Obama ... We Need to Overcome Our Religious Convictions?

Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
He wants us to forget about laws, morals, or decency.

He's a Godless commie.

Nuff said.
Obama thinks all of you should still be getting in PEOPLES faces. what a LEADER eh?

I hope a few of you do and end up with fat noses...lol

You are aware that a simple search on the internet usually provides the rest of the story, right?

That clip is from Obama's election campaign and he was talking about telling your friends and neighbors that are against him about where he stands on the issues so that they'll vote for him. It was posted on youtube 6 years ago.

sit down. I don't care what was about. He's still telling people to get in PEOPLES faces.

Let me see if I understand this - you're ok with someone taking what you've said out of context and using it to misreprent what you've said?
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
He wants us to forget about laws, morals, or decency.

He's a Godless commie.

Nuff said.

he's that Secularist we are all suppose to bow down to every time he spews as if he's OUR GOD

the worst DIVIDER ever as a President of our country. we still have a year and half of the puke
Obama thinks all of you should still be getting in PEOPLES faces. what a LEADER eh?

I hope a few of you do and end up with fat noses...lol

You are aware that a simple search on the internet usually provides the rest of the story, right?

That clip is from Obama's election campaign and he was talking about telling your friends and neighbors that are against him about where he stands on the issues so that they'll vote for him. It was posted on youtube 6 years ago.

sit down. I don't care what was about. He's still telling people to get in PEOPLES faces.

Let me see if I understand this - you're ok with someone taking what you've said out of context and using it to misreprent what you've said?

go back to kissing up to Wry. You are two condescending peas in a pod
Here's how much the people gives a crap what that man SPEWS on us every day. We must be paying for a hundred speech writers for the jerk he has SO MUCH to say all the time


Shocker! CNN Poll Shows Almost Zero Support For Obama’s Gun Control Plans After Charleston…

Polls? We don’t need no stinkin’ polls.

Via Washington Examiner

Neither President Obama’s new calls for gun control or the public’s reaction to the horrific church killings in Charleston, S.C., have boosted support for White House action on pistols and rifles, according to a new CNN Poll.

In fact, support is below what CNN registered after the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, which did not result in any new gun policies.

The new CNN/ORC poll found that 42 percent approve of the way Obama is handling gun policy compared to 53 percent who do not approve. In two early 2013 polls following the Sandy Hook killings, the president’s approval on gun policy reached 46 percent. The issue splits on racial lines, however, with 61 percent of whites disapproving of the president’s gun policies and 79 percent of blacks approving.

As a result, several congressional and pro-gun sources said that support for broad gun control and a new assault weapons ban are dead on Capitol Hill.

Keep reading

all of it here:
Shocker CNN Poll Shows Almost Zero Support For Obama s Gun Control Plans After Charleston Weasel Zippers
Remember the good old days when the hard far right posters on the Board set traps so they could report their opponents hoping to get them banned.

Until Stat showed the way how to break the rep back of the far right.

Most of that trash on the far right are gone now. Riddance to rubbish.


^ Progressive Messiah

Stats <3 Starkey <3 Stats
Remember the good old days when the hard far right posters on the Board set traps so they could report their opponents hoping to get them banned.

Until Stat showed the way how to break the rep back of the far right.

Most of that trash on the far right are gone now. Riddance to rubbish.


^ Progressive Messiah

Stats <3 Starkey <3 Stats
You still have your knee pads from the See section of religion?
Obama thinks all of you should still be getting in PEOPLES faces. what a LEADER eh?

I hope a few of you do and end up with fat noses...lol

You are aware that a simple search on the internet usually provides the rest of the story, right?

That clip is from Obama's election campaign and he was talking about telling your friends and neighbors that are against him about where he stands on the issues so that they'll vote for him. It was posted on youtube 6 years ago.

sit down. I don't care what was about. He's still telling people to get in PEOPLES faces.

Let me see if I understand this - you're ok with someone taking what you've said out of context and using it to misreprent what you've said?

go back to kissing up to Wry. You are two condescending peas in a pod

I questioned your statement to see if I understood you correctly because what it says is that it's fine to take your comments or anyone else's out of context to make it look like you or they are saying something that you/they are not.

I gave you an opportunity to rescue your integrity and you choose not to?
Remember the good old days when the hard far right posters on the Board set traps so they could report their opponents hoping to get them banned.

Until Stat showed the way how to break the rep back of the far right.

Most of that trash on the far right are gone now. Riddance to rubbish.


^ Progressive Messiah

Stats <3 Starkey <3 Stats

no kidding
Jim Jones scary they have for that thug/puke
it creeps me out
Time to stop letting an ancient book of myths and fairy tales run your life and join the 21st century.

