right? Until Obama was chosen, the editor was always one of the top five law students, regardless of race. That rule was changed. If it had not been changed, Obama would not even have been eligible for consideration.

Give us some "credible" proof that Obama wasn't "eligible for consideration" due to grades and class standing.

At the end of his first year he was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review based on his grades and a writing competition.[59]

Early life and career of Barack Obama - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Could you expound on his writings and reviews?

President Barack Obama became the first black president 25 years ago today -- of the Harvard Law Review, that is.

The New York Times shared a screenshot Friday of their 1990 profile of Obama, which ran after he became the first black student elected to preside over the Review. Obama was 28 years old at the time.


Read the full profile here.

More: Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today

Obama and his family must have been very proud. We're also proud of you. Nice job, Mr. President.
A hand job behind the stacks went a long way back in the day. Now he can't get shit no matter what he does.

Why are righties so jealous of Obama's academic accomplishments?
President Barack Obama became the first black president 25 years ago today -- of the Harvard Law Review, that is.

The New York Times shared a screenshot Friday of their 1990 profile of Obama, which ran after he became the first black student elected to preside over the Review. Obama was 28 years old at the time.


Read the full profile here.

More: Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today

Obama and his family must have been very proud. We're also proud of you. Nice job, Mr. President.
Yes he was!


That was CORRECTED - you racist asshole.

Knowing full well the flood of comments that is about to ensue, here's the statement that the literary agent who has stirred up quite the controversy this afternoon gave to Political Wire:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

More: The Literary Agent Who Wrote That Obama Was Born In Kenya Says It Was A Mistake

Did she explain why she made up where authors were born without asking them?

Did the publisher explain why they continued to use it for 16 years, until 2007?
Probably because no one bothered to look at it again until after Audacity of Hope came out 2006. Either that, or after his presidential campaign was announced in 2007.

You'll note it hadn't been updated with any accomplishment after 1991. Like....becoming a State Senator. Or a US senator. Both of which they would have added if they'd been looking at it before 2007.

Show where the publisher makes up birth locations for their authors. She called it a "fact checking" error, that doesn't explain who made up he was born in Kenya.

Who says that it was 'made up'? You do.

The woman who put the pamphlet together says it was an error on her part. And confirms that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya. Since it is well known that Obama's family is from Kenya, its not an implausible leap to mistake Obama for having been born in Kenya as well.

So why would I ignore Miriam Goderich, the woman who created the pamphlet in question and instead believe you citing yourself?

Remember, and this point is fundamental: You don't actually have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Miriam Goderich does.
So why would I ignore Miriam Goderich, the woman who created the pamphlet in question and instead believe you citing yourself?

Remember, and this point is fundamental: You don't actually have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Miriam Goderich does.

I didn't say to "ignore" her, it's a data point. Someone tells you to write a blurb about an author. You don't ask the author, yet you come up with a country they were born in. But you don't make it up either. :lmao: You'll believe anything that serves the cause of liberalism.

What about the British government, do you believe them when they say they stand behind what they said? Or is that different, you just blindly believe researchers who say they didn't do their job and won't call the President of the United States a liar?
So why would I ignore Miriam Goderich, the woman who created the pamphlet in question and instead believe you citing yourself?

Remember, and this point is fundamental: You don't actually have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Miriam Goderich does.

I didn't say to "ignore" her, it's a data point.
If you have a source better than Miriam Goderich, by all means present it. But you don't. You're offering us yourself.

You know nothing more about their communication than she's told you. You know nothing of the procedures for writing a bio for a promotional pamphlet for Acton and Dystel. You know nothing of the sources that she used. You have no direct knowledge of any issue you're attempting to discuss.

You're offering us baseless speculation and innuendo regarding a topic you know nothing about. You can offer no data points.

Miriam Goderich made the pamphlet in question. She worked at Acton and Dystel. She was privy to all communication with Obama. She's a direct eye witness and the world's leading authority on the pamphlet and its content.

Why would I ignore her and instead believe you?
Former publisher Tom Lipscomb does not buy Goderich's explanation for a New York minute. "As someone who has run a number of top bestseller publishers, I think this is an amazing MIRACLE," writes Lipscomb emphatically on Power Line "It is the ONLY case I have ever heard of in which an editorial assistant INVENTED a biographical detail. I have heard of typos, wrong dates, misspellings of names. But to pick a really weird country of origin like Kenya for an author?"