I disagree.

Personally, I could be classified as an agnostic because I admit that even though I doubt there's a "God," and I've seen nothing that makes me think that there is one, I don't know for certain that there isn't one.

However, other people are entitled to feel and believe differently. The line though (to me) is when they want their beliefs reflected in what are supposed to be secular laws.

REALLY, where does it say our laws are suppose to be secular? just because you people claim that doesn't mean the rest of the country believes it

In the first amendment -

"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, ..."
Time to stop letting an ancient book of myths and fairy tales run your life and join the 21st century.

I disagree.

Personally, I could be classified as an agnostic because I admit that even though I doubt there's a "God," and I've seen nothing that makes me think that there is one, I don't know for certain that there isn't one.

However, other people are entitled to feel and believe differently. The line though (to me) is when they want their beliefs reflected in what are supposed to be secular laws.

REALLY, where does it say our laws are suppose to be secular? just because you people claim that doesn't mean the rest of the country believes it

In the first amendment -

"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, ..."
Forget it, the meds have taken control this morn...
You have lost, go slink under that rock you came from.
:lol: Such a constitutional federalist libertarian leaning moon worshipper, you.


You have nothing, but keep posting, I'll keep responding (until i get tired of it), and my post count will keep going up.
As will mine, and we will all enjoy you trying to find a corner on the hamster wheel.

the transition between the spokes and outer rims can technically be considered a "corner"

You are welcome.
Argumentum ad absurdum.
Can you prove that gheys getting married will be the demise of organized religion? Or that it will in any way hinder the practice of a religion?

Again, argumentum ad absurdum, and it's already hindering it.
You again fail to assert any direct relationship...

We have already seen people question allowing tax exempt status for chruches due to this ruling, we will see an increase in people being sued for not providing services due to moral issues, and we will surely see more public shaming of people who do not agree with SSM as a legal construct.

It's the same tired trick all the time with progressives, proclaim a desire for equality and freedom while at the same time removing both from people they disagree with.
Same thing they said about inter-racial marriages, and co-ed dorms, and co-ed classes and co-ed military service....you people are trying to use psycho-biblical babble to defend censorship...

Where do you get defending censorship out of this?
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?

Without more information , there is nothing that I can say about it.
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?

Without more information , there is nothing that I can say about it.

More was provided within the thread... transcripts from the ACTUAL speech, which, didn't say what the original post said (it was much more politically correct!)
I have seen no edicts promoting the cessation of all religious activities....

Argumentum ad absurdum.
Can you prove that gheys getting married will be the demise of organized religion? Or that it will in any way hinder the practice of a religion?

Again, argumentum ad absurdum, and it's already hindering it.
You again fail to assert any direct relationship...

We have already seen people question allowing tax exempt status for chruches due to this ruling, we will see an increase in people being sued for not providing services due to moral issues, and we will surely see more public shaming of people who do not agree with SSM as a legal construct.

It's the same tired trick all the time with progressives, proclaim a desire for equality and freedom while at the same time removing both from people they disagree with.

Within the legal confines of commerce, people should have to follow the law. Beyond that, think and believe whatever you want.

Freedom within a society isn't about everyone being able to do whatever they want. That would never work. It's about making things as fair as possible for everyone.
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?

Without more information , there is nothing that I can say about it.

More was provided within the thread... transcripts from the ACTUAL speech, which, didn't say what the original post said (it was much more politically correct!)

I'll have to look at those posts and I'll have to research it for myself to verify the source of the information before forming an opinion. ;)
POTUS does know that the first people to settle in the American Colonies fled Europe to escape Religious Persecution?
Argumentum ad absurdum.
Can you prove that gheys getting married will be the demise of organized religion? Or that it will in any way hinder the practice of a religion?

Again, argumentum ad absurdum, and it's already hindering it.
You again fail to assert any direct relationship...

We have already seen people question allowing tax exempt status for chruches due to this ruling, we will see an increase in people being sued for not providing services due to moral issues, and we will surely see more public shaming of people who do not agree with SSM as a legal construct.

It's the same tired trick all the time with progressives, proclaim a desire for equality and freedom while at the same time removing both from people they disagree with.

Within the legal confines of commerce, people should have to follow the law. Beyond that, think and believe whatever you want.

Freedom within a society isn't about everyone being able to do whatever they want. That would never work. It's about making things as fair as possible for everyone.

Where in the constitution does it say a person loses their free exercise of religion because they engage in commerce?

And your second statement is argumentum ad absurdum, and not even worth my time.

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