The Breitbart people followed up with a piece by Steve Boman, a Jane Dystel client in the mid-1990s, who noted, "All material she used in our proposals came directly from me and my writing partner." This is standard. In the eight books I have written under my own name, I have reviewed all biographical information sent out about me either by agent or publisher. Like most authors, I have let a little fluff pass, but not much.

Read more: Articles Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No Fact Checking Error

Factchecking error my ass! Miriam Goderich has refused to take questions since her scripted response falling on the sword for Obama to protect him.
Articles Why Kenyan Birth Claim Was No Fact Checking Error

Former publisher Tom Lipscomb does not buy Goderich's explanation for a New York minute. "As someone who has run a number of top bestseller publishers, I think this is an amazing MIRACLE," writes Lipscomb emphatically on Power Line "It is the ONLY case I have ever heard of in which an editorial assistant INVENTED a biographical detail. I have heard of typos, wrong dates, misspellings of names. But to pick a really weird country of origin like Kenya for an author?"

The PJ Media blogger? This guy?

Obama Is a Martian PJ Media

Wow. A rabidly anti-Obama PJ media blogger saying Miriam Goderich must be lying.


The Breitbart people followed up with a piece by Steve Boman, a Jane Dystel client in the mid-1990s, who noted, "All material she used in our proposals came directly from me and my writing partner." This is standard. In the eight books I have written under my own name, I have reviewed all biographical information sent out about me either by agent or publisher. Like most authors, I have let a little fluff pass, but not much.

The pamphlet was created by Acton and Dystel. And Steve Boman has never been a client of Acton and Dystel. Jay Acton confirms, in Acton and Dystel, people almost never wrote their own bios.

Factchecking error my ass! Miriam Goderich has refused to take questions since her scripted response. She pulled a Brian Williams and went underground.

You've already ignored her account of the mistake she made in 1991. Hell, you've ignored Hawaii on its own vital documents. What would be the purpose in additional questions when you've already ignored everything she's said?

As for her 'going underground', and she's not a public figure. She's a partner in a literary agency. And she's still working at Dystel and Goderich as a partner. You can email her.

You're literally just making this shit up as you go along.
So why would I ignore Miriam Goderich, the woman who created the pamphlet in question and instead believe you citing yourself?

Remember, and this point is fundamental: You don't actually have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Miriam Goderich does.

I didn't say to "ignore" her, it's a data point.
If you have a source better than Miriam Goderich, by all means present it. But you don't. You're offering us yourself.

You know nothing more about their communication than she's told you. You know nothing of the procedures for writing a bio for a promotional pamphlet for Acton and Dystel. You know nothing of the sources that she used. You have no direct knowledge of any issue you're attempting to discuss.

You're offering us baseless speculation and innuendo regarding a topic you know nothing about. You can offer no data points.

Miriam Goderich made the pamphlet in question. She worked at Acton and Dystel. She was privy to all communication with Obama. She's a direct eye witness and the world's leading authority on the pamphlet and its content.

Why would I ignore her and instead believe you?

Deflection. How did the word "Kenya" get written down? She didn't explain that, you are ignoring that. The reason to not believe her is her job was to fact check A BLURB and she didn't do that. Her company should demand her salary back.

President Barack Obama became the first black president 25 years ago today -- of the Harvard Law Review, that is.

The New York Times shared a screenshot Friday of their 1990 profile of Obama, which ran after he became the first black student elected to preside over the Review. Obama was 28 years old at the time.


Read the full profile here.

More: Obama Was Breaking Barriers 25 Years Ago Today

Obama and his family must have been very proud. We're also proud of you. Nice job, Mr. President.

Gee. If he's so fucking great why doesn't he release his college transcripts??
It's strange that you would celebrate someone getting a job who did not deserve the job and who was selected over far-more-qualified candidates solely on the basis of his race. That's called racial discrimination, by the way. But I suspect you're ok with it in this case.
He got the Review Presidency through Affirmative Action, NOT accomplishment.

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